Marco Remondino and Nicola Miglietta
e-business L@B, University of Turin, Italy
Keywords: Reinforcement learning, Action selection, Bias, Ego biased learning.
Abstract: In agent based simulations, the many entities involved usually deal with an action selection based on the
reactive paradigm: they usually feature embedded strategies to be used according to the stimuli coming from
the environment or other entities. This can give good results at an aggregate level, but in certain situations
(e.g. Game Theory), cognitive agents, embedded with some learning technique, could give a better
representation of the real system. The actors involved in real Social Systems have a local vision and usually
can only see their own actions or neighbours’ ones (bounded rationality) and sometimes they could be
biased towards a particular behaviour, even if not optimal for a certain situation. In the paper, a method for
cognitive action selection is formally introduced, keeping into consideration an individual bias: ego biased
learning. It allows the agents to adapt their behaviour according to a payoff coming from the action they
performed at time t-1, by converting an action pattern into a synthetic value, updated at each time, but
keeping into account their individual preferences towards specific actions.
Agent Based Simulation (ABS) is one of the most
interesting paradigms to represent complex social
systems. They allow to capture the complexity by
modeling the system from the bottom, by defining
the agents’ behaviour and the rules of interaction
among them and the environment. ABS, in this field,
is not only about understanding the individual
behaviour of agents, or in optimizing the interaction
among them, in order to coordinate their actions to
reach a common goal, like in other Multi Agent
Systems (MAS), but above all it’s about re-creating
a real social system (e.g.: a market, an enterprise, a
biological system) in order to analyze it as if it were
a virtual laboratory for experiments. Reactive agents
or cognitive ones can be employed in multi agent
systems (Remondino, 2005); while the former model
deals with the stimulus-reaction paradigm, the latter
provides a “mind” for the agents, that can decide
which action to take at the next step, based on their
previous actions and the state of the world. When
dealing with the problem of action selection,
reactive agents simply feature a wired behaviour,
deriving from some conditional embedded rules that
cannot be changed by the circumstances, and must
be foreseen and wired into them by the model
designer. Reactive agents are good for simulations,
since the results obtained by employing them are
usually easily readable and comparable (especially
for ceteris paribus analysis). Besides, when the
agent’s behaviour is not the primary focus, reactive
agents, if their rules are properly chosen, can give
very interesting aggregate results, often letting
emergent system properties to come out at a macro
level. Though, in situations in which, for example,
learning coordination is important, or the focus is on
exploring different behaviours in order to
dynamically choose the best one for a given state, or
simply agent’s behaviour is the principal topic of the
research, cognitive agents should be employed,
embedded with some learning technique. Besides, if
the rules of a reactive agent are not chosen properly,
they bias the results; being chosen by the designer,
they thus reflect her own opinions about the
modeled system. Since many ABS of social systems
are formulated as stage games with simultaneous
moves made by the agents, some learning techniques
derived from this field can be embedded into them,
in order to create more realistic response to the
external stimuli, by endowing the agents with a self
adapting ability. Though, multi-agent learning is
more challenging than single-agent, because of two
complementary reasons. Treating the multiple agents
Remondino M. and Miglietta N. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 534-539
DOI: 10.5220/0002311405340539
as a single agent increases the state and action
spaces exponentially and is thus unusable in multi
agent simulation, where so many entities act at the
same time. On the other hand, the actors involved in
real Social Systems have a local vision and usually
can only see their own actions or neighbours’ ones
(bounded rationality) and, above all, the resulting
state is function of the aggregate behaviours, and not
of the individual ones. While, as discussed in
Powers and Shoham (2005), in iterated games
learning is derived from facing the same opponent
(or others, sharing the same goals), in social systems
the subjects can be different and the payoff is not a
deterministic or stochastic value coming from a
payoff matrix, but rather a variable coming from the
dynamics of interaction among many entities and the
environment, not necessarily contained within a pre-
defined scale. Besides, social models are not all and
only about coordination, like iterated games, and
agents could have a bias towards a particular
behaviour, preferring it even if not the best of the
possible ones. In the following paragraph evidence
is given, coming from Behavioural Finance (BF),
that human beings are not completely rational and
are often biased in their perceptions.
The purpose of this work is not that of supplying
a optimized algorithms; instead, the presented
formalisms mimic the real cognitive process by
human agents involved in a social complex system,
when they face an individual strategic decision.
The work is divided in two parts: in the first part
the most important cognitive distortions analyzed by
BF are introduced, while in the second part a novel
technique is introduced, which keeps into account
some of the described perception errors.
The classic theory about expected utility supposes
the presence of optimizing behaviours and of
complete decisional rationality for the individuals.
This is not always true in the real world and many
empirical evidences prove that the economic agent
features systematic distortions, compared to the
prescriptions coming from the theories of markets
efficiency. This is studied and formalized by BF.
The cognitive distortions taking part in human
behaviour are divided into three categories: the
heuristics, the biases, and the framing effects.
Heuristics are rules proposed to explain how
individuals solve problems, give judgments, take
decisions when facing complex situations or
incomplete information. The justification for their
existence is founded on the assertion for which the
human cognitive system is based on limited
resources and, not being able to solve problems
through pure algorithmic processes, uses heuristics
as efficient strategies for simplifying decisions and
problems. Even if they succeed in most cases, they
could bring to systematic errors. At a psychological
level, when the number and the frequency of
information increases, the brain tries to find some
“shortcuts”, allowing to reduce the elaboration time,
in order to take a decision anyway. These shortcuts
are defined heuristics (or rules of thumb). On one
side, they allow to manage in a quick and selective
way the information; on the other side, they could
bring to wrong or excessively simplified
conclusions. The most significant heuristics are:
representativeness, availability and anchoring. The
first shows how agents tend to make their choices on
the basis of stereotypes that could lead to errors
caused by wrong estimates. When referring to the
availability, the individuals tend to assign a
probability to an event, based on the quantity and on
the ease with which they remember the event
happened in the past. Once again, the heuristic error
is the consequence of a simplified cognitive model.
Anchoring it the third heuristic behaviour that could
generate errors in the decision process; it’s the
attitude of the individuals to stay anchored to a
reference value, without updating their estimates.
It’s at the bases of conservative attitudes often
adopted by economic agents. Last but not least, also
“affect heuristics” could impact decision making; by
following their emotions and instincts, sometimes
more than logically reasoning, some individuals
could decide to perform a decision in a risky
situation, while not to perform it in other –
apparently safer – ones.
The biases are distortions caused by prejudices
towards a point of view or an ideology. Bias could
be considered a systematic error. The most common
biases are the over-optimism, confirmation bias,
control illusion, and the excessive self-confidence.
Many individuals have excessive confidence in their
own means, thus overestimating their capabilities,
knowledge and the precision of their information.
Confirmation bias is a mental process which consists
in giving the most importance, among the
information received, to those reflecting and
confirming the personal believes and, vice versa, in
ignoring or debasing those negating inner
convictions. On the contrary, the hindsight bias
consists in the error of the retrospective judgment,
i.e.: the tendency of people to erroneously believe,
after an event has taken place, that they would have
been able to correctly predict it a priori. Another
basic behavioural principle is the so called “aversion
to ambiguity”, often referred to as “uncertainty
aversion”. This can be synthesized in the sentence
People prefer the familiar to the unfamiliar” and
describes an attitude of preference for known risks
over unknown risks, which can bring people to
running an higher, though known, risk, over a
potentially lower, but unknown, one.
That it is not the same as “risk aversion”, which
is the reluctance of a person to accept a bargain with
an uncertain payoff rather than another bargain with
a more certain, but possibly lower, expected payoff.
The term “framing” is referred to a selective
influence process on the perception of the meaning
of words and sentences; these distortions are
derived from Prospect Theory, whose aim is to
explain how and why the choices are systematically
different from those predicted by the standard
decision theory.
Prospect Theory is alternative to that of
Expected Utility, when it comes to understanding
the human behaviour under uncertainty conditions,
and adopts an inductive and descriptive approach.
This theoretical foundation can be interpreted as a
synthetic representation of the most significant
anomalies found in decisional processes under
Some behaviours have been seen as violations to
the Expected Utility: the certainty effect, the reflect
effect and the isolation effect. The certainty effect is
referred to the fact that, when facing a series of
positive results, people tend to prefer those
considered as certain or almost certain, when
compared to others with an higher expected value,
but not certain. Many other important framing
effects are derived from the certainty effect, e.g.:
aversion to certain lost, bringing people to secure
choices, even if less economically worthy.
The reflect effect happens when turning the
previous situation upside down, i.e.: instead of
considering the probability of a positive outcome,
that of a negative outcome is indeed considered.
While when considering positive situations the
individuals are risk-averse, they tend to become risk-
seeking when all the alternatives seem to be negative
(they often choose the least certain ones, even when
apparently worst, possibly hoping that they will turn
less negative). Isolation effect is the tendency to
disregard the common elements among more
possible choices, just focusing on the differential
elements. This can lead to errors, since apparently
equal aspects of different situations can be indeed
different: there could be several ways to decompose
a real problem, and many situations are indeed
complex, thus stressing the interaction among the
In the following paragraphs, Reinforcement
Learning (RL) is formally described as a technique
for learning in artificial agents, and then a new
approach is introduced, with the aim of injecting
some of the analyzed perception errors in the
existing algorithms.
Learning from reinforcements has received
substantial attention as a mechanism for robots and
other computer systems to learn tasks without
external supervision. The agent typically receives a
positive payoff from the environment after it
achieves a particular goal, or, even simpler, when a
performed action gives good results. In the same
way, it receives a negative (or null) payoff when the
action (or set of actions) performed brings to a
failure. By performing many actions overtime (trial
and error technique), the agents can compute the
expected values (EV) for each action. According to
Sutton and Barto (1998) this paradigm turns values
into behavioural patterns; in fact, each time an action
will need to be performed, its EV, will be considered
and compared with the EVs of other possible
actions, thus determining the agent’s behaviour,
which is not wired into the agent itself, but self
adapting to the system in which it operates.
Most RL algorithms are about coordination in multi
agents systems, defined as the ability of two or more
agents to jointly reach a consensus over which
actions to perform in an environment. In these cases,
an algorithm derived from the classic Q-Learning
technique (Watkins, 1989) can be used. The EV for
an action –
is simply updated every time the
action is performed, according to the following,
reported by Kapetanakis and Kundenko (2004):
Where 01 is the learning rate and p is the
payoff received every time that action a is
performed. This is particularly suitable for
simulating multi stage games (Fudenberg and
Levine 1998), in which agents must coordinate to
get the highest possible aggregate payoff. For
example, given a scenario with two agents (A and
B), each of them endowed with two possible actions
respectively, the agents will get a
payoff, based on a payoff matrix, according to the
combination of performed actions. For instance, if
are performed at the same time, both
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
agents will get a positive payoff, while for all the
other combinations they will receive a negative
reward. ABS applied to social system is not
necessarily about coordination among agents and
convergence to the optimal behaviour, especially
when focusing on the aggregate level; it’s often
more important to have a realistic behaviour for the
agents, in the sense that it should replicate, as much
as possible, that of real individuals. The
aforementioned RL algorithm analytically evaluates
the best action based on historical data, i.e.: the EV
of the action itself, over time. This makes the agent
perfectly rational, since it will evaluate, every time
he has to perform it, the best possible action found
till then. If this is very useful for computational
problems where convergence to an optimal
behaviour is crucial, it’s not realistic when applied to
a simulation of a social system. In this kind of
systems, learning should keep into account the
human factor, in the shape of perception biases,
distortions, preferences, prejudice, external
influences and so on. Traditional learning models
represent all the agents in the same way – i.e.: as
focused and rational agents; since they ignore many
other aspects of behaviour that influence how
humans make decisions in real life, these models do
not accurately represent real users in social contexts.
Even if preferences can be modified according to the
outcome of past actions (and this is well represented
by the RL algorithms described before), humans
keep an emotional part driving them to prefer a
certain action over another one, as described in
paragraph 2. That’s the point behind learning:
human aren’t machines, able to analytically evaluate
all the aspects of a problem and, above all, the
payoff deriving from an action is filtered by their
own perception bias. There’s more than just a self-
updating function for evaluating actions and in the
following a formal reinforcement learning method is
presented which keeps into consideration a possible
bias towards a particular action, which, to some
extents, make it preferable to another one that has
analytically proven better through the trial and error
period. As a very first step towards that direction,
Ego Biased Learning, introduced by Marco
Remondino, allows to keep personal factor into
consideration, when applying a RL paradigm, by
modelling two perception errors described in
paragraph 2: Anchoring and Affect Heuristics.
4.1 Dualistic Case
In the first formulation, a dualistic action selection is
considered, i.e.: 
. By applying the formal
reinforcement learning technique described in
equation (1) an agent is able to have the expected
value for the action it performed. We imagine two
different categories of agents (
: one biased
towards action
and the other one biased towards
. For each category, a constant is
introduced (0
1, defining the propensity
for the given action, used to evaluate 
which is the expected value of the action,
corrected by the bias. For the category of agents
biased towards action
we have that:
In this way,
represents the propensity for the first
category of agents towards action
and acts as a
percentage increasing the analytically computed
and decreasing 
. At the same way,
represents the propensity for the second category
of agents towards action
and acts on the expected
value of the two possible actions as before:
The constant acts like a “friction” for the EV
function; after calculating the objective 
increments it of a percentage, if
is the action for
which the agent has a positive bias, or decrements it,
is the action for which the agent has a negative
bias. In this way, the agent
will perform action
(instead of
) even if 
, as long
as 
is not less than 
. In particular, by
analytically solving the following:
We have that agent
(biased towards action
will perform
as long as:
Equation number 5 applies when both 
are positive values. If 
is positive
and 
is negative, then
will obviously be
performed (being this a sub-case of equation 5),
while if 
is positive and 
is negative,
will be performed, since even if biased, it
wouldn’t make any sense for an agent to perform an
action that proved even harmful (that’s why it went
down to a negative value). If 
 
, by
definition, the performed action will be the favorite
one, i.e.: the one towards which the agent has a
positive bias.
In order to give a numeric example, if 
50 and
0.2 then
will be performed by agent
till 
75. This friction gets even stronger
for higher K values; for example, with a
will be performed till 
150 and so on.
By increasing the value of
, the positive values
of 
turns into higher and higher values of
. At the same time, a negative value of
gets less and less negative by increasing
while never turning into a positive value (at most,
, 
gets equal to 0 for every
0). For example, with
0.1, 
is 10% higher than 
is the action towards which the agent
has a negative bias, it’s possible to notice that the
resulting 
is always lower (or equal, in case
they are both 0) than the original 
according to equation 1. In particular, higher
corresponds to more bias (larger distance among the
objective expected value), exactly opposite as it was
before for action
. Note that for a
1 (i.e.:
maximum bias) 
never gets past zero, so that
is performed if and only if 
- and hence
- is less than zero.
4.2 General Cases
The first general case (more than two possible
actions and more than two categories of agents) is
actually a strict super-case of the one formalized in
4.1. Each agent is endowed with an evaluation
biased function derived from equations (2) and (3).
the set of agents, and
the set of possible actions to be
performed, then the specific agent
, with a
positive bias for action
will feature such a biased
evaluation function:
This applies to each agent, of course by changing the
specific equation corresponding to her specific
positive bias. Even more general, an agent could
have a positive bias towards more than one action;
for example, if agent
has a positive bias for
and a negative bias for all the
others, the resulting formalism is equation (7) and,
in the most general case, for each EV
we have
the equation (8). In case that two or more EV
have the same value, the agent will perform the
action towards which it has a positive bias; in the
case explored by equation (7), in which the agent
has the same positive bias towards more than one
action, then the choice among which action to
perform, under the same EV
, is managed in
various ways (e.g.: randomly).
As a last general case, the agents could be a different
positive/negative propensity towards different
actions. In this case, the variable to be used won’t
be the same for all the equations regarding an
individual agent. For example, given a set of
and a set of actions
, for each agent (
we have:
Besides being a fixed parameter, K could be a
stochastic value, e.g.: given a mean and a variance.
Many of the described cognitive biases are derived
from the fact that humans are social beings. While
individual preferences are very important as a bias
factor for learning and action selection, when
dealing with social systems, in which many entities
operate at the same time and are usually connected
over a network, other factors should be kept into
consideration. In particular, the preferences of other
individuals with which a specific agent is in touch
can affect choices, by modifying the objective
perception mechanism described in equation 1. Once
again, if the goal is that of representing agents
mimicking human behaviour, then it’s not realistic
to consider perfect perception of the payoffs
deriving from past actions. Fragaszy and Visalberghi
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
(2001) agree that socially biased learning is
widespread in the animal kingdom and important in
behavioural biology and in evolution. It’s important
to distinguish between imitation and socially biased
learning; the former is limited to imitating the
behaviour of another individual (possible with some
minor changes), the latter is referred to modifying
the possessed behaviour after the observation of
others’ behaviours. While imitation is passive and
mechanical, social learning supposes a form of
intelligence in selecting how to modify the past
behaviour, taking into account others’ experience.
Box (1984) defines socially biased learning as: a
change in behaviour contingent upon a change in
cognitive state associated with experience that is
aided by exposure to the activities of social
companions. From this definition, it’s evident that
the first part is already taken into account by RL
methods (equation 1) and by the ego biased learning
proposed in the previous sections. What is still
lacking is the bias coming from social companions.
They should be able to perceive the outcome that
other agents had from the actions they performed.
Not all the agents are perceived in the same way;
some of them can be considered more reliable, and
thus their experience will be more valuable as a bias.
Other cognitive distortions analyzed by BF will thus
be formally incorporated in RL algorithms.
Many evidences coming from the real world prove
that individuals are not completely rational; their
perceptions are biased and distorted by emotions,
preferences and so on. Behavioural Finance is the
discipline that studies and formalizes these biased
behaviours. In order to endow artificial agents with a
realistic behaviour, in this work a formal method for
action selection is introduced, called Ego Biased
Learning. It’s based on one step QL algorithm
(equation 1), but it takes into account individual
preference for one or more actions, thus being a very
first step in formalizing human distortions in a RL
algorithm. This method is designed to be used in
simulation of social systems employing MAS, where
many entities interact in the same environment and
must take some actions at each time-step. In
particular, traditional methods do not take into
account human factor, in the form of personal
inclination towards different strategies, and consider
the agents as totally rational and able to modify their
behaviour based on an analytical payoff function
derived from the performed actions.
Ego Biased Learning is first presented in the
most simple case, in which only two categories of
agents are involved, and only two actions are
possible. That’s useful to show the basic equations
defining the paradigm and to explore the results,
when varying the parameters. After that, some
general cases are faced, i.e.: where an arbitrary
number of agents’ categories is allowed, along with
an equally discretionary number of actions. There
can be many sub-cases for this situations, e.g.: just
one action is preferred, and the others are
disadvantaged, or an agent has the same bias
towards more actions, or in the most general
situation, each action can have a positive or negative
bias, for an agent. This technique represents two of
the most common perception errors studied by BF:
Anchoring and Affect Heuristics. In future works,
other biases will be introduced in the learning
mechanism, and formally described.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the key support
of Prof. Anna Maria Bruno, full professor of
Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, University of
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