Reusing Semantic Search Engine Ontologies to Develop Multidimensional Schemas
Filippo Sciarrone and Paolo Starace
Business Intelligence Division, Open Informatica srl, Via dei Castelli Romani 12/A, Pomezia, Italy
Business intelligence, Data Warehousing, OLAP.
In this article we present a first experimentation of a Business Intelligence solution to dynamically develop
multidimensional OLAP schemas through a reuse of ontologies, stored in concept and relations dictionaries
and used by semantic indexing engines. The particular aspect of the proposed solution consists in the in-
tegration of semantic indexing techniques of non-structured documents, based on ontologies, with dynamic
management techniques of unbalanced hierarchies in a Data Warehouse. As a case study, we embedded our
solution into a real system, built for the analysis and management of experts’ curricula in an e-government
environment. We show how it is possible to automatically build OLAP dimensions, inheriting the hierarchic
structure of ontologies, with the goal of using the semantically indexed data to carry out multidimensional
OLAP analyses. The first experimental results are encouraging.
In this article we present a solution for the dy-
namic management of ontologies in a BI environ-
ment. The main features of our proposal concern the
development of a process to dynamically extract con-
cepts from a semantically indexed database. Our ap-
proach allows us to expand the traditional On Line
Analytical Processing (OLAP) analysis, in order to
design and build dimensions over ontologies. The ba-
sic idea of our work is a new methodology, aimed at
reusing predefined ontologies in a concept-based dic-
tionary to develop multidimensional OLAP schemas.
Dimensions are obtained from the structure of the
ontologies in a dynamical way, namely, by defining
only the root level of the very ontology and allowing
the system to build the cube dimension automatically.
Other studies carried out in this field focused on dif-
ferent aspects of this problem. Some aim at extracting
schemas without involving the human being. In this
context, sometimes ontologies are used to describe
the application domain (Simitsis et al., 2008; Skoutas
and Simitsis, 2006), to generate mediators (Critchlow
et al., 1998) and to semantically describe data sources
(Toivonen and Niemi, 2004) to support and automate
the definition of Extract Transform Load (ETL)
processes. In all such cases, the use of ontologies oc-
curs at a lower level in the application architecture
with respect to our.
The paper breaks down as follows: Section 2
presents a description of the Ontology Processing pro-
cess, that is, the characteristics of the integrated pro-
cesses on which this proposal is based, ranging from
the working hypotheses, to the treatment of Bridge
Tables. Section 3 gives a description of the case study
through which our proposal was tested. Finally, Sec-
tion 4 deals with the conclusions and sets the work to
be done in future.
In this section we present the paramount characteris-
tics of integrated processes supporting the treatment
and management of ontologies.
In order to try out our experiment in a real case, we
adapted our solution to a pre-existing system, imple-
mented to execute a two-step indexing process of non
structured documents in the three layers illustrated in
Figure 1. During the first step, from the unstructured
docs layer to the terms set layer, the engine, based on
the API of the Open Source search engine Lucene
indexed each document, thus obtaining a set of index-
terms. In the second step, from the terms set layer
Sciarrone F. and Starace P. (2009).
ONTOLOGICAL WAREHOUSING ON SEMANTICALLY INDEXED DATA - Reusing Semantic Search Engine Ontologies to Develop Multidimensional
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 315-318
DOI: 10.5220/0002307103150318
to the ontologies layer, these terms were contextual-
ized and associated with the concepts of predefined
Figure 1: The Two-Steps Indexing Process.
In order to integrate our module with the aforesaid
system, the following assumptions were imposed:
The concepts included in the dictionary were ex-
clusively linked by hypernymy and hyponymy re-
Each ontology was based on a hierarchic struc-
The aforesaid restrictions obviously entailed an
experimentation that was to be limited to the context,
albeit it could also go for other real cases.
In the case in point, an ontology is therefore to
be considered as the number of non uniform levels,
whose number may change and, above all, is not
known beforehand. In the development of our solu-
tion it was deemed crucial to make sure that the on-
tological tree be extracted dynamically, so as to make
the use of concepts as dimensions flexible and easily
adaptable. Representing an arbitrary and irregular hi-
erarchy is an intrinsically hard task in a relational en-
vironment. The adopted solution envisages the inclu-
sion of a bridge table between the concept dimension
and the facts table. In literature, Kimball suggests this
method to manage the dimensions that recursively re-
fer to records on the same table (Kimball et al., 1998;
Kimball and Ross, 2002). The goal of the bridge ta-
ble was to help the OLAP engine aggregate data more
Dynamic dimensions are generated starting from
the tree’s root concept. This is a central idea in the
project we are presenting. The goal is to uncouple the
user from the manual definition of hierarchies, plac-
ing him/her on a higher level in the application archi-
tecture. By doing so, the user may actually not know
the logical structure of the hierarchy because the latter
is defined automatically.
Figure 2 shows the entire process performed by
the overall system. In particular we developed a cus-
tom ETL module in order to integrate semantically in-
Figure 2: The Overall Process.
dexed data with operational ones. Particular attention
is to be given to the management of the ontologies’
structure. In order to ensure a hierarchic navigation it
is necessary to bring it back to a tree structure. The
presence of navigable cycles on the structures is ruled
out - even theoretically - from the typology of relation
existing between the concepts, i.e., the part of rela-
tion. One must therefore consider the management of
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG).
In this section we illustrate the Case Study, namely,
the integration of our module with the pre-existing
system and the OLAP engine. The proposed so-
Figure 3: The Computer Expert Ontology.
lution was implemented successfully in an experi-
mentation within a corporate context for the analysis
and semantic search of curricula of experts, through
data generated by a web application used in the e-
governance field. The web application indexed the
non-structured textual information contained in the
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
curricula uploaded by candidates submitting their ap-
plication for jobs offered by an Italian government
body. The application’s function was to retrieve the
information stored in these text documents, in order
to create a complete profile for the worker and make it
easier to be found. In this context we chose to define a
star-schema to show the application of the suggested
study. The experimentation parameters are the ones
shown in Table 1. We must point out that the system
works off-line with respect to the user: in this way all
the parameters shown in the Table do not affect the
on-line performance.
Table 1: The Experimental Parameters.
Variable Value
# curricula 150,000
# ontologies 10
# concepts per candidate >10
ontology extraction avg. time 10”
index cleaning avg. time 5’
3.1 An Ontology Star-schema Example
The ontology to be integrated in the schema was one
partially defined in a manual way (likewise, it could
be possible to choose a predefined one in the seman-
tic dictionary), whose contents provide a description
of the IT expert concept. The operational database
provides contents regarding the candidates’ personal,
working and academic data. We therefore thought it
would be interesting to show the relations existing be-
tween such data and a concept regarding a working
environment such as the chosen one. The structure of
the IT expert concept ontological tree is shown in Fig-
ure 3. Consistently with the limitations mentioned in
the previous paragraphs, the ontological graph results
in an oriented n-ary tree. To highlight the use of the
ontology, the star schema we chose to implement in-
volves this dimension only. The resulting schema is
shown in Figure 4. The measure on which the aggre-
gation is to be made is the number of candidates re-
ferring to the single concept. The resulting table will
therefore be a factless fact table (Kimball and Caserta,
2004). In this situation it is evident that managing
many-to-many relations is a crucial aspect, because a
superficial management of the issue inevitably leads
to an inconsistent result. Going further into detail,
the aforesaid problem is illustrated by referring to two
concepts stemming from the same parent concept. If
two stemming concepts were to simultaneously refer
to the same candidate, aggregating them to the parent
concept level would lead to wrong value. This is the
typical problem we come across in data warehousing
(Song et al., 2001; Golfarelli et al., 1998). Our pro-
posal doesn’t drift away from the issue. The problem
is neither worsened nor dampened, all its aspects are
inherited. It does occur more frequently however, be-
cause the tackled issues can be easily affected in this
regard. In fact, when addressing concepts such as hi-
erarchic dimensions, the use of many-to-many rela-
tions is frequent. The answer to the problem may be
searched, for example, in the weighted management
of the graph nodes (Song et al., 2001). The problem
does not exist if the concepts are on different levels
in the same branch, since it is possible to remove the
records that refer to the upper levels, thus maintaining
the result consistent with the interrogation level. The
dimensions that may be aggregated, both standard and
dynamic ones, are not number-limited, and this makes
the solution adaptable to any type of problem.
Figure 4: The Star-Schema with Bridge Table.
3.2 The OLAP module
The execution of the ETL process is ended by the
generation of a table of facts with a dimension stem-
ming from the IT expert concept. For its interroga-
tion we chose to use the OLAP MONDRIAN engine of
PENTAHO Business Intelligence Suite
. It was there-
fore necessary to create the required structures for in-
teraction with the specific interrogation tool which,
aside from the specific choice made in this example,
can be chosen without any particular restrictions. Re-
gardless of the choice, it is best to manage the cre-
ation of structures through a specifically-made solu-
tion, because necessities drift from the standard use
of the tools. The PENTAHO suite presents the data
Pentaho Business Intelligence Suite -
Ontologies to Develop Multidimensional Schemas
Figure 5: The Resulting Pivot Table.
processed by the OLAP MONDRIAN engine through
jsp libraries that generate pivot tables for the naviga-
tion of multidimensional cubes, making roll-up and
drill-down operations. The result obtained from the
navigation of the schema illustrated in the previous
paragraph is shown in Figure 5. In the image it is pos-
sible to notice that the quality of the ontologies con-
tained in the dictionary is the basic element for a good
performance of the presented information. Therefore,
the names in the attribute field have deliberately not
been refined, so as to highlight this aspect.
In this article we haveproposed a solution for the inte-
gration of indexing data generated by semantic search
engines and the re-use of ontologies defined in their
dictionaries as OLAP dimensions. The goal is that
of dynamically developingmultidimensional schemas
for BI applications regarding ontologies. We use this
technology to simplify the management of ontology-
based information and reduce, without bringing to
zero, human involvement. We could consider the idea
of implementing the studies mentioned in Section 1
to enhance the process generating ontology-based di-
mensions. The defined process is currently stable and
yields positive results in a company environment. Fi-
nally, the fact-definition process can be improved, ex-
tending the logic to the ”join” base of the data. In or-
der to provide a complete BI service, the system must
be able to make several types of aggregations, not just
the basic ones. As future work we plan the enhance-
ment of indexed data management, with the introduc-
tion of a Cache-Based engine, and on the resolution
of problems related to the management of many-to-
many relations.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval