portables, wireless networks and cloud computing over the next few years. Gartner
predicts the market for cloud computing services will triple from $46.6 billion last
year to 150.1 billion in 2013 [3].
Ultimately, cloud computing is hovering to make a real impact on businesses of all
sizes and society at large. It gives to smaller businesses a chance to utilize resources
and services previously only IT leading companies could afford. According Vivek
Kundra, Federal CIO "The cloud will do for government what the Internet did in the
'90s … I believe it's the future … It's a fundamental change to the way our
government operates by moving to the cloud. Rather than owning the infrastructure,
we can save millions … It's moving technology leaders away from just owning assets,
deploying assets and maintaining assets to fundamentally changing the way services
are delivered.“
As any change this new mega-trend in IT industry and services may take a while
for building users’ confidence, but like any major concept, it always starts off slowly,
but once businesses and society realize the advantages of cloud computing, it will
pick up pace rapidly.
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