A Proposal
Ricardo Campos
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal
Centre for Human Language Technology and Bioinformatics, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
Gaël Dias
Centre for Human Language Technology and Bioinformatics, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
Alípio Mário Jorge
LIAAD – INESC Porto L.A., Faculty of Sciences, University of Oporto, Portugal
Keywords: Temporal Information Retrieval, Time-Based Clustering, Topic Clustering, Web Content Mining.
Abstract: With so much information available on the web, looking for relevant documents on the Internet has become
a difficult task. Temporal features play an important role with the introduction of a time dimension and the
possibility to restrict a search by time, recreating a particular moment of a web page set. Despite its
importance, temporal information is still under-considered by current search engines, limiting themselves to
the capture of the most recent snapshot of the information. In this paper, we describe the architecture of a
temporal search engine which uses timelines to browse search results. More specifically, we intend to add a
time measure to cluster web page results, by analyzing web page contents, supporting the search of temporal
and non-temporal information embedded in web documents.
Current search engines return lists of ranked URLs
with their titles and their snippets. In this process,
the user is required to go through the extensive list
of the retrieved results, seeking for the result that
best meets his needs, which is not necessarily the
most recent one. Whilst traditional search engines
continue to present data in a linear fashion, some
commercial approaches like iBoogie, Clusty and
Grokker have begun to present results in a
partitioning hierarchy (Campos et al, 2008). This
evolution presents an alternative mechanism to
display similar documents in one page without
forcing the user to go through hundreds of items
(Alonso and Gertz, 2006). Although the retrieved
search engines results are now more accurate, quite
often they do not meet the demands of the user,
especially when the query is ambiguous. Some
search engines try to overcome this problem by
providing some post-search features to the user. In
this work we propose to do it automatically, “on the
fly”, without the need for user intervention, although
the user can do it later by using query refinement
and personalization of the results. To do so, we
introduce timelines which, together with a clustering
topic approach, provide a dual solution to term
ambiguity. First, query terms with possible different
meanings are disambiguated through the main topics
they convey. Second, query terms are analysed
through their display over a timeline, thus
performing disambiguation through the temporal
information. On Table 1 we list the combination of
the 4 possible cases on term ambiguity, whether a
term is ambiguous in terms of concept or over time.
It seems obvious that the case that will most benefit
from the introduction of a clustering and timeline
approach, is the match between time ambiguity and
concept ambiguity, there are however 3 other cases
that will also greatly benefit from this proposal.
Campos R., Dias G. and Mário Jorge A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 292-296
DOI: 10.5220/0002301102920296
Table 1: Term Ambiguity.
(1) Case one: query is not ambiguous nor in
concept or time (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Swine Virus Query.
This example deals with a popular query
occurring at some specific point. Despite not being
an ambiguous query, nor in concept or time, its
display on a timeline may improve, in an historical
perspective, the understanding of the phenomenon,
as the user could quickly infer when it did happen.
(2) Case two: query is ambiguous in concept, not in
time (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Programming Languages Query.
We deal with Programming Languages like they
have always existed, but it has not always been like
that. Its appearance is around the decade of 50 - 60
and its frequency, constant since then. Several
instances have however occurred over all these
years. First we had Fortran, nowadays we have C#,
distinct groups related with a different time period,
that will benefit from its display on a temporal
clustering system in order to solve term ambiguity.
(3) Case three: query is not ambiguous in concept,
only in time (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Football World Cup Query.
When submitted in current search engines this
kind of queries will mainly retrieve references to the
most recent events as opposed to the old ones. Not
being ambiguous in terms of concepts, temporal
clusters are enough to present the results.
(4) Case four: query is ambiguous in terms of
concept and in time (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: World Cup Query.
An attempt to make an historical perspective of
some ambiguous subject, in terms of concept and in
time, is able to reveal how difficult it is to perform it
in current search engines. This example is
particularly illustrative. With a careful observation
we can note the fact that the football and the
volleyball world cup occurred (except in 2002) in
the same period in the same countries, so one can
infer each meaning of the query term, first by using
the timeline, secondly by using topic categorization.
As the examples show, this is not a new problem,
but a new challenge, that is particularly useful for
poor and ambiguous queries. Together with a
clustering approach temporal information can
therefore become a crucial component for any search
engine system, favouring the exploration of
information in a historical perspective and leading
search engines to a new level of interaction
retrieving a snapshot of the entire collection and not
only the latest results.
Temporal information is everywhere and available
in every document (Alonso et al, 2007), but despite
being an important dimension on information
retrieval area, little research has been done till now.
In fact, search engines are still limited to the most
recent snapshot missing one of its most important
dimensions, the temporal one, which poses two
interesting problems. On the one hand, the
information captured today (a price of a book or the
headline of an e-news) may be gone tomorrow. On
the other hand, if historical data still exists, it is lost,
due to an inappropriate capture system, where
temporal information is not considered. The solution
to these problems may be in the introduction of
timelines, through web archives and temporal search
engines which, may favour the exploration of the
information. In the following subsections we will
present some works which try to overcome these
2.1 Web Archives
Web Archives deal with the challenges related to the
constant growth of the web, allowing a multi-
dimensional view of the web by storing and
providing access to the past versions of web pages
no longer available. As (Nunes, 2007) and (Song et
al, 2008) point out, the web is a very dynamic
environment where a large amount of web pages is
created and removed at an impressive pace. For
someone without access to historical data, the web is
primarily one-dimensional, containing only one
version of any page (Adar et al, 2008). Web
archiving has appeared in this context to preserve
these web pages, making it possible for researchers
to study the evolution of the web, with emphasis on
the Internet Archive (IA) which is currently the
largest digital library in the world. Although
historically important, IA presents some limitations
for those who aim to study web page properties, as
its dataset cannot be easily accessed, making it
difficult to find and compare historical information.
For now, web archiving proposals still present
some limitations, mainly in the search for
information, as the user has to specify the URL he is
looking for, and in its exhibition, which is hampered
by the lack of a proper navigation through all
available versions. To overcome part of these
problems, (Jatowt, 2006) proposes a unified access
browser that presents to the user, in response to an
URL input and an initial time point definition, past
versions of web pages spread over different
repositories. (Jatowt, 2008) proposes an approach
for visualizing summarized page histories based on
data extracted from web archives together with a
term clouding approach. (Toyoda et al, 2003)
proposes a method for observing the evolution of
web communities. (Song et al, 2008) present an
interesting paper, where authors propose a crawling
system that only stores web contents when there are
differences, which is a step forward compared with
the IA approach. Finally, Chronica (Denis et al,
2006) allows the user to search the Internet Archive
showing the popularity of a tag over a time. As
referred by (Jatowt, 2006), it is reasonable to assume
that in the future, IR systems will be able to retrieve
data from the live and the past web, a mixed
approach yet not adopted by conventional IR
2.2 Temporal Search Engines
If we have the multi-dimensional web, with
temporal search engines we have access to the
historical perspective of the one-dimensional web.
As opposed to the web archive approach, whose aim
is to store and preserve the various versions of a web
page, the purpose of a temporal search engine is to
retrieve a set of web pages through a timeline
perspective. The introduction of this kind of search
engines compared with current search mechanisms
(see Figure 5), leads search engines to another level
of interaction, being a step forward as opposed to a
snapshot view, with the user having the chance to
analyze the results through a temporal perspective.
Figure 5: Three different search engine approaches.
Currently, only two works propose generic
temporal search engines. (Jin et al, 2008) propose a
temporal search engine towards web contents,
supporting both temporal queries and keyword-
based queries. (Alonso et al, 2007) propose a search
engine which captures temporal expressions
extracted from documents, retrieving the results by
relevance based on the tf/idf measure and presenting
them on a timeline made of overlapping clusters
labelled by year. There are some other commercial
approaches like Google Timeline which retrieves an
extensive list of web pages replacing the use of web
snippets through a summarization of the contents per
year, or Viewzi a search engine that provides several
visual search features, with emphasis on timeline,
photo tag clouding, etc. Some other works are more
specific, like the work presented by (Dubinko et al,
2006), which tries to understand and track the
evolution of photo tags within the Flickr system over
a period of time. Another interesting work is (Adar
et al, 2008) which describes a semantic tagging
system that extracts temporal information from news
messages, while (Koen et al, 2000) introduces Time
Frames for extracting time information from news
articles. Other works, such as (Shaparenko et al,
2005) consider the problems of analyzing the
temporal development of a document collection,
trying to understand which topics are popular and
how did their popularity change over time.
Although the retrieved search engines results are
now more accurate, quite often they do not meet the
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
demands of the user, especially when the query is
ambiguous. Most systems provide some post-query
features (query expansion and user personalization),
but in the recent years clustering systems have been
gaining pace as an alternative mechanism to present
the results and to solve term ambiguity. Despite this
fact, most search engines limit to capture the most
recent snapshot of the web documents, disregarding
information such as temporal dimensions. In this
paper our purpose is to present a temporal search
engine that presents peaks of relevant results over a
clustering timeline, where the user can browse
through all the retrieved results, look for years of
high relevance and explore particular items, helping
the user to gain a better understanding of the
collection by exploring the interface. With the
introduction of temporal dimension together with the
display of the results in a clustering system, users
are more likely to infer the knowledge they are
looking for, helping to solve one of the most
interesting problems of IR: term ambiguity.
Compared to other search engines, we intend to
add temporal web search facilities, by capturing
temporal information and focusing on the extraction
of non-temporal content embedded in web pages.
Like referred by (Alonso et al, 2007), temporal
information is everywhere and is available in every
document, either explicitly, in the form of temporal
expressions, or implicitly in the form of metadata.
The most obvious approach is to use temporal
metadata attributes. Some works (Samia, 2003) and
(Desikan et al, 2002) have also introduced the
concept of temporal web mining as the application
of temporal data mining and web mining techniques,
to discover, extract, analyze and predict data with
significant temporal information. However, well-
established Natural Language Processing techniques,
by applying time-entity extraction tools, are likely to
produce improved results with higher coverage.
After this, the first step is to cluster the results
by year, within which, reflecting the fact that a web
page may contain different meanings of the query
terms, documents are grouped into one or more
clusters made of web pages whose relevance is
determined through the application of web content
mining techniques introduced in the scope of
previous work (Campos et al, 2008). The final result
is a time-based clustering system that, beyond
helping with solving term ambiguity (through
concept and time disambiguation), presents an
alternative view of the retrieved results. In this
regard, the system should be capable of analysing
whether there is a need to visualize the results
clustered by time or by topic. It seems obvious that
for some queries, like swine virus, it won’t make
much sense to present a unique cluster named 2009.
In summary, our proposed system is an
improvement of two other proposals by (Alonso, et
al, 2007) and (Jin et al, 2008). Both are temporal
search engines, but while the first one does not
present the existing information inside each year
clustered in a hierarchical manner the latter only
presents them as a simple list of results. In Figure 6
we describe the architecture of our system.
Figure 6: Architecture.
In detail it is composed of eight modular and
independent components: Web Crawling; Document
Parsing (Phrase Extraction; Keyword Extraction;
Time Extraction); Index Constructor; Clustering by
topic; Clustering by time; Cluster Labelling; Cluster
Distribution Analysis; Visualization.
Specifically, it will be possible to present the
results by topic or by temporal dimension. In any
case, both will have some keywords able to overall
describe the topic (see Figure 7) or the year (see
Figure 8), which in turn are likely to be used for
query refinement and personalization.
Figure 7: Example of the query Pascal clustered by topic.
Figure 8: Example of the query Pascal clustered by time.
Overall, we think our solution is innovative,
since we provide an alternative view to present the
results in a time-based manner, clustered by time
and topic, helping on solving the problem of term
ambiguity. Moreover, we consider phrases made of
contiguous terms instead of single words, web
content mining techniques to represent the
documents, and a clustering approach as opposed to
an ordered list of relevant results.
Making time one essential feature of web contents,
temporal information can become a very useful and
meaningful dimension in search engines. Ideally, we
would like a search engine to be aware of the
temporal information embedded in documents and
present the results in a time context (Alonso et al,
2007). The use of a temporal dimension would allow
the user to better fit a concept within such a dynamic
web context, improving its functionality, however,
search engines still do not take much advantage of
combining temporal aspects of web content and user
experience to enhance the results.
Currently there are two approaches known as
web archiving and temporal search engines. While
the first one mainly focuses on the preservation of
the web, the second one deals with the display of the
results in a timeline perspective. In our approach we
aim at providing a historical perspective of the one-
dimensional web, by offering an alternative
presentation of the results based on a clustering list
of the web documents related with the same
temporal data. With the introduction of a temporal
dimension together with the exhibition of the results
in a clustering system, users are more likely to infer
the kind of knowledge they are seeking for, refining
their query and personalizing their search results
plus solving one of the most interesting problems of
IR: term ambiguity.
For evaluation, we plan to execute user
feedback surveys, which have been the most
favoured techniques in order to evaluate the quality,
precision and recall of the results. Given their
difficulty in terms of logistic and subjectivity we
also intend to perform a comparison between our
system and other search engines, in the lines of what
has been proposed by (Jin et al, 2008).
This work is supported by the VIPACCESS project
funded by the Portuguese Agency for Research
(Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) with the
reference PTDC/PLP/72142/2006.
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