Swarnim Kulkarni and Doina Caragea
Department of Computing and Information Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A.
Semantic relatedness, Automatic concept extraction, Concept cloud, PageRank, Information retrieval.
Determining the semantic relatedness between two words refers to computing a statistical measure of similarity
between those words. Word similarity measures are useful in a wide range of applications such as natural
language processing, query recommendation, relation extraction, spelling correction, document comparison
and other information retrieval tasks. Although several methods that address this problem have been proposed
in the past, effective computation of semantic relatedness still remains a challenging task. In this paper,
we propose a new technique for computing the relatedness between two words. In our approach, instead of
computing the relatedness between the two words directly, we propose to first compute the relatedness between
their generated concept clouds using web-based coefficients. Next, we use the obtained measure to determine
the relatedness between the original words. Our approach heavily relies on a concept extraction algorithm that
extracts concepts related to a given query and generates a concept cloud for the query concept. We perform
an evaluation on the Miller-Charles benchmark dataset and obtain a correlation coefficient of 0.882, which is
better than the correlation coefficients of all other existing state of art methods, hence providing evidence for
the effectiveness of our method.
Building a system that can effectively determine the
similarity between two words has been a problem of
interest to many researchers in artificial intelligence
and information retrieval areas. A robust solution to
this problem would not only help in a wide range
of applications such as document comparison, spell
checking, community mining, but more importantly
such semantic metrics would help the computers to
gain a “common sense” of the information on the web.
Semantic metrics between words have been used
by researchers to define semantic relatedness, seman-
tic similarity and semantic distance, as described in
(Gracia and Mena, 2008). For completeness, we pro-
vide brief definitions of these concepts here. Seman-
tic relatedness considers any type of relationship be-
tween two words (including hypernymy, hyponymy,
synonymy and meronymy relationships, among oth-
ers) and is usually a statistical similarity measure be-
tween the two words. Semantic similarity is a more
specialized version of semantic relatedness that con-
siders only synonymy and hypernymy relationships
between words. Semantic distance is a distance-based
measure of semantic relatedness. That is, the more
related two words are, the smaller is the semantic dis-
tance between them.
Compared to machines, humans are able to ac-
curately determine the similarity between two words
based on their common sense knowledge. For ex-
ample, in order to determine that the words <apple,
computer> are more closely related than the words
<apple, car>, humans would use their knowledge
that apple is the name of a company that manufac-
tures computer hardware and software, to determine
that apple is semantically more related to computer
than to car. Our goal is to provide machines with such
power by using an automated concept cloud based ap-
proach to determine semantic relatedness.
More precisely, our approach computes the se-
mantic relatedness between two words by computing
the similarity between their concept clouds. To auto-
matically generate concept clouds, we use a Concept
Extractor (CE) tool that we recently proposed in
(Kulkarni and Caragea, 2009). The Concept Extrac-
tor takes as input a word query and generates a con-
cept cloud for the query, by extracting its associated
concepts from the web. Thus, for a given pair of
words, we first extract the concepts associated with
each word in the pair and generate their concepts
Kulkarni S. and Caragea D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 183-188
DOI: 10.5220/0002303701830188
clouds. We then compute the semantic relatedness be-
tween the two concept clouds and use it to determine
the relatedness between the initial word pair.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 discusses related work. Section 3 gives a de-
tailed description of the our approach for calculating
semantic relatedness and its underlying algorithms.
Section 4 contains the experimental results and an
evaluation of our method by comparison with other
similar methods. We conclude the paper in Section 5.
The problem of determining the semantic relatedness
between two words has been an area of interest to
researchers from several areas for long time. Some
very preliminary approaches (Rada et al., 1989) cal-
culated the similarity between two words on the ba-
sis of the number of edges in the term hierarchy cre-
ated by indexing of articles. Similar edge-counting
based methods were also applied on existing knowl-
edge repositories such as Roget’s Thesaurus (Jarmasz
and Szpakowicz, 2003) or WordNet (Hirst and St-
Onge, 1998) to compute the semantic relatedness.
To improve the preliminary approaches to calcu-
lating the semantic relatedness between words, more
sophisticated methods have been proposed. Instead
on simply relying on the number of connecting edges,
Leacock and Chodorow (1998) have proposed to take
the depth of the term hierarchy into consideration.
Others groups have proposed to use the description of
words present in dictionaries (Lesk, 1986) and tech-
niques such as LSA (Deerwester et al., 1990) to com-
pute semantic relatedness. However, due to the very
limited size of WordNet as a knowledge base and the
absence of well known named entities (e.g., Harry
Potter) in WordNet, researchers have started to look
for more comprehensive knowledge bases.
The advent of Wikipedia in 2001 has fulfilled
the need for a more comprehensive knowledge base.
Many techniques that use Wikipedia to compute se-
mantic relatedness have been developed in the recent
years. Among others, Strube and Ponzetto (2005)
have used Wikipedia to determine semantic related-
ness. Their results outperform those obtained us-
ing WordNet, hence showing the effectiveness of
Wikipedia in determining the similarity between two
words. Gabrilovich and Markovitch (2007) have de-
veloped a technique, called Explicit Semantic Anal-
ysis (ESA), to represent the meaning of words in
a high dimensional space of concepts derived from
Wikipedia. Experimental results show that ESA out-
performs the method given by (Strube and Ponzetto,
2005). Chernov et al. (2006) have suggested to
make use of the links between categories present on
Wikipedia to extract semantic information. Milne and
Witten (2008) have proposed the use of links between
articles of Wikipedia rather than its categories to de-
termine semantic relatedness between words. Zesch
et al. (2008) have proposed to use Wiktionary, a
comprehensive wiki-based dictionary and thesaurus
for computation of semantic relatedness. Although
Wikipedia has proven to be a better knowledge base
than WordNet, many terms (e.g., 1980 movies) are
still unavailable on Wikipedia. This has motivated
the use of the whole web as the knowledge base for
calculating semantic relatedness.
Bollegala et al. (2007) have proposed to use page
counts and text snippets extracted from result pages
of web searches to measure semantic relatedness be-
tween words. They achieve a high correlation mea-
sure of 0.83 on the Charles-Miller benchmark dataset.
Sahami and Heilman (2006) have used a similar mea-
sure. Cilibrasi et al. (2007) have proposed to compute
the semantic relatedness using the normalized google
distance (NGD), in which they used Google
to de-
termine how closely related two words are on the ba-
sis of their frequency of occurring together in web
documents. Chen et al. (2006) have proposed to ex-
ploit the text snippets returned by a Web search engine
as an important measure in computing the semantic
similarity between two words.
The approach in (Salahli, 2009) is the closest to
our approach, as it uses the related terms of two words
to determine the semantic relatedness between the
words. However, the major drawback of the approach
proposed in (Salahli, 2009) is that the related terms
are manually selected. As opposed to that, our ap-
proach automatically retrieves the most relevant terms
to a given word query. Furthermore, Salahli compares
the related terms to the original query. In our ap-
proach, we compute the semantic relatedness between
two words using the semantic similarity between their
generated concept clouds. To the best of our knowl-
edge, such an approach has not been proposed yet.
The steps of out proposed approach are shown in Fig-
ure 1. We use a two-phase procedure to compute the
semantic relatedness between two words. The first
phase involves the use of a Concept Extractor (Kulka-
rni and Caragea, 2009) to identify concepts related to
the given pair of words and to generate their concept
clouds. In the second phase, we use web-based coef-
ficients (Cosine, Jaccard, Dice, Overlap) to compute
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Steps of our proposed approach.
the semantic relatedness between the generated con-
cept clouds, and use the resulting score to determine
the relatedness between the original words. We will
next describe the precise steps in our approach, and in
particular, the algorithm that determines the semantic
relatedness between two concept clouds.
3.1 Input Pre-Processor
The Input Pre-Processor module takes the given
word-pair as input and divides it into two separate
words. Each word is then pre-processed by convert-
ing it to lower case letters. Furthermore, any special
characters such as “@”, if present, are removed from
the words. Finally, the two words are provided as in-
put to the concept extractor (one at a time).
3.2 Concept Extractor
The Concept Extractor module takes as input words
from the Input Pre-Processor module and, for each
word, it extracts its related concepts and forms the
concept cloud by including the top k related concepts.
More details about the Concept Extractor module can
be found in (Kulkarni and Caragea, 2009).
In this paper, we use the top five related concepts
to generate the concept cloud of a term. Please note
that before generating the concept cloud, we perform
a filtering of the related concepts. Filtering involves
removal of long concepts (more than 3 words), con-
cepts containing special characters such as “@”, and
general concepts such as dictionary, web, etc.
3.3 Cloud Comparator
The function of the Cloud Comparator module is to
perform a statistical comparison of the concept clouds
corresponding to two words, using web based coef-
ficients such as Dice and Jaccard coefficients. To
Figure 2: An example illustrating the functionality of the
Cloud Comparator module.
achieve that, the Cloud Comparator computes a sta-
tistical similarity measure between all pairs of con-
cepts < A, B >, where A belongs to the cloud of one
term and B belongs to the cloud of the second term,
and calculates the average of all similarity scores to
determine the relatedness between the original words.
We will use the example in Figure 2 to illustrate
the functionality of the Cloud Comparator module.
We assume that we want to find the semantic relat-
edness between the words automobile and car. After
executing the first two modules in our procedure, the
concept cloud for automobile is {Car, Auto, Subaru,
Technology, Vehicles}, while the concept cloud for
car is {Used Cars, New Cars, Auto, Buy a Car, Au-
tomobile}. The comparator takes each concept from
the first cloud, e.g., Car and finds its relatedness to
concepts in the second cloud using web-based coeffi-
cients. Preliminary experiments have shown that the
Jaccard’s coefficient produces the best results. Hence,
we have used the Jaccard’s coefficient to compute se-
mantic relatedness between two concept clouds.
Traditionally, the Jaccard’s coefficient is used to
determine the similarity between two given sets, A
and B, by taking the ratio between the size of the in-
tersection of the two sets and the size of the union of
the two sets. That is: Jaccard(A, B) =
|P Q|
|P Q|
However, Bollegala et al. (2007) have modified
the Jaccard’s coefficient definition to make it possible
to compute the relatedness between two words, P and
Q, using web search results. Thus:
Jaccard(P, Q) =
H(P Q)
H(P)+ H(Q)H(P Q)
where H(P) and H(Q) refer the number of pages re-
trieved when the query “P” and the query “Q” are
posted to a search engine, respectively; and H(P Q)
is the number of pages retrieved when the query
“P”“Q” is posted to a search engine.
To compute the relatedness between a term i from
the first concept cloud A, denoted con
(i), and the
second concept cloud B, we compute the Jaccard’s co-
efficient between con
(i) and all concepts con
( j) in
the concept cloud B and then take the average of all
scores obtained. That is:
(i), cloud(B)) =
(i), con
( j))
where n is the total number of concepts in cloud(B).
Consider the example in Figure 2. The similarity
between the concept car and the cloud car is com-
puted as:
rel(car, cloud(car)) =
Jaccard(car, con
( j))
We calculate this score for each concept in first
cloud A and then pass on the array of scores to the
Score Generator module.
3.4 Score Generator
The Score Generator is the simplest module in our
framework. It takes as input the array of scores re-
ceived from the Cloud Comparator and computes the
average of the scores to obtain a final score for the two
initial words. That is,
score(A, B) =
(i), cloud(B))
where m refers to the total number of concepts in
cloud(A). It can be seen that:
score(A, B) =
(i), con
( j))
m n
The calculated score is reported to the user as the se-
mantic relatedness score between the given words.
As the effectiveness of our method is highly depen-
dent on the results of the Concept Extractor module,
we start by briefly presenting the results of the Con-
cept Extractor module on several types of queries.
Then, we evaluate the procedure for calculating the
semantic relatedness on the Miller-Charles bench-
mark dataset. Similar to previous work (Bollegala
et al., 2007), we compute the correlation coefficient
between our relatedness scores and benchmark scores
and we compare the resulting correlation coefficient
with the correlation coefficients reported for other
similar methods. The comparison shows that our ap-
proach outperforms previous approaches reported in
the literature.
4.1 Evaluation of Concept Extractor
We conducted five experiments on the Concept Ex-
tractor module. In the first experiment, we used a
single well-defined concept as the query. In the sec-
ond experiment, we provided the system with similar
keywords from a specific domain. In the third experi-
ment, we tested the system by providing the name of
a person as the query. In the fourth experiment, we
provided a misspelled query as input. The goal of the
fifth experiment was to test the ability of the system to
perform word sense disambiguation. The results for
the experiments are summarized in Table 1.
4.2 Evaluation on Miller-Charles Data
We evaluated the Cloud Comparator module on
the Miller-Charles benchmark dataset. The Miller-
Charles dataset is a data set of 30 word pairs, which
have been evaluated for semantic relatedness, on a
scale of 0-4, by a group of 38 human subjects. Ta-
ble 2 summarizes our results as well as results of
previous approaches obtained from (Bollegala et al.,
2007). Please note that all scores, except for the
Miller-Charles scores, have been scaled to [0,1] by
dividing them by the maximum score (such that the
best score becomes 1). The page count and the con-
cept data collected is as of May 4th, 2009.
The correlations between the scores obtained with
each method and the benchmark scores are also re-
ported in Table 2. As can be seen, our approach
outperforms similar existing methods by achieving a
high Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.882. The
highest scoring pair is midday-noon while the lowest
scoring pair is bird-crane. In addition to being more
accurate, another advantage of our approach is that it
is not dependent on a single knowledge source such
as WordNet or Wikipedia and hence, has the capabil-
ity to determine semantic relatedness between almost
any word-pair.
In this paper, we have proposed a method for com-
puting the semantic relatedness between two given
words. Our approach relies on a Concept Extractor
procedure (Kulkarni and Caragea, 2009) for finding
related concepts based on web searches (i.e., con-
cept clouds for the two words). We compute the se-
mantic relatedness between the clouds using the web-
based Jaccard coefficient. Experimental results on
the Miller-Charles benchmark dataset show that our
approach outperforms similar existing approaches in
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Concept Extractor results: related concepts extracted for a given query.
Query Type Query Extracted Concepts
Flu Influenza, Flu, Flu Shot, Flu vaccine, Avian flu, Cold, Acetaminophen
General Kansas State University K-State, Kansas State, CIS, Ahearn field house , Kansas, Powercat, Courses
Set-based Mars Venus Earth Mars, Earth, Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune
Christopher Manning
Chris Manning, Christopher d. Manning, Computer Science, Data mining,
Ergativity: argument structure and grammatical relations, Foundations of sta-
tistical natural language processing, Introduction to information retrieval
Name-based Dan Brown Author, Da vinci code, Angels and Demons, Biography, Deception point
Spelling-error Contectiivtis Conjunctivitis, Pinkeye, Allergic conjunctivitis, Chlamydia, Eye infection, In-
fectious, Bacterial conjunctivitis
Leopard OS Apple, Mac OS X, Mac OS History, Operating System, 32-bit, 64-bit, Software
Ambiguous word Leopard Animal Animals, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Mammals. Wildlife, Aardwolf
Table 2: Semantic relatedness results obtained with our approach and several related methods, by comparison with the Miller-
Charles scores. The results of the methods called Web Dice and Web Overlap (Bollegala et al., 2007), Sahami (Sahami and
Heilman, 2006), CODC (Chen et al., 2006) and Bollegala (Bollegala et al., 2007) are obtained from (Bollegala et al., 2007).
Pearson correlation coefficients between the scores obtained with each method and the Miller-Charles scores are also reported.
Word Pair Miller-
Web Dice Web
Sahami CODC Bollegala Our
cord-smile 0.13 0.108 0.036 0.090 0 0 0.023
rooster-voyage 0.08 0.012 0.021 0.197 0 0.017 0.027
noon-string 0.08 0.133 0.060 0.082 0 0.018 0.034
glass-magician 0.11 0.124 0.408 0.143 0 0.180 0.027
monk-slave 0.55 0.191 0.067 0.095 0 0.375 0.029
coast-forest 0.42 0.870 0.310 0.248 0 0.405 0.078
monk-oracle 1.1 0.017 0.023 0.045 0 0.328 0.052
lad-wizard 0.42 0.077 0.070 0.149 0 0.220 0.012
forest-graveyard 0.84 0.072 0.246 0 0 0.547 0.062
food-rooster 0.89 0.013 0.425 0.075 0 0.060 0.121
coast-hill 0.87 0.965 0.279 0.293 0 0.874 0.010
car-journey 1.16 0.460 0.378 0.189 0.290 0.286 0.186
crane-implement 1.68 0.076 0.119 0.152 0 0.133 0.035
brother-lad 1.66 0.199 0.369 0.236 0.379 0.344 0.307
bird-crane 2.97 0.247 0.226 0.223 0 0.879 0.009
bird-cock 3.05 0.162 0.162 0.058 0.502 0.593 0.518
food-fruit 3.08 0.765 1 0.181 0.338 0.998 0.566
brother-monk 2.82 0.274 0.340 0.267 0.547 0.377 0.460
asylum-madhouse 3.61 0.025 0.102 0.212 0 0.773 0.849
furnace-stove 3.11 0.417 0.118 0.310 0.928 0.889 0.502
magician-wizard 3.5 0.309 0.383 0.233 0.671 1 0.493
journey-voyage 3.84 0.431 0.182 0.524 0.417 0.996 0.596
coast-shore 3.7 0.796 0.521 0.381 0.518 0.945 0.649
implement-tool 2.95 1 0.517 0.419 0.419 0.684 0.524
boy-lad 3.76 0.196 0.601 0.471 0 0.974 0.911
automobile-car 3.92 0.668 0.834 1 0.686 0.980 0.898
midday-noon 3.42 0.112 0.135 0.289 0.856 0.819 1.000
gem-jewel 3.84 0.309 0.094 0.211 1 0.686 0.884
Correlation 1 0.267 0.382 0.579 0.693 0.834 0.882
terms of the correlation coefficient computed with re-
spect to the Miller-Charles benchmark scores. More
precisely, we obtained a high correlation coefficient
of 0.882.
The success of our approach can be explained as
follows: The Concept Extractor forms the basis for
the proposed method. The Concept Extractor works
by extracting concepts using the top links returned
by a search engine. Therefore, the extracted con-
cepts are related to the most popular meaning of the
term. If we analyze the Miller-Charles dataset, we
note that the word pairs that are related through the
most popular meaning of the words get a higher rat-
ing by the human subjects. For example, between
the word pairs magician-wizard and glass-magician,
magician-wizard gets a higher rating by the human
subjects (3.5) as compared to glass-magician (0.11).
This is because wizard is a more popular meaning of
the term magician as compared to glass. Our sys-
tem also assigns a higher score to magician-wizard, as
the concepts extracted for magician are closer to con-
cepts extracted for wizard than to concepts extracted
for glass.
Other advantages of our approach include the fol-
lowing: it is not limited to a particular knowledge
base such as WordNet or Wikipedia and, as a conse-
quence, it is capable of handling a larger set of inputs;
it is robust to the errors made by the user in inputs (as
the search engine usually corrects misspellings); and
it is able to handle multi-word queries.
Future work includes further improvements of the
correlation coefficient, by improving the concept ex-
traction process. We believe that more precise con-
cept clouds will results in more accurate estimates for
the semantic relatedness between words. Extensions
of the approach to natural language processing appli-
cations are also part of our planned future work.
This work was funded by National Science founda-
tion grant number NSF 0711396 to Doina Caragea.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval