precision in our discourse (Maynier, 2003). In this
paper, we shall use some of its constructs when
necessary, to illustrate the concision and clarity
brought by simple mathematical operators. This
formal language is supported by a parser and an
interpreter which allows one to build formal
glossaries which can be queried and executed. The
language is inspired from logic and functional
programming. The interpreter answers queries by
applying definitions to rewrite queries until a normal
form has been reached. Normal forms are either
Boolean terms or terms from some universe of
discourse. We use a three value logic that include
true, false and unknown.
Our work is also inspired from the work of
George Spencer-Brown (Spencer-Brown, 1969), who
has formalized the calculus of distinctions (Laws of
Form – LoF). LoF was extended by Francisco
Varela to introduce a third Truth Value, to
encompass the occurrence of self-referential
situations. Although this work is sometimes seen as a
reformulation of Boolean algebra, it also involves a
strong methodological emphasis on making
distinctions, a corner-stone concept of this work.
Hence, we do have means to construct formal
glossaries that can be used for knowledge
engineering. However, our emphasis in this paper is
to show knowledge built by means of simple plain
natural language definitions, supplemented when
necessary with mathematical operators, is sufficient.
For illustrative purposes, the terminology of our
examples is built from a subset of the glossary of the
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
(CMMI® for Services, see ref.), proposed by the
Software Engineering institute (SEI). The CMMI is a
process improvement integrated approach that
transcends disciplines and provides organizations
with the essential elements of effective processes.
Although the CMMI product suite is a very strong
foundation for process improvement, it is not without
terminological problems that may lead to
misunderstanding. As an example, in the CMMI for
Services V1.2 glossary:
The definition of „lifecycle model‟ starts with “A
partitioning of the life of a product, service, or
project into phases.”
The definition of „product lifecycle‟ starts with
“The period of time, consisting of phases, that
begins when a product or service is conceived
and ends when the product or service is no
longer available for use.”
These two simple definitions prompt the following
questions: What is a phase? Is it a period of time? Is
the notion of time crucial, or is just the notion of
sequentiality that is critical in characterizing a phase?
What distinguishes a product life cycle from a project
life cycle? The notion of „phase‟ is not defined in the
CMMI‟s glossary. We shall provide our own
definition in this paper and try to clarify these
concepts through distinctions.
Pedagogy is an essential aspect of understanding.
We certainly cannot expect that throwing a bunch of
definitions at someone will allow him to understand
them. No one can understand physics simply by
looking at all its laws. Pedagogy is an essential part
of communication which we shall try to use to the
best of our knowledge in this paper, but we forcefully
admit that it is a goal which one is never sure of
A precondition for the deployment of an IT
improvement or innovation is to have a precise
definition of the term „lifecycle‟, applicable to
projects and products.
2.1 What is a Lifecycle?
Organizations, their products and projects go through
phases in their life, like living organisms in nature.
Following Humberto Maturana (Maturana, see ref),
we assume that time and space are not explanatory
principles in Management and Engineering. CMMI
definitions hint at time in the notion of phase, but
one cannot simply wait and let time pass to complete
a phase in an on-going project! Time and space are
basic concepts that are scientifically defined and
universally measured. Time can be measured for a
phase, but it does not constitute the main concept for
defining a phase. We define a phase as a
transformation of some inputs into some outputs. As
such, a phase can be represented by a function f, in
the traditional mathematical sense. The sequentiality
of phases can be represented by function
composition, typically noted “ ”, also in the
traditional sense. If there are n phases in some
lifecycle, then their composition is represented by
… f
Function composition also takes into account the fact
that the output of one phase becomes the input of the
next phase. The actual transformation carried out by