level execution phase but yielding the potential for
rich macro optimization of the overall process simi-
lar to relational query optimization (logical, physical,
Our future work plan includes the following: mi-
grating to the latest version of OGSA-DAI allow-
ing complex workflow graphs, applying the operator
based approach to our earlier work for distributed de-
cision trees (Hofer and Brezany, 2004), extending the
set of data mining operators to cover association rule
mining, and higher level optimization components for
KDD processes.
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project which is financed by the European Commis-
sion via Framework Program 7 through contract no.
FP7-ICT-215024. Yan Zhang has been supported by
Project No. 2006AA01A121 of the National High-
Tech. R&D Program of China.
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KDIR 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval