Prototype from Voice Speech Analysis
Mahfuza Farooque and Susana Munoz-Hernandez
Facultad de Inform
atica, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, Spain
Emotion Recognition, Fuzzy Reasoning Application, Voice Speech Analysis, Fuzzy Logic.
In human beings relations it is very important dealing with emotions. Most people is able to deduce the emo-
tion of one person just listening his/her speech. Voice speech characteristics can help us to identify people
emotions. Emotion recognition is a very interesting field in modern science and technology but to automate
it is not an easy task. Many researchers and engineers are working to recognize this prospective field but the
difficulty is that emotions are not clear. They are not a crisp topic. In this paper we propose to use fuzzy rea-
soning for emotion recognition. We based our work in some previous studies about the specific characteristics
of voice speech for each human emotion (speech rate, pitch average, intensity and voice quality). We provide
a simple an useful prototype that implements emotion recognition using a fuzzy model. We have used RFuzzy
(a fuzzy logic reasoner over a Prolog compiler) and we have obtained a simple and efficient prototype that is
able to identify the emotion of a person from his/her voice speech characteristics. We are trying to recognize
sadness, happiness, anger, excitement and plain emotion. We have made some experiments and we provide
the results that are 90% successful in the identification of emotions. Our tool is constructive, so it can be used
not only to identify emotions automatically but also to recognize the people that have an emotion through their
different speeches. Our prototype analyzes an emotional speech and obtains the percentage of each emotion
that is detected. So it can provide many constructive answers according to our queries demand. Our prototype
is an easy tool for emotion recognition that can be modify and improved by adding new rules from speech and
face analysis.
Our approach
for emotion recognition uses
Rfuzzy(Ceruelo et al.,2008) which is an advanced
extension of Fuzzy Prolog(Guadarrama et al., 2004).
The Rfuzzy shares with Fuzzy Prolog most of its nice
expressive characteristics: Prolog-like syntax (based
on using facts and clauses), use of any aggregation
operator, flexibility of query syntax, constructive-
ness of the answers, etc. Logic Programming is
traditionally used in Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning. Using also a fuzzy extension of
Logic Programming enrich the expressiveness of the
approach. In this paper we present an expressive and
simple tool to make human emotion recognition by
This work is partially supported by the project DE-
SAFIOS - TIN 2006-15660-C02-02 from the Spanish Min-
istry of Education and Science, and by the project PROME-
SAS - S-0505/TIC/0407 from the Madrid Regional Govern-
Logic Programing language means Rfuzzy. The rules
that can be used for emotion recognition can be as
complex as we want. We can take into account voice,
face and other characteristics to deduce the emotion
of a person. In our prototype we have just used voice
speech analysis.
Nicu Sebe and his colleagues(Nicu Sebe and
Huang,2004) represent in a table in their paper the re-
lation between emotion and vocal affects relative to
neutral speech.
On the base of that table we know that for anger,
speech rate is slightly slower, pitch range is very
much higher, speech intensity is higher. On the other
hand for sad emotion, speech rate is slightly slower,
Farooque M. and Munoz Hernández S. (2009).
EASY FUZZY TOOL FOR EMOTION RECOGNITION - Prototype from Voice Speech Analysis.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 85-88
DOI: 10.5220/0002321700850088
pitch average is also slower, intensity lower. Speech
rate is faster or slower for happiness, pitch average
is much higher and intensity is higher and so on for
other emotions. Speech characteristics that are com-
monly used in emotion recognition can be grouped
into three different categories. The first one includes
frequency characteristics (for example a pitch and
pitch-derived measures) which are related to voiced
speech generation mechanism and vocal tract forma-
tion. The second group contains various energy de-
scriptors that are related to speech production pro-
cesses (such as mean or standard deviation of en-
ergy of an utterance). The third group comprises
temporal features, which are related to behavioral
speech production processes (such as utterance dura-
tion, pauses)(Jaroslaw Cichosz). It can be seen that
this studies are using fuzzy concepts (slower, higher,
faster, etc.) to characterize voice speech with respect
to the different emotions. So it is strait forward to use
a fuzzy approach to represent this model. Jawarkar
(Jawarkar and Fiete, 2007) tried to emotion recogni-
tion by Fuzzy Min-Max using neural classifier. On
the base of the previous works and observing different
measurements we selected just the three most repre-
sentative characteristics: speech intensity, time differ-
ence between voiced and unvoiced speech, and time
duration of each voiced speech. These are the vari-
ables that we have used in our prototype to analyze
voice speech in order to improve emotion recognition.
Figure 1: Fuzzy presentation of different emotions on the
base of speech intensity.
In our approach we try to identify emotion on the base
of human speech. For this reason,we follow some sys-
tematic steps. Figure 2 shows the methodology that
we have followed.
First of all we record some speeches of both fe-
male and male where the system used channel 2, 16
bit as bit depth and 44100hz for frequency. Then
we synthesize voice record. To recognize emotional
speech, we have taken average of speech intensity, the
time difference between voiced and unvoiced speech
Figure 2: Methodology emotion recognition.
and the duration of each word of a speech. On the
base of these three results we characterize different
speeches. We have got different values according to
the emotional speech from the recorded speeches of
different people. Fuzzy functions (as the ones repre-
sented at Figure 1) that can be defined for these three
variables which we consider can be defined using the
bounds shows at Table 1.
Table 1: Bound measurements according to different emo-
Intensity Difference Interval
Emotion (db) (ms) between (ms) voiced
each word and unvoiced
Sad -12 to -16 70 to 105 80 to 350
Anger -2 to -6 90 to 250 90 to 300
Normal -8 to -16 40 to 60 100 to 200
Happy -7 to -10 40 to 70 90 to 200
Excited -1 to -6 90 to 200 95 to 200
From these crisp values we obtain fuzzy function
definitions. In Figure 2 we show how it is done. Af-
ter obtaining the truth value function of all emotional
speeches,we concern on the interval between voiced
and unvoiced speeches and time difference between
each word. According to our experiment, we see that
if people are sad then the time interval is more than
other emotions and the time differences between each
word is also long. Both measurements of time are
measured by milliseconds (ms). On the other hand
when people are anger and excited, then both time
difference and time interval of speech are short com-
paring to other emotional speech. For normal speech
we have seen that the value of three parameters is av-
erage. There is another important thing and that is the
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
value of anger and excitement are very close but far
from the values of other emotions.
In our experiment, first we record some speeches
from different emotions of people. In this case we
have taken records of cartoon characters from Internet
where Bambi was in sad mood, Shaggy and the Beast
were anger, Mickey was in happy mood, and Poca-
hontas was normal (in plane mood). According to
these speeches, we calculate the crisp value of speech
intensity, time differences between each word, time
interval between voiced and unvoiced speech. De-
pending on these values, we converted the crisp values
to fuzzy values to recognize different emotions.
We store the calculated crisp value of speech in-
tensity of each person which we get from recorded
voice.According to this record we see that the speech
intensity of Bambi is 14db, Shaggy’s is 12db, Beast’s
is 2db, Pocahontas’ is 8db and Mickey’s is 6db.
After more synthesis from the recorded speeches
we store the crisp values of time differences be-
tween each word and the time interval between voiced
and unvoiced speech which is measured in millisec-
onds(ms) according to each person. Here we see that
the time difference between each word of Bambi is
250ms, Shaggy’s is 43ms, Beast’s is 70ms, Pocahon-
tas’s is 40ms, and Mickey’s time difference between
each word is 50ms.
In the same way we store the time interval be-
tween voiced and unvoiced speech of Bambi is
250ms,interval of Shaggy’s speeches is 90ms, Beast
is 80ms,Pocahontas is 150ms,and Mickey’s time in-
terval of voiced and unvoiced speech is 90ms.
Our prototype let us to ask any kind of query. As
for example we are able to ask who is in a particular
emotion, how much intense in someone’s emotion, if
a person has a specific emotion or not at all, etc. Sup-
pose if we want to know about who is sad, we can
write that query as:
?- sad(X,1).
Here X represent the person’s name and 1 is the truth
value of sadness of X. So, it is asking for the possibles
values of X that provide a truth value of sadness of
100%. We get the result according to our database as:
X = bambi
If we want to know who is not sad, then we need to
write our query as:
?- sad(X,0).
where the truth value 0 represents the equivalent of
’not at all’. So, we are asking for the people that is
not sad at all. We get three results in this case:
X = beast ;
X = pocahontas ;
X = mickey
Beside these an interesting advantage of our approach
is that we can qualify the query. We can constraint the
truth value. For example, asking for the people that is
“very” sad, with a sadness over the 70% for example.
The query for this consult is:
?- sad(X,Y), Y > 0.7.
where the truth value Y represents how sad a person
and X represent the name of the person. We will get
the answer:
X = bambi,
Y = 1
On the same way if we interest to make a negative
query to know who is a little sad but not with absence
of sadness we can constraint the truth value as:
sad(X,Y), Y > 0.4, Y < 0.0 .
Then our answer will be:
X = shaggy,
Y = 0.2
We can check direct statements. For example, we can
check that Mickey is not sad at all.In this case answer
is affirmative because it is true.
?- sad(mickey,0).
We can query the database to consult the state of sad-
ness of the people of the database:
?- sad(X,Y).
We obtain truth value of sadness emotion for all peo-
ple included in the database:
X = bambi, Y = 1 ;
X = shaggy, Y = 0.3 ;
X = beast, Y = 0 ;
X = pocahontas, Y = 0 ;
X = mickey, Y = 0
We can say that our approach let us to model speech
characteristics in an easy and crisp way and also let
as represent fuzzy functions related to the perception
of this characteristics for different emotions. So, we
do not only provide emotion recognition but also we
let the user to make any kind of expressive queries
receiving constructive answers.
EASY FUZZY TOOL FOR EMOTION RECOGNITION - Prototype from Voice Speech Analysis
We recognize human emotion using fuzzy logic and
fuzzy inference which allows to define default truth
values and default conditioned truth values which
helps to recognition emotion efficiently. So finding
emotion according to speech, it is better than other
techniques and policies. Extensions added to Fuzzy
Prolog by Rfuzzy syntax are: Types, default truth val-
ues (conditioned or not), assignment of truth values
to individuals by means of facts, functions or rules,
and assignment of credibility to the rules. In this pa-
per we recognized the specific emotional person and
also their emotional level. We started our work with
a very limited sample: we measure only three vari-
ables to recognize speech emotion but as future work
we plan to take every possible voice measurable as-
pect not only consider the voice speech but also con-
sidering the face analysis and other context condition.
That is, we will try to integrate both speech and facial
expression using Fuzzy Logic to achieve more effi-
ciently emotion recognition. We think that our ap-
proach presents a simple tool based on Rfuzzy syn-
tax that can model perfectly the data of a recognition
problem and that provides a huge expressivity to rep-
resent the fuzziness that is implicit in these kind of
Authors would like to thank the suggestions and ini-
tial help of Suman Saha from the Programming Lan-
guages Laboratory of Hanyang University at Ansan
Gyeonggi, Korea.
Guadarrama S., Munoz-Hernandez S., and Vaucheret C.
(2004). Fuzzy Prolog: A new approach using soft
constraints propagation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
FSS,GS-14, volume 144,1, pages 127-150, ISSN
Jaroslaw Cichosz, K. S. Emotion recognition in speech sig-
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Nicu Sebe, I. C. and Huang, T. S. Multimodal emotion
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Jawarkar, N. P. and Fiete (2007). Emotion recognition using
prosody features and a fuzzy min-max neural classi-
fier. In IETE Technical Review Vol 24, No 5.
Victor Pablos Ceruelo, Susana Munoz-Hernandez, Hannes
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the Workshop on Logic Programming Environmments,
WLPE 2008. 15 pages.
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence