Miguel Fern
ıa, Paseo de la Castellana 91, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Daniel Gayo-Avello
University of Oviedo, Despacho 57, Edificio de Ciencias, C/Calvo Sotelo s/n 33007 Oviedo, Spain
Web search, Query log, Hyponymy relations, Query reformulation, Automatic taxonomy extraction.
Search engine logs store detailed information on Web users interactions. Thus, as more and more people use
search engines on a daily basis, important trails of users common knowledge are being recorded in those files.
Previous research has shown that it is possible to extract concept taxonomies from full text documents, while
other scholars have proposed methods to obtain similar queries from query logs. We propose a mixture of both
lines of research, that is, mining query logs not to find related queries nor query hierarchies but actual term
taxonomies. In this first approach we have researched the feasibility of finding hyponymy relations between
terms or noun-phrases by exploiting specialization search patterns in topical sessions, obtaining encouraging
preliminary results.
Almost half (49%) of the Internet users in the United
States use search engines on a typical day (Fallows,
2008) . This reflects the fact that Web search is be-
coming a common habit among users. Because of
this, the amount of data in query logs is steadily in-
creasing every day, thus, recording a great deal of the
common knowledge of the users. As (Pas¸ca, 2007c)
pointed out: “If knowledge is generally prominent or
relevant, people will (eventually) ask about it.
However, searching is not a straightforward process,
instead, the users gradually refine both their queries
and their goals in a process referred by (Spink et al.,
1998) as the successive search phenomenon. Dur-
ing this iterative process the users provide succes-
sive queries revealing different search patterns (He
et al., 2002). The most relevant ones for this proposal
are the so-called Specialization, Generalization, Re-
formulation, and New. The first pattern, Specializa-
tion, refers to the fact that the query q
deals with
the same topic that q
but seeks more specialized in-
formation (e.g. additional terms have been added to
the query). Generalization refers to the opposite, the
query q
is on the same topic that q
but seeks more
general information (e.g. some terms have been re-
moved from the original query). In the Reformulation
search pattern both queries are about the same topic
but the user has both added some terms and removed
others from the first query and both queries still have
some common terms. The last search pattern, New,
implies that the queries have not any common term
which does not necessarily mean that they are dealing
with different topics.
Although such search patterns just rely on lexical in-
formation (i.e. the presence or absence of terms) we
feel that the number of results satisfying each query
can also provide clues about the existence of special-
ization even when the pattern is just Reformulation
(e.g. dog and labrador, or ipod and electronics).
In addition to that, it must be noticed that when con-
sidering groups of queries we are not interested in
all the queries issued by a user during one “sitting”
(i.e. a searching episode) but in much shorter frag-
ments where all the queries are topically related. The
advantages of using such mini-sessions are two-fold:
(1) the data to be considered in order to find seman-
tic relations between terms is much more focused,
and (2) such granularity level should dispel most of
the privacy issues even if no de-identification was
used (Xiong and Agichtein, 2007). In order to ob-
tain such query log segmentation we have employed
Fernández-Fernández M. and Gayo-Avello D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retr ieval, pages 229-235
DOI: 10.5220/0002331402290235
a technique which has proved to attain similar results
to those achieved by a human expert (Gayo-Avello,
2009). Such technique allows us to group topically
related queries even when those queries do not share
any common term. (see table 1).
Table 1: Five successive records from the AOL query log
grouped into a single topical session by our segmentation
technique. Please notice that from these queries relations
between xenical, xanical (typo), alli, allie (typo) and
fat blocker could be obtained.
Session id Query Clicked Url
6287652 xanical http://trustedmeds.com
6287652 allie or xenical http://stuffonmycat.com
6287652 allie or xenical http://bangornews.com
6287652 alli fat blocker http://700club.com
6287652 alli fat blocker http://wild955.com
The idea depicted in this paper is somewhat related to
previous and on-going works. We will briefly review
those most relevant and, then, we will point the main
differences between such works and our approach.
First, it must be said that the idea of automatically
building term taxonomies is not new and several ap-
proaches were proposed to work on full text doc-
uments. Works such as (Hearst, 1992) , (Berland
and Charniak, 1999), (Caraballo, 1999), (Girju et al.,
2003), (Morin and Jacquemin, 2003), among others,
are extremely relevant but they cannot be straightfor-
wardly applied to query logs, because most of such
techniques require lexico-syntactic patterns and POS
tagging which are hardly useful when applied to Web
search queries.
With regards to those works relying in query logs (or
in folksonomies) there have been two main goals: (1)
organizing the queries/tags in hierarchical arrange-
ments (but not actual taxonomies), and (2) automat-
ically obtaining similar queries/tags.
Thus, (Clough et al., 2005) and (Schmitz, 2006) ap-
plied subsumption to image tags in order to obtain
tag hierarchies. Such hierarchies, however, were not
taxonomies because no hyponymy relations were es-
tablished; instead, the tags were arranged with re-
gards to their specificity (e.g. church tower
bell tower, sanfrancisco goldengate).
(Heymann and Garcia-Molina, 2006), (Mika, 2007),
and (Schwarzkopf et al., 2007) developed rather sim-
ilar works; they also employed tags collections (al-
though not image tags) and described different tech-
niques to obtain concept hierarchies. Again, such hi-
erarchies were not proper taxonomies.
With regards to the field of query suggestion there ex-
ist abundant literature; we will just refer to two re-
cent works that could be confused with our proposal.
For instance, (Shen et al., 2008) and (Baeza-Yates and
Tiberi, 2007) describe two methods to generate re-
lated queries for a given one exploiting the data within
the query log; however, neither of such methods pro-
duces a proper taxonomy in the form we suggest.
Approaches by other authors could be wrongly con-
sidered similar to our approach. For instance,
(Chuang and Chien, 2003) describe a method to clas-
sify query terms into a predefined category system;
thus, it is much closer to query topic classification
than to taxonomy bootstrapping. Other works by the
same authors such as (Chuang and Chien, 2004) and
(Chuang and Chien, 2005), describe methods to ob-
tain term hierarchies but such hierarchies are, in fact,
clusters and not taxonomies. There also exist interest-
ing works in the field of information extraction. For
instance, (Pas¸ca, 2007a) and (Pas¸ca, 2007c) describe
a technique to obtain class attributes from query logs
(e.g. finding that population, flag or president are at-
tributes for Country). The same author also provides
a method to find named-entities (Pas¸ca, 2007b) which
is related to (Sekine and Suzuki, 2007) and (Komachi
and Suzuki, 2008). None of these works, however, are
related to our approach because they do not generate
term taxonomies.
Thus, our proposal, although somewhat related to all
the aforementioned research is different in several as-
pects. Different from classic works –e.g. (Hearst,
1992), (Berland and Charniak, 1999), (Caraballo,
1999), (Girju et al., 2003) and (Morin and Jacquemin,
2003). in that it does not rely in full text docu-
ments but in query logs. It also differs from (Clough
et al., 2005), (Heymann and Garcia-Molina, 2006),
(Schmitz, 2006), (Mika, 2007), (Baeza-Yates and
Tiberi, 2007) and (Schwarzkopf et al., 2007) in the
underlying goal: while those methods obtain tags or
queries hierarchies according to their specificity, we
are interested in automatically building actual tax-
onomies (i.e. hierarchical arrangements according to
hyponymy relations). We have also exposed that other
works such as (Chuang and Chien, 2003), (Chuang
and Chien, 2004), (Chuang and Chien, 2005), (Pas¸ca,
2007c), (Pas¸ca, 2007a), (Pas¸ca, 2007b), (Sekine and
Suzuki, 2007) and (Komachi and Suzuki, 2008) are in
fact dealing with problems totally unrelated to taxon-
omy construction.
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
By using taxonomies it should be possible to greatly
improve search engine results by means of term dis-
ambiguation, query suggestion and expansion. How-
ever, we feel that current lexical databases (e.g. Word-
Net (Miller, 1990)) have several issues in order to be
really useful for such purposes. First, because Word-
Net is an English language project, parallel projects
for other languages have been developed, such as Eu-
roWordNet (Vossen, 1998), BalkaNet (Greek), He-
brew WordNet, Hindi WordNet and Japanese Word-
Net among others (Vossen and Fellbaum, 2004). Cer-
tainly we could rely on such different wordnets but
the task of identifying the language in which queries
are written is not trivial given the small number of
terms usually employed. Additionally, there exist
a huge gap between the lexicon used by Web users
and the developers of wordnets. For instance, (Man-
dala et al., 1999) and (Gabrilovich and Markovitch,
2007) pointed out that most domain-specific relation-
ships between words cannot be found in WordNet,
and some kind of words, such as proper names, jar-
gon or slang are just not included. Besides, (Mi-
halcea, 2003) also explained that due to the fact
that professional linguists recognize minimal differ-
ences in word senses, common words such as “make”
have too many different senses to be useful for IR
tasks. Of course, such wordnets could be auto-
matically enriched (Hearst, 1992) but such approach
require a great effort (usually carried out by lin-
guists) and, hence, wordnets remain as quite static
data sources. On the other hand, most of the afore-
mentioned methods to construct term taxonomies
e.g. (Hearst, 1992), (Berland and Charniak, 1999),
(Caraballo, 1999), (Girju et al., 2003), (Morin and
Jacquemin, 2003). not only need large text corpora
but they are tightly coupled to the grammar rules of
the target language. This would make their appli-
cation to query logs extremely difficult (if not to-
tally unfeasible) given the nature of the queries which
are short and, many times, simply ungrammatical.
Thus, we feel that taxonomies of terms and noun
phrases collecting the common knowledge of search
engine users, including typos, jargon and slang are
a real need in order to improve the performance of
Web search engines. Besides, we think that the only
way to obtain such users’ mental model is by min-
ing the query logs collecting the users queries. As a
consequence, the following research questions arose:
(1) Is it possible to generate term taxonomies rely-
ing only on the queries submitted by search engine
users? And, (2) Can they be automatically mined in a
language-independent way?
Throughout the following sections we describe
our proposal to mine hyponymy relations from query
logs, we provide preliminary results from its applica-
tion to the AOL dataset, in addition to future lines of
4.1 The AOL dataset
To answer the research questions stated above we em-
ployed the AOL query log (Pass et al., 2006). This
data set contains more than 30 million records from
about 650,000 users sampled from March to May
2006. Each of those records comprises (1) a user iden-
tifier, (2) the query string submitted by the user, and
(3) the date and time when the query was issued. If the
user clicked any result, then the record also includes
the host name portion of the clicked URL. As it was
previously explained, in addition to that information,
we also need the estimated number of results for each
query to test the existence of subsumption. Although
such information could appear in query logs (e.g. the
MSN query log (Microsoft, 2006) does contain it) it
is not the case with the AOL data and, hence, we had
to enrich the original information by means of the Ya-
4.2 Data Preparation
We preprocessed the raw log in order to obtain a sub-
set best suited to our purposes. In this phase we ses-
sionized the log and removed those records which
were supposed to tamper with the extraction phase.
Because of its relevance, that phase will be detailed
in a separate section. With regards to the preprocess-
ing phase it comprises the following steps:
1. Removal of Navigational Queries. According
to (Broder, 2002), there are three kind of queries
in relation to their intent: (1)Navigational, when
the immediate intent is to reach a particular site;
(2) Informational, when the intent is to acquire
some information assumed to be present on one
or more web pages; and (3)Transactional, when
the intent is to perform some web-mediated ac-
tivity (e.g. to buy a product, or download a file).
We think that navigational queries can reduce the
accuracy of the hyponym extraction process and,
thus, such queries should be removed. Because
the intent behind navigational queries is to reach a
particular site, most of them are lexically similar
to the URL of the referred site and, thus, a sim-
ple heuristic to detect them (Jansen et al., 2008)
consists of checking for the appearance of well-
known website names (e.g. google, wikipedia,
etc), domain suffixes (e.g. com, net, ... , co.uk,
etc), or strings frequently present in URLs such as
www. or http://.
2. Log Sessionization. Topical query sessions are
sequences of queries issued by a single user and
dealing with a unique topic. There are several
methods well suited for this task and for these
experiments we have applied the technique that,
according to the analysis performed in (Gayo-
Avello, 2009), achieves the best results. Such a
technique relies in both lexical and temporal clues
to find a topic shift or a topic continuation be-
tween successive queries from the same user.
3. Removal of Repeated Queries. Many sessions
contain records with repeated queries; there are
several reasons for this: maybe the user clicked
on more than one search result after submitting
the query; s/he could also ask for another page of
results; or even the user actually typed the same
query more than once during the same session.
For our purposes, more than one record with the
same value for the query field is simply redundant
and, hence, repeated records were removed.
4. Removal of Low Frequency Queries. Nonsen-
sical queries or containing odd typos are not rare
but they are relatively unfrequent. In order to miti-
gate the impact of such queries, we removed those
records containing queries with an absolute fre-
quency below an arbitrary threshold.
5. Removal of One-query-sessions. Because our
proposal to detect hyponym relations requires a
specialization pattern, sessions containing just
one query are useless and, therefore, removed.
4.3 Taxonomy Extraction
4.3.1 Identification of Specializations
Our proposal is based on the premise that hyponymy
relations can be mined from query logs by taking into
account the specialization search pattern in addition
to the number of results available for each query.
Specialization occurs when a query q
looks for in-
formation on the same topic than a previous query
but it is much more focused. To detect such a
pattern researchers have typically relied in lexical
similarity [(Miller, 1990), (He et al., 2002)], that
is, a query is an specialization when it adds new
terms to a previous query. A trivial scenario oc-
curs when the query q
contains as a substring the
previous query q
(e.g. fish food and tropical
fish food); we will refer to this as trivial special-
ization. A not so trivial case occurs when the subse-
quent query not only add new terms but remove others
from the previous query, such as in the pair angelica
panganiban scandals and celebrity scandals.
Arguably, this example is considered an specializa-
tion just because the number of terms is larger but,
in fact, angelica panganiban is a multiword term
and, thus, such a pair could also be considered a case
of Reformulation. In fact, apart from the appearance
of a multiword term, that case would be analogous to
the pair comprising electronic repairs and ipod
repairs that clearly fits the Reformulation pattern.
It is because of such cases that we propose to use
the number of results obtained by each query; that
way, if the number of results is significantly differ-
ent we could consider such reformulations as refor-
mulations with specialization, even, if they do not add
new terms. Besides, it must be noticed that there
exist many queries that do not fit within those in-
terpretations and are, however, specializations (e.g.
labrador and dog). Nevertheless, at this early stage
we are only considering trivial specializations and re-
formulations with specialization. Finally, to increase
recall, we have taken every combination of queries
within the same topical session instead of just the
pairs of successive queries. From such pairs, depend-
ing on the type of specialization detected (if any), two
different extraction algorithms are applied.
4.3.2 Extraction of Hyponymy Relations
When a reformulation with specialization occurs, we
check the number of results obtained by each query in
the pair. If such numbers are significantly different we
assume that the query with a larger number of results
subsumes the other one. Then, the hyponym and hy-
pernym are obtained by removing the terms appearing
in both queries (see Figure 1). It must be noticed that
this process is not error-free and some noise is, at this
moment of the research, unavoidable; for instance,
inferring from the queries pet hamsters (623K re-
sults) and pet dogs (4M results) that hamsters spe-
cializes dog; such issues must be addressed in future
When dealing with trivial specializations, the pre-
vious method is unfeasible because as one of the
queries is a substring of the other when subtract-
ing the intersection between both queries from the
shorter one it would result in the empty set. We can,
of course, directly take the pair as a hyponym re-
lation (e.g. fish food tropical fish food),
KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Extraction of a relation from a reformulation with
specialization pair. In this case, we would infer that “trade
edition” is a hyponym of “book” which is indeed correct (a
trade edition is a book intented for general readership)
but other hyponymy relations could also be inferred
from the same pattern, such as fish tropical
fish, and food tropical fish food. To ex-
tract such relations, we employ a method relying
on the use of term n-grams. Firstly, we produce
for each of the queries every possible n-gram (e.g.
for the query tropical fish food we would ob-
tain tropical, fish, food, tropical fish, fish
food, and tropical fish food). Then, every n-
gram of the specialized query is paired with every n-
gram of the generalized query provided that (1) both
n-grams contain common terms, (2) they are not the
same n-gram, and (3) the n-gram from the special-
ized query is longer than the n-gram from the gener-
alized query. Continuing with the example, the pairs
fish food and food, or tropical fish and fish, would be
obtained, but also fish food and fish (see Figure 2)
fish tropical fish
fish fish food
food fish food
fish tropical fish food
food tropical fish food
fish food tropical fish food
Figure 2: List of candidate hyponymy relations obtained
from the trivial specialization pair (tropical fish food, fish
food). As it can be seen, the second and fourth candidates
are incorrect.
We have applied the methods described above to
a sessionized and preprocessed version of the AOL
query log obtaining encouraging results. At this mo-
ment we have not yet developed a way to cuantita-
tively evaluate the accuracy of the results and, hence,
we can only provide a short sample of the relations
obtained that we consider illustrative of the pros and
cons of our technique:
coin penny and military navy. These
relations are not only correct, but they also appear
in Wordnet.
lingerie panties. Another relationship
that should be considered correct although it does
not appear in such a straightforward way in Word-
celtic irish. This relation is highly rea-
sonable and reveals many of the problems of hi-
erarchical taxonomies; that is, are we referring to
the Irish language (which indeed belongs to the
Celtic family) or to the Irish people?
eventing jumping. This relation is one the
most frequent, appearing in over 300 different ses-
sions. It illustrates very well the way in which
specific domains can be exposed because event-
ing is an equestrian competion comprising several
disciplines including jumping; such sense does
not appear in Wordnet.
motels howard johnson express and
wrestling wwe. These relations are correct
because Howard Johnson Express and WWE
are brands dealing with motels and professional
wrestling respectively. Because they involve
trademarks, they do not appear in Wordnet.
underwear briefs speedo. Here we
have two hyponymy relations: underwear
briefs and briefs speedo. The first re-
lation is correct because briefs are a type of
tight underwear and swimwear. The second re-
lation could also be considered correct because,
although Speedo is a trademark, it is commonly
used as a generic name referring to swimming
briefs. Again, these relations reveal common
knowledge that is not usually present in lexical
mountain mountian, paper papper, or
video vidio are examples of rather frequent
relations mined from the query log. As it can be
seen they are not really hyponyms but typos asso-
ciated with the correct spelling.
hanoverian arabian, yellow white,
honda kawasaki, justice leage
flash gordon are examples of some of the
issues we have to face up in future research; in
these cases we have terms that could be consid-
ered co-hyponyms (i.e. terms with a common
hypernym) but one of them is much more popular
than the other, thus, tampering with our heuristic
based on the number of results.
As it has been exposed above, lexical databases are
costly hand made resources that, however, exhibit a
lack of common dayly knowledge such as jargon,
slang and frequent typos. Nevertheles, such terms, be-
cause of their pervasive presence in user Web search
queries, are extremely important to improve the per-
formance of search engines. This fact drove us to re-
search the feasibility of automatically extracting term
taxonomies from those very same queries. Along this
paper we have described an approach with encourag-
ing preliminary results. In fact, it seems that it is not
only possible to achieve such results by only using
query logs but also that it should be possible to at-
tain that in different languages. Therefore, the stated
research questions seem to have a feasible answer
This research also has limitations that should be ad-
dressed in the near future. First, a much more pre-
cise way to identify specialization patterns is needed.
Second, false positives (i.e. incorrectly flagged hy-
ponymy relations) should be filtered out. And third,
an evaluation framework should be envisioned in or-
der to quantify the performance of the method. With
regards to the first issue we have also pointed out that,
at this moment, only lexical clues are employed to de-
tect specialization but we plan to reproduce the work
by (Boldi et al., 2009) where they describe a machine
learning method to detect much subtle specializations
(e.g. labrador and dog). Regarding the second is-
sue, we have explored a na
ıve heuristic based on the
position where modifiers occur in relation to the hy-
pernym (i.e. they are pre- or post-modifiers). As we
pointed before, in the English language such modi-
fiers tend to precede the hypernym (e.g. tropical
fish, blue fish, recently caught fish) and,
hence, it could be rather simple to remove most of
the false positives. This could work in other lan-
guages but, certainly, it would not be language inde-
pendent. However, statistical methods could perhaps
be applied to these trivial specializations to discover
the most common position of modifiers in order to
adapt the application of the heuristic. Finally, with re-
gards to the third issue on the necessity of a evaluation
framework, we will probably start relying on Word-
net although we have already pointed out the lack of
specialized knowledge and slang in that database. On
the other hand, we believe that many pairs would be,
in fact, instances and not hyponyms (e.g. angelina
jolie and celebrity) which could be really diffi-
cult to evaluate by simply using Wordnet. Hopefully,
in future works we will be able to shed light on such
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