analysing, changing, and communicating
requirements to stakeholders.
By outlining guidelines for deriving intentional
goal models from economic value models, we want
to facilitate the use of both models during
requirements engineering and design of service-
oriented business networks, in order to help
stakeholders in considering ways to compose
supplier services into bundles that are valuable from
a consumer perspective and profitable for all
concerned (Wieringa et al. 2005). We believe that
value models and goal models are relevant tools that
should be explored in this context. The paper offers
initial guidelines for deriving a model that considers
the goals of each participant within a business
network. In this work, we used e
value for value
models ARMOR for goal models.
Our work differs in several aspects from existing
work. The difference is mainly that of scope and
focus. In contrast with (Zlatev & Wombacher 2005),
our approach introduces goal modelling as an
intermediate perspective to arrive at a business
process model of a business network. In contrast
with (van der Raadt et al. 2005), in the goal analysis,
we move the focus from more general strategic goals
of organizations to more specific goals of reciprocal
cooperation efforts within business networks. These
goals and their refinements into architectural
requirements form the basis of our approach.
As future work we intend to identify further
guidelines, investigate the formalization of the
approach, the resolution of conflicts between goals,
the late requirements phase, and the automation of
steps 1 and 2 (of the goal elicitation and refinement
phase). In order to validate our approach, we want to
consider further scenarios and use cases where goal
interdependencies and value exchanges require
strategic thinking and conflict resolution. To be
economically and operationally viable for business
use, our approach would benefit from additional
analysis techniques (e.g. risk and value analysis).
This work is part of the Freeband A-MUSE project
(http://a-muse .freeband.nl), which is supported by
the Dutch government under contract BSIK 03025.
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ACT4SOC-EHST 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies