Managing the Relationships with Students
Maria Beatriz Piedade
School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, 2411-901 Leiria, Portugal
Maribel Yasmina Santos
Information Systems Department, Algoritmi Research Centre, University of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management, Data Mining, Data Warehouse, OLAP, Student
Relationship Management.
Abstract: The closely monitoring of the students’ academic activities, the evaluation of their academic success and the
approximation to their day-by-day academic activities are key factors in the promotion of the student’s
academic success in higher education institutions. To be possible the implementation of monitoring
processes and activities, it is essential the acquisition of knowledge about the students and their academic
behaviour. This knowledge supports the decision-making associated with teaching-learning process,
enhancing an effective institution-student relationship. This paper presents a Student Relationship
Management (SRM) system that is under development. The SRM system supports the SRM concept and
practice and has been implemented using concepts and technologies associated to the Business Intelligence
systems. To demonstrate the SRM system relevance in the process of acquisition of knowledge about the
students and in the support of actions and decisions based on such knowledge, an application case carried
out in a real context is also presented.
Portuguese Higher Education has been characterized
by a high rate of students’ failure and abandon,
mainly in the first year of the graduation courses
(statistical results can be consulted in the official
web page Although this
reality has changed due to several individual or
institutional actions, integrated activities need to be
proposed and adopted. To be possible, it is necessary
the identification of the factors and the measures that
need to be monitored in the teaching-learning
process and in the student-teacher relationship. One
of the activities usually pointed out as crucial to
promote the students’ success is the closely
monitoring of the students’ academic activities (Pile
and Gonçalves, 2007). Although important, this
activity does not take place in many institutions.
Among the reasons, we point out the huge number
of students with failure in the first graduation year,
the huge number of new students in some courses
and the work overload of the teaching staff. In the
Portuguese institutions, teachers are involved in
lecturing, researching and management tasks. To
help teachers and students in this complex process,
an adequate conceptual and technological support is
needed. The conceptual framework and the
technological infrastructure are in this work
integrated in a Student Relationship Management
(SRM) system. The SRM system supports the SRM
concept and practice and is based in a Business
Intelligence infrastructure. To demonstrate its
relevance in the students’ knowledge acquisition
process, in the early identification of failure
situations, in the decision-making support and in the
automatic interaction with the students, it is
presented an application case that has occurred in a
real context. This paper is organized as follows:
Section 1 refers the academic failure as the problem
that motivates and justifies the SRM system; Section
2 includes an overview of the SRM principles and
concepts; Section 3 describes the SRM system
architecture; Section 4 describes the application case
and the data analysis process. This section also
Beatriz Piedade M. and Yasmina Santos M. (2009).
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION - Managing the Relationships with Students.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 297-302
DOI: 10.5220/0002302602970302
presents the interpretation of the obtained results and
their support to interaction activities with the
students; Section 5 concludes with the SRM system
expected advantages and the upcoming future work.
The CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
systems are nowadays used in business contexts to
support and to manage the relationships with the
customers. These systems allow the identification of
knowledge about the customers, using the
information and business transactions available in
the organization databases. Using this knowledge,
the organization defines the activities and actions
that allow maintaining a close and strong
relationship with its customers (Payne, 2006). The
SRM system was inspired in the CRM principles, but
supports processes and activities concerned with the
teaching-learning process, mainly activities that
allow the monitoring and the supervision of the
students academic activities. To exemplify the
similarity between the CRM/SRM actions, one could
compare the actions developed by the customer’s
manager, that on the scope of the banking activity,
alerts the customer when he/she exceeds his/her
credit account, and the actions developed by the
student’s tutor/teacher, that on the scope of the
monitoring processes send an alert message to the
student when detects he/she misses several lessons.
To refer, that the “Student Relationship
Management designation was already used in a
technological/commercial environment to designate
solutions mainly dedicated to support processes
related with the students in academic areas
(students’ management information, courses and
lessons management, admissions management,
enrolment and registration management) and areas
related with available services (communications,
marketing, financial aids, accommodation). In this
work is proposed a definition of the SRM concept,
understood as a process based on the students
acquired knowledge, whose main purpose is to keep
an effective student-institution relationship through
the closely monitoring of the students’ academic
activities. This concept was based on the premise
that there exist a strong correlation between the
closely monitoring of the students’ academic
activities and their academic success promotion. The
SRM practice is understood as a set of
activities/actions, which should guarantee the
students’ individual contact, and an effective,
adequate and closely monitoring of his/her academic
performance. To validate the SRM concept and the
set of activities included in the SRM practice it was
adopted a methodology based on the Grounded
Theory principles, which included the interviews
realization and analysis (Piedade and Santos, 2008).
The SRM system is based on the SRM concept and
on a set of activities that composes the SRM
practice. To undertake a SRM practice it is
necessary: (i) to have adequate, consistent and
complete information about the students. This
information must be stored in an appropriate data
repository, which allows maintaining a single vision
of students’ data; (ii) the analysis of such data in
order to obtain knowledge about the students and
their academic behaviour; (iii) the starting of
automatic actions whenever specific situations are
detected; and (iv) to assess the impact of all the
implemented actions over the students. With respect
to i) and ii) the SRM system envisages the
implementation of a data warehouse and its
exploration using data analysis tools. These
structural framework leads that the SRM system is
implemented using the technological infrastructure
that traditionally supports the Business Intelligence
systems (Negash and Gray, 2003). With respect to
iii) and iv) it was identified the relevant indicators
and behaviour patterns that characterizes the
different situations to supervised and it was
implemented the actions to be executed
automatically by the different participants in the
SRM practice (teacher, tutor, course director) and
analysed the impact of the carried out actions in the
students behaviour and their final results.
The SRM system architecture aggregates four
main components: (i) The Data Acquisition and
Storage component, responsible for the storage, in
the data warehouse, of the students’ data; (ii) the
Data Analysis component, responsible for obtaining
knowledge about the students, using appropriate data
analysis tools that allows the patterns identification;
(iii) the Interaction component, responsible for
maintaining an adequate and effective relationship
with the student. In this interaction is used the
knowledge about the student(s) to start a set of
automatic actions that reflect the academic situation
of an individual or a set of individuals; (iv) the
Assessment component, responsible for the
assessment of all the concretized actions and their
impact. The SRM system prototype implementation
was done using database management tools,
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Business Intelligence tools and web development
tools. Considering the context in which this project
takes place, the selected development tools integrate
the Microsoft environment. The SRM system
prototype validation has been done through the
execution of a set of application cases, taking place
in different Higher Education Institutions (Piedade
and Santos, 2009).
The data used in this application case was gathered
in a graduate course of a Portuguese Higher
Education Institution. This course, in the
engineering area, is composed by a set of curricular
units. The selected unit, with 70 students, is
integrated in the first graduation year. The teaching
method adopted is based in a presential component,
and on an e-learning component supported by the e-
learning platform available in the institution. The
presential component includes different types of
classes (theoretical, practical and tutorial
orientation). The activities included in the theoretical
classes are related with the curricular subjects’
presentation and explanation. The activities included
in the practical classes are related with exercises and
problems solving in a laboratory environment. The
activities included in the tutorial orientation classes
include students’ individual work support and
orientation and subject clarification. The e-learning
component includes activities related with the
distribution of relevant information and materials
(unit general information, curricular contents,
exercises and project guidelines), and, also,
communication activities (messages that are
automatically or manually sent and discussion
forums). The unit assessment includes two distinct
methods: the normal assessment period and the
exam assessment period. The normal assessment
period integrates a written test and a project with
individual discussion, with weights of 40% and
60%, respectively, in the final mark. The
quantitative mark scale comprises values among 0 to
20. In both assessments, 8 is the minimum mark that
needs to be obtained by the students in order to be
possible the calculus of their final mark. This final
mark results from the application of the weights
associated with the test and the project and needs to
be equal or higher than 10 to guarantee success in
the unit. The exam assessment period only
comprises a written exam. To pass the unit, the
student must obtain a positive mark (value greater or
equal then 10). In the exam evaluation, we
frequently have students who have failed the normal
assessment and/or students that missed the normal
assessment. The available data, about each student
and his/her involvement in the teaching-learning
process, was: (i) provided by the institutional
academic system (like students’ personal
information and unit information); (ii) provided by
the unit teachers (include students presences in
classes, developed activities and the corresponding
student marks); (iii) provided by the e-learning
system (information related with the student-unit
interaction using the e-learning platform).
The analysis of all the available data allowed the
identification of the data subset considered in this
application case. This data subset includes:
student number; student registration year; and
student phase of admission to higher education. The
phase information is only related with first year
students and can have the values first or second.
This attribute is also used to identify the students
that are repeating the unit (value rep), as a
consequence of a previous failure; and, worker/full
time students information. In order to maintain the
students’ privacy, all the information that allows
his/her identification is ignored or codified.
unit identification; unit designation; unit
curricular year and semester; and associated course.
class type identification; class type description;
class start hour; class duration; and, class week day.
assiduity rate associated with each student and
each class type. The assiduities values were
transformed in the following classes:
Low (< 50%),
Acceptable ( 50 and < 70%) and High ( 70% and
assessment activity identification; activity
description; weight in the final mark, mandatory
information; and, marks (obtained by each student).
To represent some specific situations, negative
values were used. In the project assessment results
the value -1 mean that the student misses the project
individual discussion; the value -3 mean that the
student did not implemented the project work. In the
unit final results, the value -1 mean that the student
was not submitted to any type of evaluation (test,
project or exam); -2 mean that the student failed the
unit, but he/she was submitted to any one of the
activities includes in the unit assessment (test/
project/exam). The final marks were also classified
in qualitative terms, using for that purpose the
following attributes: Satisfactory (between 10 and
13), Good (between 14 and 16) and VeryGood
(between 17 and 20).
number of distinct days that each student
interacted with the unit using the e-learning
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION - Managing the Relationships with Students
platform. In qualitative terms, it was considered that
from 0 to 16 corresponds to a low interaction, 17 to
32 corresponds to a reasonable interaction, 33 to 49
corresponds to an expressive interaction and values
greater or equal to 50 correspond to a high
interaction (the distributions of the values was
analysed in order to be possible the definition of this
Considering all the relevant data, it was: (i)
designed the data warehouse model, a
multidimensional data model which follows the
constellation schema (Figure 1); (ii) implemented
the data warehouse, by fact and dimension tables
creation; (iii) loaded the operational data to the data
warehouse. The loading process followed the ETL
process steps, in which the relevant data was
extracted from the source databases, was cleaned
(when errors in data were detected) and was
transformed in order to accomplish the format of the
target system (the data warehouse).
Figure 1: The Data warehouse model.
The data warehouse exploration has been done
using OLAP and data mining techniques.
In this application case, OLAP cubes were
created to analyse the students’ results verifying
both the teaching-learning experiences and the
assessment methods influence. To analyze
particularly the unit results, and the correlation with
the theoretical classes’ presences, the unit interaction
through the e-learning platform and the project work
a cube was created. From its analysis it is clear that
all the students that did not implement the project
(mark value -3) or misses the individual project
discussion (mark value -1) fail the unit. It can also
be verified that there exists a large number of
students with low assiduity to theoretical classes.
Many of them are repeating the unit and others are
differentiated by the phase of admission to the
University. In these cases, only the students that are
repeating the unit pass. These students also have a
reasonable or an expressive interaction with the e-
learning platform. The students that fail have few
interactions with the unit, existing only one
exception, a student (id 15) with many interactions
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Students data extract, grouped by Low assiduity
Another analysis (Figure 3) allows us to verify that
many students with high assiduity rates, and
expressive or many interactions, pass the unit with
good marks. Students with acceptable assiduities
and few or reasonable interactions, fail or pass the
unit with a sufficient mark. Preoccupant situations
occur with students that go to the University in the
second phase, as many of them fail the unit. It was
verified that some students fail and others pass the
unit with different marks.
Figure 3: Students data extract, grouped by Acceptable
and High assiduity rate.
Now our objective is to identify the behaviour of
the students differentiating them by marks. The main
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
purpose is to identify the students’ profile. Through
it, mainly in the case of fail, adequate actions can be
implemented to minimize the failure rate in future
unit editions.
Data mining algorithms were used to identify the
students’ profile considering the assessment results:
Fail, Satisfactory, Good, Very Good. The objective
is to find a model that describes the predictable
attribute, Mark, as a function of the input attributes
phase, situation, numDays and the assiduity rates for
the theoretical, practical and tutorial classes. It was
followed the traditional steps of the knowledge
discovery in databases process: Data Selection, Data
Treatment, Data Pre-Processing, Data Mining and
Results Interpretation. The Data Selection, Data
Treatment, Data Pre-Processing steps were
supported by the data warehouse implementation
process. In the Data Mining step, it was selected a
decision tree algorithm to carry out the classification
task previously defined. The obtained model (Figure
4) integrates a set of rules, in a tree form, where each
tree node has associated a set of conditions that lead
to a specific decision.
theoreti cal=
numDays not
numDays not=
practical not=
numDays not
practi cal not=
Phase not=
Sati sfactory
phase not =’2'
Figure 4: Data mining model.
The identified model integrates a set of rules that
explicitly describe the students’ profile. From the
analysis of the rules, it is possible to verify that the
theoretical attribute is the attribute that more
influence the students’ profile, followed by the
phase, practical and numDays attributes.
The Fail profile is associated with:
1. Repeating students with low theoretical assiduity
rates and few, reasonable or many interaction
with the e-learning platform;
2. Students at the first time in the unit, with low
theoretical assiduity and an expressive
interaction level;
3. Students with the first registration (first phase),
with an acceptable theoretical assiduity and with
few or acceptable practical assiduity;
4. Students with the first registration (second
phase) with an acceptable theoretical assiduity.
The Satisfactory profile is associated with:
1. Repeating students with acceptable theoretical
assiduities, or low theoretical assiduities, but
with an expressive interaction;
2. Students with the first registration in the unit,
with acceptable theoretical assiduities and high
practical assiduities
The Good profile is associated with:
1. Students with high theoretical assiduities.
No rule was obtained to characterize the Very Good
profile. This is due to the fact that only one student
achieved this mark.
The OLAP and data mining analyses allow us to
verify that to decrease the failure profile it is
necessary to take special attention to the students,
differentiating them by the admission phase.
The students that are at the first time in the unit
must be encouraged to go in a regular basis to the
different type of classes. These students are, in many
cases, influenced by older students that say to them
to avoid classes, mainly the theoretical classes. For
the second phase students, an additional support
must be given as they arrive to the University when
half semester has passed. Due to this situation, these
students lose the initial curricular contents
explanation and the subsequent curricular content
comprehension, fact that could help to explain their
failure. For these cases, the institution could adopt
special activities or procedures, as extra classes or
tutorial orientation, providing additional support to
the students. It is also necessary, for all the students,
to verify the evolution of the project work
implementation, motivating the students and
providing additional support when necessary. This
support can be achieved using tutorial classes. This
was not the case of the current edition of the unit,
helping to explain the lack of presences and interest
in this king of lectures. In what concerns repeating
students, it is also necessary to motivate them to go
to the presential classes, although in many situations
these students have timetable incompatibilities. To
overcome this limitation, the institution could adopt
the schedule differentiation, like classes in the
morning for the first year students and in the
afternoon for the second year students. In
complement, it is also necessary to motivate the use
of e-learning
platform increasing the interaction of
the student with the unit. These different situations
need to be evaluated without neglecting the students
that present what we could say is a “success profile”.
The previous results allow us to conclude that
data analysis supports the process of obtaining
knowledge about the students and their academic
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION - Managing the Relationships with Students
behaviour, through the students’ behaviour pattern
The obtained students’ information allows the
definition of a set of actions (included in the SRM
practice) to closely follow the students. The main
purpose is to decrease the failure rate. The identified
actions, to integrate in future editions of the unit,
include the presences/interaction automatic
monitoring and an adequate support to the project
work. The presences/interaction automatic
monitoring needs the automatic recording of this
data and the subsequent automatic sent of alert
messages to the student when deviating behaviours
are detected. The main purpose of these actions is to
alert the students to both the continuous unit
interaction and the daily study as a way of increase
their academic success. Between the teachers and
the course coordinator/director could also exist
periodically changes of information, which state
how the semester is ongoing. Based on these reports
specific actions can be took, as verifying if the
student has any problem.
The implementation of activities, like described
above, is always supported by a web application.
Figure 5 shows an example of the presences report.
To refer that the descriptions are in the Portuguese
language and neither the student nor the institution is
Figure 5: Application web page view.
Next steps, in this project include: i) the
integration of additional information in the data
analysis process, related with the students and their
activities in the unit scope ii) the implementation of
other activities that enable a closely monitoring of
the students (activities included in the SRM
practice); and (iii) the SRM practice assess, through
the analysis of its impact in the students behaviour
and their final results.
In Portuguese Higher Education institutions exists a
strong budget control and persists a high rate of
failure and abandon (mainly in the first graduation
year). With the new formative process
implementation aligned with the Bologna Process,
the number of hours of contact between the teachers
and the students decreased. This requires high
student autonomy in the learning process. In this
scenario, it is essential the design and
implementation of mechanisms that facilitate the
monitoring of the students’ academic activities. In
this context, we believe that the SRM concept and
practice implementation, supported by the SRM
system, creates an advantage towards the students
success promotion, and, therefore, in the institution
success, ensuring an effective student-institution
relationship. Future work, in this project, includes
the fully implementation of the prototype and its
validation with more application cases (running in
two higher education institutions).
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval