A Theoretical Framework for the Integration of Knowledge Representations
V. Michele Abrusci, Marco Romano
Dipartimento di Filosofia, Universit
a Roma Tre, 234 via Ostiense, Roma, Italy
Christophe Fouquer
LIPN, Universit
e Paris 13 et CNRS, 93430 Villetaneuse, France
Coherence spaces, Folksonomy, Knowledge Representation, Logics, Ontology.
This work is an ongoing research (sponsored with a PhD grant by Epistematica Srl) about the interpretation of
ontologies and their operations on specific graphs called Ontological Compatibility Spaces (OCS). Such graphs
are particular Coherence Spaces that are used to give a denotational semantics to Linear Logic, hence giving
a solid logical basis to our work. Using a graph framework, we depart from traditional set representation. It
provides us with tools to represent actual relations among resources (and data) over the WorldWideWeb. After
defining such OCSs and their correspondence with ontologies, we show to which extent folksonomies may
also be of use to discover ontologies by means of OCS. Then we briefly discuss what we may obtain thanks to
such an interpretation, confident that it may benefit the Semantic Web initiative with a tool for dynamic data
and resources exchange.
Within the Semantic Web initiative it is assumed that
expressive formal description of data sources will
lead to their interconnection throughout the World-
WideWeb via logical inter-definition of concepts ap-
pearing in different descriptions. According to this
core idea, the research area of Knowledge Represen-
tation (KR) has been co-opted; the merge of the most
promising KR models (namely ontologies) with stan-
dard markup languages to be used in the Web has
been followed by the adoption of inference engines
to be plugged into knowledge bases (KB) in order to
exploit the expressivity of languages that implement
some Description Logic (DL), namely OWL. Thus,
the interconnection of datasources depends on their
specification in a formal way suitable for automatic
reasoning. In the meantime, the social evolution of
the Web (Web2.0) has showed the effects of collective
intelligence and its potential to manage large amounts
of information with user-friendly tools requiring no
specific (or none at all) skill in KR. We think that
the Knowledge Engineers (KE) community that is de-
veloping the technological layer of the Semantic Web
should strictly cooperate with, and take advantage of,
the Web2.0 communities that spontaneously provide
the Web with collections of resources that are catego-
rized (though roughly) according to some collectively
developed knowledge framework.
Therefore, after a brief discussion of the logical
assumptions claimed or implied with KR involvement
and of their aptness to account for low-level, un-
trained and spontaneous categorization of resources –
we propose an alternative logical framework, that of
Linear Logic, which, we argue, can trigger the dy-
namic exchange of resources and data through differ-
ent datasources. In particular we expect that it can
provide the tools to describe and realize the passage
from a datasource to any other without the need for
a given-in-advance and usually “hand-made” formal
description of any single datasource involved and of
the mapping between every pair of them. This way,
we could also get Semantic Web closer to Social Web
using directly the knowledge put into Web2.0 envi-
ronments (e.g. tagging spaces) without the step of
ontology extraction that requires the definition of a
conceptual hierarchy to be validated somehow. In
fact we should build knowledge representations out of
Web2.0 environments using the minimum of the ap-
propriate logic that allows also for the representation
Abrusci V., Romano M. and Fouqueré C. (2009).
KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION THROUGH COHERENCE SPACES - A Theoretical Framework for the Integration of Knowledge Representations.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 220-225
DOI: 10.5220/0002301002200225
of operations between knowledge representations.
About ten years after the adoption of KR to support
the building of the Semantic Web it is apparent that
there are some major problems that make it a long and
hard way to walk. Indeed, to have knowledge repre-
sentations suitable for use with current technologies
and according to the theoretical background of KE,
we need both given in advance formal descriptions of
the datasources we would like to put together over the
Web, and the provision of rules for the mapping be-
tween every couple of datasources to have them really
exchanging data and resources. As regards the need
for formal descriptions, it requires both specialists
to define the domain ontologies (Gruber, 1995) and
some kind of professionals to give them the formal
dressing. As regards the mapping issue, it prevents to
compare any two datasources (i.e. to use them in the
sense of Semantic Web) unless someone has provided
the mapping instructions. Put in this way, the Seman-
tic Web looks like too ambitious a research initiative,
since it expects enormous efforts to properly define
suitable ontologies, while as a commercial initiative
(as it is at least partially) it follows a completely top-
down and anti-dynamic approach since ontology def-
inition invariably freezes the knowledge about some-
thing according to its understanding on the part of a
restricted group of experts, thus behaving in an oppo-
site way to the dynamic and unpredictable character
of Web communities.
By contrary, within the Web2.0 movement have
emerged some systems for quick and easy classifica-
tion of resources by both the authors and the users
that we can generally indicate with the term tagging,
which is studied as the form of emerging categoriza-
tion called folksonomy (Vander-Wal, 2007). Com-
pared to ontologies, such bottom-up and popular sys-
tems are expressively very poor and usually gener-
ate no taxonomy but flat spaces where, even though
there may be some hierarchy among the concepts that
are identified by tag-terms, it is neither showed nor
recorded when tagging. We will not hold that tagging
spaces are first class knowledge representations since
they completely lack any interest for the global con-
sistency and awareness of the complete resulting ter-
minology or concept-scheme. Nevertheless tagging
is the form of “naive categorization”, made by stick-
ing labels to resources in the Web, where folksonomy
comes from. Folksonomies are the aggregations of
tag-terms, i.e. what can be used to find out the re-
sources that match some tag and, with it, also the
corresponding concept expressed by the term, pre-
cisely as it should be for Semantic Web ontologies.
Secondly, flat tag spaces are classifying – yet poorly,
but they are really doing it day by day greater and
greater amounts of web resources. So they seems able
to do for Semantic Web that part of the work that on-
tologies cannot manage, i.e. large scale categoriza-
tion. If we then consider that KR has entered the Web
in order to help in making machine-readable the in-
formation in it, and not primarily to develop the finest
descriptions of particular worlds, we should exploit
any contribution able to cooperate in achieving Se-
mantic Web.
2.1 A Logical Model to Rely On
Being a major result of KE, ontologies and especially
DL ontologies have a precise logical meaning, i.e. a
definite semantic interpretation (Baader et al., 2003).
Let’s observe what is their semantic interpretation.
It relies on Set theory and associates to the ideas ex-
pressed by concept names (and their logical defini-
tions) the corresponding set of “all the objects that
. . . within the specific domain of interest that the
ontology is designed to describe.
More formally, let I be the interpretation function
from an ontology to a non-empty set , which is the
domain of interpretation. An atomic concept A is in-
terpreted as A
while a role R as R
× .
Let C, D be concepts; R a role between C and D; a, b
individuals; the semantics of an ontology results as:
I (>) = ; I () =
0; I (C) = C
( ); I (D v C) =
; I (C(a)) = a C
; I (R) = R
x, y
y D
}; I (R(a, b)) =
a, b
. The infer-
ences that a reasoner can draw from such KBs are
generated by the axioms offered as concept defini-
tions and possibly also presented as A-box assertions
about individuals. Legal inferences are those which
are valid for all the possible models based on the par-
ticular domain and function I chosen. By the way
we remark that generally the interpretation domain
is never given any concreteness, so that operations be-
tween ontologies affect primarily the intensional level
and then the semantic interpretation is produced sim-
ply as a by-product of formalization, since it is al-
ways possible to declare which set should be the re-
sult of some operation. This would not be a problem
if ontologies were not to assist interchange of data in
a Web of concrete resources. But Semantic Web on-
tologies are precisely to describe what is within dif-
ferent datasources and to enable the jump from each
other so that what exactly is is not a minor prob-
lem. In order to achieve a working Semantic Web,
we think we should talk about applied ontologies, i.e.
of Knowledge Representations
ontologies together with the collection of data or re-
sources that are accounted for within the ontologies,
so that also the operations between ontologies should
be considered primarily as affecting the resources.
Now let’s observe the semantic interpretation of
folksonomies. To be honest, they have no definite se-
mantic interpretation, but it seems quite easy to adopt
once again Set theory and consider them as very poor
ontologies without concept definitions. It would be
straightforward to take some domain and interpret
all the resources that share a specific tag as a particular
subset of identified with the concept lying behind
the tag-term. As regards the calculus they support, no
inference is allowed, but mere resource retrieval by
using tag-terms as search keys. Operations between
folksonomies have not even been conceived.
2.2 One Step Further with More
We propose a theoretical framework for KR spe-
cially conceived for use within the Semantic Web sce-
nario. Behind this proposal there is a doubt about
the adequacy of the current approach based on Set
theory (for KR) and linguistic analysis of KBs’ in-
tensional level (for the discovery of compatible re-
sources) with respect to the full achievement of the
Semantic Web. Thus, instead of focusing on concep-
tual schemes of ontologies, we propose to focus on
the extensional level of KBs, i.e. on “real” objects,
by adopting a logical framework capable to geomet-
rically represent relations among resources, possibly
discovering the concepts from resource aggregations
that are actually in the Web. In particular we sug-
gest to consider another kind of semantic interpreta-
tion that relies on structures richer than sets, the co-
herence spaces, where the interpretation of a concept
(or tag-term) produces graph theoretical objects along
with the determination of the extensional counterpart
within the collection of resources that is the domain
of interpretation.
