Ingrid Falk, Samuel Cruz-Lara, Nadia Bellalem and Lotfi Bellalem
INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, Nancy Universit
e, Nancy, France
Knowledge representation, Ontology engineering, Multilingual linguistic representation, Ontology and lexi-
In this paper we discuss ways to handle multilingual linguistic information within the framework of the SEM-
bySEM project
. The SEMbySEM project aims at defining tools and standards for the supervision and man-
agement of complex and dynamic systems by using a semantic abstract representation of the system to be
supervised or managed. As we want our system to conform to an end-user’s point of view, the conceptual
information must be available and presentable in the end-user’s language. On the other hand, lately the need
for and benefits of more accurate linguistic information associated to ontological knowledge representations
have become more evident and there emerged models of how this articulation could be achieved. Two of these
models are LexInfo (Buitelaar et al., 2009) and LIR, the Linguistic Information Repository (Montiel-Ponsoda
et al., 2008). In this paper we explore these models under the prospect of putting one or both in praxis in the
setting of the SEMbySEM project.
SEMbySEM ( is a research project within the European ITEA2 programme
( It started June 2008 and will end December 2010.
The SEMbySEM project aims at providing a frame-
work for universal sensors management using seman-
tic representations. A detailed description can be
found in (Brunner et al., 2009), here we give a brief
overview and concentrate on the aspects related to
language and linguistic information. A sensor system
supervises and manages the data coming from vari-
ous sensors with varying technical specifications and
placed on various objects. The sensors collect and
transmit data and a sensor management system must
make sense of and visualise this data. To achieve this
the SEMbySEM system will be organised in a three
layered architecture as shown in Figure 1. The in-
teraction with the sensors (registering and processing
events from the sensors) is done in the basic layer,
the Faade Layer. The information from the sensors
is unified and processed and may then trigger an up-
date of the semantic model of the system. The se-
mantic model together with a rule system make up
the middle layer, the Core Layer. End-users connect
to the system through the top layer, the Visualisa-
tion Layer. They have access to tailored view points
designed by expert users and HMI experts through
which the data from the semantic model is displayed.
From the linguistic point of view the relevant mod-
Figure 1: SEMbySEM architecture.
ules are the Core and the Visualisation Layer. It was
decided against using OWL and Description Logic
which are habitually employed to represent semantic
information in this setting (Brunner et al., 2009). The
main reasons were that they were difficult to handle
by business users and that OWL fails to express spe-
cific business needs in some use cases. The business-
Falk I., Cruz-Lara S., Bellalem N. and Bellalem L. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 447-451
DOI: 10.5220/0002304404470451
oriented model developed instead (MicroConcept) is
designed to meet the additional requirements and use
existing standards wherever possible in order to lever-
age existing design tools eg. the lexicalisation tools to
be discussed later in this paper. The ontology design
is intended to be done at design time, as well as the
viewpoints and HMI modeling. The latter will not
change at runtime.
SEMbySEM needs (multilingual) linguistic informa-
tion on the conceptual level (cf. the Core Layer,
Fig. 1) and on the GUI or visualisation level. It only
needs to be provided at design time and does not need
to be updated at runtime. At the conceptual level it is
needed to help at the design and maintenance of the
semantic model.With regard to the visualisation level
the needed (conceptual) information comes from two
sources: from the domain ontology on one hand and
from elements pertaining to the HMI or GUI. The lat-
ter objects can also be modeled by an ontology thus
allowing for a uniform data representation. These two
ontologies could then be lexicalised using one of the
two representation models we will describe in Sec-
tion 3 and 4. The result of the lexicalisation will be
one or more lexical repositories, which can then be
used in the visualisation process, ie. at the design of
the viewpoints and HMIs which are employed in the
Visualisation Layer (cf. Figure 1).
Linguistic Information for Ontologies. The need to
ground ontology elements in natural language has be-
come evident on the basis of some or all of the fol-
lowing reasons: Ontologies are developed by several
people from different communities, over a longer pe-
riod of time and are meant to be reused linguistic
information is needed to establish and assure the con-
sistence of the human linguistic and cognitive sys-
tems with the ontological machine-readable concep-
tualisation system; Precise linguistic information al-
lows for automatic procedures for ontology-based in-
formation extraction from text which in turn help at
semi-automatic ontology population; Richer linguis-
tic models capture how concepts and relations are
realised in language and therefore help to verbalise
and explain ontology elements. We identified two
emerging best practices which we could use to at-
tach linguistic and lexical information to ontology el-
ements: LexInfo (Buitelaar et al., 2009) and LIR, the
Linguistic Information Repository (Montiel-Ponsoda
et al., 2008). In both representations domain knowl-
edge and linguistic information are clearly separated
while the articulation between language and ontolog-
ical systems remains flexible. They both explicitly
take into account multilingual aspects. The linguistic
information is represented as lexical ontologies. Both
systems explicitly adhere to the integration of other
existing standards as eg. LMF (Francopoulo et al.,
2007), LingInfo (Buitelaar et al., 2006) and LexOnto
(Cimiano et al., 2007) but the implementations as on-
tologies differ mainly in that LIR focuses on repre-
senting aspects related to the meaning of lexical en-
tries (eg. synonymy, antonymy, semantic relatedness,
variations in meaning conditioned by cultural or re-
gional differences) whereas LexInfo allows for accu-
rate and elaborate representations of morphological
relations between terms, morphological and syntac-
tical decomposition of terms and complex linguistic
patterns (eg. the mapping between subcategorisation
and predicate-argument structures
). We will
further illustrate the two linguistic models and their
possible integration with SEMbySEM in Section 4.
