Manuel Castro, Rosario Gil, Miguel Latorre
E.T.S.I. Industriales, UNED, Spanish University for Distance Education, Juan del Rosal, 12, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Alfonso Duran
Engineering School, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avenida de la Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain
Martin Llamas
Telematic Engineering Department. Vigo University, Spain
Edmundo Tovar
Language and Computer Science Systems and Software Engineering Department. Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Keywords: e-Learning services, Technology enhanced learning, Digital objects and reusability, Digital contents and
repositories, Open courses and open knowledge.
Abstract: The massive, simultaneous redesign of all degrees in European Higher Education Area presents daunting
challenges but also offers unprecedented opportunities. All degrees must be simultaneously redesigned;
synergies among them can be effectively exploited, thus encouraging the re-utilization oriented approaches
discussed in this paper (LCMS, standards like LOM, Dublin Corem QTI, IMS, SCORM, etc.). On the other
hand, shifting the unit of academic measurement to student hours (through the ECTS) facilitates the
seamless combination of face-to-face, distance and blended learning in academic degrees.
Higher Education in Europe has been profoundly
modified since the declaration of Bologna (1999)
(European Union, 2008) and their later road to start-
up their implementation before 2010. The
introduction of new technologies have also changed
the methodology and use of technology in education
The new European Area (Castro, 2007) and its
convergence in education designed a model closer to
what today is conducted in North America and
Japan. In such systems is given greater importance
to the practice load during the conduct of a subject.
By providing an orientation toward more
experimental tasks, and a clear direction to the
working world, students develop a range of skills
than in degrees with less experimentation do not
The idea of creating a common space of
Education across Europe boosts mobility both within
and outside the member countries. Member
countries could move to any other continuing their
studies there, just so uniformity and novelty attract
the interests of other countries outside the European
wishing to study in this new education plan. This
mobility of people has as its immediate translation
increase the economy and generates jobs uniform.
This new model is voluntary and while at first
was accepted by the countries present in Bologna,
there have been countries that have signed up later
and others who for reasons of the countries
themselves have been rejected.
Of course the adoption of this new model brings
a number of negative aspects that is the view of each
of the countries that are trying to adopt if it is greater
than the benefits it can bring.
The clear disadvantages common in most
countries are:
Castro Gil M., Gil R., Latorre M., Duran A., Llamas M. and Tovar E.
DOI: 10.5220/0006802900010001
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2009), pages 5-17
ISBN: 978-989-8111-82-1
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Economics aspects in the change of the
educational system of each country and their
own interests.
Academic aspects, this is the part most
important or at least should be. Studies aimed
at the more practical or vocational clashed
with the design of some careers in particular
with the ancient engineering.
More than these commonalities each country
deals with the various obstacles that its educational
system differs from the new European model. In
Spain, the current model had mainly two types of
degrees: “diplomaturas” and technical engineering
(3-year); and “licenciatura” and engineering degree
(5 or 6-year). Degree of 3-year would be a BS/BSc
and degree of 5-year would be a MA/MSc. The
problem these degrees are not exact equivalent. 3-
year degrees are more oriented to vocational and
experimentation tasks while 5-year degrees are more
theoretical knowledge.
But taking a step closer to the problem within the
own country, levels of similarity between
universities in the curriculum of a particular degree
are scarce and each of the universities could give a
different importance on the same subjects, including
subjects exist only in selected universities.
One could imagine that this amount of hegemony
to reach a common consensus within the country
itself is already a first step. However, the process
goes on changing and all the universities and
countries trying to adopt the new model by the
In order to understand how this "Bologna
process" (the convergence towards the Common
European Higher Education Area, EHEA) sets the
framework within which the IT-based approaches
analyzed in this paper must operate, as well as the
ultimate goals they must support, it is necessary to
differentiate the two major interrelated sets of
changes it involves (Moon and Duran, 2008).
The most visible set of changes involves the
abovementioned adoption of a US-like unified cycle
structure involving graduate-master-doctoral cycles,
as well as the adoption of a single unit of
measurement, the ECTS (European Credit Transfer
Systems) credit (which refers to 25-30 student hours
of total effort, rather than being measured in hours
of face-to-face lessons as before). In many countries
(such as Spain), this involves the re-design and thus
the (re)accreditation of all the degrees, under the
quality certification system required by the EHEA.
This massive, simultaneous redesign of all
degrees presents daunting challenges but also offers
unprecedented opportunities. On the one hand, since
all degrees must be simultaneously redesigned,
synergies among them can be effectively exploited,
thus encouraging the re-utilization oriented
approaches discussed in this paper (LCMS,
standards like LOM, Dublin Core, QTI, IMS,
SCORM, etc.). On the other hand, shifting the unit
of academic measurement to student hours (through
the ECTS) facilitates the seamless combination of
face-to-face, distance and blended learning in
academic degrees.
The other, maybe even more significant but more
subtle set of changes are those aimed at shifting the
focus from instructor-centered “teaching” to student-
centered “active learning”. It involves
methodological changes such as continuous
evaluation, de-emphasizing theoretical lectures to
focus more on assignments and projects, higher
practical focus, allowing students higher flexibility
to design their own curricula. When combined with
budget limitations, this methodological shift strongly
supports the introduction of effective IT based
approaches to alleviate the burden on the instructor’s
resources. These should facilitate the educational
equivalent of the current manufacturing trend
towards “mass-customization”, thus allowing
individually tailored learning paths with a level of
resources similar to that required by standardized
In addition, several countries are taking this
opportunity to introduce far-reaching modifications
in their educational systems, which further
strengthen the case for the introduction of IT based
educational innovation. For example, in Spain, until
now, all “official” degrees were listed in a catalogue
compiled by the Education ministry (universities
could also grant their own degrees on whatever they
wanted, but those did not have official recognition).
This catalogue included the name and the degree
curriculum (structure), up to certain level of detail.
The new system, however, breaks away from that
closed catalogue approach and just issues some very
generic guidelines to which new degrees should
conform. Within this framework, universities (both
private and public) are free to propose whichever
degree titles and supporting curricula they want.
Once the proposal is cleared from a quality criteria
point of view (general quality criteria, such as the
faculty CVs, cohesiveness of the proposed degree
curriculum and appropriateness of the supporting IT
infrastructure) the new degree is inscribed in a
national registry, and the university is free to offer it
(subject, again, to periodic quality evaluations).
One last aspect worth highlighting regarding the
EHEA is its emphasis on promoting mobility and the
international dimension in education (through joint
international degrees or through mobility in selected
subjects of end term Thesis). Again, achieving this
objective would be assisted by the adoption of
standards-based, location independent IT-based
educational solutions. These should support both
distributed provision of learning services (e.g. in
degrees offered by consortia of universities) and
their consumption by distributed student groups,
facilitating not just the interaction between students
and instructors, but also the increasingly critical
interaction among participants in distributed teams.
The task of finding this convergence is present in
every country. There is a clear desire for a common
area of higher education. As well as seeking
solutions and models to conform to European, the
technology also gave a fairly noticeable change in
the methodology on the side of teachers and on the
side of students. Teachers can communicate
synchronously with students and they can have
colaboratives tools, documentation, opinion board,
etc., which are renewed every day.
E-learning (EIfEL, 2008) has changed
considerably during the last 15 years, when it only
offered digital content (in text files, or in the best
cases through hypermedia documents). Nowadays,
the e-learning concept (APEL, 2008) involves an
everyday wider range of technologies, table 1.
Table 1: Different Technologies in nowadays.
Wiki &
boards &
ePortfolios Games Hypermedia LMS
Screencasts Simulation
Virtual &
Websites &
Web 2.0
Podcast &
Remote &
Obviously, the backbone of this e-learning
evolution is the technological revolution (BECSA,
2007) due to the fact that there is not really a new
pedagogical methodology in the way of teaching.
The real change is based on the new services, and
the new possibilities that they offer to both students
and teachers.
The concept of e-learning was used to define the
online environments where students rarely came to
faculties. Over time the offer distance learning
courses has increased, relieving traditional courses.
These courses also include doctoral programs.
E-learning is naturally suited to distance learning
(Castro, 2003) and flexible learning, but can also be
used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in
which case the term Blended learning is commonly
In higher education especially, the increasing
tendency is to create a Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) (which is sometimes combined
with a Management Information System (MIS) to
create a Managed Learning Environment) in which
all aspects of a course are handled through a
consistent user interface standard throughout the
institution (Castro, 2004).
E-Learning lessons are generally designed to
guide students through information or to help
students perform in specific tasks.
A common standard format for e-learning
content is SCORM whilst other specifications allow
for the transporting of "learning objects" (Schools
Interoperability Framework) or categorizing meta-
data (LOM).
The way to implement the new technological
resources will depend on one's own programmer or
teacher of the course, that it always taking into
account existing technology. So the level of
involvement between student and teacher, even the
content of the course may change depending on the
preferences given. A course of international politics
can be beneficial if there are tools that give the
synchronous communication appear natural and
fluid. On the other hand a course which requires a
more individual study is not necessary to introduce
this kind of tools.
Therefore the communication and the technology
associated with a course will be asynchronous or
synchronous. As asynchronous communication are
blogs, wikis and discussion boards, in addition to the
email for all one known. Participation requires no
interaction with other users or with the programmer
of that course. On the other hand the highly
participatory courses where there is a need for real-
time communications are those who use
synchronous tools such as chat sessions or virtual
In addition to e-learning that we all know, is the
e-learning 2.0-inspired Web 2.0. As such, it aims to
give greater impetus to all the collaborative tools
and a social aspect, such as virtual communities
where you can get a large amount of documentation
as a live communication with the other participants.
A clear example of these places of learning would be
the Second Life.
So e-learning in itself does not change in this
second generation, just taking the influence of
current interest and try to use all the technology
possible to apply it to education learning. But it is
true that the way to raise learning takes another way.
In e-learning 1.0, the students were taking the
contents of a course and conducting some practical
exercises in order to obtain knowledge. Such
practices were evaluated by the teacher, the current
e-learning gives greater emphasis to communication
and exchange of ideas either synchronous or
The first e-learning was focused on using the
internet to replicate the instructor-led experience.
Content was designed to lead a learner through the
content, providing a wide and ever-increasing set of
interactions, experiences, assessments, and
simulations. E-learning 2.0, by contrast is built
around collaboration. E-learning 2.0 assumes that
knowledge is socially constructed. Advocates of
social learning claim that one of the best ways to
learn something is to teach it to others.
E-learning can provide for major benefits for the
organizations and individuals involved:
Virtual environment allows some reduction of
paper usage.
Reduce the costs of higher education.
The time to update content as well as their
correction is very low.
The perception of the learner is a livelier
interaction and a rich of content.
A great part of the Web evolution towards Web
2.0 or “social web” has gone to the idea of sharing
knowledge (e.g. Wikipedia), developing nets which
share ideas, situations, images, knowledge, or any
educational resources and knowledge on an open
way. UNESCO has established some definitions
about open knowledge and knowledge-based society
(UNESCO, 2005) and has adopted in 2002 the
concept “Open Educational Resources” (OER) to
refer to materials and other learning subjects offered
openly through the use of information technologies,
for consulting, use and adjustment to a user’s
community with no commercial purposes.
The OpenCourseWare (OCW) project started at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in
the year 2001, with the aim of offering pedagogical
materials in an open and free of charge basis to
society. At present, the MIT provide about 1800
courses freely and universally accessible on the net
(Lerman, 2006). The main objective of this proposal
is to promote and develop higher education sharing,
in a free and consistent way, the teaching resources
with other educators’ students, graduates and anyone
in general who wants to improve its knowledge. This
philosophy is being spread to the world main
universities creating the OCW Consortium
(OCWC), in which more than 200 Universities and
Institutions collaborate.
The initial conditions to include Higher
Educational Institutions in this project regard three
different types: educational, technical and legal
matters. Regarding technical demands a globally and
approachable site via Internet with the right quality
must be maintained. Although it has not been a
requirement, most of participants have used the
technology of content management based on
eduCommons (COSL, 2009), an Open Source
project built on Pone, developed by “The Center for
Open and Sustainable Learning” of Utah State
University specifically for the creation of OCW
Blended learning (b-learning) has allowed a new
way of convergence between distance, on-line and
on-class education. The convergence is going
through the mixed model education that has a
different percentage of any kind of methodology
depending on the student or learner approach.
In this case the new approach is learner-centered
instead the previous model of teacher or content
oriented. Learners depending on their availability
Technology and communication, and
Human resources,
will adopt a mix-approach from pure traditional
education that are including now elements of on-line
and on-class tutoring and collaboration tools
through classic distance education.
This evolution from the post mail and telephone
education in the distance model (1975) to this b-
learning model (1995) is the answer of the large
Universities for Distance Education to the Internet
and the beginning of the learning-centered change.
Then, blended learning is the process of
incorporating many different learning styles that can
be accomplished through the use of 'blended' virtual
and physical resources.
A typical example of the delivery method of
blended learning would be a combination of
technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions
used together to present content. An instructor can
begin a course with a well-structured introductory
lesson in the classroom, and then to proceed follow-
up materials online. The term can also be applied to
the integration of e-learning with a Learning
Management System using computers in a physical
classroom, along with face-to-face instruction.
At first b-learning as we have said is the
combination of e-learning (electronic) or m-learning
(mobile) with other educational resources. But
besides this, the key of b-learning is human
intervention in some form, such as a sense of
monitoring or tutoring.
As e-learning, b-learning also has a number of
obvious advantages over a traditional course. The
costs are quite significant for both the institution and
for the learner; ease of access for people who
already have another degree in addition to their
professional career; flexibility of schedules and of
workload. Of course it does take a few
disadvantages which may be: having limited access
to a computer or Internet, a lack of knowledge of the
use of technology. These disadvantages are also
present in the institutions for traditional course,
because in many cases a course is supplemented by a
volunteer and own use of technology in order to gain
a greater understanding. So then, one could say such
disadvantages are in all kinds of learning today.
Being IT-based, e-learning is naturally being
affected by the current IT paradigm shift towards
service orientation. The term Service-oriented
architecture (SOA) has been coined to encapsulate
this trend.
Information Systems (IS) are built to support
business processes (in the case of e-learning
systems, the learning process and all associated sub-
processes). SOA proposes building these systems as
an ad hoc collection of smaller modules called
"services". These “services” can be shared by more
than one IS, and the details of the implementation
are hidden from the IS that use them (even though
their “business behaviour”, and any change in it,
must be explicitly declared). Furthermore, they can
be provided by organizations different from the ones
developing or utilizing the IS that uses the services.
Current SOA implementations are usually based
on Web Services; they are generally built utilizing
one of the existing Web service frameworks, based
on implementation platforms such as .Net or J2E.
According to the W3C Web Services Architecture
Working Group (W3C, 2004), a Web service is a
software system designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It
has an interface described in a machine-process able
format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact
with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its
description using SOAP-messages, typically
conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in
conjunction with other Web-related standards.
SOA is, however, a much broader concept than
Web Services, and as such it provides a general
framework capable of accommodating the
peculiarities and specificities of e-learning. On the
other hand, that broadness has led to the term SOA
being used with differing - sometimes, conflicting -
understandings of implicit terminology and
components. Therefore, OASIS (Organization for
the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards - a not-for-profit consortium founded in
1993) created the Service Oriented Architecture
Reference Model Technical Committee. After
producing several drafts, that OASIS SOA-RM TC
published in 2006 the Official OASIS Standard
“OASIS Reference Model for Service Oriented
Architecture 1.0” (OASIS, 2006), followed in 2008
by an initial draft of the more specific “Reference
Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture”
(OASIS, 2008).
The aim of the Reference Model is to avoid the
proliferation of conflicting definitions of SOA by
defining the essence of service oriented architecture
through an abstract model that can remain relevant,
irrespective of the various and inevitable technology
evolutions that will influence SOA deployment
(Figure 1).
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is defined
as a paradigm for organizing and utilizing
distributed capabilities that may be under the control
of different ownership domains.
People and organizations create capabilities to
solve or support a solution for the problems they
face in the course of their business. However, one
person’s needs might be met by capabilities offered
by someone else (i.e., one computer agent’s
requirements might be met by a computer agent
belonging to a different owner). SOA provides a
powerful framework for matching needs and
capabilities and for combining capabilities to
address those needs.
Figure 1: How a Reference Model relates to other work
(OASIS, 2006).
Visibility, interaction, and effect are key
concepts for describing the SOA paradigm.
Visibility refers to the capacity for those with needs
and those with capabilities to be able to see each
other. This is typically done by providing widely
accessible and understandable descriptions for such
aspects as functions and technical requirements,
related constraints and policies, and mechanisms for
access or response. Interaction is the activity of
using a capability and is typically mediated by the
exchange of messages. The purpose of using a
capability is to realize real world effects. An
interaction is “an act” as opposed to “an object” and
the result of an interaction is an effect.
Regarding the concept of “service”, that term
encompasses several related ideas:
The performance of work (a function) by one
for another
The capability to perform work for another
The specification of the work offered for
The offer to perform work for another
These concepts emphasize a distinction between
a capability and the ability to bring that capability to
bear. While both needs and capabilities exist
independently of SOA, in SOA, services are the
mechanism by which needs and capabilities are
brought together.
SOA is a means of organizing solutions that
promotes reuse, growth and interoperability. It is not
itself a solution to domain problems but rather an
organizing and delivery paradigm that enables one to
get more value from use both of capabilities which
are locally “owned” and those under the control of
others. SOA does not provide any domain elements
of a solution that do not exist without SOA.
Thus, under SOA, people and organizations offer
capabilities and act as service providers. Those with
needs who make use of services are referred to as
service consumers. The service description allows
prospective consumers to decide if the service is
suitable for their current needs.
Although SOA is commonly implemented using
Web services, services can be made visible, support
interaction, and generate effects through other
implementation strategies.
SOA shares many traits with Object Oriented
Programming (OOP) paradigms (Anything can be a
service in the same way anything can be an object).
However, while as the focus of OOP is packaging
data with operations, in SOA the central focus is the
task or business function – getting something done.
This leads to several distinctions:
OO has intentional melding of methods to a
given data object. The methods can be
thought of as a property of the object. For
SOA, one can think of the services as being
the access to methods but the actual existence
of methods and any connection to objects is
To use an object, it must first be instantiated
while one interacts with a service where it
An object exposes structure but there is no way
to express semantics other than what can be
captured as comments in the class definition.
SOA emphasizes the need for clear semantics.
Rather than as a single, complex, monolithic
system, SOA-based systems can be visualized as an
ecosystem comprising people, machines and
services. This leads to a number of ownership,
management and governance issues, since there are
strong limits on the control and authority of any one
party when a system spans multiple ownership
domains. Even when a SOA-based system is
deployed internally within an organization, there are
multiple internal stakeholders involved and there
may not be a simple hierarchy of control and
Learning Management Systems (LMSs), as
eLearning platforms are generally known, provide a
suite of tools which support the creation of, the
maintenance of and the delivery of online courses,
the enrolment and management of students, the
administration of education and the reporting of
student performance (Dagger et al, 2007).
They might be based on e-learning frameworks
that provide specifications for LMS development,
which are increasingly SOA oriented (Alvarez et al,
2008). The IMS Abstract Framework (IMS, 2006)
provides an abstract representation of the set of
services that are used to construct an eLearning
system in its broadest sense (Figures 2 and 3).
Figure 2: IMS Abstract Framework layered model (IMS,
Figure 3: IMS Abstract Framework services (IMS, 2006).
The Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI, 2001) is
an MIT project that sponsors a SOA-based set of
Open Service Interface Definitions (OSIDs) (current
version is V2, V3 is under development). OSIDs
have been applied to integrate many educational
applications with a variety of content publishers and
have become a widely accepted strategy for
repository integration.
The “e-Framework for Education and Research”
(Olivier, 2007) is another international initiative
(established by the UK's Joint Information Systems
Committee (JISC), Australia's Department of
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations,
the New Zealand Ministry of Education and The
Netherlands SURF Foundation), that advocates
service-oriented approaches to facilitate technical
interoperability of core infrastructure as well as
effective use of available funding. Among their
successful implementations they cite the City
University, London (e-framework, 2008).
LMSs can be grouped into two main categories:
Open source initiatives such as:
dotLRN (
Moodle (,
ATutor ( and
Proprietary solutions such as:
( (
Open source LMSs are typically built upon
extendable frameworks allowing implementers to
adjust and modify the LMS to suit their specific
needs. This approach, although traditionally not
adopted by the proprietary sector, is emerging
through such initiatives as WebCT’s PowerLinks kit
and Blackboard’s Building Blocks. These provide
software developers with “hooks” to tie third-party
software into the LMS. Al-Ajlan and Zedan (Al-
Ajlan, 2007) provide a detailed description of how
using Web services in MOODLE would allow
educators at different institutions to work together
and share material by connecting individual courses
together, which are hosted on different MOODLE's.
Thus, they could teach the same course and share
activities such as assignments or chats. Initiatives
such as the The LearnServe Project (Learn Serve,
2005) at the Münster university make e-learning
offerings available though Web services.
Dagger et al (Dagger, 2007) classify LMSs in
successive generations (Figure 4) according to their
degree of adoption of the SOA approach and the
corresponding supporting standards and
Smart (Smart, 2008) summarizes the results or
recent collective experience in the adoption of SOA
approaches in Higher Education institutions
presented at the recent IMS Global Learning
Consortium Summit on Interoperability. She
concludes that SOA has a great deal to offer to these
institutions, but of all the challenges that remain, the
cultural and governance issues seem to me to be the
most difficult to tackle.
Figure 4: Generations of LMSs (Dagger et al, 2007).
This continuous evolution is providing us a
complete word search mixing the learning with
letters (Telefonica, 2007):
B-learning, E-learning, M-learning.
U-learning (ubiquitous)
P-learning (pervasive)
A-learning (ambience)
C-learning (capacity)
T-learning (digital TV)
V-learning (video or visual)
According with this terminology, the concept of
s-learning (services oriented to e-learning) is
emerging at the same time that organizations create
their own e-learning tools. As a consequence of that
fact, s-learning promulgates a new methodology
based on the creation of e-learning tools
encapsulated in a service-shape. In this way, they
will be easily integrated inside the different e-
learning platforms.
One of the main reasons is to reuse the services
that learning management system (LMS) already
provide, such as identification and authentication
modules; content managers, calendars and agendas;
assessment modules; synchronous and asynchronous
communication methods, etc. Thus, organizations
only must focus on the creation of services to be
integrated in a very rich environment of services,
and not to reinvent the wheel in each development
(Figure 5).
Following this methodology, UNED is
developing several e-learning projects with the
target of the creation of different services that will
improve in some way the learning experience.
Figure 5: Example of integration of new services in a
A learning management system (LMS) is
software for delivering, tracking and managing
training. LMSs range from systems for managing
training records to software for distributing courses
over the Internet and offering features for online
Most LMSs are web-based to facilitate access to
learning content and administration. LMSs are used
by regulated industries for compliance training.
LMSs are based on a variety of development
platforms, from Java EE based architectures to
Microsoft .NET, and usually employ the use of a
database back-end. While most systems are
commercially developed and frequently have non-
free software licenses or restrict access to their
source code, free and open-source models do exist as
we have already explained.
The virtual learning environment used by
universities and colleges allow instructors to manage
their courses and exchange information with
students for a course that in most cases will last
several weeks and will meet several times during
those weeks. In the corporate setting a course may
be much shorter, completed in single instructor-led
or online session.
The characteristics shared by both types of LMSs
Manage users, roles, courses, instructors, and
facilities and generate reports
Course calendar
Student messaging and notifications
Assessment/testing capable of handling student
pre/post testing
Display scores and transcripts
Grading of coursework and roster processing,
including wait listing
Web-based or blended course delivery
From the LMSs it can talk about learning content
management system (LCMS) which are systems that
focus on the development, management and finally
published content in an LMS.
An LCMS is a multi-user system where different
users can develop, create, manage, reuse, store and
send learning content from a central object
Today LMS is used as a term to encompass the
functionality of the LCMS but this is not entirely
correct, since the LMS can not create or manipulate
courses, even they can not reuse an existing course
to create another. Instead LCMS applications allow
one to create, import, manage, find and reuse units
of learning content, which is known as learning
objects (Kecheng, 2005).
The learning objects can include media files,
assessment, simulations, text, graphics or any other
object that may be part of the contents of a course.
An LCMS provides tools for authoring and re-
using or re-purposing content (mutated learning
objects) MLO as well as virtual spaces for student
interaction (such as discussion forums and live chat
rooms). Despite this distinction, the terms LMS is
often used to refer to both an LMS and an LCMS,
although the LCMS is a further development of the
In essence, an LMS is software for planning,
delivering, and managing learning events within an
organization, including online, virtual classroom,
and instructor-led courses. The focus of an LMS is
to manage students, keeping track of their progress
and performance across all types of training
activities. It performs administrative tasks, such as
reporting to instructors but isn’t used to create
course content.
In contrast, an LCMS is software for managing
learning content across an organization's various
training development areas. It provides developers,
authors, instructional designers, and subject matter
experts the means to create and re-use e-learning
content and reduce duplicated development efforts.
Rather than developing entire courses and
adapting them to multiple audiences, an LCMS
provides the ability for single course instances to be
modified and republished for various audiences
maintaining versions and history. The objects stored
in the centralized repository can be made available
to course developers and content experts throughout
an organization for potential reuse and repurpose.
This eliminates duplicate development efforts and
allows for the rapid assembly of customized content.
As we have seen around the LMS it created an
action of reuse internally and externally. Internally
through the learning objects that can be changed,
reused content of courses, manage them, and so on.
What received the name of LCMS. In the same way
as it reflected in the above figure (Figure 6) in
addition to reuse content to generate more or less
different courses between them, another thing
different is add additional services to the learning
management system to provide greater robustness of
this system in place where it was implemented.
Figure 6: Diagram of Services in LMS.
The LMSs offer a range of services or packages
that are almost common to all of them. These are
broadly: identification, management groups and
profiles; content (news, surveys, questionnaire,
reviews, forum, calendar, tasks mailbox, etc.);
database; group tools; assessment tools;
communication tools; and security.
Within an LMS can generate different courses
each with a different content, as it was said. Going
up one level, this content could be used within a
single institution or in the case of education in the
same university. The possibility to extrapolate to
other universities will depend on the LMS used. As
seen, there are a lot of LMSs, a commercial and
other free. All use standards but these are not
common among them. So some courses made in a
specific LMS would need to adjust to the new LMS
where one tries to use them.
About services that a LMS offers there is the
same level of reuse. At first a LMS is equipped with
basic packages, standards and databases that handle
the content of the courses developed in the LMS.
But it may be the case that for a specific situation
would be necessary a new service that could be
integrated in some way within the LMS. Also, let the
new service to adapt to the growth of the institution
and the changes of the environment. Thus the work
done in the first instance would be valid for next
Of course the level of reuse is also limited to the
LMS in use for any new LMS should change the
interface of communication or dialogue with the new
But if we conceive the idea of independent
capsules of LMS and just depending on the
environment. Simply create all possible generic
services for a particular environment and reuse them
in the same environments by changing the interfaces
with the LMS.
Of course this idea suggests a poor design of the
LMS in itself, which is not entirely true. For the vast
majority of current situations an LMS can cover all
points, personnel management, presentation of tasks
of a subject, surveys, etc. An important point,
whatever one wants to refine or strengthen an
existing service which is the election of the
administrator or developer of the LMS, is there are
new virtual environments as a repercussion of the
on-line learning that is using.
For example for virtual laboratories (Lang,
2006), it seems reasonable to introduce a system of
reserve management to monitor the slot of time
during which one can use a remote laboratory
(Dominguez, 2005). These laboratories use real
instrumentation which is limited, so then there must
be a system of reserve them (Figure 7).
E-learning is probably one of the means by which
higher education can reach a greater number of
people. It is the largest growth sector in training and
development. Nowadays a process of
standardization is taking place in learning resources.
Learning object repositories are an effective way of
sharing knowledge within and between academic
institutions. However, simply making resources
available on the network is not enough. An
additional layer of services is necessary (Wilson,
Figure 7: Example of services needed in vLabs.
A service is a software component supporting
processing behaviour or access to information that is
accessible to other services through a clearly defined
interface (ERL, 2005). An infrastructure service
might be user authentication, as well as a learning
service might be an assessment capability used to
measure student performance. Learning services –
based on web services– enable integration of
learning objects and other learning resources.
Academic institutions offer an environment based on
them. Course management systems, learning
management systems, learning object repositories or
the repositories of student information are some of
its elements.
Users need to get access to educational portals
based on their own personal profile. Students must
identify themselves in this infrastructure to access
their courses. Same way, instructors do it in order to
publish their contents and communicate with their
students or colleagues. Integration of all applications
with a single sign-on for users obviates them to re-
enter identifying information for each application.
SSO systems and Identity federation and privacy
data sharing are spreading slowly, such as Athens,
Shibbolet or OpenID (Powell, 2007), (Tracking,
Until recent years, we did not have the means to
share our works in different platforms. Learning
objects are the best attempt to solve the
interoperability, reuse, automated updating, and
personalization issues (Hodgins, 2002). Search
engines were not suitable to find digital resources.
The fact is that many results use proprietary formats
or the lack of information about them is usual
pitfalls. Metadata can be used to obtain the
additional information users need. They describe the
nature and purpose of a learning object (i.e. authors,
title, rights, etc.) so that it can be found, managed,
and reused. Instead of searching through lists of
results, we explore collections of LOs about our
topic of interest. This is possible with resources
organized by pedagogical value. Dublin Core or
IEEE LOM are learning standards on this subject.
For interoperability across implementations, the
latter is expressed on XML. Inside most
communities, their characteristics are extended and
adapted to the requirements of their own education
system through application profiles (CanCORE,
LOM-es, etc.), (Duval, 2003).
Courses must also be structured to allow them to
be used in multiple environments, by multiple tools
and systems. SCORM standardizes how Learning
Management Systems (LMS) launch and track
directed learning experiences promoting
interoperability (Reload, 2008). A SCORM package
(a zip file) contains a manifest file that declares its
contents and is set up to describe the order in which
the SCOs –a special kind of LOs– are to be
delivered. SCORM can communicate learner
information with any LMS using a standardized
method based on Javascript. Metadata is stored in
these packages following the LOM standard. In
order to avoid unnecessary work load resulting from
updating and publishing content, authoring tools for
improving document creation and conversion have
been developed.
Generally, we cannot find single LOs. They are
stored in large collections with tools to view, edit
and share their descriptions –and, of course, retrieve
them. Learning object repositories can be accessed
through Web services. Usually these repositories are
programmed as web applications (web server,
database and scripting language). This approach
gives LOs a number of benefits, as expanded
searching capabilities, accurate access or usage
statistics (Sanchez, 2004).
Last but not least important is how to transfer
content of metadata between multiple repositories. A
federated search layer can be used as middle layer in
the architecture without having to modify anything
of the other previous tools. In a federated search
system, queries from users are sent to different
LOR’s. The FS engine then merges the results
received by these LOR’s (Ternier, 2003). Protocols
like OKI or OAI-PMH provide a method to reuse
repository metadata from external applications. This
allows individual institutions to build their own
individual registries. The global network GLOBE
allows sharing of index information of learning
resources available from the five main individual
services around the world (GLOBE, 2004). Users
can search just one service to gain access to all of
the content of all of the repositories.
The convergence towards the Common European
Higher Education Area sets the framework within
which the IT-based approaches analyzed in this
paper must operate.
This massive, simultaneous redesign of all
degrees presents daunting challenges but also offers
unprecedented opportunities. On the one hand, since
all degrees must be simultaneously redesigned,
synergies among them can be effectively exploited,
thus encouraging the re-utilization oriented
approaches discussed in this paper (LCMS,
standards like LOM, Dublin Corem QTI, IMS,
SCORM, etc.). On the other hand, shifting the unit
of academic measurement to student hours (through
the ECTS) facilitates the seamless combination of
face-to-face, distance and blended learning in
academic degrees.
E-learning is naturally suited to distance learning
and flexible learning, but can also be used in
conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which
case the term Blended learning is commonly used.
E-learning in itself does not change in the second
generation, just taking the influence of current
interest and try to use all the technology possible to
apply it to education learning.
The nature of next generation e-learning
platforms will be based on service-oriented visions.
We have profiled the most prominent initiatives and
actors on the scene of distance education. It is
clearly a step forward in providing a framework that
encourages the reuse and sharing of learning
contents. However, now we must focus more on
pedagogical and didactical issues of eLearning as
well as knowledge management.
A framework built on the aforementioned
protocols and metadata is capable of enabling a first
level of interoperability between institutional
repositories and to improve the discoverability of
resources. Nevertheless, it is not enough for
developing more intelligent, reliable and precise
services or connecting institutional repository
resources with other resources involved in the
research process. If the future versions of SCORM
and LOM want to have success, their specifications
shall become equally easy to understand for
developers and instructors. There are legal questions
in the field of digital content creation. Ensure
interoperability by standardizing the tools and data
management across LMSs is also a matter of utmost
importance. It is here that we get an insight into the
advancements of education.
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& D Program 2004-2007 and the Latin American
Program of Science and Technology for
Development (CYTED). Their support for this work
through projects TSI2005-08225 - C07-03
"MOSAICLearning: Mobile and electronic learning,
of open code, based on standards, secure, contextual,
personalized and collaborative" and CYTED-
EDUCATION”. Also, we would like to grateful to
UNED for the support in the Second Call for
Research Network for Innovation Teaching
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Electrical and Computer Engineering educator in the
Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED),
has an industrial engineering degree from the ETSII
(Industrial Engineering School) of the Madrid
Polytechnic University (UPM) and a doctoral
engineering degree from the same University. Has
received the Extraordinary Doctoral Award in the
UPM and the Viesgo 1988 Award to the Doctoral
Thesis improving the Scientific Research about the
Industrial Process Electricity Application. Has
received the 1997 and 1999 years UNED's Social
Council for the Best Didactic Materials in
Experimental Sciences and the 2001 Award for the
Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning &
Technology from the Center for the Advancement of
Teaching and Learning. He works as researcher,
coordinator and director in different projects,
ranging from solar system and advanced
microprocessor system simulation to telematics and
distance learning systems, acting now as and senior
technical director. He is now with the UNED
(Spanish University for Distance Education) as
Professor in the Electronics Technology subject
inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department as well as he is Director of the
Department. He was serving as UNED's Vice-Rector
of New Technologies, ETSII's Research and
Doctorate Vicedirector and Academic Affaires
Vicedirector and UNED's Information Services
Center Director. He worked during 5 years in Digital
Equipment Corporation as senior system engineer.
He publishes technical books and articles for
journals and conferences as well as multimedia
materials and radio and TV programas. He belongs
to the organizing committee of IEEE FIE, ISES,
TAEE and SAAEI conferences as well as reviewer
and chairman. He is Fellow member of IEEE as well
as member of the Administration Committee
(AdCOM) of the IEEE Education Society and
Founder and Past-Chairman of the Spanish Chapter
of the IEEE Education Society.