A New Paradigm for Terminology
Christophe Roche
, Marie Calberg-Challot
, Luc Damas
and Philippe Rouard
Condillac “Knowledge Engineering” Research Group – LISTIC Lab.
University of Savoie – Campus Scientifique, F – 73 376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France
Ontologos corp. P.A.E. du Levray, 6 Route de Nanfray, F – 74960 Cran Gevrier, France
EDF CIH, Bâtiment Euclide, Savoie Technolac, F – 73373 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France
Keywords: Ontology, Terminology, Ontoterminology, Knowledge representation, Term definition, Concept definition,
Hyper schema.
Abstract: Today, collaboration and the exchange of information are increasing steadily and players need to agree on
the meaning of words. The first task is therefore to define the domain’s terminology. However, terminology
building remains a demanding and time-consuming task, even in specialised domains where standards
already exist. While reaching a consensus on the definition of terms written in natural language remains
difficult, we have observed that in specialised technical domains, experts agree on the domain
conceptualisation when it is defined in a formal language. Based on this observation, we have introduced a
new paradigm for terminology called ontoterminology. The main idea is to separate the linguistic dimension
from the conceptual dimension of terminology and establish relationships between them. The linguistic
component consists of terms (both normalised and non-normalised specialised words) linked by linguistic
relationships such as hyponymy and synonymy. The term definition, written in natural-language, is
considered a linguistic explanation. The conceptual component is a formal ontology whose concepts are
linked by conceptual relationships like the is-a (kind of) and part-of relations. The concept definition,
written in a formal language, is viewed as logical specification. An ontoterminology enables us to link these
two non-isomorphic networks in a global and coherent system.
Building terminology is a demanding and expensive
task. Writing definitions taking into account the
different meanings remains difficult, even in
technical domains where standards already exist.
We have observed that although experts share
the same domain conceptualisation, they do not
necessarily agree on the definition of terms when
written in natural language – we should bear in mind
that from the terminology point of view, a term is a
“specialised linguistic unit” which denotes a concept
of the domain called the meaning of the term. We
have also observed that each time communication
problems occur experts refer mainly to technical
diagrams or formulas rather than texts or standards.
In fact, experts agree on concept definitions when
they are written in a formal (logical) or semi-formal
(e.g. conceptual graph) language. These definitions
are objective since their interpretation is ruled by a
formal system.
The main contribution of this article is to claim
that in terminology (especially for technical
domains), terms i.e. the “verbal definition of a
concept” (ISO 1087) need to be separated from
concept names since they belong to two different
semiotic systems. The first is a linguistic system
while the second is conceptual. Similarly, term
definitions written in natural language need to be
separated from concept definitions written in a
formal language. The former are viewed as linguistic
explanations while the latter are considered logical
specifications of concept. The result is a new kind
of terminology called ontoterminology (since the
meaning of terms relies on a formal ontology) which
brings these two non-isomorphic systems together
into a coherent, global one.
Roche C., Calberg-Challot M., Damas L. and Rouard P. (2009).
ONTOTERMINOLOGY - A New Paradigm for Terminology.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 321-326
DOI: 10.5220/0002330803210326
Separating the linguistic dimension of terminology
from its conceptual dimension has led us to
introducing a new paradigm for terminology called
ontoterminology. This implies that terms should be
separated from concepts as well as term definitions
from concept definitions.
Although in the General Theory of Terminology
the meaning of a term is a concept, the main goal of
terminology is not to represent concepts in order to
manipulate them (as in artificial intelligence) but to
define a common vocabulary we hope is consensual.
The concept in terminology does not exist in itself. It
exists through the definition of the term written in
natural language.
On the other hand, conceptualisation is the
central issue in specialised domains. It is built
according to a given theory using a formal (or semi-
formal) language following the epistemological
principles of formal language. This means that
conceptualisation does not belong to natural
language. The logical specification of the concept is
identified to the concept itself on which experts
agree and to which they refer when ambiguities
occur. From this point of view, one could say that
the definition of the term paraphrases the formal
definition of the concept denoted by the term. The
definition of the term written in natural language is
then a linguistic explanation of the concept which
also describes the linguistic usage of the term.
Conceptualisation is the concern of knowledge
engineering. It is for this reason that we claim that
ontology (Staab et al. 2004), (Gomez-Perez et al.
2004), (Roche 2003) represents one of the most
promising ways forward for terminology. In point of
fact, ontology and terminology share the same goal:
“An [explicit] ontology may take a variety of forms,
but necessarily it will include a vocabulary of terms
and some specification of their meaning (i.e.
definitions)” (Ushold et al. 1996). Nevertheless, we
have to bear in mind that an ontology, defined as a
“specification of a conceptualisation”, is primarily
“a description (like a formal specification of a
program) of the concepts and relationships that can
exist” (Gruber et al. 1993). Therefore, an ontology is
not a terminology. The linguistic dimension of
terminology, sometimes confused with the LSP
(language for special purpose) lexicon, has to be
taken into account. Terms can not be reduced to
arbitrary words or labels stuck onto concepts. Terms
of usage, normalised terms, lexical forms (including
terminological variations and reductions, rhetorical
figures like ellipsis, etc.) as well as linguistic
relationships are central features in terminology.
2.1 Saying is Not Modelling
Terminology relies on two kinds of related but
separate systems. The linguistic system is directly
linked to specialised speech and text while the
conceptual system is the concern of domain
modelling. Writing specialised text is different from
conceptualisation. Even if one can extract some
useful information from text (Buitelaar et al. 2005),
(Daille et al. 2004), saying is not modelling (Roche
2007). The lexical structure (the network of terms
linked by linguistic relationships such as hyponymy
or synonymy) is not isomorphic with the conceptual
structure (the network of concepts linked by
conceptual relationships such as ‘a kind of’ or ‘part
of’) as illustrated by the following simple example
(figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1: The lexical structure of terms.
Figure 2: The ontology of relay.
In fact we need to bear in mind that writing
documents is the concern of textual linguistics, one
of whose principles is the incompleteness of text.
Whereas building ontology, viewed as task-
independent knowledge, is the concern of modelling
based on formal (and not natural) languages. We
should also bear in mind that using rhetorical figures
like ellipsis in writing text modifies the perception
of any concepts we may have. In the previous
example (figures 1 and 2) the term “voltage relay”
does not denote a <Voltage relay> concept which
would be a sub-concept of <Relay>. It denotes the
<Voltage threshold relay> concept which is a sub-
concept of <Threshold relay>. Let us notice that the
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
linguistic expression “voltage threshold relay” is not
in usage, but can be defined as a normalised term.
Although we can extract some useful information
from texts, ontology cannot be built directly from
them since we need ontology for understanding text
(understanding text requires extra-linguistic
knowledge which by definition is not included in the
This is why we have introduced the new
paradigm of ontoterminology (Roche 2007) to take
into account these two different activities –
conceptualisation and writing text – and to focus on
conceptualisation. The main goal of terminology is
first to understand and conceptualise the world and
then to name it. Ontoterminology allows building a
new kind of terminology in which the concept plays
a central role. An ontoterminology is a terminology
whose terms, either of usage or normalised, are
related to concepts defined in a formal ontology.
This makes it possible to manage the linguistic and
conceptual dimensions of terminology and provide
two kinds of definition: the first formally defines the
concept whereas the second explains the term and its
usage from a linguistic point of view.
2.2 Term and Concept
Concepts in ontoterminology exist in their own
right. Thus, ontoterminology manages terms as well
as concepts; both are entries in this new kind of
terminology. It also means that term and concept
definitions are separate but connected since the
meaning of a term is related to a concept. In the
example below (see figure 3), these definitions
appear in two different cards, one for the concept
and another for the term.
Ontoterminology enables focusing on the
conceptual and linguistic dimensions of
terminology. Terms and concepts belong to different
and non-isomorphic semiotic systems. In order to
show such a difference, terms, as linguistic
expressions, are written between quotation marks
e.g. “turbine”, while concepts, as entities of a formal
system, are written between chevrons and start with
an upper case e.g. < Hydraulic turbine>.
If ontoterminology enables normalisation of
language, unlike classical terminology it also
enables preserving the diversity of language between
different communities of practice since they share
the same domain conceptualisation. In point of fact,
two different terms can denote the same concept
whose name should be written so that we understand
the right place of the concept in the ontology. Such
concept names define normalised terms which
cannot be used in text (e.g. because they are too
long) but are necessary for term meaning and
understanding. For example “voltage relay” in
English and “relais de tension” in French denote the
same concept of <Voltage threshold relay>.
2.3 Conceptual Structure
The conceptual relationships are used for structuring
entries. In figure 3 the concepts are listed in
alphabetical order combined with either the “is-a” or
the “part-of” relationship. These conceptual
relationships are also used for building the lexical
structure which is automatically updated each time
the conceptualisation is modified.
Words and linguistic relationships are no longer
the only means to access information in
terminology. Associating information to concepts,
e.g term definitions, documents, returns on
experience, etc., amounts to classifying expert
knowledge in the terminology.
It is also possible to define new paradigms of
navigation based on the domain ontology. Ontology
can be viewed as a conceptual map (Tricot et al.
2005) in which the experts navigate along the “is-a
and “part-of” relationships in order to access
information connected to concepts (figures 3, 4 and
Schemas play a key role in technical domains.
From the conceptual point of view, they represent
one of the most important references. Experts agree
on this kind of independent natural language
knowledge, easier to understand and more
consensual than texts. They refer to schemas every
time a communication problem occurs or when an
explanation is required. A schema describes a
physical entity and the parts which make up it. Each
of these parts is also described by its own schema.
Entities and components are modelled by concepts
linked by the part-of relationship. These concepts
create a network of part-of linked concepts which
allows users to browse from a schema describing the
current concept to a more detailed or global schema
associated to one of its part-of concepts. Just as
hypertext has defined a new method of corpus
navigation using textual links, hyper schema defines
a new method of knowledge base navigation
attached to the domain ontology using conceptual
links (see figures 4 and 5).
ONTOTERMINOLOGY - A New Paradigm for Terminology
Figure 3: The ontoterminology of hydraulic turbines.
Unlike textual terminology’s semasiological
approach which relies essentially on texts for
specialised vocabulary extraction (Buitelaar et al.
2005), (Daille et al. 2004), ontoterminology is based
on an onomasiological approach. It consists in first
defining the domain ontology and then identifying
the most suitable terms to denote the concepts (if
necessary, new normalised terms are proposed). Our
intention is not to compare the two approaches, their
goals remain different: the former focuses on
specialised vocabulary whereas the latter focuses on
conceptualisation. We should just bear in mind that
the lexical structure extracted from a corpus does not
match the conceptual structure directly defined by
experts using a formal language: “saying is not
modelling” (Roche 2007) (figures 1 and 2).
Building ontoterminology requires a dedicated
methodology from concept to term. Experts play a
key role for each step of the Ousia method
developed by the University of Savoie and
Ontologos corp. They began by identifying
concepts and their relationships. The result is a semi-
formal conceptual network where the part-of and is-
a relationships play a central role. This conceptual
network is defined using the SNCW tool (Semantic
Network Craft Workbench). There are few
constraints on the conceptual graph as a semi-formal
representation. It remains to formally define
concepts in an ontology. This step is performed
using the OCW environment (Ontology Craft
workbench). OCW is a software for building
ontology defined by specific differentiation (see
figure 2) (Roche 2001). The next step is to identify
the “specialised linguistic units” – which can be
extracted automatically from texts – and to define
them in natural language. The final step consists in
associating the terms with the concepts previously
KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 4: The conceptual structure of a turbine.
Figure 5: A hyper schema.
Ontoterminology is currently used in different
technical domains. One of them concerns a common
vocabulary defined for maintenance applications in
hydraulic installations for EDF’s CIH group.
The EDF (Electricité de France) Group is a
leading player in the European energy industry. It is
present in all areas of the electricity value chain,
from generation to trading. Leader on the French
electricity market, EDF is also solidly implanted in
the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.
The CIH (Centre d’Ingénierie Hydraulique)
group is in charge of hydraulic installations.
Hydraulic installations are complex structures where
many different technical domains have to be taken
into account: hydraulic turbines, alternators,
transformers, gates, regulation, etc.
One of the first tasks to perform was to define a
common dictionary. Each community of practice
speaks its own language but has to communicate and
exchange information with other communities
sharing the same environment and the same domain
conceptualisation. Ontoterminology enabled linking
the different vocabularies to the same
conceptualisation. It then became possible to
associate different terms belonging to different
communities to the same concept and vice versa, so
that the different ways of referring to a given
concept were known for each of them. It was also
possible to attach information to concepts, such as
reference documents (e.g. standards, schemas),
returns of experience, expert lists, etc. The result is a
software environment which is also used for learning
and knowledge capitalisation. Access information
relies on the domain ontology and provides new
ways of interactive navigation like hyper schemas.
Experts require terminology which clearly defines
terms in relation to the domain conceptualisation.
Even if term definitions written in natural language
are useful, they are not always consensual unlike
domain conceptualisation. Experts also require a
terminology which is able to manage and preserve
the diversity of language, for instance the capability
to use different words to denote the same concept.
We have introduced the paradigm of
ontoterminology, a terminology whose conceptual
model is a formal ontology, in order to separate the
definition of term (viewed as a linguistic
explanation) from the definition of concept
(considered as a logical specification). This implies
that a concept is neither a term nor a definition of a
term. The structure of ontology-oriented
terminology relies on the conceptual relationships
from which linguistic relationships can be built.
Furthermore, with such an approach new navigation
methods for browsing the knowledge base attached
to the terminology become possible. Ontology can in
fact be viewed as a conceptual map in which experts
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KEOD 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development