ambiguity. Moreover, we consider phrases made of
contiguous terms instead of single words, web
content mining techniques to represent the
documents, and a clustering approach as opposed to
an ordered list of relevant results.
Making time one essential feature of web contents,
temporal information can become a very useful and
meaningful dimension in search engines. Ideally, we
would like a search engine to be aware of the
temporal information embedded in documents and
present the results in a time context (Alonso et al,
2007). The use of a temporal dimension would allow
the user to better fit a concept within such a dynamic
web context, improving its functionality, however,
search engines still do not take much advantage of
combining temporal aspects of web content and user
experience to enhance the results.
Currently there are two approaches known as
web archiving and temporal search engines. While
the first one mainly focuses on the preservation of
the web, the second one deals with the display of the
results in a timeline perspective. In our approach we
aim at providing a historical perspective of the one-
dimensional web, by offering an alternative
presentation of the results based on a clustering list
of the web documents related with the same
temporal data. With the introduction of a temporal
dimension together with the exhibition of the results
in a clustering system, users are more likely to infer
the kind of knowledge they are seeking for, refining
their query and personalizing their search results
plus solving one of the most interesting problems of
IR: term ambiguity.
For evaluation, we plan to execute user
feedback surveys, which have been the most
favoured techniques in order to evaluate the quality,
precision and recall of the results. Given their
difficulty in terms of logistic and subjectivity we
also intend to perform a comparison between our
system and other search engines, in the lines of what
has been proposed by (Jin et al, 2008).
This work is supported by the VIPACCESS project
funded by the Portuguese Agency for Research
(Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) with the
reference PTDC/PLP/72142/2006.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval