Cristina Paludo Santos and Denilson Rodrigues da Silva
Departament of Engineering and Computer Science, URI University, Santo Ângelo, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge Representation, Ontology, Soil Chemical Analysis, Agricultural Domain.
Abstract: This article describes the interpretation and recommendation modules of the Ceres system, an Expert
System that supports the interpretation of soil samples, recommendation for lime, fertilizer and data
management using resources from expert system and database technologies. Among the requirements of the
application domain, it is the information analysis resulting from the interpretation process, which has the
purpose of finding the causes of productivity variation. This analysis makes possible human interaction in
the sense of preserving proprieties that favor the developing of vegetables. In this way, the Ceres system has
been proposed to assist experts on possible actions to be implemented to improve soil quality. The system is
compound by several modules that implement tools to analyse the different soil properties. The focus of this
paper is to analyze soil chemical aspects and the analysis tasks related to them. The modules proposed were
conceived with a knowledge base formed by ontology, an inference engine and an interface for external
Precision Agriculture is a set of procedures that aims
to manage a productive field, meter by meter,
considering the different characteristics of each
piece of the property (Roza 2000). In order to do so,
several techniques are applied, such as productivity
maps (Molin 2000), geological information systems
(Fileto 2005), and analysis for fertility, with the
objective of obtaining precise information about the
conditions of the property in the period before the
production cycle.
More specifically, the analysis for fertility
involves the study of the causes of the variation of
productivity and the development of vegetables in
the agricultural fields. For this, different factors
involved in the development of plants are examined
individually. Each study results in different sets of
analysis to be interpreted by specialists in the field.
In this way, the specialist is able to make decisions
related to the necessary actions for maintaining the
properties of soil fertility, to increase the
productivity and the environment preservation.
In this context, is proposed the Ceres System -
an expert system that supports the activities of
interpretation of the soil proprieties and recommends
the use of fertilizing. It integrates the benefits of the
database and expert system technologies to provide
facilities to information management by making
storage, access, data and knowledge application
easier in this domain.
The system is compound by 5 expert modules,
being presented in this paper the interpretation and
recommendation modules related to the soil’s
chemical aspects.
The next sections are organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the main characteristics of the
Ceres System and their architecture. Section 3
presents the knowledge representation emphasizing
the knowledge modeling involved in the
interpretation and recommendation modules and the
ontology implemented. Section 4 presents the
prototype developed. The main conclusions of the
work are presented in section 5.
Ceres is an expert system that automatizes the
activities of interpretation of the soil proprieties and
recommends the use of fertilizing, when necessary.
In this manner, the system receives soil’s
descriptions and makes interpretation according to
the knowledge acquired and formally represented in
the correspondent modules. Therefore, the inference
resultant of the interpretation process is used by the
recommendation module to indicate the actions to be
taken for the maintenance of soil fertility’s
Santos C. and da Silva D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 464-467
DOI: 10.5220/0002309304640467
properties. The data and information are preserved
to queries and used in the future.
The Ceres system is compound by three main
components: a symbolic processing; a database
system and a visual interface. The symbolic system
is the core intelligent of the system and consequently
is the main component of the architecture. The
function of this component is decomposed in five
modules, as presented in Figure 1. The
modularization of this layer allows the
implementation of specific knowledge to develop
the tasks related to each type of analysis.
The database system component stores all
descriptions managed by the system and the
structure of the knowledge base of the application
domain. This component is supported by a RDBMS
(Relational Data Base Management System) that
controls the access of the sample descriptions and
implements the integrity constraint of the model.
There is no domain knowledge in the system which
is not managed by the database module.
The third component – the user interface
supports the new soil sample description that will be
stored in the database system. The integrated
environment of multiple windows offered by the
system to the user allows the standardization and
facilitates the process of soil chemical analysis.
Figure 1: Ceres System Architecture.
The interpretation and recommendation modules
described were included in the symbolic system and
are represented in Figure 1 by dotted lines.
The system’s architecture supports expert system
and database functionality with high flexibility,
providing a reliable environment to help specialists
in reasoning with big amount of data. Besides, the
system is able to represent the knowledge preserving
the necessary semantic richness of the domain and
offers a user-friendly environment to accomplish the
complex task of soil analysis.
The knowledge acquisition was realized using the
following techniques: (a) Interviews with specialist
more than ten-year-experience, (b) bibliographical
study of the liming and fertilization manual
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 2004) and,
(c) analysis of a database containing 5,000 reports of
soil chemical analysis.
The studies, analysis and interviews enabled the
development of the ONIACHES - an ontology that
supports the systematization of the interpretation and
recommendation processes related to soil chemical
analysis task. The ontology created provides a
reference domain model that human and software
can refer to for several different purposes. A more
detailed description about the ontology ONIACHES
can be found in (SANTOS 2007).
To construct the ONIACHES it was used the
METHONTOLOGY (Gómez-Pérez 2003) and
CommonKADS (Schreiber 2000) methodologies.
METHONTOLOGY was adopted since it is more
expressive, predicts the integration of ontology,
provides good tools where it can be applied and it is
recommended by the FIPA (Foundation for
Intelligent Physical Agents). Inference structures are
used in order to describe the reasoning process,
according to CommonKADS methodology, which
allows the representation in knowledge level of the
relationship between rules for execution of the task.
In addition, to further specify the inferences realized
in knowledge level, knowledge graphs were
modelled (Leão 1990).
In summary, the following activities were
developed: (1) knowledge acquisition; (2)
elaboration of specification document; (3)
elaboration of terms glossary; (4) concepts
taxonomy modeling; (5) concepts dictionary
elaboration; (6) detailed definition of the
relationship (relation’s diagram and relation’s
dictionary); (7) detailed definition of the attributes
(attribute’s dictionary); (8) definition of instances
(instance’s dictionary); (9) inference structures
modeling; (10) definition of axioms and rules;
resulting in 17 elaborated documents.
