The two experiments reported were designed to
identify tasks performed by users during the data
analysis and exploitation, and verify that
experimental procedures would be more appropriate
to evaluate the classification of tasks consistently.
Thus, in each experiment were different profiles of
users (actual and experimental) and fields (data set
and contexts of use). In common, several techniques
were used visualization of multidimensional and
different implementations of the same techniques.
Tasks the user could be observed through the
two experiments. However, by the Experiment 2 it
was possible to observe greater number of tasks,
number and type of occurrences of each task,
certainly, because of the type of user involved and
the procedures adopted in this experiment.
The experiment 1 was based on four questions of
analysis proposed by the evaluators to users.
Already the results of experiment 2 were obtained
with a considerable body of 23 high-level analytical
questions, formulated by the user through the
process of exploration and analysis of their data.
Still, despite the different situations in terms of area
and issues of analysis, tasks were not detected in the
classification proposed not only new occurrences of
the same tasks. Moreover, except for "infer" in
experiment 1, all tasks of classification were
observed in real situations of use, which indicates
that they are necessary for the performance of the
analytical process by users.
However, tests of interaction and case study
showed that different results can be obtained when
actual users (experts in the field of data ) are
involved in the assessment in comparison to
experimental users (not specialists).
This study is an effort to systematize the process
of evaluating the usability of visualization
techniques, whereas part of this process should be
focused on the specification of tests of interaction
covering the diversity of tasks that users of this class
of systems must perform.
As future work is to conduct experiments with
new procedures based on field studies, as used in
experiment 2 and strongly suggested in
(Shneiderman, 2006), including other areas, so it is
possible to identify high-level analytical issues that
address consequently, different tasks and using
different techniques for viewing data, and different
implementations of the same techniques for viewing.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval