A Practical Approach
Sanae Saadaoui and Frédéric Fleurial Monfils
Centre of Excellence in Information Technology and Communication - Charleroi, Belgium
Keywords: Knowledge Management, SME, Process Improvement, Experience Transfer, Knowledge Capitalization.
Abstract: To be competitive on a global market and especially in software development and software delivery, SME
(Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) should capitalize on their internal know-how. Knowledge
management should be present in any software process improvement in order to capitalize on past
experiences and existing good practices instead of introducing a completely new way of working.
Unfortunately, most knowledge management techniques are targeted towards big companies because they
require a large amount of resources both in time, money and people involved in the process. In this paper,
we present preliminary results of an experiment made with a set of SME developing and delivering software
products. In this experiment, we helped these companies improving the management of their knowledge by
providing them with lightweight knowledge management techniques, adapted to their size and their context.
Knowledge management plays an important role in
software process improvement and help companies
to be more competitive. Capitalizing on experiences
is often mandatory for business growth and even for
business survival (Rasheed, 2005). Companies that
have managed their knowledge can afford the
retirement or the leaving of their skilled workers.
A company can choose between a number of
different approaches to capture its internal
knowledge (Handzic, 2006). One of these
approaches is the REX method where REX stands
for Return of Experience. The objective of this
method is to create knowledge elements” like
“experience elements” or “know how issued from
an activity. These elements are designed and
recorded in knowledge repositories in order to be
reused within the company.
Other approaches are using discussion groups
and/or community of practices to encourage the
experience sharing among their employees.
Unfortunately, these approaches are seldom
adapted to the size and context of SME because they
often require a big investment in time, people and
money (Hermann and al, 2007). Also, the return on
investment is often poor: for example, in the long
run, experience repositories only contain few articles
and are no more maintained.
In this paper, we present first results on an
experiment conducted with a set of Small and
Medium sized Enterprises (SME) enterprise from
1 to 50 employees interested in improving their
software development practices and delivery
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2
describes the research method used for the
experimentation, Section 3 addresses the knowledge
sharing in software development, Section 4
describes the experiment in detail, Section 5
mentions related work, and finally, Section 6
concludes this paper with a list of future work.
The research method that has been used is action
research (Davison and al, 2004). In this method,
researchers and practitioners work jointly on the
development and testing of innovation techniques in
a local context. The work is done in an iterative
process of learning where researchers and SME
partners collaborate. The objective of this
collaboration is to identify, understand and solve
their common problems. The iterative process
Saadaoui S. and Fleurial Monfils F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 313-317
ensures the commitment of the actors as well as the
quality and relevance of the research.
In our experiment the following steps have been
1. A diagnosis of the current software
development practices and identification
of the issues that are surfaced due to lack
of Knowledge Management;
2. A planning of the needed actions is
elaborated (action planning) that takes
into account the context and the
motivation of SME;
3. An intervention (action taking) of the
researcher is made. In this case, we
propose to assist the companies in
applying techniques for knowledge
management that have been adapted to
their size and practice level;
4. An evaluation of the situation after the
intervention conducted with the
employees involved in the action-taking
5. A reflection on improvements that could
be applied on the implemented technique.
The goal of the collaboration with the companies
in the Action Research was to improve their current
practices in software development by capitalizing on
their past experiences. This experiment produced
interesting feedback on the implementation and the
adaptation of the described techniques in the context
of an SME.
In this experiment our assumption was that the
quality of the produced software (and consequently
the satisfaction of the customer) could be increased
by capitalizing on previous experiences of the
company. Many improvement techniques, such as
Total Quality Management (Boéri, 2000), rely on
analysing past experiences (Zaharan, 1997) to foster
improvement initiatives. SME involved in this
experiment listed the lack of communication and
knowledge sharing between team members as a root
cause of major issues during their software
development projects.
In order to capitalize on their know-how, the
company should regularly record and refine the
expertise accumulated on projects. Recording such
expertise is not an easy task for an SME, because in
a competitive market such as software development,
winning the next contract is often more important
than analysing what went wrong in the past projects
and how to avoid similar problems in future projects.
To record the expertises, two main strategies are
commonly used: the Codification strategy and the
Personalization strategy as described in (Henrie and
Hedgepeth, 2003) and (Bixies, 2002). The
Codification strategy is based on explicit knowledge
knowledge that has been codified in a knowledge
repository. The Personalization strategy deals with
tacit knowledge mostly contained in employees’
brains. The latter encourages employees to share
their knowledge by maximizing the interactions
between them; for example, by putting in place
discussion groups or informal meetings.
For SME, the personalization strategy is often
the most cost-effective way of transferring
experience. However, there are only a few
guidelines as explained in (Hermann and al, 2007)
that are designed explicitly for SME.
This section describes the first two activities
completed so far. They were conducted in order to
propose such appropriate guidelines:
Diagnosing the current knowledge
management practices;
Planning the needed actions and writing
knowledge management techniques for
4.1 Diagnosis: SME Needs
The first phase was to collect SME needs on
knowledge management techniques. To do this, a
questionnaire was created and used to collect
requirements from SME about software
improvement process and knowledge management.
The elaboration of the questionnaire and the first
results of the survey were published in (Bjørnson
and Dingsøyr, 2009). This questionnaire addressed
the current and future interests in knowledge
management among 15 SME active in software
development and delivery. The questionnaire was
designed in such a way that any company could
understand it and provide useful input.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The core of the questionnaire was about the
current and future interests of the SME in
knowledge management schools described in the
remaining of this section. More specifically, the
questions were a set of statements concerning
approaches to knowledge management. For each
statement, the SME were asked to state how well
this statement fits in:
the current situation inside the company
the future importance in the company in a
mid-term (3 years)
The statements concerned the following knowledge
management approaches/schools as described in
(Earl, 2001):
The System school: using knowledge bases;
The Cartographic school: using yellow pages;
The Engineering school: using procedures;
The Organizational school: using discussion
The Spatial school: adapting the work
A gap analysis an analysis of the difference
between the scores given in two situations was
carried out to compare the current and future
interests of all the interviewed SME about
statements linked to the listed knowledge
management schools. Figure 1 presents the outcome
of this gap analysis for all interviewed SME.
Gap Analyis
System Cartographic Engineering Organizational Spatial
Figure 1: Combined gap analysis.
For example, in this case, the spatial school had
the lowest gap with 0.41; this means that on average
the score given by SME to current and future interest
about the implementation of techniques from the
Spatial School are quite close. This experiment
showed that the System school, the Engineering
school and the Organizational school had the
greatest gaps.
4.2 Planning: From the Assessment
to the Knowledge Technique
The methodology is based on the framework of
(Habra and al, 1999). This framework is depicted in
Figure 2 and it explains that any software process
improvement has to adhere to the company’s goal.
In this experiment, the section of the questionnaire
about the current and future interests in knowledge
management approaches tried to extract the success
factors that are already present in the interviewed
SME. These success factors are related to the
management, the current practices in software
development, and the allocated resources time,
people and money. They constitute the basis for the
software process improvement that facilitates
improved practices, hence contributing to the
satisfaction with the software’s goal and also with
the company’s goal.
Figure 2: Framework for software process improvement.
The level of practice is derived by analyzing the
answers given by a company related to its “current
Company B1 - Current Knowledge Management Level of Practices
Systems Cartographic Engineering Organizational Spatial
Figure 3: Current Knowledge Management Level of
In Figure 3, Company B1 declares that it has a
high level of practice in Systems schools techniques
for knowledge management, and a lower level of
practice in techniques from the Organizational
school. Hence a technique related to this school was
proposed to Company B1.
Our work is related to the activities of the ISO/IEC
JTC1-SC7 working group 24 (WG24). This working
group was created to address the application of
standards among Very Small Enterprises from 1 to
9 employees. Like many knowledge management
techniques, the ISO standards target the large
companies and are not adapted to the size and the
maturity level of the VSE. The objective of WG24 is
to adapt existing standard to the needs of VSE.
(Laporte, Alexandre, and Renault, 2008).
As in (Handzic, 2006) this experiment showed
that a Knowledge Management initiative should be
aligned with the overall business strategy to attain
success. As suggested, an audit on the current
knowledge assets and resources should be made.
SME need practical knowledge management
techniques but unfortunately, current techniques are
seldom adapted to their size and context.
In order to fill this gap, we performed an
experiment conducted with SME active in software
development and delivery using the action research
paradigm that consisted of the following phases:
Diagnosis of the current knowledge
management practices: we collected and
analysed the requirements from the SME
Planning of the needed actions: it consisted of
the research and writing of suitable knowledge
management techniques that we presented to
SME for internal application.
At this time, it is difficult to draw conclusions on
the results, given the small sample of interviewed
SME. The following steps are still to be taken:
Implementation of the technique by SME and
collecting of feedback on the actual
application of the technique.
Evaluation of the situation after the
implementation of the technique
Reflection and improvement on the
implemented technique
In many cases, the interviewed SME had
difficulties to identify its actual needs in knowledge
management techniques. The questionnaire will be
improved with a section allowing a quick assessment
of the current situation in the implementation of
good practices in knowledge management. This
assessment will help SME to identify the appropriate
knowledge management technique to be
implemented on the basis of their respective scores.
This experiment and research was carried out as part
of the “EXTRA” European project, funded by
DGTRE - Walloon Regional Ministry - Directorate
General for Technologies, Research and Energy,
Belgium. We would also like to express our
gratitude to other EXTRA project partners: SINTEF
(Norway) and CITEA (Cyprus).
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
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