Building an information system that implements a
repository for active patterns for self-optimization
that supports the two features above is not trivial.
Classical engineering pattern are usually provided in
static catalogues. Static refers to the fact, that the
user of a (maybe electronic) catalogue cannot add or
modify information. These catalogues work well for
longtime established solution patterns with general-
ized applications examples. They will not work in
an entirely new or multidisciplinary domain, which
posses a high degree of innovation. Such a dynamic
linked domain calls for dynamic methods and tools
to manage and link the experiences, knowledge and
success stories. Collaboration between the experts
working on self-optimization is crucial. Especially
due to the domain-spanning nature of self-optimizing
mechatronics it will not be possible to formalize and
generalize all required knowledge into a static cata-
During the last years a new kind of software was
established: social software (Tepper, 2003). This kind
of software enables user to collaboratively provide
information and information classification. Wikis,
blogs and folksonomies are important keywords in
this area. In our opinion, this kind of software is most
promising to build an environment which enables ef-
ficient reuse of design experiences and knowledge.
Many successful examples from knowledge extensive
application domains like health (Boulos and Wheel-
ert, 2007) or academia (Bryant, 2006) are known.
McAffee (MacAffee, 2006) identified six core
components of social software: search, links, author-
ing, tagging extension and signals. The next section
will introduce our prototype information system or
repository and will subsequently explain how social
software technology can be used to amplify the use of
solutions patterns in the context of self-optimization.
5.1 The Active Pattern Knowledge Base
Once a self-optimization process has been specified
and implemented successfully, the information needs
to be documented in order to enable the reuse in dif-
ferent applications. This is necessary not only if the
developer could not refer to an existing AP
(in this
case a new AP
has to be described), but also if an
was implemented (in that case at least a new ap-
plication scenario has to be described). Apparently it
is necessary to use a database, which stores the infor-
mation in such a manner, that developers are able to
recognize an appropriate AP
. Therefore we devel-
oped an ergonomic knowledge base for the systematic
management of AP
, called Active Pattern Knowl-
edge Base (APKB). The graphical user interface of
the APKB is illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: GUI of the Active Pattern Knowledge Base.
The Active Pattern Knowledge Base links all the
aspects of an active pattern to the respective partial
models, which are specified in Microsoft Visio. How-
ever, the user can see a preview of the partial model.
Furthermore, information regarding the various meth-
ods is stored directly in the knowledge base. Both,
the active pattern and the methods are stored as a list
to enable a quick access. To find an appropriate ac-
tive pattern, a fulltext search is available, which looks
for matches between the search word and the notions
used in the partial models.
5.2 Social Software Features for
Solution Patterns
In this subsection we explain how the six core com-
penents of social software can be used to support the
knowledge reuse in the design of self-optimizing sys-
5.2.1 Search
In (Kl
opper et al., 2008) we introduced a domain
spanning search process. The domain spanning
search process relies on the definition of domain spe-
cific ontologies. The domain spanning-search process
relies on the definition of domain-specific ontology.
In their application to information systems, ontolo-
gies are regarded as designed artefacts consistent of
a specific shared vocabulary used to describe entities
in the domain, as well as a set of assumptions about
the intended meaning of the term in the vocabulary
(Chandrasekaran et al., 1999).
The domain spanning search is split up into two
phases: the maintenance phase and the search pro-