HL100). The results showed a reduction in colour re-
flectance in the rock, although, for the BS29, the re-
duction affected wavelengths below 650 nm (yellow)
and for the HL100, the reduction was only significant
in wavelengths below 500 nm.
For both products, a reduction in the luminosity
of the rock can be anticipated, greater in the case of
BS29. In upcoming research, we will analyse how de-
tected reflectance changes influence changes in colour
as perceived by a standard observer. In other words,
we will apply this functional approach to the colour
curves resulting from superimposing the source spec-
tral curve, the object reflectance curve and the colour
matching curves of the standard observer, so as to be
able to measure the colour in the stimulus space. The
results obtained will be compared with those that clas-
sical statistical methods (e.g. multivariate ANOVA)
obtain in any normal space for measuring colour (e.g.
Finally, the significance of the prism effect and of
the interaction between the prism factor and the treat-
ment factors suggest a design that reduces the vari-
ability produced by the experimental unit (prism) as
far as possible. In regard to FANOVA, the lesser sig-
nificance in the upper part of the spectrum may be a
result of the greater variance in the curves in this part
of the spectrum as a consequence of the granite’s own
colour characteristics. One of our new lines of re-
search is the design of new experiments that deal with
this variability (e.g. paired designs or designs with
additional random blocking factors).
We wish to express our gratitude to Professor J. O.
Ramsay and his team for the functional data analy-
sis software for Matlab that served as the nucleus for
the developments that were necessary to carry out this
study. The authors also thank to Evonik Industries
and Wacker Chemie for supplying Tegosivin HL100
and BS29 respectively. J.M. Mat´ıas’s research is sup-
ported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sci-
ence, Grant No. MTM2008-03010.
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