Figure 2: Component’s Structure.
After the implementation of the specialist
system, usability and functionability tests were
performed in order to validate the prototype. In this
sense, tests evidenced, satisfactorily, validity and
reliability in the tool use.
The use of geoprocessing techniques and Global
Positioning System, along with traditional
techniques to collect data is providing a new view on
the agricultural process. In this context, this work
provides relevant contributions to the application
domain. The contributions can be described in two
a) By Ceres System - The application developed is
capable of assisting specialists by providing
facilities to interpret soil analysis and to recommend
the use of fertilizers and limestone, quickly and
reliably. This contribution should be highlighted in
view of the lack of computational solutions in the
application domain, especially in the region where
the system proposed is being used. In this way, the
existence of computational solutions to facilitate the
process is a valuable contribution to the application
domain. Another benefit of the system is the
viability of the use associated to the technologies
used. This allows the development of other
ontologies that will integrate the knowledge base
similarly as presented.
Besides, the knowledge base handling and
instantiated in Protégé through Algernon has
resulted in a reduced number of necessary rules to
inference. This occurs due to the direct use of the
ontology in reasoning execution and by semantic
representativity between the terms defined in the
b) By knowledge formalized - The ontology
proposed will allow the development of other
computer applications where the knowledge
modelled also may be used, i.e. the ontology may
provide, as many would hope, the needed
methodology and standard to achieve the objective
of building flexible solutions. Actually, the ontology
has 759 instances of concepts that address of the
interpretation and recommendation processes,
considering the soil’s chemical aspects.
Finally, the work proposed presents benefits in
the computational context by providing modelled,
formalized and validated knowledge contributing to
the development of the new applications in the
agricultural domain. Also, it provides a framework
already validated using technologies combined that
produces good results. On the other hand, to the
agricultural domain, this work contributes by
providing a powerful tool to help the specialist in the
recommendation and interpretation processes,
making them faster and more reliable.
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