The Architecture of a Learner Adviser Service
Dumitru Dan Burdescu
, Marian Cristian Mihăescu
and Costel Marian Ionaşcu
Software Engineering Department, University of Craiova, Romania
{burdescu, mihaescu}
Analysis, Statistics and Mathematics Department, University of Craiova, Romania
Abstract. One of the most important challenges faced by institutions that
deploy e-Learning activities is to prove beneficiaries that the learning process is
effective. This paper proposes a structure for a Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) in which a Learner Adviser Service (LAS) will run. The proposed
architecture enables different e-Learning platforms to access the service through
published and discoverable interfaces. The LAS will provide feedback for each
learner according with the setup that has been done between the e-Learning
platform and LAS. The feedback refers to actions that are recommended to be
performed by the learner. LAS uses machine learning algorithms for classifying
learners according with their performed activities. The ultimate goal of LAS is
to provide an overall activity measurement for the student’s activity in such a
way to increase the trust into the effectiveness of the e-Learning platform.
Keywords. Service Oriented Architecture, e-Learning, Recommender system.
1 Introduction
Using service type architecture has the advantage of providing the ability to register,
discover, and use services, where the architecture is dynamic in nature.
A typical Service-Oriented Architecture is presented in Figure 1. One can see three
fundamental aspects of such architecture:
a) Advertising. The Service Provider makes the service available to the Service
b) Discovery. The Service Consumer finds a specific Service using the Service
c) Interaction. The Service Consumer and the Service Provider interact.
In an e-Learning context, the service consumer is represented by the e-Learning
platform itself, while the service provider is represented by LAS. Once a service is
advertised and discovered, any interaction with it is controlled by the service level
agreement (SLA) that is going to define the entities that are allowed or denied access
to the service, as well as the interval time the access is allowed or denied.
The lifetime of LAS can be described by the three following steps: creation,
advertising and discovery. Each of these steps is represented in LAS by a set of
interfaces. There will be explained these different steps and demonstrate them through
a prototype LAS.
Burdescu D., Mihaescu M. and Ionaŧcu C.
The Architecture of a Learner Adviser Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004463200570070
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Systems and Technology (I-WEST 2009), pages 57-70
ISBN: 978-989-674-015-3
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Fig. 1. The Service-Oriented Architecture.
As seen before, the different application areas have different requirements to the
data management. Workflows need a reliable place for the storage of temporal or
permanent processing results. The usage of content sharing applications needs
sophisticated querying functions and short access times. Applications based on
resource sharing require standardized reliable database access. Finally, collaborative
applications require concurrency control.
In the service oriented applications, the same classical requirements that apply to
databases are still valid:
Durability: Data need to be stored for longer time. In web application, data have to
be available even if storage peers disappear.
Consistency: Data have to be always consistent. This is challenging in web
application as data can be changed in every storage peer and changes have to be
propagated to other peers.
Reliability: The reliability of web application data stores is accomplished by the
distributed storage of data. Hence the reliability of web application storage is related
to the durability property.
Concurrency: From the architecture of web application system a high level of
concurrent operations on data is given. Changes can be done on several peers in
parallel. Hence updates have to be done in a more controlled way.
Scalability: The scalability is base property of web applications.
The LAS employs machine learning algorithms in order to create a knowledge
management infrastructure that has as main goal building trust for the obtained
advice. The input for the business logic of LAS is represented by learner’s activities
and by goals. Learner’s activities represent the data used for creating learner’s model.
The goals represent the criteria that need to be optimized in order to obtain quality
Advice obtained by LAS regard the level of fulfilling proposed goals. This is an
objective measure of the quality of the evaluation environment. On the other hand, the
recommendations represent advice for course managers and learners. The aim of
advice is to increase the quality of the e-Learning process. The procedure consists of
several steps. Firstly, the platform has to produce enough data regarding the learner’s
performed activities such that a learner’s model of good quality is obtained. At this
step there are also set up goals. Course managers set goals regarding their course and
learners set up their own goals. This step is called SETUP and is considered to be the
most important one since next steps heavily rely on it.
After the model has been obtained the next step is to obtain advice. The advice is
supposed to be strictly followed by course managers. The period in which course
managers carry out the recommendations is called EEI (Evaluation Environment
Improvement). The activities performed by learners in this period will not be taken
into consideration regarding in the learner’s model or recommendations by the LAS.
After the EEI period ends a new dataset of learner’s performed actions is recorded.
This dataset is used for rebuilding the learner’s model and reevaluation of initially set
goals. This step is called EER (Evaluation Environment Reevaluation).
Regarding the advice for learners, the e-Learning platform has implemented means
of keeping track of advice that has been given to learners and the way the advice were
followed. This is accomplished also in EER step. The LAS provides at this step
conclusions regarding the quality of recommendations by evaluating whether or not
the learners were helped to reach their goals or not.
This three step process may have as many iterations as needed. Each reevaluation
step compares a challenger learner’s model with initial model in terms of
classification accuracy. The model with best accuracy will be further used for offering
advice to learners. The challenger model is based also on newly recorded data from
the time old model has been obtained. It is a primary concern to continuously improve
the learner’s model in terms of classification accuracy. This is the basis for obtaining
valuable advice for learners and course managers.
2 Related Work
Several service definitions exist in the literature, e.g., [3][4]. In general, services
provide one or more functionalities to consumers. Consumers can be anybody that
needs a specific functionality. They could be client applications requesting some
external support, or other services as well. The client can be of any system, in or case
an e-Learning application.
One important class of example for services are Web services. Web services use
the available infrastructure of the Internet as the communication medium. They are
built on a wide range of standards or proposed standards for service description and
high-level communication protocols. All data formats use the XML [5] encoding.
Services are described by WSDL [7] and published with the help of UDDI [6].
The individual service calls use SOAP [8]. For the implementation of distributed
workflows BPEL [9] has been proposed as a new standard. With the introduction of a
transaction protocol [10] also some work on the reliability of Web service
architectures has been done. The strict focus on open Internet standards is an
important difference to other approaches of distributed computing like Corba [11], or
DCE [12]. Since only the strict interface details are published, Web services are
neutral to the programming language, programming model and the underlying
operating system.
The business logic of LAS makes intensive use of machine learning talgorithms
implemented in a knowledge management infrastructure. From this perspective LAS
benefits from knowledge management concepts and technologies.
Knowledge is considered to be “the information needed to make business
decisions” [13], and so knowledge management is the “essential ingredient of
success” for 95 per cent of CEOs [13].
3 Design and Implementation of LAS
3.1 Creation, Advertising and Discovery
A service is defined by its interface, i.e. the list of methods it provides. For example,
the interface and the implementation of an adviser service providing basic
functionalities to find and classify a learner. It is important at this level to notice there
is no information on how the service is going to be implemented. We will see in the
following sections how this abstract LAS is going to be implemented by using for
example the Jini library.
The instantiation of the service is done through a call to a meta factory, which first
instantiates a service factory for the used implementation, and asks this factory to
return a new instance of the service.
Once created, a service can be advertised on a specific domain through the
advertizing manager service. The service is advertised with a SLA that defines the
access policy that will be used to enforce interaction with the service. The same
service can be advertised in different organizations (e.g. other e-Learning platforms)
with different SLA’s. This gives a flexible mechanism to control how different
organizations may access the service, by allowing advertising the service capabilities
as required.
The advertising of a service is done through a XML document that defines the
SLA’s of the service for all the virtual organizations where the service is to be made
By connecting to a virtual organization, a service consumer can query a service and
interact with it once discovered. LAS provides different types of query such as
interface matching that allow to listen to all services of a specific interface, or service
data matching that allow to query services based on the value of their service data
elements. Discovering a service is accomplished in three steps: (1) Instantiate a
discovery manager, (2) Instantiate a discovery query - the instantiation mechanism is
based on the interface of the service will listen, (3) Register a listener - for every new
service matching the query, the service-Published() method will be called with the
service as a parameter. Similarly, the service-Unpublished() method will be called for
each service disappearing from the virtual organization.
Any interaction with the service is controlled by an external entity; it first
authenticates the service consumer through its certificate and authorizes it against the
policy of the service it wishes to access.
Jini network technology [1] is an open architecture that enables developers to build
adaptive networks that are scalable, evolvable and flexible as typically required in
dynamic computing environments. The first version of the LAS was directly
implemented on top of the Jini API [2].
When using Jini, the following classes are automatically generated for a service
named LAS.
– extends the implementation of the service LAS
to provide an implementation for all the basic LAS/Jini mechanisms.
– is the main Jini interface extending the interface
java.rmi.Remote. It acts as a proxy for LAS service, and defines exactly the same
– is the implementation of the interface
LAS_ServiceJiniStub. It uses a reference to LAS_ServiceJiniNoAbstract to redirect
all the method calls on the service.
– implements the interface LAS by using a reference to
LAS_ServiceJiniStub to redirect an LAS service’s method call as a Jini service’s
method call.
Step 1: Creation. This step creates an object of the class LAS_ServiceJini and
initializes it with the corresponding stub, i.e. an instance of the class
Step 2: Advertising. The object LAS_ServiceJiniStubImpl – hold by the LAS service
created in the previous step – extends indirectly the interface java.rmi.Remote, it can
therefore be made available in a Jini lookup service.
Step 3: Discovery. The object returned from the Jini lookup service is a
LAS_ServiceJiniStubImpl. It is going to be wrapped in an instance of the class
LAS_ServiceJini before being returned to the listener. We obtain here a similar object
to the one obtained when creating the service.
Step 4: Invocation. Any method call is done on an instance of the class
LAS_ServiceJini and is finally redirected on an instance of the class
Figure 2 shows an interaction diagram of these different classes and interfaces.
Fig. 2. Jini Implementation of an LAS Service.
3.2 Advantages/Disadvantages
The functionalities provided by the SOA of LAS and the Jini library are basically the
same. It was therefore very easy to implement the SOA on top of Jini without tying up
LAS to Jini and get an implementation-independent SOA. The Jini implementation is
very scalable; experiments of testing the performance of Jini when increasing the
number of Jini services, demonstrate a good result in the performance when
discovering and accessing the Jini services. The potential problems when using Jini
lie in security and in the connection of services across firewalls.
3.3 System Prototype Design
Based on key requirements of e-learning systems, we can prototype the LAS. This
service may respond to queries from three types of users: learners, instructors and
administrators. Figure 3 presents a LAS, and two e-Learning systems, Uni-1 and Uni-
2, which benefit from the same services, implemented in LAS.
Users (learners, professors, administrators) from different universities (e-Learning
platforms) can benefit from using the LAS. Each university is required to be
registered with LAS and a setup procedure needs to be accomplished. This procedure
regards the way in which the universities will provide activity data to LAS. Once this
setup in accomplished, the universities will be able to query LAS using the specified
Fig. 3. General architecture design.
From logical point of view, the architecture will have the following layers:
- LAS – Learner Adviser Service itself. This layer is represented by the business
logic implementation of the provided services;
- Client Representation level – at this level, within LAS, there are stored the data
regarding a registered client (e.g. an e-Learning system). These data regard the
locality of client, the format in which data is sent, the credentials of the client.
- LAS interface – this level regards the way in which LAS may be queried by
- Access control layer – Authenticates and authoresses users such that there are
determined what resources a user is allowed access. Administration refers to the
ability to specify the way LAS and client interact.
The Client level – this level is represented by the e-Learning platform itself.
3.4 Framework Implementation
Figure 4 presents the implementation framework of LAS and an e-Learning system. It
focuses on the implementing flows between different layers.
From the container (e.g. an Internet browser), in which the client contents are
presented by the forms of HTML, JSP (Java Server Pages) or XML, the user (learner,
professor, administrator) can submit their query through HTTP requests to the Servlet
Container and receives HTTP responses. The query goes through the Database
Connection Layer (e.g. JDBC (Java Data Base Connection) API) to get information
from the database.
Regarding LAS, the request goes from Servlet container to the Service agent which
parses the request streams and transmits the data to LAS. Once request is fulfilled the
same Servlet container will get back the response.
The procedure may be enhanced by doing a look up in a UDDI registry, the Web
Service Agent Layer can search and locate the LAS. The location of WSDL binding
information will be sent back as a SOAP message. The binding information of our
own sharable learning services is also published here. After the service Agent Layer
gets the binding information, it can directly invoke the learning service by passing the
essential data indicated by the WSDL file in a SOAP message over the Internet or
Intranet. And the learning service could be J2EEbased or other platform-based
residing on any platform.
Access control is the process to identify client applications (e.g. e-Learning
platforms) that need to access LAS. Once a client has been authenticated,
authorization determines what resources a client is allowed to access. Administration
refers to the ability to modify the way in which the client interact with LAS.
Service Requestor is a component that needs to be integrated within the e-Learning
application that wants to receive a service from LAS. It does not know where this
other application is or how to locate it, so it turns to the Service Registry and requests
a find operation. The Service Provider publishes this service as a Service Proxy in the
Service Registry. Service Proxy is a java proxy that helps the system to communicate
with web service.
Fig. 4. Implementation framework of LAS and e-Learning system.
3.5 Business Logic of LAS
The whole process is conducted following the steps of target modeling presented in
figure 5 [14].
Defining the goal represents the first step. Our goal is to create a model of analysis
for Tesys e-Learning platform that is to be used for optimizing the criteria specified
by learners and course manager goals. Setting up the goals is accomplished by
formally defining the criteria that is to be evaluated and optimized. Selection and
preparation of data are the next steps. Here, we have to determine the necessary data
that will enter the modeling process. The preparation gets that data and puts it into a
form ready for processing of the model. Since the processing is done using machine-
learning algorithms implemented in Weka workbench [15], the output of preparation
step is in the form of an arff file. Under these circumstances, we have developed an
offline Java application that queries the platform’s database and crates the input data
file called activity.arff. This process is automated and is driven by a property file in
which there is specified what data will lay in activity.arff file.
Fig. 5. Steps for target modeling.
For a learner in our platform we may have a very large number of attributes. Still,
in our procedure we used only attributes related to testing procedures: the number of
taken tests, average time spent on tests and average results obtained. Here is how the
arff file looks like:
@relation activity
@attribute noOfTests {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
@attribute avgTimeForTesing {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
@attribute avgResultsOnTests {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
@attribute avgFinalResults {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
As it can be seen from the definition of the attributes each of them has a set of
nominal values from which only one may be assigned. The values of the attributes are
computed for each of the 650 learners and are set in the @data section of the file. For
example, the first line says that the learner took an average number of tests, spent an
average amount of time for testing, and obtained good results at testing and very good
results at final examinations.
Now, since we have prepared the data we start analyzing it. Choosing between two
learning algorithms given a single dataset is not a trivial task [16]. Firstly, we make
sure the data is relevant. We test the “goodness” of data trying to build a decision tree
like C4.5 [17] from data. A decision tree is a flow-like-chart tree structure where each
internal node denotes a test on an attribute, each branch represents an outcome of the
test and leaf nodes represent classes [18].
The basic algorithm for decision tree induction is a greedy algorithm that
constructs the decision tree in a top-down recursive divide-and-conquer manner [18].
The computational cost of building the tree is O(mn log n) [15]. It is assumed that
for n instances the depth of the tree is in order of log n, which means the tree is not
degenerated into few long branches.
The information gain measure is used to select the test attribute at each node in the
tree. We refer to such a measure an attribute selection measure or a measure of
goodness of split. The algorithm computes the information gain of each attribute. The
attribute with the highest information gain is chosen as the test attribute for the given
set [18].
Consequently the data must be preprocessed to select a subset of attributes to use in
learning. Learning schemes themselves try to select attributes appropriately and
ignore irrelevant and redundant ones, but in practice their performance can frequently
be improved by preselection. For example, experiments show that adding useless
attributes causes the performance of learning schemes such as decision trees and
rules, linear regression, instance-based learners, and clustering methods to deteriorate
In the tree building stage, the most important step is the selection of the test
attribute. Information gain measure is used to select the test attribute at each node in
the tree. Such a measure is referred to as an attribute selection measure or a measure
of the goodness of split. The attribute with the highest information gain (or greatest
entropy reduction) is chosen as test attribute for the current node. This attribute
minimizes the information need to classify the samples in the resulting partitions and
reflects the least randomness or “impurity” in these partitions.
Finally, the cross-validation evaluation technique measures the correctly and
incorrectly classified instances. We consider that if there are more than 80% of
instances correctly classified than we have enough good data. The obtained model is
further used for analyzing learner’s goals and obtain recommendations. The aim of
the LAS is to “guide” the learner on the correct path in the decision tree such that he
reaches the desired class.
The main characteristic of the LAS is that it uses a machine learning algorithm for
obtaining knowledge regarding learners. The e-Learning environment produces data
regarding the activity of learners and passes this data to LAS. The LAS creates and
maintains a learner’s model based on data received from the e-Assessment tool. This
architecture allows the usage of LAS along with any e-Learning platform as long as
the data is in the accepted format.
The raw data is dumped by e-Learning platform in a log file activity.log. The log
file, together with database relations represent the raw data available for the analysis
process. Because we use Weka [19] the data is extracted and translated into a standard
format called ARFF, for Attribute Relation File Format [20, 21]. This involves taking
the physical log file and database relations and processing them through a series of
steps to generate an ARFF dataset.
At this phase the most important decision regards the features selection for
instances. There may be derived a large number of features that describe the activity
of a student. Choosing the attributes is highly dependent on data that we have domain
knowledge and experience. For our classification we choose three attributes:
noOfTests– the number of taken tests, avgTimeForTesing – the average time spent for
testing, vgResultsOnTests – average results obtained at testing and avgFinalResults-
average of final results. For each registered student the values of these attributes are
determined based on the raw data from the log files and database relations. Each
student is referred to as an instance within classification process.
The values of attributes are computed for each instance through a custom
developed off-line Java application. The outcome of running the application is in the
form of a file called activity.arff that will later be used as source file for Weka
workbench [19].
The activity.arff file has a standard format which is composed of two sections. In
the first one there is defined the name of the relation and the attributes. For each
attribute there is defined the set of nominal values it may have.
At this point we may say we have obtained useful data that may be used for
experimentation with machine learning schemes. The original dataset was divided
into a training of 90% of instances and a test set of 10 % of instances. The model was
constructed using four attributes: nLogings, nTests, avgTest and nSentMessages. The
obtained decision tree represents the learner’s model. This model is used as reference
when analyzing learner’s activity.
More detailed results regarding the obtained model are presented below.
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -C 0.25 -M 2
Relation: activity
Instances: 375
Attributes: 3: noOfTests, avgResultsOnTests, avgTimeForTesing,
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
J48 pruned tree
noOfTests = 1: (25/2)
noOfTests= 2
| avgResultsOnTests = 1 (20/1)
| avgResultsOnTests = 2
| | avgTimeForTesing= 1
| | | avgFinalResults = 1 (10/3)
| | | avgFinalResults = 2 (27/10)
| | | avgFinalResults = 3 (7/2)
| | | avgFinalResults = 4 (5/1)
| | avgTimeForTesing= 2
| | | avgFinalResults = 1 (20/6)
| | | avgFinalResults = 2 (13/4)
| | avgTimeForTesing= 3 (7/1)
| | avgTimeForTesing= 4 (5/0)
| avgResultsOnTests = 3 (113/6)
noOfTests = 3
| avgResultsOnTests = 4 (11/3)
| avgResultsOnTests = 5
| | avgTimeForTesing= 3 (17/4)
| | avgTimeForTesing= 4 (29/3)
| | avgTimeForTesing= 5 (35/4)
noOfTests = 4 (21/2)
noOfTests = 5 (12/2)
Number of Leaves : 17
Size of the tree : 25
Time taken to build model: 0.13 seconds
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 302 80.6 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 73 19.4 %
The most important part is the results validation, which ensures that the model is
valid and provides solid knowledge. The stratified cross-validation evaluation
technique revealed that 302 (80.6 %) instances were correctly classified and 73
(19.4%) were incorrectly classified.
Whenever a learner performs specific actions he is classified by the decision tree
and conclusions are obtained. These conclusions may be regarded by
recommendations for learners having as final goal helping them in reaching
educational objectives. This continuous monitoring and classification may have a big
contribution to building a quality e-Learning environment.
Within the e-Learning environment there is specified a set of goals for learners and
course managers. For learners the set of goals from which they may choose is:
- Minimization of the time in which a certain level of knowledge is reached. This is
accomplished by specifying a desired grade.
- Obtaining for sure a certain grade. The learner has to specify the grade he aims
Course managers may choose from two goals:
- Having a normal distribution of grades at chapter level.
- Having a testing environment that ensures a minimum time in which learner
reaches a knowledge level for passing the exam.
For these goals there were created two sets of recommendations. Learners may
obtain one of the following recommendations:
- More study is necessary for chapter X.
- You may go to the next chapter.
- You need to take more tests at chapter X.
For course managers the set of recommendations is:
- At chapter X there are needed harder/easier questions.
- At chapter X there are to few/many questions.
For obtaining recommendations for course managers we have used the obtained
model. Running the Decision Tree algorithm created 17 classes. For these classes, we
compute the likelihood of a set of test data given the model. Weka measures
goodness-of-fit by the logarithm of the likelihood, or log-likelihood: and the larger
this quantity, the better the model fits the data. Instead of using a single test set, it is
also possible to compute a cross validation estimate of the log-likelihood. For our
instances, the value of the log-likelihood is -2.61092, which represents a promising
result in the sense that instances (in our case learners) may be classified in four
disjoint clusters based on their activity.
After the model has been created the recommendations towards course managers
were made and the evaluation environment was altered accordingly. The
recommendations and the behavior of learners (whether or not they followed
recommendations) were logged for further analysis.
The behavior of learners has a very important role in obtaining challenger learner’s
models that at some point may replace the current one.
On the other hand, checking whether or not the learners followed the
recommendations may lead to conclusions regarding the quality of recommendations
and of currently employed learner’s model.
4 Conclusions
The paper presents the design of a Service-Oriented Architecture for a LAS service
that may be integrated with an e-Learning platform.
LAS have been designed as a complex Web service that may be used by e-learning
systems. LAS web service, as a service provider, provides the response to the client'
The main purpose of LAS is to create a learner’s model corresponding to a
registered e-Learning platform. Once the model has been created, LAS may receive
queries from the e-Learning platform regarding the actions that need to be performed
by learners in order increase the trust into the effectiveness.
The software architecture of LAS uses only Java related technologies. That is why
the system has an open architecture and uses open application interfaces to enable
interaction and integration seamlessly between educational institutions and LAS. The
architecture is able to take advantage of the open, dynamic nature of the web by
supporting just -in-time application integration.
Our LAS produces advice for learners and course managers using different
machine learning techniques on the activity data obtained from the platform. We use
Weka workbench [19] as environment for running state-of-the-art machine learning
algorithms and data preprocessing tools. We have developed a custom application that
gets the activity data from the platform and transforms it into the specific file format
used by Weka, called arff.
A decision tree learner is used for estimating whether or not the data may be used
to obtain significant results. The outcome of decision tree validation is the percentage
of correctly classified instances. We say that a value of over 80% in correct classified
instances is a promise that we might finally obtain useful knowledge.
Clustering may also be used for estimating the classification capability evaluation
environment. This is mainly be performed to obtain better recommendations for
course managers.
We have tested this procedure on data obtained from the e-Learning platform on
which 375 learners were enrolled and had activity for six month. The results are
satisfactory and prove that the evaluation environment can be successfully used in an
e-Learning process.
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