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Brief Biography
Marten J. van Sinderen is associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) of the University of Twente, Enschede, The
Netherlands. He is a member of the Information Systems (IS) group since 2008, and before that
led the Architecture and Services of Network Applications (ASNA) group between 2004 and
2008. He is currently also coordinator of research in the area of Service Architectures and
Health Applications, on behalf of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology
(CTIT), the ICT research institute of the University of Twente.
During his professional career, he has been active in the areas of network interconnection,
communication protocols, middleware, application protocols, and enterprise interoperability.
His current main research interests are design methods and architectures for networked
systems, particularly mobile middleware, service platforms, and context-aware mobile
applications. Among the design paradigms being considered are Service Oriented Architecture,
Model Driven Architecture and the Semantic Services. He was co-chairman of the Program