Here we briefly describe the linguistic models Lex-
Info and LIR and explore ways to use them to as-
sociate linguistic information to the semantic model
of SEMbySEM. In both frameworks the procedure is
the following: (1) Starting from the domain ontol-
ogy . . . (2) the system builds an empty or default lex-
ical ontology, the main building blocks of which are
the lexical entries (LEs) which roughly correspond to
the domain ontology components i.e. the classes and
properties. The domain ontology elements are linked
to at this stage possibly empty LEs which in turn are
associated to the corresponding ontology elements.
LEs are constructed based on linguistic analysis of the
domain ontology labels, comments and/or identifiers;
(3) The lexicon is enriched (semi-)automatically us-
ing domain relevant texts and/or external lexical re-
A subcategorization frame of a word describes a syn-
tactic construction this word may be used in.
The predicate-argument structure of a sentence repre-
sents the meaning of this sentence as a combination of a
predicate and its arguments
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
sources eg. WordNet
or Wikipedia to search for fur-
ther information (eg. definitions, translations); (4)
The lexical ontology is further completed manually.
LexInfo models linguistic information in an ontology
combining three previously proposed approaches:
LingInfo (Buitelaar et al., 2006), LexOnto (Cimiano
et al., 2007) and LMF (Francopoulo et al., 2007).
At the time of writing, it mainly handles ontologi-
cal properties which are in most cases realised in lan-
guage as verbs and relational nouns
. For example
starting from the following property definition from a
SEMbySEM use-case:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="ontologyNS#engineOf">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="ontologyNS#Engine"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="ontologyNS#Train"/>
the tool would generate a lexicon for English which
would link to 3 types of elements of the lexical on-
tology: a lexical entry for the engine component of
the property identifier #engineOf, a predicate entry
representing the predicate engineOf and to one or
more subcategorization frames representing possible
linguistic realisations of this predicate.The predicate-
argument structure of the engineOf property h en-
gineOf, Domain, Range i may be inferred from its
ontological representation and is represented in Lex-
Info as shown in Figure 2, the rectangle with gray
background. A possible linguistic realisation is repre-
sented by the subcategorisation frame NounPP which
is shown in Figure 2 as the rectangle with filled nodes.
The mapping between the semantic predicate argu-
ment structure and the syntactic frame is modeled as
can be seen again in Figure 2. Finally, the link be-
Predicate-argument structure Syntactic representation
engineOf predicate
engineOf domain
engineOf range
engineOf frame
engineOf subject
engineOf range
engineOf property predicate rep.
predicate Syntax semantics corresp. for engineOf
Syntax semantics
map for domain
Syntax semantics
map for range
semArg synArgsemArg synArg
syntactic behaviour
for noun engine
the noun engine
lemma for engine
hasPredicate hasSubcatFrame
Figure 2: Syntax semantics mapping in LexInfo.
tween lexicon entries and ontology elements is pro-
vided through the hasSense property (not shown in
the figure). In this example we started from the rep-
resentation of a property in a domain ontology from
which LexInfo inferred a (linguistic) semantic rep-
resentation (the predicate argument structure) which
Most nouns as eg. train refer to an ontology class. The
nouns we call relational, eg. speed, may be used to express
an ontology property.
then was mapped to a syntactic construction (the sub-
categorisation frame) representing a possible realisa-
tion in language which, in a subsequent step, can help
detect linguistic realisations of the involved ontologi-
cal elements in relevant texts.
Localisation. Once the English lexicon is con-
structed, similar lexica must be built for each other
required language. Within LexInfo lexical informa-
tion pertaining to a given language is grouped in one
Lexicon, so there would be one lexicon for each lan-
LIR. (Linguistic Information Repository) is a model
for associationg lexical information to OWL ontolo-
gies proposed within the NeOn project. The linguistic
information pertaining to a given domain ontology is
modeled as an OWL ontology. In contrast to Lex-
Info, LIR concentrates mainly on ontology classes,
which are in general represented as plain noun or
noun phrase class labels. As for LexInfo we start from
an ontology element (in this case a class):
<owl:Class rdf:about="ontologyNS#Train">
<rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">Train</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">Train</rdfs:comment>
Figure 3 schematically shows the way it is represented
linguistically within the LIR framework.
English lexicalisation
French lexicalisation
Ontology class for ’train’
English LE for ’train’
partOfSpeech = noun
belongsToLanguage = #English
French LE for ’train’
partOfSpeech = noun
belongsToLanguage = #French
French LE for ’rame’
partOfSpeech = noun
belongsToLanguage = #French
rdfs:label = ’train’
grammaticalNumber = singular
belongsToLanguage = #English
hasSense hasTranslation hasTranslation
definition = ’public transport provided by
a line of railway cars coupled
together and drawn by a locomotive’
sourceType = WordNet ’train’ synset uri
rdfs:label = ’train’
grammaticalNumber = singular
gender = masculine
belongsToLanguage = #French
rdfs:label = ’rame’
grammaticalNumber = singular
gender = feminine
belongsToLanguage = #French
definition = ’Ensemble de véhicules (wagons, bateaux, camions)
attachés les uns aux autres pour être tractés
ou se suivant à la file.’
definition = ’Train constitué avec
son ou ses engins moteurs.’
sourceType = TLFi ’train’ uri
sourceType = TLFi ’rame’ uri
Figure 3: Linguistic representation with LIR.
Localisation is performed at the lexical entry level.
As Fig. 3 shows, the ontology class is connected via
the hasLexicalEntry relation to English and French
lexical entries (LEs). LEs in different languages
may be linked through the hasTranslation relation
and within the same language through synonymy or
antonymy relations. Their sense is typically repre-
sented through a definition from an external resource,
which may also come from a different language. In
LIR it is possible to express the fact that two words are
synonym in most cases by linking their sense defini-
tions through the isRelatedTo relation. Finally, within
LIR all lexical entries, irrespective of the language
they belong to, are members of the same lexical on-
Discussion. LexInfo and LIR are both conceptualisa-
tions of lexicalising a domain ontology in the form of
an ontology structure and they both aim at integrating
the same existing standards (LMF). Still the resulting
ontological structures are quite different. Firstly they
are different from a syntactic point of view. Second,
they also differ semantically: LexInfo rather empha-
sises the representation of properties and in particular
the syntax semantics interface. For example with
LexInfo it would be possible to express that the sen-
tences The train speeds at 100 km/h. and The speed
of the train is 100km/h. are linguistic realisations of
the same meaning. LIR adopts a more traditional lex-
icographic position: one could express for example
that train and rame are both possible French transla-
tions of the English train, that they may be used as
synonyms in most cases but are not entirely synony-
mous. LexInfo is arguably more suitable at verbalis-
ing ontologies or translating natural language queries
to database or web search queries, whereas LIR would
be more useful to human knowledge engineers or lexi-
cographers for building and maintaining a domain and
lexicon ontology. It is in principle possible to trans-
late one lexicon format to the other, but the syntax
semantics mapping information of LexInfo can not be
extracted from LIR and conversely, the lexicographic
aspects represented in LIR can not be generated from
LexInfo. On this note the two models are comple-
mentary. This difference in perception also implies
different (semi-)automatic acquisition methods from
texts: to enrich a LexInfo lexicon one needs deep
syntactic and semantic linguistic analysis whereas for
LIR one would make use of statistic semantic simi-
larity measures and high-quality linguistic semantic
resources as (Euro)WordNet or Wikipedia. From the
SEMbySEM position a point in favour of LexInfo is
that it generates a separate lexicon for each language
whereas the fact that SEMbySEM needs lie more on
the side of ontology building (by humans) speeks in
favour of LIR. These differences also entail different
APIs and differences in the manipulation of the lexi-
cal ontologies.
In this paper we presented the SEMbySEM seman-
tic model and explored ways of associating multilin-
gual information to its elements. Two state-of-the-
art techniques for representing and associating lin-
guistic information to ontological structures are Lex-
Info and LIR. We presented and compared the prin-
ciples of these models and investigated whether and
how they could be integrated with the SEMbySEM
semantic model. LexInfo and LIR both are designed
as lexical ontologies building on a domain ontology
represented in OWL. Although the SEMbySEM se-
mantic model will not be represented as an OWL on-
tology, it will be designed following the same basic
principles and it will therefore be possible to repre-
sent the linguistic information using LIR or LexInfo.
We showed that LIR and LexInfo take up different
positions mainly with respect to the kind of linguis-
tic information they focus on: the syntax seman-
tics interface for LexInfo and more traditional lex-
icographic aspects for LIR. These differences entail
different acquisition methods, different APIs and dif-
ferences in the handling of the obtained lexical on-
tologies. Both present advantages compared to the
current way of representing linguistic information by
the rdfs:label and rdfs:comment elements, in that
they clearly separate domain knowledge from lexical
knowledge. Thus domain and lexicon ontology can
be developed separately by domain and linguistic ex-
perts and can be more easily maintained and reused.
However, at this stage of the project we have not yet
decided which of them to use.
This work is carried out by the EUREKA ITEA2
project SEMbySEM partly funded by French, Span-
ish, Finnish and Turkish governments. We would
also like to thank Elena Montiel-Ponsoda and Philipp
Cimiano for providing very helpful insights regarding
the LIR and LexInfo model respectively.
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