The elaboration of these documents allows the
verification of the complexity and the real dimension
of the ontology. It also provided detailed and well
documented models contributing to a better
understanding of the area.
3.1 The Interpretation Module
The input data for the interpretation module are
derived from laboratory analysis performed on soil
samples. The laboratory analysis allows extract
soil’s chemical properties, such as PH, content of
clay, boron, copper, magnesium, potassium,
phosphorus and others. These properties should be
correlated to allow its interpretation.
To specify in detail the inferences realized in
knowledge level, 24 graphs were modelled, each one
representing different relations between the elements
involved in the interpretation process.
The knowledge base is formed by 125 instances
of concepts of the ontology to interpret the 15
attributes related to the interpretation task. The
inference employed in the process was represented
by rules definition. Ten rules were defined for the
representation of the inference inherent to the
interpretation process. In the documentation
generated, each rule has a name, a formal
expression, and the description of the variables used.
3.2 The Recommendation Module
The recommendation process supported by the Ceres
system involves the tasks of recommendation of
fertilizers and recommendation of liming. In order to
be possible to incorporate the recommendation
process in the system, it was necessary to extend the
ONIACHES integrating new concepts and giving
origin to a new version of the ontology.
As a whole, 634 new instances of concepts
related to recommendation process were created,
being 445 instances used to represent the task of
recommendation of fertilizers and 189 instances to
represent the task of liming recommendation. All the
instances are documented, including, to each one of
them, attributes, concepts and associated values.
The inference employed to the recommendation
process was represented by the definition of 27
rules. These rules handle the instances of concepts of
the ontology.
To establish the relationships between the
concepts involved in the ontology, a relation’s
diagram has been elaborated. It allows the
visualization of the existing independence between
the interpretation module and the recommendation
module. That is, the interpretation module can be
used without any relation to the recommendation
module. However, this is not the case of the
recommendation module, which has dependence of
the data come from the interpretation module. The
diagram has been elaborated with a schematic
approach, allowing a clearer vision of the concepts
and their roles in the application domain.
3.3 The Ontology Implementation
It was possible to instance the knowledge base from
the modelled and documented knowledge. The base
has been constructed with the support of the Prote
Edition Tool (Noy 2003) version 3.3, which supports
the methodology chosen, allows automatic
documentation, facilitates the integration of
ontology and gives support to the importation and
exportation in several formats, as OWL (Web
Ontology Language) and RDF Schema. The use of
Protégé made it possible the edition of concepts
taxonomy, relationships and attributes of the
ontology and the instantiation of 759 concepts
related to interpretation and recommendation
To realize the inference process, Algernon
(Hewett 2004) has been used, an inference engine
which uses a rules-based language capable of
manipulating the knowledge bases instantiated in the
Protégé. Algernon was chosen for the following
reasons: (i) it is an open source tool; (ii) it has good
documentation available; (iii) it supports the
backward chaining and forward chaining methods;
(iv) it is developed in the same language that Protégé
and, (v) it has maturity enough to be used and
encapsulated in an application.
The characteristics described above about
Protegé and Algernon tools enabled the development
of software that encapsulates the complete structure
of symbolic data processing in an expert system able
to realize the task in accordance with the knowledge
modeled in the ontology.
With the aim of modelling the system’s prototype, it
was used UML language, which has enough
representativeness and wide documentation
available. The use case diagram, component diagram
and class diagram were elaborated to document the
system’s prototype. The prototype was implemented
in Java language allowing the encapsulation of
Protégé and Algernon technologies in a single
application. The component’s structure supported by
prototype is presented in Figure 2.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Component’s Structure.
After the implementation of the specialist
system, usability and functionability tests were
performed in order to validate the prototype. In this
sense, tests evidenced, satisfactorily, validity and
reliability in the tool use.
The use of geoprocessing techniques and Global
Positioning System, along with traditional
techniques to collect data is providing a new view on
the agricultural process. In this context, this work
provides relevant contributions to the application
domain. The contributions can be described in two
a) By Ceres System - The application developed is
capable of assisting specialists by providing
facilities to interpret soil analysis and to recommend
the use of fertilizers and limestone, quickly and
reliably. This contribution should be highlighted in
view of the lack of computational solutions in the
application domain, especially in the region where
the system proposed is being used. In this way, the
existence of computational solutions to facilitate the
process is a valuable contribution to the application
domain. Another benefit of the system is the
viability of the use associated to the technologies
used. This allows the development of other
ontologies that will integrate the knowledge base
similarly as presented.
Besides, the knowledge base handling and
instantiated in Protégé through Algernon has
resulted in a reduced number of necessary rules to
inference. This occurs due to the direct use of the
ontology in reasoning execution and by semantic
representativity between the terms defined in the
b) By knowledge formalized - The ontology
proposed will allow the development of other
computer applications where the knowledge
modelled also may be used, i.e. the ontology may
provide, as many would hope, the needed
methodology and standard to achieve the objective
of building flexible solutions. Actually, the ontology
has 759 instances of concepts that address of the
interpretation and recommendation processes,
considering the soil’s chemical aspects.
Finally, the work proposed presents benefits in
the computational context by providing modelled,
formalized and validated knowledge contributing to
the development of the new applications in the
agricultural domain. Also, it provides a framework
already validated using technologies combined that
produces good results. On the other hand, to the
agricultural domain, this work contributes by
providing a powerful tool to help the specialist in the
recommendation and interpretation processes,
making them faster and more reliable.
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