Rodrigo Mantovaneli Pessoa, Marten van Sinderen
University of Twente, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Dick Quartel
Novay, 7500 AN Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Requirements elicitation, Value modelling, Goal modelling, Coordination process modelling, Service-
oriented architecture.
Abstract: Due to the contemporary trends towards increased focus on core competences and outsourcing of non-core
activities, enterprises are forming strategic alliances and building business networks. This often requires
cross enterprise interoperability and integration of their information systems, leading to widespread
adoption of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). In this paper we present an approach to guide the
development and evolution of service-oriented business networks. Our approach combines value models
and goal models, where the former are used to represent and analyse the economic sustainability of a
business network and the latter are used to represent and analyse the goals of the participants within the
business network. Systematic guidelines are proposed to derive a goal model from a value model. In
addition, a preliminary discussion is presented on how to refine goals and operationalize goals as services
rooted in a SOA. The approach is illustrated using an example of a business network in the electricity
In order to improve their efficiency and better meet
customer needs, many enterprises organize
themselves as networked business constellations,
called business webs (Tapscott et al. 2000) or
business networks. Business networks are formed by
profit-and-loss responsible business units, or
independent companies, that have decided to
cooperate in producing and consuming goods and
services for achieving specific purposes. For this, the
participants in a business network should be able to
to sustain economic activity by exchanging items of
value against money, while operating according to
their respective business goals with proper focus on
core competencies. The operational fulfilment of
business networks usually requires cross-enterprise
interoperability and integration of information
systems (Mantovaneli Pessoa et al. 2008, Quartel et
al. 2008), which can be facilitated by the adoption of
Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) (OASIS
The SOA paradigm endorses services as the
fundamental design concept for developing software
architectures and shifts developer focus from the
confines of an individual application towards an
open market of services hosted on arbitrary
computing platforms in a distributed environment.
SOA-compliant (web services) standards not only
allow the definition of information exchange (e.g.,
XML, WSDL, SOAP) but also of the coordination
and composition of services (e.g., BPEL). Thus, in
the SOA paradigm, services perform functions
implemented in software, exposed by well-defined
interfaces which provide the mechanism by which
services can communicate with one another in
compositions to perform higher level functionality.
Although the claimed benefits of SOA are manifold
(Papazoglou & Ribbers 2006), there is no evidence
that the mere adoption of SOA will automatically
lead to improved business networks or agility of the
Mantovaneli Pessoa R., van Sinderen M. and Quartel D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 392-399
DOI: 10.5220/0002325703920399
participants in such networks. An important
challenge, therefore, is to enable consideration of
business factors (Luthria & Rabhi 2009) and enforce
fulfilment of corresponding requirements when
developing technical SOA-based solutions.
In this paper, we propose an approach that
addresses complementary business concerns as a
foundation for designing service-oriented business
networks, i.e., business networks with technical
support rooted in SOA. These concerns are
economic sustainability, goal fulfilment, and process
coordination, which are respectively expressed and
analysed using value, goal and process models. Our
focus in this paper will be on the development of a
goal model based on a given value model.
The paper is further structured as follows.
Section 2 summarizes our overall approach. Section
3 presents some related work. Section 4 describes
our main contribution, namely initial guidelines for
the development of a goal model from a given value
model. This section uses a running example to
illustrate our approach. Section 5 briefly discusses
how to map goals onto services that can be
operationalized in a SOA. Finally, Section 6 presents
our conclusions and identifies further research.
Business networks are complex systems, hence
creating models of such systems in order to
understand and define them normally requires a
multi-viewpoint approach in which different
concerns and interests are distinguished and
captured by separate models. An important
consequence of this 'divide and conquer' strategy is
that in any individual development project proper
attention should be given to the mutual consistency
of the various models (Pijpers & Gordijn 2008,
Dijkman et al. 2008), since they all refer to the same
phenomenon (i.e., a business network). In our
approach, we focus on goal, value and process
models (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Different perspectives of enterprise architectures
require different models.
A value model is used to represent that
something of economic value is exchanged; a goal
model focuses on describing intentional aspects of
business activities; and a process model typically
shows what these activities are and how they are
Our proposal is to initially design and analyse a
value model of the business network raised by the
various stakeholders. Once an economically feasible
business network is identified, we then take the
resulting value model as a starting point and
subsequently derive a model that considers the goals
of each participant within the business network.
These high-level goals are then refined into a set of
more specific sub-goals. We believe that the explicit
definition of these relations facilitates traceability
among goals and the (design) artefacts that
ultimately realize the goals. Typically these artefacts
are business and IT services, and the processes and
rules that support these services. Finally, service
orchestration models (e.g., BPEL processes) can be
derived from the refined goal model by identifying
and articulating the causal relations between the
participants' goals. These causal relations provide
our basis for the coordination of services that
accomplish these goals.
In (Gordijn et al. 2006), the combined use of goal
and value models is explored using two
requirements engineering techniques, namely i* (Yu
1997) and e
value (Gordijn & Akkermans 2001).
The main focus lies in showing how the
complementary use of both techniques can help in
creating, representing, and analyzing e-service
business models. E-service models are then used for
modelling interaction points of cooperating IT
systems, within and between enterprises. In (van der
Raadt et al. 2005), the authors propose a method for
transforming an i* goal model into an e
value value
model. First, the method involves modelling the
strategic business goals of the enterprises that want
to cooperate. It then focuses on formulating
alternatives for reaching those goals. Then, for each
proposed alternative, an e
value model is
constructed. These value models are then used to
evaluate whether those alternatives are economically
viable for each of the enterprises involved.
In (Pijpers & Gordijn 2007), an approach is
introduced to arrive at a business process model of a
business network that is consistent with an economic
value model of the same business network. The
authors propose a step-wise approach that first
considers the independent transfer of the ownership
right of a value object and the actual object itself,
and then considers time ordering of these transfers.
The consistency between models is achieved by
applying a set of informal guidelines describing how
to move in a structured way from a value model to a
process model.
In (Zlatev & Wombacher 2005), a methodology
is proposed for determining the consistency of a
process model and a value model, where both
models are assumed to represent the same business
network but were created independently from each
other. In order to determine consistency, a
preparation step is carried out in which the given
models are 'reduced' such that they only use
constructs present in both models. Since the reduced
models describe only the common concepts and
relations, they can be compared for consistency. The
major disadvantage of this approach is that, under
certain conditions, it is still possible that the original
value model and process model are mutually
consistent, while the reduced models show
The authors of (Decreus & Poels 2009) present
an approach to generate business process models
from enriched goal models. They extend existing i*
goal models with semantic annotations in order to
describe dynamic constraints among goals and tasks.
Then, they propose detailed mappings to translate
the semantically enriched goal models into business
process models.
In (Koliadis & Ghose 2006, Koliadis et al. 2006), a
methodology is proposed for relating business
process models to high-level stakeholder goals. They
use BPMN to represent business models and KAOS
and i* to express goals. The relationship between
processes and goals is evaluated with informal
techniques, however with consideration of dynamic
environments in which changes to goals and
processes constantly emerge.
4.1 Example
We will use a simple running example to illustrate
our approach. The example refers to a business
network in the Dutch electricity sector, as reported
in (Pijpers & Gordijn 2008).
In the electricity business network, suppliers
provide electricity to consumers, and the consumers
pay for this electricity. The Suppliers acquire
electricity from a set of producers. In this context,
consumers, suppliers and producers define different
market segments taken into consideration and used
to represent a set of actors. For instance, a specific
actor may use technical expertise to become the low-
cost electricity producer within his company's
market segment, while other actors may choose a
production strategy that emphasizes flexibility,
consumer choice, and quality.
In order to be eligible for electricity provision, a
consumer must first obtain power distribution
capabilities from a distributor. In practice, a physical
infrastructure (consisting of cables and transformers)
is needed to transport the electricity, and the
consumer also has to pay for this. Instead of
collecting money directly from the consumers, the
distributor sells these “debts” to the supplier, which,
in turn, charges a corresponding fee from the
consumers. It is assumed that related participants in
this network have pair-wise contracts which are
valid for a year. A contract is yearly renewed, unless
one of the participants indicates that it does not want
to continue the relationship. The new contract may
state new conditions on the relationship, such as
changed tariffs for the electricity.
4.2 Value Modelling
In short, our proposal is to initially design (and
evaluate) a value model, e.g. using the e
language. The result of this design step for our
example is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: e3value model of Dutch Electricity Sector
(adapted from (Pijpers & Gordijn 2008)).
It is important to realize that value exchanges
represented in the value model do not necessarily
coincide with physical exchanges. For example, the
model explicitly represents that the distributor
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
provides the electricity distribution service to the
consumer in exchange of some agreed sum of
money. Indeed, this is correct from the value
perspective. But a naive interpretation of the model
that the customer directly pays the distributor is
wrong. As already announced in the introduction of
the example, the actual money flow is via the
4.3 An Intermediate Step
Since a value transfer in an e
value model implicitly
involves the transfer of both the value object itself
and its respective ownership right, it is not possible
to directly derive from an e
value model the actual
physical flow of value objects. To this end, we
followed the approach described in (Pijpers &
Gordijn 2007) to derive an e
value (physical) model
from the e
value model, such that the e
(physical) model will represent the physical transfer
of the value objects rather than the value transfer. In
brief, this approach incorporates the physical flow of
a value object by distinguishing between the transfer
of the ownership right of an object and the transfer
of the value object itself (transfer of physical
possession). The obtained e
value (physical) model
is shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: e3value (physical) Model of Dutch Electricity
Sector (adapted from (Pijpers & Gordijn 2008)).
4.4 Goal Modelling
In previous work, we have presented a language for
modelling requirements in enterprise architectures –
namely ARMOR (Quartel et al. 2009), which is
aligned with the ArchiMate language (Jonkers et al.
2007) and supports the modelling of goals and
requirements during the early and late requirements
engineering phases. In this paper, we use the
ARMOR language for representing and analysing
goal models. ARMOR was inspired by the Business
Motivation Model (OMG 2007), the i* framework
(Yu 1997) and KAOS (van Lamsweerde 2008).
Table 1 shows the notation for the main abstract
language elements.
Table 1: ARMOR notation.
Abstract element Concrete notation
Hard goal
Hard goal
Soft goal
Soft goal
AND realisation
OR realisation
Contribute relation
Conflict relation
A goal is defined as some desired result that is to
be realized in the problem domain. Here a desired
result represents some desired situation, state or
value, such as a satisfied customer, increase of sales,
a completed purchase, the calculation of some
exchange rate, the delivery of some goods, etc.
Eventually, this result has to be realized through
cooperation of the participants in a business
network. A distinction can be made between hard
and soft goals. This distinction concerns the criteria
for assessing the satisfaction of a goal. In case of a
hard goal, these criteria are clear and precise. In case
of a soft goal, these criteria are typically vague or
subject to interpretation. A requirement is a goal that
can be assigned to some system (-to-be), such that
the system is made responsible for the satisfaction of
the goal. A goal can be refined into one or more sub-
goals, where the following types of refinement are
AND-realization (conjunction): defining one or
more sub-goals that must be satisfied all to satisfy
the goal;
OR-realization (disjunction): defining one or
more alternative sub-goals of which at least one
must be satisfied to satisfy the goal;
a combination: typically in disjunctive normal
A goal G1 may conflict with the satisfaction of
another goal G2, where G1 and G2 can only be a
hard goal. In addition, a goal G1 may contribute to
the satisfaction of another goal G2, where G1 and
G2 can both be either a hard or a soft goal.
Properties of the contribute relation are:
type: the type of contribution, i.e., positive or
strength: the strength of the contribution, e.g.,
weak or strong.
4.5 Goal Elicitation and Refinement
A goal model is derived from a given value model
by applying the following guidelines (assuming
value and ARMOR employed languages):
1) Identification of Stakeholders and their Primary
Goals. For each actor and for each market segment
present in the value model, we derive a stakeholder
in the goal model. Subsequently, for each economic
activity and for each value exchange performed by
each actor, we derive a primary goal and associate it
with its stakeholder. Fig. 4 illustrates this step with
our example for the actor/stakeholder ‘producer’,
where the economic activity ‘generate electricity’
raises a goal with the same name. In addition, the
value exchange between producer and supplier
raises another goal that promotes the ‘exchange of
electricity for money’. Since this value exchange
matches a pattern that reflects a selling activity (i.e.,
the exchange of goods for money between
stakeholders), we then rename its respective goal to
sell electricity’. Other common patterns include:
advertising, reservation, insourcing, rating,
registration, screening, and resource renting. For a
more detailed description of value patterns, we refer
to (Zlatev 2007).
Figure 4: (Step1) Identification of stakeholders and their
respective primary goals.
2) Refinement of Primary Goals. Next, we extend
the goal model by refining the primary goals. For
this, for each goal derived from a value exchange,
we derive sub-goals by analyzing how each value
transfer, which constitutes the same value exchange,
are physically operated according to the
value(physical) model (shown in Fig. 3). This step
is illustrated in Fig. 5. The value transfer between
producer and supplier raises the goal that promotes
the transfer of money from one stakeholder
(supplier) to another (producer). Since this value
transfer matches a pattern that reflects a charging
activity, we then rename its respective goal to
‘charge supplyer’. An analogous derivation is
carried out for the transfer of electricity between
producer and distributor. This transfer raises the goal
‘deliver electricity to distributor’.
Gen erate
Deliver electricity
to distributor
Figure 5: (Step2) Refinement of primary goals into sub-
3) Manual Refinement of Sub-goals. Finally, we
extend the goal model by manually refining the
goals obtained from steps 1 and 2 into more concrete
and specific sub-goals. This is essentially a creative
process which requires domain-specific knowledge
since the appropriate information can not be directly
derived from the given models. However, Fig. 6
illustrates a possible result of this step for our
Deliver electricity
to distributor
Send an
Au to m a t i c
bank debit
Use existing
Figure 6: (Step3) Manual refinement of sub-goals.
Fig. 7 shows the obtained diagrams for the
remaining stakeholders, namely supplier and
distributor, after steps 1 and 2.
ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Deliver electricity
to consumer
Offer dis tribution
Sell debts
Provide distribution
to consumer
Figure 7: The supplier's and distributor's goals, after steps 1 and 2.
Since goals are intended to be achieved by (intra-
and inter-) business processes, during late
requirements elicitation, functional goals should be
mapped onto activities of these processes.
Non-functional requirements, specified as soft
goals, are then refined into measurable indicators.
Our objective is to finally operationalize goals as IT-
level services which can be rooted in a SOA.
We are still in the first phase of investigating the
possibilities for doing this. The following are
preliminary ideas, which should be further studied
and converted into concrete guidelines:
Goals can be associated with activities, where the
purpose of each activity is to achieve a result that
is supportive of, or even fully operationalize the
associated goal. Goal refinement may be driven
by the objective to directly relate goals to existing
IT services. For example, when goals can be
formulated in the proper formalism, they may be
used as input to goal-based service discovery
approaches (Bonino da Silva Santos et al. 2008).
The goal model can be analyzed for dependencies
and relationships between identified goals, in
order to find clues on how the associated
activities (or services) must be related, such as the
time ordering in which activities must take place
and the value dependency of one activity on
another. For example, if the goal model states that
a goal G1 can only be satisfied if G2 and G3 are
satisfied, this means that the activities associated
with G2 and G3 both have to be executed for the
fulfilment of G1, and that the activity associated
with G1 (if not already fulfilled by G2 and G3)
can only be completed after completion of the
activities associated with G2 and G3. The precise
implications of goal relationships (conjunction,
disjunction, contribute, conflict) for activity
relationships need to be further investigated.
Sets of activities related in this way form abstract
business processes. These processes represent
behaviour that participants in a business network
wish to expose. Therefore they can be interpreted
as (part of) an abstract service choreography.
Corresponding service orchestrations or missing
parts of the service choreography can be created
using patterns such as proposed in (Khalaf et al.
2006), or designed and validated using service
design frameworks such as (Quartel et al. 2007).
If for identified abstract services no
corresponding existing services can be discovered
using (semantic) service discovery approaches,
they have to be designed and implemented. This
means that manual effort is needed to create
WSDL descriptions and to implement the WSDL
interfaces and service processes. Similarly, for
compositions of services executable processes
have to be developed, such as BPEL processes.
With the advent of business networks, the alignment
between business and information technology gets a
new dimension. In such networks, there is not a
single point of authority for making decisions about
IT support to solve conflicts in requirements that the
participants in these networks may have (Wieringa
et al. 2005).
In our approach, a requirement defines a goal
that can be assigned to some system (-to-be), such
that the system is made responsible for the
satisfaction of the goal. In this sense, a requirement
should model desired characteristics of products,
processes and services under development. The main
reason for using goal modelling is that the rationale
for designing and changing a system is to be found
outside the system itself (Loucopoulos 1994). By
explicitly modelling and representing enterprise
goals, goal-oriented modelling languages help in
analysing, changing, and communicating
requirements to stakeholders.
By outlining guidelines for deriving intentional
goal models from economic value models, we want
to facilitate the use of both models during
requirements engineering and design of service-
oriented business networks, in order to help
stakeholders in considering ways to compose
supplier services into bundles that are valuable from
a consumer perspective and profitable for all
concerned (Wieringa et al. 2005). We believe that
value models and goal models are relevant tools that
should be explored in this context. The paper offers
initial guidelines for deriving a model that considers
the goals of each participant within a business
network. In this work, we used e
value for value
models ARMOR for goal models.
Our work differs in several aspects from existing
work. The difference is mainly that of scope and
focus. In contrast with (Zlatev & Wombacher 2005),
our approach introduces goal modelling as an
intermediate perspective to arrive at a business
process model of a business network. In contrast
with (van der Raadt et al. 2005), in the goal analysis,
we move the focus from more general strategic goals
of organizations to more specific goals of reciprocal
cooperation efforts within business networks. These
goals and their refinements into architectural
requirements form the basis of our approach.
As future work we intend to identify further
guidelines, investigate the formalization of the
approach, the resolution of conflicts between goals,
the late requirements phase, and the automation of
steps 1 and 2 (of the goal elicitation and refinement
phase). In order to validate our approach, we want to
consider further scenarios and use cases where goal
interdependencies and value exchanges require
strategic thinking and conflict resolution. To be
economically and operationally viable for business
use, our approach would benefit from additional
analysis techniques (e.g. risk and value analysis).
This work is part of the Freeband A-MUSE project
(http://a-muse, which is supported by
the Dutch government under contract BSIK 03025.
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