In this paper we have proposed an approach for
developing a new Semantic SOA-based framework
oriented to TEL applications facilitating reusability
and repurposing of learning objects. The approach is
based on analyzing and exploiting the advantages of
SWS technology in the automation of learning
object discovery, selection and composition within a
distributed service architecture seamlessly integrated
through ontologies.
One of the most promising approaches for
creating Learning Management Systems using SWS
architecture has been proposed in the frame of the
LUISA project. The approach has reused and
adapted the SWS Framework previously developed
in the frame of another IST project – DIP, which
was implemented in parallel with INFRAWEBS
Project. Being based on the same SWS
methodological framework (WSMO), the projects
have created different SOA-based architectures
caused by the different objectives to be solved.
Our approach aims at developing a new domain-
specific Semantic SOA-based architecture, which
will be focused on further development and refining
the INFRAWEBS Framework for semantic service
engineering that covers the whole semantic Web
service life-cycle and allows creation of complex
semantically-enabled applications (Agre et al. 2009).
The implementation of the proposed approach
needs intensive research in several directions:
• Developing new application-oriented methods
and end-user oriented tools for description of
SWS and Goals. Problems for representation of
Semantic Web Services and Goals are among
the hottest research aspects of SWS technology
for which no general solutions have been found
yet. The efforts will be oriented to refining and
advancing the original graphical and ontology-
based approach developed in the frame of
INFRAWEBS project (Agre and Dilov 2007).
• Developing new methods for dynamic
composition of Semantic Web Services suited
for TEL. The problem of dynamic composition
of Web services is the core of the Service-
oriented computing paradigm. There are a very
few really implemented and rather restricted
approaches for this still open problem. Most of
them are based on OWL-S Framework. Our
research on dynamic composition of SWS will
be oriented to further development of an
original data-driven SWS composition
approach, which was recognized as “the only
fully automated Functional Level-based
Composition planner for WSMO yet”.
This work is partially funded by Bulgarian NSF
under the project D-002-189 SINUS “Semantic
Technologies for Web Services and Technology
Enhanced Learning”.
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