Pablo L´opez-Garc´ıa
, Eduardo Mena
and Jes´us Berm´udez
University of the Basque Country, P
Manuel Lardizabal 1, San Sebasti´an, Spain
University of Zaragoza, Mar´ıa de Luna 1, Zaragoza, Spain
Ontology engineering, Knowledge representation.
Ontologies are the mean proposed by the Semantic Web to manage the knowledge of a system. In the software
development industry, however, there is another de facto standard set of modeling techniques, methodologies
and tools. Reasons for that issue might include technological challenges still to be solved, but also the need of
a deep understanding of ontology modeling and the role that the ontology itself should play.
In this paper we show that: 1) building an ontology is an error-prone task that might hide unexpected difficul-
ties even when the ontology is apparently complete and correct, and 2) there is a tendency to misunderstand
the role of ontologies when compared to other technologies such as relational databases, forgetting the benefits
and strengths of combining both. For such a task, we develop and analyze a case study information system to
recommend recipes and menus. We detect, classify and propose solutions to unexpected design pitfalls.
The Semantic Web proposes ontologies (Gruber,
1993) as the main knowledge management paradigm.
Using Description Logic (DL) and a DL rea-
soner (Baader et al., 2003), inconsistencies in the
ontology model can be detected and current and fu-
ture concepts, roles, and instances classified. On-
tologies are therefore excellent candidates for knowl-
edge representation in information systems (Guarino,
1998). In the software development industry, how-
ever, knowledge about the original domain is gen-
erally split in a plethora of ad-hoc, hard-coded, and
hardly-reusable parts of the system (object methods,
database triggers, stored procedures, etc.).
The reasons for reluctance towards ontologies
might be argued as practical and technological (Noy
and Klein, 2004) but another very important set of
conceptual difficulties arises: A deep understanding
of ontology modeling and the role that the ontology
itself should play are required when using ontologies
in information systems.
In this paper we show that: 1) building an ontol-
ogy is an error-prone task that might hide unexpected
difficulties, even when the ontology is apparently
complete and correct, and 2) there is a tendency to
misunderstand the role of ontologies when compared
to other technologies such as relational databases, for-
getting the benefits and strengths of combining both.
For such a task, we analyze a case study information
system to recommend recipes and menus.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2 we introduce the features that the case study
should show. In Section 3 an ontology model for that
problem is given. In Section 4 we expose the diffi-
culties found, we provide a classification for them de-
pending on their scope, and we show our approach
to overcome them. Section 5 discusses related work.
Conclusions and future work appear in Section 6.
As a motivating case study, we would like to de-
velop an information system to recommend recipes
and menus. The system should make recommenda-
tions based on some restrictions given by the user,
such as the following:
A) Suggestion of recipes by ingredients. The sys-
tem should help users in selecting a menu, suggesting
López-García P., Mena E. and Bermúdez J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 468-471
DOI: 10.5220/0002309604680471
recipes that can be prepared given a list of certain in-
gredients or more complex constraints. The system
should suggest all the recipes that satisfy that con-
straints. The user would also like to know if, given a
set of ingredients he can prepare some specific recipe.
B) Suggestion of recipes by guests. The sys-
tem should help users interested in preparing a menu
for some invited guests that might have special food
needs (e.g. vegetarians, people with celiac disease,
etc.). As in the previous case, the user is also inter-
ested in knowing whether a given recipe is suitable
for a certain kind of guest.
Given the functionalities described above, the sys-
tem needs to have some knowledge about the domain
to provide suggestions and to tell if a suggestion given
by the user meets certain restrictions. As the number
or complexity of restrictions grows, the system also
becomes increasingly more useful to users.
Throughout the rest of the paper we design the knowl-
edge model of the system. We use the description of
functionalities A) and B) and the considerations de-
scribed in Section 2 as a base to build the knowledge
Note that there are some particular issues in our
system that advise against the use of some technolo-
gies: 1) Storing deep hierarchical structures using re-
lational databases is a hard task (Lien, 1981); 2) In
an object-oriented database classes are not based in
descriptions and nothing can be inferred automati-
cally. Knowledge could be explicitly programmed in
terms of triggers, stored procedures, or business logic.
However, we are not interested in building a system
for a closed and hard-coded predefined set of restric-
There are still research efforts being done
on devising methodologies for creating ontolo-
gies (Gomez-Perez et al., 2004). These methodolo-
gies include a phase for enumerating important terms
and relationships of the domain. We do so in the fol-
lowing subsections, following the considerations de-
scribed at the beginning of this section.
3.1 Concept Menu
We include knowledge about menus by creating a
top Menu concept in the ontology. We use a has-
Course role to model different menus depending on
the recipes that compose them. An example of an in-
teresting description for a menu is the following:
Menu and
hasCourse some(Recipe and HealthyRecipe and MainCourse)
and hasCourse some(Recipe and Vegetable and Dessert)
and hasCourse max 2
Note that menus are mainly described in terms of
3.2 Concept Recipe
Recipe is another top concept in our ontology. We
model the relationship between a recipe and its ingre-
dients with the hasIngredient role and the hasMain-
Ingredient subrole. In these terms, an example of an
interesting recipe is the following:
Recipe and
hasIngredient only (Poultry or Vegetable) and
hasMainIngredient some Poultry and
hasIngredient min 5
Note that recipes are mainly described in terms of
3.3 Concept Guest
We use the Guest concept to capture the notion of peo-
ple with special food needs, being another top concept
in our ontology. As an example, a vegetarian can be
described as a person who can only eat ingredients
from plant origin. This can be modeled with the fol-
lowing description:
Vegetarian Person and canEat only PlantOrigin
Note that guests are described in terms of ingredi-
ents or indirectly in terms of nutrients.
3.4 Concepts Ingredient and Nutrient
Ingredients are needed to classify other concepts
(Recipe and Guest), and nutrients are useful to clas-
sify ingredients. The hasNutrient role captures this
relationship. A sample description of an ingredient is
the following:
Ingredient and hasNutrient some Protein
and hasNutrient some Carbohydrate
The top-most terms of the ontology that results af-
ter a first attempt are shown in Figure 1.
This knowledge model seems to be adequate as
a description of the domain presented in Section 2,
since it includes the main concepts and properties
needed to respond to the needed functionalities.
Primitive Concept
Term Subsumption
Figure 1: Top ontology for the menu recommendation sys-
In this section we review our first model in search
of hidden pitfalls using the following questions as a
guideline to check if a concept is a good candidate to
be included in our ontology:
1. Will instances of the concept be considered? How
will instances be introduced into the system?
2. Does the concept need to be classified?
3. Does the concept directly help to classify another
concept? How?
4. What are the relationships between that concept
and the rest of the concepts?
4.1 Useless Concepts: Guest
No one is going to introduce instances of Guest (ques-
tion 1). The system is not interested in telling whether
a specific person is a vegetarian or not (question
2). Guest, as is, is of no use to classify other con-
cepts (question 3). Guests are related with ingredi-
ents (question 4) to capture the knowledge that certain
guests can or cannot eat. This represented knowledge
must not be removed but is not modeled correctly: A
Guest concept is not needed.
The first steps towards solving the problem are: 1)
to identify the useless concept (Guest), 2) to iden-
tify the featuring concept that needs to be classified
(Recipe), and 3) to identify the link between both (In-
gredient). Once all those concepts are identified, the
solution is to translate the knowledge of the concept
in terms of the concept to be suggested, as in the fol-
lowing example:
Ingredient and PlantOrigin
Recipe and hasIngredient only IngredientForVegetarian
Once the knowledge has been transferred, the mis-
placed concept can be removed.
4.2 Concepts with No Instances: Menu
There will be no instances for the Menu concept
(question 1), because that would imply introducing
menus in a system whose goal is to generate menu
suggestions. Menus, however, can be described in
terms of recipes (question 4) as exposed in Section 3.
The system should not classify menus (question 2)
and Menu does not help in the classification of other
concepts either (question 3), so Menu is useless as a
concept in the ontology.
How can instances be generated and knowledge
about menus used? Two solutions arise: A) To out-
source that knowledge outside the ontology as an ad-
hoc template of the user interface. With this approach,
however, knowledge about menus is kept outside the
ontology. This is the solution we propose. B) A more
interesting solution consists in maintaining the con-
cept in the ontology and building the user interface
template automatically. However, this task depends
on the concrete language used for descriptions and its
semantics, being a task outside the scope of this work.
4.3 Role Fillers and Extension Size
The proposed ontology plays a key role in terms of
providing knowledge useful for reasoning. However,
there exist additional issues to take into account for
an information system to be practical:
1. The size and type of role fillers may severely af-
fect reasoning from a practical point of view. Let
us consider, for example, that in our case study a
user wants to consult a high-resolution picture for
each recipe. Storing this kind of values in the on-
tology provides no benefit for reasoning purposes
but will unnecessarily increase the size of the on-
2. Query-answering information systems, such as
our case study, become more useful as the amount
of knowledge increases: A menu recommender
system with just a few or similar recipes to sug-
gest has no interest at all because human users
could manage that knowledge easily by them-
selves. Therefore, the system needs to take
into account that a high number of instances in
terms of recipes, ingredients and nutrients will be
loaded. These instances should be obtained from
external, high-quality, existing sources.
Huge role fillers and a huge number of instances
can be stored in a relational database and can be ac-
cessed from the ontology.
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In (Allemang and Hendler, 2008) there is a complete
chapter dedicated to specific good and bad modeling
practices. In our paper, however, we identify situa-
tions that can be generalized and we propose a solu-
tion for each one. We do not study the problem of
correctly expressing what we mean but the problem
of detecting if what we mean is useful for the system
we are trying to build.
In (Rector et al., 2004) common errors and pat-
terns in the use of OWL-DL are presented by study-
ing a well-knownOWL ontology about pizzas. On the
contrary, the goal of our paper is focused on discover-
ing pitfalls in complete and correct ontology models.
(Noy and McGuinness, 2001) is centered in con-
structing a sound ontology from scratch, without ref-
erences to other popular modeling techniques such as
the object model that may result in modeling pitfalls.
In our paper we work throughout a complete example
and we make a deep analysis to detect hidden concep-
tual errors.
By creating a system to recommend recipes and
menus we have shown, firstly, that correctly repre-
senting knowledge of a domain with an ontology does
not imply that all parts of the model, as is, are use-
ful for reasoning purposes, since some terms might
need to be reformulated in terms of the part of the on-
tology used for reasoning. Secondly, that sometimes
it is not useful to model interesting knowledge using
an ontology because the system does not have to ac-
cess to instances but to generate them. And thirdly,
that when designing ontology-driveninformation sys-
tems, ontologies should be used to capture knowledge
and relational databases should be used to store huge
quantities of data or data that is not useful for reason-
ing purposes.
As future work, by using new case studies we plan
to detect more unexpected pitfalls that are not de-
scribed in current modeling methodologies.
This work was supported by grant TIN2007-68091-
C02-01 from MICINN (Ministerio de Ciencia e Inno-
vaci´on) of the Spanish Government.
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