With regard to virtualization, the project LiLa [10] addresses the challenge of
making lab experiments more widely accessible, through automation and control from
distance via Internet, driven by advanced access control mechanisms. With regard to
service-orientation and related solutions, IMS Global Learning Consortium [8] has
proposed an architecture for education-related enterprise systems, inspired by some of
the latest SOA-related achievements. With regard to tooling, tools such as Moodle
[12] are currently undergoing development that nevertheless strongly depends on the
envisioned upcoming advances in the direction of service-orientation.
Distinctive features of the proposed solution directions are: (i) Methodological
derivation of IT services, based on business analysis and modeling; (ii) Consideration
of (service-oriented) coordination as a way for orchestrating and facilitating the work
of an e-learning system; (iii) Envisioning underlying infrastructures for the next
generation of e-learning systems.
To further this research, we plan to achieve a holistic perspective on technology-
enhanced learning, in which we will consider the aspects mentioned above.
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