Philippe Michelin
AEBIS, 1155 René Lévesque, Montréal, Québec, H3B2K4, Canada
Marc Frappier
Dept. Computer Science, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, J1K 2R1, Canada
Keywords: Definition, Distinction, Information Technology Innovation and Improvement.
Abstract: In this paper, we show the importance of building precise models of basic concepts before conducting
strategic information technology improvement and innovation. We use the notions of distinction and
definition to build precise models. Our modelling approach mixes both natural language and mathematical
definitions, to reach the appropriate level of precision. This modelling approach constitutes a form of
knowledge management similar to approaches like enterprise architecture, but focusing on modelling the
impacts of a given technology innovation and conducting projects in a more agile style.
Information is everywhere in a modern Organization;
Information Technology (IT) has become the key
technology to capacity innovation, productivity
improvement, extension of services, and time to
market. But it is not so easy for Business and IT
people to weigh and plan the impact of IT
innovations that are supposed to fulfill their needs.
In the experience we have acquired over the years
in IT projects, clarity of discourse is a foremost
success factor we have regularly identified. The
ability to settle the most important issues in a project
invariably relies on a clear vision of the main
concepts at stake. All too often, issues arise from
misunderstandings between project stakeholders. The
field of IT is complex, riddled with ambiguities
which are hard to dispel. There are countless
examples of ambiguities that could be drawn from
the literature in IT. For instance, Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA), to pick one, is a hot technology
that is currently attracting much interest in the IT
community. However, SOA is also a poorly
understood concept, encompassing several notions
from which too many people make unrealistic
promises, or expect unrealistic benefits.
The single most important tool to dispel
ambiguities is to practice clarity by means of two
simple concepts: distinction and definition. This
could also be called formalization of domain
concepts. When we attack a problem, our first step is
to make sure that we identify a handful of basic
concepts, make clear-cut distinctions for them and
provide precise definitions. In our experience, too
often people assume that they are working with well-
defined concepts, and that they share with their
partners a common understanding of these concepts.
Hence, definitions and distinctions are frequently
overlooked, deemed too obvious to bother with. It is
a serious mistake which has severe impacts on the
course of a project.
In this paper, our purpose is to illustrate this
simple idea of definition and distinction on typical
examples from IT innovation and improvement. We
shall provide definitions mostly using plain natural
language, but our work is inspired from a formal,
mathematical language that we have defined over the
past years and which we often use to bring additional
Michelin P. and Frappier M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 318-323
precision in our discourse (Maynier, 2003). In this
paper, we shall use some of its constructs when
necessary, to illustrate the concision and clarity
brought by simple mathematical operators. This
formal language is supported by a parser and an
interpreter which allows one to build formal
glossaries which can be queried and executed. The
language is inspired from logic and functional
programming. The interpreter answers queries by
applying definitions to rewrite queries until a normal
form has been reached. Normal forms are either
Boolean terms or terms from some universe of
discourse. We use a three value logic that include
true, false and unknown.
Our work is also inspired from the work of
George Spencer-Brown (Spencer-Brown, 1969), who
has formalized the calculus of distinctions (Laws of
Form LoF). LoF was extended by Francisco
Varela to introduce a third Truth Value, to
encompass the occurrence of self-referential
situations. Although this work is sometimes seen as a
reformulation of Boolean algebra, it also involves a
strong methodological emphasis on making
distinctions, a corner-stone concept of this work.
Hence, we do have means to construct formal
glossaries that can be used for knowledge
engineering. However, our emphasis in this paper is
to show knowledge built by means of simple plain
natural language definitions, supplemented when
necessary with mathematical operators, is sufficient.
For illustrative purposes, the terminology of our
examples is built from a subset of the glossary of the
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
(CMMI® for Services, see ref.), proposed by the
Software Engineering institute (SEI). The CMMI is a
process improvement integrated approach that
transcends disciplines and provides organizations
with the essential elements of effective processes.
Although the CMMI product suite is a very strong
foundation for process improvement, it is not without
terminological problems that may lead to
misunderstanding. As an example, in the CMMI for
Services V1.2 glossary:
The definition of lifecycle model‟ starts with “A
partitioning of the life of a product, service, or
project into phases.
The definition of product lifecycle starts with
The period of time, consisting of phases, that
begins when a product or service is conceived
and ends when the product or service is no
longer available for use.”
These two simple definitions prompt the following
questions: What is a phase? Is it a period of time? Is
the notion of time crucial, or is just the notion of
sequentiality that is critical in characterizing a phase?
What distinguishes a product life cycle from a project
life cycle? The notion of „phase‟ is not defined in the
CMMI‟s glossary. We shall provide our own
definition in this paper and try to clarify these
concepts through distinctions.
Pedagogy is an essential aspect of understanding.
We certainly cannot expect that throwing a bunch of
definitions at someone will allow him to understand
them. No one can understand physics simply by
looking at all its laws. Pedagogy is an essential part
of communication which we shall try to use to the
best of our knowledge in this paper, but we forcefully
admit that it is a goal which one is never sure of
A precondition for the deployment of an IT
improvement or innovation is to have a precise
definition of the term lifecycle‟, applicable to
projects and products.
2.1 What is a Lifecycle?
Organizations, their products and projects go through
phases in their life, like living organisms in nature.
Following Humberto Maturana (Maturana, see ref),
we assume that time and space are not explanatory
principles in Management and Engineering. CMMI
definitions hint at time in the notion of phase, but
one cannot simply wait and let time pass to complete
a phase in an on-going project! Time and space are
basic concepts that are scientifically defined and
universally measured. Time can be measured for a
phase, but it does not constitute the main concept for
defining a phase. We define a phase as a
transformation of some inputs into some outputs. As
such, a phase can be represented by a function f, in
the traditional mathematical sense. The sequentiality
of phases can be represented by function
composition, typically noted , also in the
traditional sense. If there are n phases in some
lifecycle, then their composition is represented by
Function composition also takes into account the fact
that the output of one phase becomes the input of the
next phase. The actual transformation carried out by
a given phase need not be made explicit at this point.
Knowing that a given phase is represented by some
function is sufficient to precisely define the concept.
For example, the lifecycle of a butterfly
(metamorphosis) can be composed as follows: egg
becomes caterpillar (larva); caterpillar becomes
chrysalis (pupa); chrysalis becomes butterfly (adult);
this can be formalized as follows:
butterfly chrysalis caterpillar egg
Here, egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly are seen as
functions: egg is a function with no inputs (if one
want to abstract from its inception); hence, it is some
constant function. In the sequel, we shall use the
symbol “_” for function composition, which can be
also be used on words as function‟s signature.
Hence, our butterfly example can be formalized as:
A lifecycle model of a type of thing (a product, a
project …) is a composition of phases encompassing
the whole life of any instance of that thing.
Lifecycles models concern types, not instances;
instances are concerned with their own life, not with
cycles. Lifecycles are models used for planning in an
Should we want to make precise the notion of
typing, i.e. “is a”, used in the definition above, we
could use a mathematical notation to define its
properties (for example: typing transitivity).
When producing definitions in a given context,
one always have to judge the level of formality
needed and determine what is supposed to be known
from the reader and what isn‟t. This is a subjective
decision, but at least one must deliberately pay
attention to it, not simply overlook it. Our formal
language interpreter we mentioned in the
introduction can of course not afford to be given
expressions containing undefined operators. Hence,
there is a price to pay to use a completely
mathematical notation for computerized execution.
This is why we use a mixture of both in this paper.
2.2 Project Lifecycle
A project lifecycle model is a lifecycle model where
the type of thing is “project”. Following the
IEEE/EIA 12207 standard (Standard for Information
Technology-Software Life Cycle Processes, 1995),
an example of project lifecycle model could consist
of the following phases:
1. Feasibility Study and Planning;
2. Requirements Analysis;
3. Design;
4. Development;
5. Integration;
6. Verification & Validation;
7. Deployment;
8. Post mortem.
2.3 Product Lifecycle
A product lifecycle model is a lifecycle model where
the type of thing is product”. It is a model for
planning expected transformations of an on-going
A product lifecycle model could consist of the
following phases:
1. Vision and Architecture;
2. Design & implementation;
3. Testing and piloting;
4. Operation and Support;
5. Phase out.
3.1 Lifecycles of Project and Product
We haven‟t said so far what a project is and what a
product is. We know what a project lifecycle is: it is
simply an instance of a project life cycle model.
Similarly for product. Applying our definitions, we
know it will include a composition of phases, each
phase being a function that transforms some inputs
into outputs.
We saw that both project and product share the
same notion of life cycle model. So what
distinguishes them? First, they are of different types:
something cannot be a project and a product; this
means that we can establish a distinction between a
project and a product. This is the essence of a
distinction: if two concepts are distinct, then one
thing cannot be an instance of both at the same time.
In mathematical terms, we could say that project is a
type, and represent a type by a set. Then we could
state that distinction as follows:
project product = .
The simple notion of distinction, which most people
know from common sense, can be represented in
various forms in mathematics. This is another
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
argument for the use of plain natural language for
some aspects, because of its sheer concision and
3.2 Works of Project and Product
Work products are artefacts created or transformed
by actors working in an organization. Work products
intermediate interactions between actors, eventually
the same actor at different points of time. Work
products can be developed, maintained or acquired
by an organization.
A product is a work product that is delivered to a
customer; a product is either a good or a service.
A project is a managed set of interrelated actors,
work products and consumables. A project is never a
good, nor a service. Project and product are
connected in some other ways; for example: a project
delivers a product.
Both projects and products include work
products. Given a work product, it may belong to the
product or the project that delivers the product.
For instance, a class diagram of some design
component is a work product of a project and a
product. An iteration plan is a work product of a
project only; it bears no interest for the product itself.
In what follows, we make a distinction between
work products that belong to the project, and work
products that belong to the product.
3.3 Architecture and Work Units
Architecture is a discipline that addresses critical
product qualities and design constraints; architecture
provides views of the work products that belong to
the product into a set of models. A product
architecture model is a representation of the more
structural, stable and invariant aspects of the product.
Product architecture models describe a partition
of the product into work units.
A product P, partitioned into n work units inside
a product architecture model can be formalized by a
reunion operation:
P = (P
, … , P
3.4 Project and Product Arrangement
The decomposition of the product built by a project
changes at each phase of the Project lifecycle, as the
product evolves:
The partition of the product into work units
depends on the phase of the project
As mentioned earlier, a project lifecycle model is
a composition of phases:
A phase can be applied to 1 or many work
We can distinguish between different lifecycle
models by looking at how work units are grouped
and how phases are applied, which we called
henceforth an arrangement.
The choice between different arrangements
depends on the requirements for the project or the
preferences of the organization. For instance, the
following groupings, inducing different lifecycle
models, are often considered:
1. waterfall model
2. iterative, i.e. time-boxed;
3. incremental, i.e. by work units that deliver value;
4. frequent customer feedback;
5. just in time detailed requirements.
The waterfall model is characterized by the
following arrangement, where phases are
successively applied to the single group of work
, … , P
The incremental lifecycle model is characterized by
the following arrangement:
… ,
Interestingly, the end result is “equivalent” in either
case when these functional expressions are rewritten
according to the following simple laws:
1. Associativity: X_(Y_Z) = (X_Y)_Z
2. Factoring: (X_Y),(X_Z) = X_(Y, Z)
After applying law #1, m-1 times, the waterfall
arrangement is rewritten into:
_ …_L
, … , P
After applying law #2, n-1 times, the incremental
arrangement is rewritten into:
_ …_L
, … , P
Each phase has been applied to the initial work units
and their resulting work units. Of course, typically,
the phases of a waterfall model are not exactly the
same as those of an incremental lifecycle model.
Moreover, the result of applying
_ L
has a influence on the choice of P
. The feedback
obtained from the user after producing the output of
all phases on P
allows software developers to refine
the selection or definition of the work unit P
. In the
waterfall model, the sequence of function application
evaluation does not allow such refinement.
Modeling phases as functions allows a simple
reasoning of the behavior of phases, and to reason
about them. It also offers a concise and crisp
description of what a lifecycle model is all about.
In software engineering theory, there exists well
known lifecycle models and it is often assumed that
they are reused as is on projects. The reality is far
from that. Each project is almost unique. Lifecycle
models are never applied as is, but adapted to the
given context of a project. Each project may deserve
its own arrangement.
When a new project is planned in a large
organization, people from different backgrounds
(external consultants from various companies,
internal people from various department), are
grouped together for the duration of a project. Hence,
definitions of basic concepts must be made precise,
to guarantee some cohesion in the project team.
Thus, it is often assumed that everybody in the team
has the same vision of the lifecycle, because model
from the literature are considered to be applied
everywhere the same way. In practice, each
individual has its own interpretation of the standard
models according to his personal story.
4.1 How to Deploy an IT Innovation?
Deploying an IT innovation in an organization is a
significant challenge which must be addressed in a
methodical manner. An approach which is commonly
suggested is to build a “model” of the enterprise and
use it to plan the implementation of the innovation.
For instance, suppose a large bank wants to use a
new security architecture. Then, in this case, what is
a good model of the bank? It is pointless to start
modeling the bank for that purpose. Rather, what is
needed is a model of the things (products) that will
be impacted by this new innovation and a model of
the way (projects) this new innovation will be
deployed. Thus, this is why an organization needs
good maps of its existing products and projects.
Now, imagine the number of work products that one
has to analyze to conduct the impact analysis. Which
work products should be analyzed? Work products of
the products will be analyzed to see how the new
security architecture can affect them. Work products
of the on-going projects will be analyzed to see the
impact of changes on costs, schedules, and detailed
plans. These observations stress the importance of
distinguishing between projects and products, and
work products belonging to the projects and work
products belonging to the products.
The project responsible for introducing the IT
innovation will have to be structured in a very
specific way, according to the impact analysis
conducted. Its lifecycle model may be very different
from the existing projects. This again stresses the
fact that the arrangement of a project is very specific,
but surely inspired from generic project lifecycle
4.2 What is the Real Weigh
of Deploying an IT Innovation?
Table 1 (see next page) provides a structured list of
all activities for conducting the impact analysis on an
IS, based on the distinction between projects and
The real weigh of deploying an IT innovation is
the sum of the unitary weighs of all these activities
and their interactions.
This model is well adapted for Business
Information Systems, but not for real-time systems or
embedded systems, because they require a different
product lifecycle model.
In this paper, we have presented an approach to
technology evolution which is based on simple
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 1: Impact analysis activities for an IT innovation.
Vision & Architecture
Modeling Components Separation induced by
the candidate innovation
Modeling Components Reusability induced
by the candidate innovation
Design & implementation
Mapping existing systems concerned by the
candidate innovation (IT infrastructure,
applications and data bases)
Mapping existing business concepts concerned
by the candidate innovation (Data &
Test & pilot
Test cases dedicated to the candidate
Operation and Support
Models of Components needed for the
candidate innovation
Phase out
Models of Components needed for the
candidate innovation
On-going Projects Deployment
Impact Analysis of the candidate innovation
Starting-up Projects Deployment
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Project planning phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Requirements Analysis phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Design phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Development phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Integration phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Verification & Validation phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the
Deployment phase
Impact of the candidate innovation on the Post
mortem phase
concepts like definition and distinction. We
advocate that generic models often cited in the
literature cannot be reused as is in an organization,
but must always be interpreted and adapted, as it is
stated in a CMMI-based approach. In order to avoid
ambiguities, confusion and misunderstanding, an
organization must build its own models using simple
definitions. These will help it in implementing
improvements and innovations, by giving the ability
to conduct proper impact analysis. We favor the use
of mathematics whenever it can help in dispelling
Using definitions and distinctions is certainly not
a new approach. It is the basic foundation that any
systematic endeavor typically uses, like in science
and engineering. However, our experience is that it is
often overlooked by IT practitioners.
Our approach to innovation can be contrasted
with other approaches like enterprise architecture
(EA). Like us, EA favors the use of models and
proposes a process to conduct IT innovation. EA
architecture frameworks like TOGAF (TOGAF,
2009) provide a comprehensive set of generic models
and methods. Any potential user of TOGAF must
pick what is needed in this framework (it is too large
and too generic to be used as is). This is where we
fit, by stating that the basic concepts of these models
hould be adapted to the context of an organization
and well-defined, by applying definition and
George Spencer-Brown. Laws of Form. Allen and Unwin,
London, 1969.
Jean Maynier, Modélisation des liens sémantiques d‟un
langage métier, M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. Of Computer
Science, Université de Sherbrooke, 2003
CMMI® for Services, Version 1.2, Software Engineering
Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Humberto Maturana. The nature of Time,
Standard for Information Technology-Software Life Cycle
Processes, IEEE press, 1995.
TOGAF v9, The Open Group Architecture Framework,
The Open Group, 2009.