Attempts at Interoperability
Daniel Martini and Mario Schmitz
Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL), Bartningstraße 49, Darmstadt, Germany
Agriculture, Interoperability, Service infrastructure, Web oriented architecture.
Agriculture presents itself as an interesting conglomerate of different domains. It is an intersection of a bunch
of natural sciences like biology, chemistry, geography with business, legal and political issues. As diverse
as the disciplines involved in agriculture are the demands on data management and exchange. This poses a
special challenge on interoperability of data formats and services. Additional requirements arise from the size
and structure of enterprises involved in farming and in provision of farm management information systems.
From our work in agricultural data exchange, we present experiences and try to derive how data standards
touching this domain should develop to allow for future interoperability.
Whereas other industries can produce under mostly
controlled conditions in closed systems like factories,
agriculture is embedded into a natural, economic and
political environment with diverse influencing factors,
some of them only partly well understood. Farm man-
agement today is the art of correct interpretation of a
variety of information from different sources describ-
ing this environment. Electronic data acquisition and
analysis play an increasing role for the farmer. How-
ever, data has to be retrieved from a number of places.
It has to be handed on to parties imposing differ-
ent requirements on structure or format than the ones
present during original production of the data. Differ-
ent analysis methods demand for different points of
view and aggregation of data. All this leads to ma-
jor challenges in interoperability and on how to build
service infrastructures in agriculture. Current state-
of-the-art is far from facilitating data exchange for the
farmer. There are diverse standards playing a role in
agriculture. A lot of the data items present are not
easily mapped from one to another either due to fine
semantic differences or inconcise conceptualizations.
As the farm management information systems devel-
opers cannot judge on these issues themselves either,
most decisions are left to the user leading to a lot of
human interaction in advance of a data exchange.
In this paper, we present the types of data, stan-
dards, requirements on service infrastructures and po-
tential uses of semantic technologies and ontologies
in agriculture. It is by no means an exhaustive sci-
entific analysis of the problem. Rather, the paper
shows experiences gained during standardization of
agroXML, an XML based standard in agriculture in
Germany. We will derive the need for action and pos-
sible further activities in the area of knowledge acqui-
sition and management in the agricultural domain.
2.1 Geographic Data
The field is the central production unit in arable farm-
ing. Even the basic geometry of the field has to be
considered to achieve optimum performance during
production. The decision into which direction to till
has a major influence on the economical outcome of
work procedures. New methods in farming like e. g.
precision farming continue to deliver an ever increas-
ing amount of spatially referenced data. Harvested
amounts per small scale area units are determined au-
tomatically by sensors in combine harvesters and later
on produced into maps. Future measures in the field
can be fine-tuned according to results gained from
analysing these maps. In some cases, an overlay with
further geographic data like e. g. remote sensing data
Martini D. and Schmitz M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 287-292
DOI: 10.5220/0002308202870292
or aerial imagery is necessary.
A lot of representational aspects of spatial data
are standardized by the Open Geospatial Consortium
(OGC). The Geography Markup Language (GML,
(Cox et al., 2004)) provides basic data types for spa-
tial objects like polygons, points and linestrings. The
standard is well designed allowing reuse of parts in
other XML based vocabularies using either profiles
or imports of necessary schema modules. However,
as such, it is a meta-standard. It does not say any-
thing about how to represent certain real world ob-
jects. If GML is to be used in a service, develop-
ers usually provide their own schema following the
feature-property model mandated by the specifica-
tions. While this ensures unified modelling proce-
dures, it does not provide for any kind of (automated)
interoperability between different OGC conformant
web services. Semantic interpretation and agreement
on the content delivered is up to the developers of the
systems which are to be connected.
2.2 Data on Operating Supplies
Operating supplies used in agriculture have a variety
of properties of interest to the farmer. In some of the
cases, this information is provided as a printed ac-
companying sheet. Seeds for example have to have
variety information and other quality parameters like
germinating capacity determined and printed onto la-
bels accompanying product batches. However, there
are also cases, where additional information might be
retrieved in digital form. Plant variety offices often
have further data on average quality parameters de-
rived from field trials. In Germany for example, this
information is available in downloadable comma sep-
arated value files.
In pesticide usage, the farmer has to follow appli-
cation rules. In most cases, properties of pesticides
necessary to correctly implement these rules like e. g.
the waiting period between application and harvest,
have to be published by agencies after tests and an
approval procedure. While this information can often
also be retrieved via the internet, it is in most cases
embedded in a poorly structured form into web pages
not ready for automated extraction and reuse in agri-
cultural software systems.
Roughly the same goes for veterinary drugs. Ap-
proval and application of pharmaceutics are strongly
regulated in Europe. A lot of data is available through
European Medicines Agency (EMEA), however doc-
uments are published in a variety of more or less
structured and standardized formats (Microsoft Word
or PDF files amongst them).
All in all, data as such is readily available. Lack-
ing are however machine-readable forms allowing for
reuse in decision support systems.
2.3 Laboratory and Animal Data
Results from laboratory analysis present a major part
of data in plant production (e. g. soil analysis) and
livestock farming. Milk recording and analysis is an
area, where mass data acquisition is quite common.
Using these data, the breeding value of single animals
can be determined by comparing to a large number
of individuals in the respective population. The algo-
rithms are complex and calculations are mostly done
as a service to farmers by computing centres run by
breeding associations. Data exchange for these ser-
vices is supported by a set of standards: ISO-17532
(ISOagriNet, (Internationals Standards Organisation,
2007)) provides the underlying protocol, whereas the
Agricultural Data Element Dictionary (ADED) pro-
vides the content. The data dictionary is separated
into a part providing data entities for exchange on the
national level and into another part providing inter-
nationally harmonized entities. There are two differ-
ent serializations for the format: ADIS/ADED and
XML/ADED. The protocol is record oriented and
tuned for bulk transfer of large amounts of data. As
such, it is not yet ready for easy integration into more
web-oriented data networks using standard internet
technologies. On-going work however tries to achieve
a more friendly serialization in the face of current de-
velopments in data exchange.
The problems faced by developers and users of
these standards currently mostly lie in the semantics.
The data dictionaries consist of a lot of entities and
items, and it is often difficult to judge, if the respec-
tive use case has already been worked on by another
group and if there are already items available, which
could be used. Also occuring is the case, that the same
item is used with different meanings in different con-
texts. It is currently not quite clear, how to solve these
2.4 Business Data
Apart from the work in the field or in the stable, the
farmer wants to generate an income for himself, his
workers and his family. In other words: he is involved
into economic activity and conducting business. Stan-
dards available in the financial sector are numerous.
However, in a lot of cases, they have a very clear and
limited scope. The Home Banking Computer Inter-
face (HBCI), the newer FinTS, Interactive Financial
Exchange (IFX) or Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
for example allow for conducting financial transac-
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
tions using a Personal Computer and a suited appli-
cation program. The interface standards are probably
of no larger relevance to the knowledge management
on a farm, as messages are short lived and are mainly
used to change or request state of bank accounts and
Completely different in this regard is the eXtensi-
ble Business Reporting Language (XBRL). It is a typ-
ical XML application in the sense that it is document
oriented and allows linkage between different sec-
tions of documents using standard technologies like
XLink. The scope is limited to business reports and
its use cases are well defined.
On the other hand, there are standards in the busi-
ness sector, which try to standardize on a syntax for
each and every use case one can think of. Within
thescope of UN/CEFACT standardization a number
of working groups are modelling use cases in all kinds
of domains, also in agriculture. The UN/CEFACT
XML Naming and Design Rules (Heilig et al., 2006)
derive in many ways from best practices recom-
mended by the W3C. It is very difficult to reuse
UN/CEFACT schemas together with other XML vo-
cabularies or the other way round. This is mostly due
to the fact, that most of the commonly used extension
mechanisms (like e. g. inheritance by extension, any-
Types etc.) are forbidden in the specification.
2.5 Supply Chain Data
As soon as primary production on the farm is fin-
ished, the goods enter the food chain. There again,
another set of standards becomes important, the ones
to identify and describe products in a supply chain.
The EPC bar codes are probably known to a broader
public from the local discounters cashier scanners.
However, the organization behind them, GS-1 also
produces standards for information systems and ser-
vices revolving around the product identification like
e. g. Electronic Product Code Information Services
(EPCIS, (EPCglobal Inc., 2007)). These standards
are also limited in scope, allowing for representation
of events and basic object data in the supply chain.
They are well suited to use cases in traceability of
agricultural goods, however difficulties to represent
events like distribution of larger amounts into smaller
batches (e. g. with bulk materials like cereals or with
carving up of animals after slaughter) or putting to-
gether ingredients to form another product prevent us-
age in some areas.
3.1 Requirements
In our experience, the most important requirement for
an information exchange infrastructure for agriculture
is simplicity. Most of the companies involved in pro-
duction of agricultural software are small and medium
sized enterprises. They can not afford to spend a lot of
resources on implementation of overly-complex pro-
tocols and standards. It is a major challenge to work
out the essential parts in standards and limit the num-
ber of degrees of freedom by providing a very generic
and simple set of specifications.
Another aspect e. g. in food traceability is (close
to) unlimited scalability. A lot of partners are involved
in the food chain from farm to fork. It has to be easy
to add further systems and data models to an infras-
Data security is also a major demand from the
agricultural community, at least in Europe. Data on
agricultural processes are treated as business secrets.
This is understandable from the viewpoint that the
buyer of agricultural products might use this informa-
tion to control prices to be paid to the farmer.
3.2 Possible Architecture
During a research project we were able to develop
a prototype fulfilling a large part of the above men-
tioned requirements.
The design of the system is based on a web-
oriented architecture (Jacobs and Walsh, 2004). It re-
lies on the usage of technology components standard-
ized by the W3C. Key concepts are globally unique
identification by URIs, web linking methods, XML
as format for the content and a simple protocol, re-
stricted to a few method invocations - currently the
Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
The content and document types delivered are
provided by agroXML. It offers the necessary ele-
ments and datatypes to be able to represent agricul-
tural issues in XML documents. agroXML is defined
by a set of XML Schemas and content lists. They
are available at and respectively.
Unique identification of resources is provided by
URIs. We have used the subset commonly known as
URLs, as the mechanism to dereference them is sim-
ple and standardized. To link documents in a service,
XLink (DeRose et al., 2001) is used.
Putting everything together, a ReSTful web ser-
vice is built. The term ReST is an acronym for Repre-
sentational State Transfer and has been introduced by
Roy Thomas Fielding (Fielding, 2000). It is based on
the assumption that with a few simple operations to
read and write data and a system changing its state
depending on the operations issued, any use cases
in communication can be represented. Variations of
this concept are a basic thread present in information
technology history up to now. The Turing machine
(Turing, 1936) already relied on this simple principle.
The SQL language common in database systems with
ations is built on this pattern. One of the principles in
early UNIX system development was ”everything is
a file”, thus allowing for manipulation of devices and
compute resources using simple file operations like
open, close, create, read and write. Later on, Kilov
coined the term Create-Read-Update-Delete-pattern
(CRUD, (Kilov, 1990)). The currently widespread
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP, (Fielding et al.,
1999)) is built around this assumption as well.
Developing a ReSTful web service involves dis-
tributing state and functionalities of a service across
a set of network objects. Objects are manipulated us-
ing only the small set of basic operations provided by
HTTP. This is in contrast to services using an RPC-
paradigm, where a single network object offers a large
number of method invocations.
For demonstration purposes, a prototype around
the following use case has been developed:
For a group of animals the fattening process is
The farmer puts together a batch for transport to
the slaughterhouse.
Data about the animals is readily available.
Data about the location, where the batch is built,
is readily available.
The task is to summarize the information about
this batch and present it in a machine-readable
form on the network.
The modules available in agroXML allowed for
building small, self-contained documents able to rep-
resent single objects involved as resources on the web.
For pigs, data concerning sex, eartag and events
related to the animal like weighing or feeding were
laid out in XML instances.
For the prototype, we could rely on unique iden-
tification of single animals. Nevertheless, it is also
possible to address groups of animals, if there are no
unique identifiers available. As a drawback, in the
latter case no data concerning a single animal can be
It is also possible to represent basic information
about the farm in agroXML instances. The objects
Farm and Pig become resources on the web by as-
signing URLs to them. To be able to build a batch,
the objects of which it is comprised must be linked in.
This is achieved by allowing XLinks from the batch
XML instance to point to the single animals contained
within and to the farm. The modelling is generic, so
that other objects might be batched as well by just
linking to them.
In total, the following URL-structure is used for
the service:
farm data:*
animal data:*
batch data:*
While in the example, all network objects in the
service are available on a single domain, the Xlinks
can in principle point anywhere. It is possible to in-
tegrate data offered on other servers of external infor-
mation providers into local applications.
The application shown could also have been built
using message-oriented remote procedure calls using
e. g. SOAP. For this to work, methods for adding pigs
to a batch and for retrieving batch data would have
to have been defined. However, as SOAP messages
are short-lived and as there is no standardized way to
reference objects it is very difficult to add further lay-
ers like e. g. a set of RDF (Ressource Description
Framework, (Klyne and Carroll, 2004)) statements to
relate resources to each other. In contrast, resources
in a ReSTful webservice are persistent from a clients
point of view. This can be the basis to build e. g.
a RDF triple store annotating resources with further
metadata or describing relationships between objects.
As URLs are the principle of identifying objects in
RDF as well as in ReSTful web services, the tech-
nologies play together quite well.
A further disadvantage of the message-oriented
approach using technologies like SOAP is, that the
method calls offered by the server and their parame-
ters have to be known to the client in advance. While
this is no problem as long as there is only a lim-
ited, strictly controlled set of services available (like
e. g. internal to an organisation), it leads to severe
difficulties if an unlimited set of applications is to be
added. While technologies like UDDI theoretically
could provide the necessary object and method publi-
cation functionality, in networks with a large diversity
of system environments dynamic binding of clients
during runtime is currently practically infeasible. In
contrast, in a ReSTful service network, a client can
navigate through an infinitely large set of resources
without requiring detailed knowledge of the complete
Tools to implement services like the one shown
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
are available for a variety of hardware platforms from
energy efficient mobile devices up to powerful server
machines and for almost every programming environ-
ment. Basically, only an implementation of HTTP
and an XML Parser is required. The implementation
is even possible with reasonable effort in lower level
programming languages e. g. as a server module to
the Apache webserver in C. Thus the architecture of-
fers the necessary simplicity required to work in en-
vironments like the farm, where the IT infrastructure
is not as sophisticated as in large enterprises. An ad-
ditional bonus comes from the fact, that ReSTful ser-
vices are - in contrast to services using RPC coded
in SOAP - cacheable, which allows them to be used
across high latency links with proxies and caches in
between client and server as often seen in rural areas
or developing countries.
4.1 Rule based Systems to Express
Legal Obligations
A rule based systems is used as a way to store knowl-
edge and to interpret information. Rules define IF-
THEN-terms and form a rule base. An inference en-
gine draws conclusions based on the rules together
with other information the facts. That means, if a
fact is given, we can deduce one or various other facts.
New facts could be interpreted by the rules in a second
cycle. The system has to know when all stop condi-
tions are complied and the result is calculated. Facts
are information needed by the system to draw conclu-
sions. These could be data collected from databases,
user-filled forms or external resources.
An example of such an engine currently in the
works looks upon the use case of a farmer wanting
to fill out a form to claim for crop subsidies. A rule
system, prepared for this procedure, could analyse all
information and help him to complete the form cor-
rectly. If he grows a crop that is supported by a spe-
cial programm, the system is able to interpret his in-
formation and point out the possibility to request this
support too.
The challenge with regard to creating these rule
sets currently are difficulties in transferring informa-
tion available on the farm mostly derived as docu-
mentation of practical work processes into a rep-
resentation according to the conceptual framework
given in the form. While there are for example code-
sets for crops available to facilitate handling by infor-
mation technology in the administration, they achieve
the opposite for the farm management information
system, in that they mangle and merge existing, sepa-
rate concepts like species, usage and receiver of a crop
or their superclasses into a single coded item. That
makes content mapping a very difficult and cumber-
some process often requiring human interaction.
In the future, a sophistcated rule system might go
a step further too. It can help to take decisions e. g.
what kind of fertilizer a farmer might need for a cer-
tain variety under certain weather conditions. Based
on the kowledge of an expert, the system knows the
best answer. The application chooses all conditions
IF-part of a rule concerning his case und makes
the right conclusion provided all important facts are
known and the rule base is large enough.
The rules should if posssible be expressed in
an almost natural language. The idea behind this is
that a domain expert should be able to create rules
in a language which a computer understands with-
out knowing programming languages. This makes the
system not only user friendly, but also flexible.
In such a system, the algorithms don’t depend on
the implementation or programmed code. With a rule
managing system, a domain expert can easily delete
or change old rules and add new rules to the applica-
Such a rule based system is comprised of four
main components:
1. a inference engine that interpretes a broad set of
2. a sufficiently large knowledge base to achieve sat-
isfying results.
3. a system that aggregates information and trans-
lates them in a form usable in the inference engine
4. a user interface for creating requests and adminis-
tering the rules
Such a system can only be established based on
networking and an exchange of standarized informa-
tion, such that different islands of technologies an
controlled vocabularies merge together.
All in all, agriculture provides an interesting play-
ground for knowledge engineering methods and tech-
nologies. As agriculture has to retrieve information
from a variety of sources in different domains, inter-
operability of standards is a major issue. Currently
missing is an approach at extensibility and the doc-
umentation and implementation of best practices for
and by standards developers satisfying the demands
of data exchange according to the world wide web’s
paradigms. Clarifications of semantics and methods
to handle small differences in semantics on transfor-
mation from one standard to another correctly are also
required in the future.
ReSTful web services provide the simplicity and
scalability required in future exchange of agricultural
data. They can be seen as a distributed dataset. A
system drawing logical conclusions from this dataset
comparable to datamining applications on relational
database systems could be built. Using technologies
like the web ontology language (OWL, (McGuinness
and van Harmelen, 2004)), rulesets could be loaded
on-demand by client applications for different pur-
poses. Expert systems providing agricultural exten-
sion services might profit from such an approach.
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KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development