Table 1: Mean and Variance of the cost distributions.
Controller Mean cost Cost variance Rank
EKF-HCE 192 40225 6
EKF-CAU 67 3847 4
EKF-DUA 61 731 3
UT-HCE 140 32813 5
UT-CAU 48 30 2
UT-DUA 47 26 1
NT-NA 372 59614 7
PT-NA 39 5 -na-
over, it is just as evident that within each of the two
schemes, the dual control mode is even better than
the cautious mode, as anticipated in Remark 3.2. This
complies with the dual control philosophy that a bal-
ance between caution and probing yields the best per-
formance in adaptive control. It is also not surprising
that the performance of the HCE modes is character-
ized by a high cost variance and several extreme out-
liers. This is the result of the complete lack of caution
in the presence of high initial uncertainty, leading to
high transient errors. An important observation is that
each mode in the UT-based scheme is superior to the
corresponding mode in the EKF-based scheme. We
associate this to the superior (second order) approxi-
mations introduced by the UT when compared to the
EKF (first order).
The novelty in this paper comprises the use of the
UT to improve on the EKF-based dual-adaptive dy-
namic controller recently proposed in (Bugeja and
Fabri, 2009). Specifically the proposed UT-based
dual-adaptive scheme employs the UKF (in predic-
tive mode) as a recursiveweight tuning algorithm, and
in addition includes a novel dual-adaptive control law
that uses the UT to propagate nonlinear mappings of
distributions, rather that the first order approximations
involved in the EKF-based law.
The presented results show clearly that the proposed
novel dual controller exhibits significant improve-
ments in performance, not only over the EKF-based
dual scheme, but also on all other non-dual and non-
adaptive controllers tested in this paper.
Recently we have also implemented this novel con-
troller successfully on Neurobot. The obtained exper-
imental results validate the proposed scheme on a real
mobile robot for the first time and will soon be pub-
lished elsewhere.
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IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence