as hydrogeology, air, water and soil pollution
(Goovaerts, 1997).
Geostatistics is used to characterize the spatial
structure of the variable of interest by means of a
consistent probabilistic model. This spatial structure
is characterized by the variogram, which describes
how the variability between sampled concentrations
increases with the distance between the samples. A
variogram model is fitted to the experimental
variogram for subsequent analysis.
The interpolation technique, known as kriging,
provides the ‘‘best’’, unbiased, linear estimate of a
regionalized variable at unsampled locations, where
‘‘best’’ is defined in a least squares sense, as it aims
to minimize the variance of estimation error (Chilès
and Delfiner, 1999). As for the classical
interpolations, the estimation by kriging of the
concentration at any target cell is obtained by a
linear combination of the available sample
concentrations. The kriging differentiates only by
the way of choosing the coefficients of this linear
combination. Those coefficients are called kriging
weights and depend on:
- the distances between the data and the
target (like other classical interpolators),
- the distances between the original data
themselves (data clustering),
- the spatial structure of the variable.
Exploratory data analysis, variogram fitting and
kriging were performed using the Isatis software
(Geovariances, 2008).
4.2 Adaptative Neuro Fuzzy Inference
Fuzzy logic (FL) was first proposed by Zadeh
(1965). It consists of three conceptual components:
(1) a rule base which contains fuzzy if–then rules,
(2) a database which defines the membership
function and (3) an inference system which
combines the fuzzy rules and produces the system
result (Firat et al., 2006). The difficulty of FL is to
determine membership function parameters and
fuzzy rules. In order to overcome this deficiency,
hybrid models (neuro-fuzzy) are generally used. It is
well understood that FL and neural networks (NN)
are complementary methodologies in the design and
implementation of intelligent systems. Each
approach has its merits and drawbacks. To take
advantage of the merits and eliminate their
drawbacks, integration of these methodologies has
been proposed by researchers during the past few
years (Cigizoglu, 2005; Özgür, 2006; Kurtulus et al.,
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
is a neuro-fuzzy system developed by Roger Jang
(1992). It combines a NN and a fuzzy system
together. ANFIS uses a hybrid learning algorithm
that combines the back-propagation gradient descent
and least squares methods to create a fuzzy inference
system whose membership functions are iteratively
adjusted according to a given set of input and output
data (Jang, 1993). For each iteration, the back
propagation method involves minimization of an
objective function using the steepest gradient
descent approach in which the network weights and
biases are adjusted by moving a small step in the
direction of negative gradient. The iterations are
repeated till a convergence criteria or a specified
number of iterations is achieved. It has the
advantage of allowing the extraction of fuzzy rules
from numerical data and adaptively constructs a rule
base. (Jang, 1997).
The architecture of the ANFIS systems is
composed of five layers (Fig. 2). Each layer consists
in different nodes described by node function. The
output signal from nodes of a layer is the input
signal of the next layer. Square nodes show
parameter sets that are adjustable. These nodes are
called adaptive nodes. Circle nodes represent
parameter sets that are constant. These nodes are
called fixed nodes. More details on ANN and
ANFIS are available in Tagaki, 1985; ASCE, 2000;
Pratihar, 2008; Zadeh, 2008.
The neuro fuzzy model were developed using the
ANFIS procedures of MATLAB (Demuth and
Beale, 2003). In this study, a code is written in
Matlab 7.0 for ANFIS using appropriate functions to
calculate the best performance of the methods.
The dataset is divided into 3 subsets for training,
validation and test of the neuro-fuzzy model. Input
data are XY coordinates of the springs and wells.
Hydraulic head is the ANFIS output.
Figure 2: ANFIS architecture (x, y: inputs, A1 and B1:
linguistic labels (low, medium, high, etc.), N: node,
Layer1: generate of membership grades, Layer 2: Fuzzy
rules Layer 3: ratio of the rules named firing strength,
Layer 4: product of the normalized firing strength, Layer
5: fuzzy results transformed into a traditional output).
Orgeval Case Study