Coherence spaces (Girard et al., 1989) are webs
whose points may or not be linked to each other ac-
cording to a binary reflexive relation called coher-
ence. They allow for the definition of a denotational
semantic, so that we can get one also for data ex-
change within the WorldWideWeb and for a defini-
tion of operations between ontologies that is primarily
focused on resources. Coherence spaces come from
Linear Logic (LL) and have been the first semantic
interpretation of that logical system. What is more is
that it is not truth-valued semantics, useful only for
talking about formulas as it always happens with
Classical Logic (LK) but precisely denotational se-
mantics, useful for talking also about proofs. Indeed,
they offer the domain of interpretation of the objects
manipulated by the logical calculus, i.e. proofs.
LL (Girard, 1987) is a logical system developed
by imposing some restrictions on the use of struc-
tural rules for the construction of deductions within
Gentzen’s proof calculus for first order logic (FOL)
known as sequent calculus. The affected rules are
Contraction and Weakening which deal with the num-
ber of times formulas may be used within the same
proof. In LL they are re-defined in form of logical
rules (instead of structural) so that their usage has to
be marked with specific connectives, called exponen-
tials. This way everything that holds in LK also holds
in LL, although LL is able to better describe what is
happening in a proof: the ability to mark for which
formulas it is licit to have weakening and contraction
means that one can control the times resources are
used. We note, by the way, that this one looks like
an interesting property to have at hand while work-
ing for Semantic Web. As a consequence of the con-
trol on contraction and weakening, LL deconstructs
the connectives and doubling them in the multi-
plicative and additive variants, since their behaviour is
different according to the possible uses of the context
(i.e. the other formulas) where the formulas in which
they occur are interacting with. To put it in a nutshell,
the multiplicative connectives operate on the coher-
ence space resulting as the product of the coherence
spaces corresponding to the proofs of the connected
formulas, while the additives on their disjoint union.
Moreover, LL has developed a geometrical represen-
tation of proofs by means of graphs called proof-nets.
It exploits graph structures to compose partial proofs
and provides graph properties to determine when a
proof structure is correct. Such graph structures have
a model in coherence spaces, where the denotation
of the proof of a formula is a set of pairwise coher-
ent points, called clique. The operations between co-
herence spaces interpret the composition of formu-
las and their proofs according to LL connectives. In
order to account for the interpretation of ontologies
through coherence spaces we need a particular class
of them, with a typical support set (see below). In ad-
dition, because of the context of Semantic Web and its
need for datasource integration, we propose to call the
structuring relation of such coherence spaces compat-
ibility rather than coherence, and to call this special
class of coherence spaces “Ontological Compatibility
Spaces” (OCS).
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Let A be a semantic web ontology in a language like
OWL. Let L (A) be the set of all the symbols for in-
dividuals, concepts and roles of A (i.e. individual
symbols, unary predicate symbols, binary predicate
symbols), M a set of data, φ a valuation through suit-
able mapping from L (A) to M, i.e. if c is an indi-
vidual symbol of L (A) then φ(c) is an element of
M, if P is a unary predicate symbol of L (A) then
φ(P) M, if P is a binary predicate symbol of L(A)
then φ(P) M × M.
This defines an applied ontology A
and we can
represent every concept, role and individual of A
by means of a coherence space [A, M, φ] with sup-
port |[A, M, φ]| = M (M × M) provided with a co-
herence relation noted ¨
between its points:
x ¨
y iff P L (A) such that
x, y
φ(P). For
sake of clarity, we may note simply ¨ when the co-
herence space is obvious. This coherence relation for-
malizes the notion of compatibility emerging when-
ever an ontology is applied to a set of data. This way
we have defined an OCS.
Indeed, from an abstract point of view, the re-
trieved values for any predicate symbol P of A form
some subset of M (M × M) whose elements share
with each other something more than all the other el-
ements of M (M × M). Such a property, instead
of being named according to any specific symbol P
occurring in the ontology, may be rewarded as the
compatibility between all the points of that subset
of |[A, M, φ]|. Such a group a of pairwise compati-
ble points of [A, M, φ] is called a clique and is noted
a @ [A, M, φ].
Defined as a coherence relation, the compatibil-
ity relation is reflexive, symmetric and not transitive.
Reflexivity (x |[A, M, φ]|, x ¨ x) assures that every
point of the coherence space is compatible with itself.
Since we deal with a coherence space whose web is
provided by the set M (M × M) we have also pairs
y, z
as points of |[A, M, φ]|. Thanks to reflexivity, ev-
ery point is a clique and may be considered as a min-
imal class of compatibility. As an example, single-
tons that are retrieved from M through φ (for individ-
uals of A) are interpreted in such cliques. Symmetry
(x, y |[A, M, φ]|, x ¨ y y ¨ x) expresses the
core of the idea of compatibility, since for compati-
bility we mean the possibility to put two “objects” to-
gether based on their sharing of some common prop-
erty not necessarily an expressed one and such
a commonality has to be inevitably a reciprocal fact.
Non-transitivity prevents the overwhelming distribu-
tion of compatibility that would mix up different Ps
of A whenever they have some common points. How-
ever transitivity may appear under certain conditions,
e.g. within a clique, where the points of a clique are
all pairwise compatible.
A coherence space can be represented by a graph
whose set of nodes is given with the web and the
edges reflect the relations of coherence of every point
with the others. Also an OCS can be represented
through a graph. The graph G(V, E) of our OCS
[A, M, φ] may be defined by the set of nodes V =
|[A, M, φ]| and that of edges E |[A, M, φ]|
with the
constraint that for every two points x, y of |[A, M, φ]|
we have
x, y
E x ¨ y that is to say
x, y
E P L(A) s.t.
x, y
φ(P). Based on the
definition of coherence, when looking at the graph of
an OCS, a clique a @ [A, M, φ] turns out to be a com-
pletely connected portion of the graph (a subgraph).
We observe that the interpretation of ontologies as
OCSs successes: i) every individual of A
is repre-
sented within the OCS as a clique of a single point
(the smallest class of compatibility); ii) every concept
or role of A
is represented as a class of compatible
points (a general clique). Following the inverse di-
rection, we observe that every clique of the OCS is
the denotation of: i) some concept or role of A
; ii)
or some subconcept (or subrole) not identified by any
predicate of L (A) yet recognizable in A
as a subset
of some concept (or role) identified by some predicate
in L (A); iii) or an individual of A
We have designed OCSs specially for representing
ontologies. We now discuss the advantages that our
proposal may bring to the development and usage of
folksonomies and suggest to which extent all this may
benefit Semantic Web.
4.1 Tagging and Ontology Extraction
Nowadays when looking at the set of tag-terms
adopted within a community it is expected to recon-
struct a formal ontology out of that, establishing a
neat and formal hierarchy among concepts, useful for
resource retrieval through progressive specification.
The major side effect of such a reduction is the loss
of the dynamic aspect of Web2.0.
We may observe that building the Semantic Web
by means of ontologies requires predefined sets of
metadata (the schemes) to be adopted and respect-
fully obeyed. Their usefulness and the wealth of
Semantic Web itself as the workplace of autonomous
agents (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) will depend in
of Knowledge Representations
fact on the number of resources whose set of meta-
data matches one or more of the predefined schemes
so that programs specially written according to the
same scheme(s) will be able to use those resources.
So the Web of data that W3C indicates turns out to
be something like a huge database where a neat defi-
nition of the logical scheme (even composed of many
different ontologies) can be achieved only thanks to
the standardization of the metadata tags to be used to
describe resources. In the opposite direction goes the
practice of free tagging, so that folksonomies emerge
as everlasting works in progress where concept-terms
institution and resource description and classification
always happen in the same time, with no hope for
standardization. In fact, when people tag they freely
choose and establish their own categories in an unend-
ing process of ontology elaboration. Moreover, while
using their very personal categories people also ex-
press their own “world’s understanding” so that tag-
ging spaces are not only useful for classification, but
also convenient for collective intelligence to share
knowledge. We remark that tagging spaces publish
enormous amounts of resources with some kind of
classification while providing a cognitive framework
that has not the claims of ontology but that is pow-
erful enough to let one recognize and find classes of
resources that are compatible, i.e. similar to some ex-
tent. Maybe such a cognitive framework is a lower
quality contribution, in comparison to formal DL on-
tologies, to have the content of the Web surely rec-
ognizable, but it seems to show a more feasible way
to do that. In fact, since it relies on no pre-emptive
requirements, no standardized label to tag resources,
it preserves the dynamical behaviour of Web2.0 and
lets Semantic Web to be a “common people affair”
as it has been for last years for WorldWideWeb, and
for its big boom. However, it still lacks an appropri-
ate theoretical framework to be successfully exploited
to the benefit of Semantic Web. Therefore we pro-
pose one: to consider tagging spaces without any at-
tempt to reduce them to formal ontologies. Instead of
the usual techniques for tags clustering and concept
extraction, we may exploit OCSs in order to recover
from tagging spaces a description of the resources in a
datasource that is formal enough to be useful for data
exchange but that does not need ad hoc specification
of a conceptual hierarchy. We look only for compat-
ibility between resources observing the connections
given within an OCS. Since operations between co-
herence spaces have already been largely studied in
LL, we have almost ready-to-use precision tools to
talk about usual operations (union of ontologies, mod-
ule extraction, . . . up to ontology merging) via their in-
terpretation as operations between OCSs using the LL
connectives and thus opening to a new role to play
in Computer Science for LL (Ehrhard et al., 2004).
Our proposal is then to give more logical dignity to
flat tagging spaces without rising too high in formal
complexity so as to prevent large contribution from
common web-users. We simply aim to describe flat
spaces in such a way that it makes sense to talk about
operations between them.
4.2 Folksonomies out of OCS
In order to have an OCS out of a flat tagging space
we need nothing more than what has been stated for
ontologies, since we will consider it as a very sim-
ple ontology, with just some niceties: the language
L (F) of such a folksonomy F will be the pair (T, I)
where T is the set of tag-terms and I the set of URIs.
The web of the OCS [F, I, φ] will be |[F, I, φ]| = I. φ
is the pointer from a tag-term t to the set φ(t) I of
the resources tagged with t i.e. it is a query. The
compatibility relation is slightly revised as x ¨
y t L (F) s.t.
x, y
φ(t). We observe
some characteristics of such an OCS: i) for every tag-
term t: t T x I x φ(t); ii) if we assume that
in a tagging space there cannot be a resource that
has no tag, we have also the inverse, for every URI
i: i I v T i φ(v). These mean that we have
no empty concepts and that the graph associated to a
folksonomy may be a fully labelled graph. Moreover,
we remark that thanks to the compatibility relation we
are now able to read and build concepts out of the
tagging space in an original way. In fact we do not
search for interesting concepts looking at recurring
couplings of certain tag-terms stuck to different re-
sources (looking for synonymy or some subsumption
between terms). Quite the contrary, while searching
for cliques we look at recurring couplings of certain
resources under different tags, i.e. among the URIs
retrieved for the tags. We look for compatibility be-
tween resources and try to collect all the classes of
compatibility, what turns out to be a new tool for con-
cept discovery. Based on the definition of compati-
bility, we may have a class of compatible resources
which are not all together within the retrieved URIs
for one single tag, yet they are all pairwise compati-
ble. It is such a case that of a possible new concept not
explicitly recognized on the part of the tagging com-
munity but implicitly present as an underlying idea of
compatibility. Whether such a concept can be identi-
fied with some linguistic term or not, it is not impor-
tant: we are abstracting from linguistic determination
of compatibility classes and we can grasp some new
concept which one can look for other elements com-
patible with.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In conclusion, we recall some of the most challeng-
ing aspects that are to be further investigated in our
research along with the results that we can see at
present. Recurring to coherence spaces to describe
operations between ontologies (and folksonomies),
we have to face some deep questions that emerge
from aspects inner to LL and coherence spaces the-
ory. Indeed, coherence spaces and their cliques rep-
resent proofs of (multisets of) formulas (from here on
we use formula while meaning multiset). Each co-
herence space offers the place for the denotation of
one formula and shows a correspondence regarding a
clique, a formula and its proof, while operations be-
tween coherence spaces provide the denotation for the
calculus when composing formulas. When adopting
coherence spaces for ontologies, we have to find the
right place to put other elements in this correspon-
dence, i.e. concepts and resources, together with on-
tology. We have to clearly set the circle of correspon-
dences and a first attempt is to compare the formulas
appearing in the right-hand side of a sequent in LL
with an ontology seen as the union of its concepts, so
that the proof satisfying one of the concepts satisfies
also the whole ontology.
For the time being, we are proposing something
like an alternative descriptive language to represent
data sources in the WorldWideWeb. With such a
language we are given the easy of use of tagging
space, the ontology/folksonomy extraction procedure
described above and a calculus based on LL connec-
tives, that are a little more and a little finer than those
usually adopted working with ontologies. We have
already mentioned the doubling of some connectives
( and , in their multiplicative and additive formu-
lation) in LL, together with the appearing of two new
connectives, the exponentials, that control the use of
contraction and weakening, i.e. the use of resources.
Without doubt it is worth to assess the usefulness of
such “logical controllers” in order to account for op-
erations in the Web that involve resources. If we con-
sider that the multiplicative fragment of LL shows in-
teresting computational properties and that reasoners
for LL are already available, we are further encour-
aged in developing such a language in order to assess
its capability to satisfy Semantic Web needs.
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of Knowledge Representations