Chen, and Cui, 2008), contingency theory in IT
strategy plans (Lee, Miranda and Kim, 2004),
(Croteau and Raymond, 2004), modelling of virtual
communities under the perspective of action
learning (Parenthöen, Buche and Tisseau, 2008), (de
Moor and Weigand, 2007), and the inclusion of the
stakeholder value perspective in the configuration of
strategic business initiatives, using strategic maps
(Sahu, 2004), (Chien-Chih, 2007) and value
mapping (Moore, 2008). Nonetheless, their scope is
still restricted to distinct abstraction layers, stressing
the need for an integrated approach.
Last, recent contributions have been acknowledged
in the field of service governance. They range from
value-based controlling mechanisms over
organizational networks (Kartseva, 2008) to
quantification analysis of governance rules in the IT
level (Verhoef, 2007). Challenges in this area include
the development of a unified model for SOA policies
that could integrate business process, technology,
design, and runtime policies. Such a model could be
implemented as governance collaboration tools to
explore collective intelligence.
In short, these four pillars still lack a common
ground of integration and interoperability, which
sets the perspective orienting this research.
The purpose of this paper was to identify some of
the gaps in self-adaptive services research. Its
outcome comprised our research design and
proposal, hereafter focused on investigating the
impact of service adaptation strategies on the
organizational level, where the crucial decisions are
carefully analyzed. The urgent need for solution
alternatives to be applied in real world applications
(e.g. the Music Industry and the Energy
Management Sector), reinforces the motivation for
realizing this research.
This work in on its early stage and the prototype
to be produced for addressing the first research
question is currently under development. Future
steps include combining ontology engineering and
qualitative reasoning techniques to specify and
analyze causality/effect and correlations between
change and adaptation patterns in service bundling.
These patterns are currently being catalogued and
will be contrasted with empirical data extracted from
the case studies.
This work is supported by the Value-IT Project,
funded by the Joint Academic and Commercial
Quality Research & Development (JACQUARD),
part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO).
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