A general problem in the context of scene classifica-
tion is the processing of images that only show parts
of a larger scene. Essentially, this means that it is
not possible to reason on the basis of an object class’
absence. While the explicit representation of uncer-
tainty reduces the severity of the problem in practice,
there is always a chance of miss-classifying a scene
due to critical objects being out of view. A possible
solution to this problem could be to have the system
analyze images taken at different view points in the
In the future, we plan to integrate the presented
scene classification system into a mobile agent (Zet-
zsche et al., 2008). Not only does this provide the
system with a strong prior due to the agent’s past ob-
servations, the mobility would also ease the problem
of only sensing parts of a scene. In particular, this will
require the detection of objects to be performed with-
out any pre-segmentation, which is why we are cur-
rently working on providing the system with a more
sophisticated vision module. This will also allow us
to produce more conclusive experimental results on
other data sets. Finally, we think it would be inter-
esting to see whether the generic approach of reason-
ing based on ontologies and statistics in a belief-based
framework could be applied to other domains beyond
scene classification.
This work was supported by DFG, SFB/TR8 Spa-
tial Cognition, projects A5-[ActionSpace] and I1-
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