Aikaterini-Maria Sourouni, George Kourlimpinis, John Psarras and Dimitris Askounis
National Technical University of Athens, Iroon Polytexneiou 9, Zografou 157 73, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Ontology, Enterprise Modelling, Process model.
Abstract: During last decades great expectations have been placed on Enterprise Modelling and Integration through
ontologies. However, most of the existing proposals concentrate on an extensive set of enterprise concepts
and definitions, making difficult for ontology engineers to distinguish only those of their interest. In this
regard, this paper presents an approach towards a standard abstract framework for constructing Enterprise
ontologies. The main aim of this approach is constructing an upper-level Ontology incorporating generic
enterprise concepts and relations. The proposed ontology aims at becoming a starting point rather than being
a predefined solution. Starting with this upper Ontology, business analysts can adapt and enhance in order to
model enterprises of any type and sector.
Enterprises in order to survive under the new
competitive circumstances need to comprise
flexible, interoperable structures, which provide
coordination among their processes and facilitate the
capitalization and reusability of enterprise
Ontologies have promoted an innovative and
lucrative approach to Enterprise Modelling. Their
expressiveness in combination with their clarity and
expansiveness, have resolved important problems,
not resolved by classic modelling methods. (Gruber,
1991) However, most of the existing ontology-based
frameworks concentrate and promote such an
extensive set of enterprise concepts and definitions
that it may be difficult for ontology engineers to
distinguish and exploit only those of their interest.
Ontologies can be used to support human or
automated reasoning, they are a means of
communication among people with diverse
backgrounds, they offer a tool for efficient
computation, they always offer a medium of human
expression and they are easy to augment, extend and
refine (Brewster and O’Hara, 2007)
Enterprise knowledge requires systematic modelling
and integration in an effective and cohesive way. In
this direction, this paper presents an approach, which
aims mainly at the construction of an Upper
Ontology for process flow modelling incorporating
generic enterprise concepts and relations. This
ontology does not pretend to provide a predefined
solution but rather a starting point which can lead
the ontology developer to adapt and enhance it for
Process Modelling of any kind of enterprise. As
expressed by (Poli, 1996) “An ontology is not a
catalogue of the world, a taxonomy, a terminology
or a list of objects, things or whatever else. If
anything, an ontology is the general framework (i.e.
structure) within which catalogues, taxonomies,
terminologies may be given suitable organization.”
During last decades “Ontologies” have entered
the Computer Science Community. Ontologies
represent a new technology direction towards the
improvement of information systems and
management. In particular, this paper focuses on the
significant role of ontologies in business modelling,
enterprise knowledge and information management.
A standard ontology - based enterprise
modelling approach consists of three abstraction
layers (INTEROP, 2004):
The Upper Business Ontology layer comprises
the generic meta-modelling concepts,
The Application Ontology layer implements
needed specialization of the upper entities and
concepts in the application field, and
The Lower Business Ontology layer
implements specified instances – objects.
Regarding the structure of this paper, Section 2
presents the main work described in this paper,
Sourouni A., Kourlimpinis G., Psarras J. and Askounis D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 328-331
DOI: 10.5220/0002329803280331
analyzes the organization, the design and the
refinement of the suggested upper ontology; Finally
Section 3 concludes.
The goal of this section is to present the proposed
approach, which pushes previous work in this
domain one step further. The classic process
modelling methodologies have adopted a workflow-
minded approach, especially because of Enterprise
Modelling Languages and Tools focus on control
flow patterns. Only recently the weaknesses of a
merely workflow-centric representation were
pointed out by (van der Aalst and Pesic, 2006).
Workflow-centric process representations are not
very suitable for reaching the underlying knowledge
level of business processes. The approach of the
Upper Enterprise Ontology has been basically
inspired from the Edinburgh Enterprise Ontology
and other research projects and initiatives (e.g.
Toronto Virtual Enterprise, TOVE Project).
Nevertheless, the ontological approaches of these
projects have not created models, which can be
supported by current (workflow-centric) BPM tools
and infrastructure (Hepp and Roman, 2007). The
proposed approach aims at integrating a
comprehensive conceptual metamodel of an
enterprise in the actual executable workflows.
2.1 Organization
A prototype ontology has been initially elaborated,
integrating, additionally, the main object-oriented
principles (Ecker, Preis and Schneider, 1996):
Class – defines the abstract characteristics of an
entity including the entity’s attributes
(properties) and things that can or cannot do
(methods, features).
Instance – defines a particular instance of a
class with concrete values of the class’s
Inheritance – allows the hierarchy of classes.
There can be a parent class and a lot of sub-
classes to access the properties and features of
their parent.
Association – defines the relations between
instances of classes (entities).
Modularity – is a concept associated with the
complexity of a model. Every complex model
must be decomposed to simple, independent
modules, which all together construct a more
2.2 Design
Core terms, concepts and their relationships are the
most important components of an Enterprise
Designing the suggested Upper Enterprise
Ontology, six main domains of enterprise concepts
have been identified. These meta-concepts can be
utterly enhanced and used to incorporate the
enterprise information and knowledge:Actor – refers
to the active parts of enterprise. Actors can not only
represent people involved actively in a business
operation, but also they can be groups of people,
such as internal departments of the organization or
even external parties, for example other enterprises,
government, institutions etc. In general, it concerns
these entities, which interact actively within the
enterprise processes in- or externally supplying a
stimulus to the enterprise processing whether it is
producing an event or performing an activity. Actors
should, indeed, be categorized according to their
roles, rights and tasks.
Business Object – refers to passive structures and
objects of the enterprise, involved in enterprise
activities and actions, i.e. resources, inputs, outputs,
assistant material etc. They are usually entities that
are accessed, used, transformed or generated from
enterprise activities, or help, facilitate processes.
Process – refers to all the business operations,
actions and activities inside the enterprise or with
external parties. Within a process, Actors and
Objects are involved. A Process, as a rule, needs
someone to activate it, manage it or supervise it,
inputs or resources to use but also usually produces
outputs. However, there are also activities and
processes triggered to start or end by a business
Event – represents actions and situations which
can trigger, transform or terminate a Process. Events
are generated and processed by Actors. Events are
actions, which play important role at the beginning,
at the end or even during enterprise processing.
Transition – meant to represent occasions in
which the process flow tends to convergence or
divergence. It is about entities that assist the parallel
flow of sub-processes or represent the decision,
among more than one process flow.
Connection – refers to the connections between
the instances of the other ontology’s classes
represented in a business process model. It is
decided that the object-oriented principle of
“association” should be incorporated to the
Ontology as a separate class because of the
significant information repository obtained. The
main necessary properties of the Connection class
are the connected entities and the orientation of the
Connection. The Connection in a process flow can
mean the correlation between relevant concepts or
denote the sequence of a process flow.
The above mentioned entities have been
identified as the meta – classes, which are
indispensable in a business modelling framework.
They have generic characteristics, attributes and
features, which need to be moreover specialized so
as to suit any type and kind of organization. Some of
these attributes are represented below, in Table 1.
Apparently, in different enterprise sectors or in
different countries etc., to these generic
characteristics others should be possibly added or
these may be changed and adapted to the current
Table 1: Upper Classes’ Attributes.
o Capabilities
o Role
o Secondary Authorities
Business Objects
o Type (e.g. In/Output, assistant
o Goal
o Duration
o Priority
o Goal
o Method
o Frequency
Moreover, the suggested Ontology incorporates
conceptual relations - norms in the meaning of
conventions and conditions adopted, as mentioned
below, offering a set of tools and guidelines in order
to use the ontology:
Inheritance – instantiation. The six classes,
“Actor”, “Business Object”, “Process”, “Event”,
“Transition” and “Connection” can be ancestors of
new sub-classes, generated from the nature and the
type of an enterprise or the complexity of the
required business models. These classes but also the
sub-classes, which inherit from them, can be
instantiated in the same or different business models.
Association. Designing a business model,
associating entities plays a significant role. There
must be several axioms controlling the properties of
the “Connection” Class and the constraints that this
class should follow. Instances of the classes “Actor”,
Business Object”, “Process”, “Event” and
“Transition” should be able to get associated or
connected through a “Connection”. For example, in
the sales-model an “Accountant” -as Actor- should
be the one that “Makes out” -as Process- the
“Invoice” -as Business Object-. So, these three
instances “Accountant”, “Makes out”, “Invoice”
need to be connected. In the scope of the
“association” meta-relation, there are constraints and
rules about the potential connections. For instance,
there is no meaning for two instances of the class
“Business Object” to be connected to each other.
Modularity. Business processes are often
complex, which make difficult their models design
and representation. For this reason, modularity of
business models is essential for ontology engineers
and users. The Suggested Upper Enterprise
Ontology integrates modularity and decomposition
of Processes, thus the sub-processes can be
represented as “black boxes” simplifying the design
of more sophisticated processes. For example, in the
Buying-model should exist a process of “Arrange
Payment”. This process can be represented in
another process model in details. In this way, there
can be a general business model, for example
Buying-model, which comprises all the necessary
sub-processes as activities in it; however, anyone
can gather details in specified models of every
activity of them, represented as a distinct process.
In the following figure (Figure 1) the potential
anatomy of an enhanced version of the suggested
Upper Enterprise Ontology is represented.
Figure 1: Upper Enterprise Ontology’s essential and
enhanced layers.
2.3 Refinement
In order to make the potential use of the Suggested
Ontology explicit an example of enhancing the
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
ontological class hierarchy is presented hereafter.
This enhanced Ontology will be able to represent
several processes of a small or medium- sized
enterprise through properly defined and
comprehensive business models. This refinement is
represented in Figure 2.
The six generic classes are refined to more
specialized classes and this refinement continues to
lower levels, for example the class of “Order
Cancellation” is a refinement and inherits from the
class “Ending Event” and the last is a sub-class of
the meta - class “Event”.
The definition and explanation of all these sub-
classes is beyond the purpose of the proposed
ontology because this would lead towards an
undesired direction, i.e. a large ontology with an
extensive and complex set of terms and definitions.
The main objective of the presented approach is to
define explicitly generic concepts and the
relationships between them.
Figure 2: A refined version of Upper Enterprise Ontology.
In this paper a methodological approach towards the
construction of a generic upper-level Ontology has
been sought. The Ontology will be able to be used as
an initial modelling set of entities for modelling
different types of Enterprise Ontologies. The
proposed ontology can be enhanced, refined and
used in different sectors and enterprise
It can be used by already existing enterprise
modelling methods and environments. More
specifically, a business-model description language
can make use the Suggested Ontology as a medium
to generate and represent formal business models.
Furthermore, a business modelling software tool,
based on the suggested Upper Enterprise Ontology,
could lead enterprises to design, present, compare
and improve their business models in a simplistic
and comprehensive way and through these models to
monitor and revise their processes and their strategy.
Accordingly, the second step of work is to refine and
improve the Upper Ontology, in order to be used by
a new-developed software tool, which will support
Application and Lower Business Ontologies
construction, models designing, and semantic
reasoning based on the predefined meta-concepts
and principles of the Suggested Ontology.
Therefore, working in the direction of implementing
such a software application, which will be presented
next, has already started.
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