gap is a semantic discontinuity among the elements
of the workflow model. The logical gaps appear
when problem domain knowledge is acquired
incompletely. On purpose to eliminate gaps of
P_WFM, detecting and eliminating algorithm is
applied. Without reference to elimination method,
P_WFM is complemented by non–existing, but
wrongly or hardly specified knowledge (process,
material flow and actor). Logical gaps of P_WFM
are identified during the analysis of input and output
flows of each material process.
Except the first and the last processes of the
workflow model each Process of the P_WFM must
be related to at least one input material flow and one
output material flow, in the same as each Activity of
F_WFM must be related to at least one input
information flow and one output information flow.
On purpose to eliminate logical gaps of P_WFM, the
prototype of informational system, eliminating
P_WFM gaps was created by MS “VISIO 2000”
CASE tool and MS “ACCESS 2000” data base
management system.
The principles of elimination logical gaps in
the BPM3 (F_WFM) are analogical to that of BPM2
(P_WFM). The main difference is that all analysis
actions of BPM3 (F_WFM) are performed with
modeling concepts activities and information flows,
but not with processes and material flows of BPM2
Table 2 presents the components of
management function model BPM4 (FS_WFM),
which are defined according to activities input and
output flows identified in BPM3 (F_WFM).
According to the types of informational input and
output flows, three types of the BPM4 information
activities (internal steps of management function by
definition – see Figure 2) can be distinguished:
Interpretation, IP and Realization (described in
detail in (Gudas S., Lopata A., Skersys T., 2005).
A set of rules for BPM4 analysis is
developed. For instance, if input and output of
FS_WFM information activity are information flows
“Process Output”, situation “impossible type of
activity” is identified. Information activities of
FS_WFM, according to definition of EMC, cannot
have informational input and output flows of the
same type. Activities, which have information input
and output flows (“Process Output”, “IP Input”, “IP
Output”, “Process Input”) of same type, can exist
neither. If activity input is “Process Output” and
output is “IP Input”, the activity will be identified as
component (part) Interpretation of management
function. Interpretation is set of rules, intended to
transform information flow “Process Output” into
“IP Input”, which is prepared for IP processing.
Interpretation is a necessary component of
management function, because “Process Output”
information flow can mismatch data format,
determined for functional IP element input “IP
If activity input is “IP Input” and output is
“IP Output
”, the activity is identified as component
Information Processing (IP) of management
function. Information Processing (IP) is functional
component, which is mainly intended to control
process of information processing and decision
making. If activity input is “IP Output” and output is
“Process Input”, the activity is identified as
component (part) Realization (RE) of management
function. Realization is functional part, performing
process, which is contrary to Interpretation (IN).
Realization transforms “IP Output” data (processed
in IP stage) into “Process Input” format (suitable to
direct process control).
The result of validation of functional composition
(Step3 in Figure 4) is model BPM4 of formally
correct Enterprise Management Function (presented
as Work Flow Model of Functional Composition
(FS_WFM). Elements of Workflow Model of
Functions (F_WFM) are specified in the Enterprise
Management Function model (FS_WFM) as
component types, formally defined by structure of
EMC (see Figure 3).
Every Enterprise Management Function
model (FS_WFM) specifies some particular
Enterprise management function (Fj), which controls
one of processes (Pi), specified in model BPM2 of
Enterprise Processes (P_WFM).
According to the internal structure of
Enterprise management function (Fiji) (see Figure
3), there are three allowable types of information
activities: Information activity of interpretation,
Information activity of data processing and decision
making (IP), Information activity of realization.
Each BPM3 (F_WFM) information activity
may correspond to one of the above mentioned
component parts of functions.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development