Masao J. Matsumoto
Faculty of Informatics, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan
Keywords: Service Computing, SOA, Mash-up, Cloud Computing, Business (Process) Modeling, Sub Prime Loan
Information Systems, Economic Crisis, EIS Experts Role, Model Enacting, Hierarchical Decomposition,
Compliance, Web Services, Component Industry
Abstract: Service computing and SOA allows EIS experts to have smarter way of systems realization and conti-
nuous evolutions based on underlining business objectives. It is true that they almost solved major tech-
nical issues lying for many decades. However huge problems like world economic crisis came up due to
the EIS making the loan business model happen. This paper discusses how Information Technology is re-
lated to the causes of this crisis and how we should be and what to do.
Problems of Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)
have been tackled with for a long time. But there
remains unsolved like difficulties in EIS Lifecycle,
taking a long time and many efforts to deliver and
poor ROI, until Service Computing come up.
SOA and service components availability are im-
proving most of this problems in great extent. A
short demonstration shows how easily EIS could be
quickly realized by SOA.
Is it true that most of the technical problems have
been solved and no need of worrying about them?
The remaining problems are availability of service
that is invoked by Business Process and compensa-
tion process.
New problem came up. As it is possible to make
any business models happen in a short time and less
effort and cost, it is easy to start up any business
and exploit it quickly and widely. Sub prime loan
model for real estate is just an example of this. IT
professional has to be ethical.
However SOA does not bring in the bright and
prosperous era for the EIS but the end of the tradi-
tional EIS professional mind and ethics. This talk
will discuss basically four-folded topics, namely,
the true SOA impact and potentialities which author
recognized through SOA projects, the SOA tech-
nical drawbacks and possibilities of the overcoming,
IT relevancy to this crisis causes and some sugges-
tions to EIS professional future.
IT has kept helping promote business automation.
Recent technologies are web 2.0, service computing,
SOA, cloud computing.
2.1 Web 2.0 and Service Computing
The terminology Web 2.0 seems a “bus word”
which has no formal definition telling its semantics
exactly, but says something different from the pre-
vious Web. Web2.0 implies that platform is neither
longer Operating Systems nor virtual machine, but
internet itself.
2.2 SOA (Service-Oriented
Service computing from IEEE means more wide
sense of modern computing concept than web. Ta-
ble 1 shows a summary of IEEE and IBM defini-
tions of service computing (SVC).
Missikoff M.
DOI: 10.5220/0006806100010001
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2009), pages 17-24
ISBN: 978-989-8111-84-5
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: SVC Definition.
2008; url)
2008; url)
Across discipline
Science for bridg-
ing gap of busi-
ness services and
IT service
Same to IEEE
but amend a
phrase” for sup-
port business
Technologies Web services and
SOA, and rele-
vancies like busi-
ness process mod-
eling, transforma-
tion, integration.
SOA and Web
services, for ex-
amples, Business
Explorer for Web
Services, Web
service outsource
Key point Life cycle for ser-
vice innovation
SOA and Web
services and
Business process
integration and
Table 2 shows SVC is a scientific framework while
SOA is a technological concept and facility.
Table 2: SVC and SOA.
Summary A science for ful-
filling the gap in-
clude service
modeling and
deploy, SOA,
SLA, nonfunc-
Service oriented
Architecture for
All problems of
service innovation
Service compo-
nent development
its reuse in soft-
Many methods and paradigms like Business Engi-
neering, Object-oriented, Aspect Programming
and XP, have been used in making business idea
realistic and making relevant business practices be
implemented as EIS. Difference between traditional
and SOA approach is whether or not EIS can be di-
rectly executed based on BPMN in stead of long
journey of hierarchical decomposition of require-
ments. EIS complies through dynamic connecting
of service components.
Among others, SOA, coined as Service-oriented
Architecture by Gartner Group (Ceralry et al., 2005),
is thought a promising method which is suitable for
put any EIS into practical work smoothly and
quickly. SOA allows EIS professionals to find out
optimum business process for underlining business
goals collaborating with business people and imme-
diately put the process into practical work on com-
puting environments. Therefore SOA promises a lot
of advantages to EIS communities including opti-
mized ROI of IT, improving of value quality, prod-
uctivity, time duration, cost and other factors to de-
liver EIS and keep evolving it (Iskandar et al.,
2008).BPEL, WSDL XML Schema, are trans-
formed from BPMN and needed for execution, See
Appendix Fig. through Fig.
2.3 Mash Up
Mash up allows anyone to combine services availa-
ble on Web sites and utilize the combined services
as if they were single site service. As service inter-
face, Web API (Application Programming Inter-
face) is used. Mash up advantages include less en-
deavor for developing EIS and much faster delivery
than make all of them by themselves. This is a rea-
son why mash up is called a lightweight integration
on the web. Its disadvantages include business re-
lying on needed services from public sources so that
there is a possibility of encountering any unex-
pected force quit of those published service availa-
bility you need (Matsumoto et al., 2009).
2.4 Cloud Computing
Basically cloud computing have two senses: plat-
form or certain specific type of application. As the
platform sense, cloud computing provides such
functionalities as server provision-
ing/de-provisioning, configuration/reconfiguration
dynamically on demand basis. Cloud server could
be either physical or virtual machine. Cloud is
equipped with Storage Area Network, network de-
vices, firewall and other security devices.
As the application sense, cloud computing means
such application that able to be accessed through
internet. This application utilizes powerful server
and large scale DB center which hosting Web ap-
plication and Web server.
Figure 1: Business Process Modeling Example.
One remarkable point on the EIS-related technolo-
gies mentioned above is that it must be more diffi-
cult to identify any computer criminals. One reason
is that there is no need to keep holding all the EIS
documents except BPMN (, 2004) and
SLA of reusing services. If you have to find out any
evidence of possible criminal, you have to trace and
analyze logged data of EIS dynamic executions
through out web environments.
For recent years, a lot of experiments have been
made in using SOA and other web service-oriented
approach for EIS development. Some are success
and some are not. Success stories tell us that SOA
made a faster development of EIS possible (Iskan-
dar et al., 2008). The success is brought up by
changing way of development from making-systems
to just use published services on the web. The au-
thor of this paper does not intend to describe details
of the success experiments the author experienced
but does intend to focus on why this time tragedy
comes up as a real utilization of the EIS technology
described in the section 2.
3.1 The World Panic
The case is subprime loan EIS for real estate hous-
ing and automobile. Figure 1 shows possible causes
which cause the tragedy.
Wicked Biz Model
 Deadlock/credit  Financial Crisis World Panic
US Bubble and
One-Axis Econo
Max revenue
and profit
Lack of Ethics
 Finance Eng’r
Rapid IS Dev
by SOA
Less Ethical
Sell to poorer
DDS tricks
Pay back stop
Resale stop
Bubble Ends
Demand Recess’n
Supply Recess’n
Export Recession
IT-support   Deployment
Blind Gov
Exploit Money
Blind CIO
IT enables operation
Industrial Recess’n
Figure 2: The World Panic Causes in Fishbone Diagram.
It is obvious that this loan business model has never
been operated without the associated EIS be im-
plemented and run. Fig 2 exhibits three causes in
the upper low and three consequences in the lower.
News media told us that this time recessions came
up originated from US bubble economy end. How
the bubble comes appear?
3.2 Consideration
Based on aggressive business modeling, more new
brand of financial system comes up and loan be-
came available in real estate and automobile con-
sumers. IT support made this business happen and
be exploiting the business extensively and smoothly.
Without IT support, EIS for the business model,
nothing could be made possible. Modern EIS tech-
nology made the business as much quickly possible
to run. The web service deployment adopts any
business change requirements and meets them.
3.2.1 Root Cause
IT is an enabler which enables business model is
implemented and makes it happen. Business mod-
eling team include CEO CIO Financial engineer,
business architect never exploit their business
without having EIS support. Therefore EIS support
could be a part of the root cause. Background may
be a bubble nature in US economy, specifically loan
promotion to every consumer even the less wealthy.
World panic root cause is one thing and US crisis
root cause is another. Be very careful to distinct
them, since causes and effects are related as a chain
and effect turns to cause to another. You must catch
the real root cause. World panic root cause could be
US bubble nature and its end and world’s rely on
dollar. However what is the root cause of US finan-
cial crisis? It must be in the business system inven-
tors’ actions and/or the loan and commercial paper
3.2.2 IT Professionals Innocent
IT professionals involved must know how the loan
system works, especially DDS (Digital Default
System) frail and danger. They must easily foresee
what will happen in the future buy or sell market
and US economy system if someone who has debt
becomes impossible to clear up one’s liabilities.
IT professionals must be guilty no matter how they
were aware of the consequences of the IT system.
There is strong opinion saying such situation like
subprime loan is not our business and should not
care about it. Moreover every professionals should
have a freedom in pursuing their business and
should not be constrained by any regulation
Author thinks that such utilization of EIS technolo-
gy for anti-socio purpose seems unhappy to world
people even if such act should not be deserved any
law violation.
Even if any regulation is needed, but no effective
way exists for preventing anyone to make it happen.
Later chapter will discuss about this effective way.
4.1 Technical Issues
Irregular Process. Irregular cases are inevitable to
occur in business process. Any model should not be
thought valid unless pay enough attention to possi-
ble irregular cases. Though there is a definition of
compensation upon any event that irregular cases
happen, but the BPMN specification is still not
enough (, 2004). Basically irregularity has
two requirements to be met, let’s say, causes of the
irregularity which causes the irregular case and ac-
tion process which has to be executed upon the
event occur. (, 2004) provided only a
simple language construct which specifies that
compensation is took place in a process and nothing
more than that.
Irregular case is usually huge and almost infinite in
its number. However business process modeler has
to specify negligible events and the associated ac-
tion process exactly in appropriate place in process
Lack of Standards. SOA advantages are featured
by standardization of BPMN language and Web
service languages for developing, deploying, and
invoking. The standards are not yet good enough.
The BPMN has no feature of calendar basis job run
and interfaces with work flow execution.
For message description, XML and its schema,
SOAP protocol are available. However no
self-contained language is yet available for describ-
ing both web service specification itself and the in-
terface though WSDL covers the interface descrip-
4.2 Service Penetration
Analogy to internet extern ability, SOA will be ex-
ploited as much as published services will be avail-
able. But IT industry does not seem vital to exploit
good web services,
The one secret why Toyota Production System TPS
is excellent, they have good parts industry around
and enjoy just in time parts delivery. Without hav-
ing good parts industry, no TPS could exist. EIS
systems business has the similar nature to this in-
stead of hardware parts but software.
Software parts industry could not have got remark-
able success as far as author knows throughout
software reuse history. One outstanding point in
SOA is that provided is supporting environment
where service components could be developed. ESB
and business process engine helps service are dep-
loyed in any business process model. Some stan-
dards like WSDL, SOAP, and XML Schema would
promote services reuse and exploit.
4.3 Compliance
Compliance is normally put into practiced at every
stage in organizational activities. But compliance
are mainly for defending them from possible im-
peachment, let’s say, prepares every needed exhibit
documentations of business activities, for example
accounting related transactions, as seeing in SOX
Compliance does not work effectively for pre-
venting such tragedy from occur again and over
again. With Web service-oriented EIS methods, it
become more faster to deliver the EIS and more
dynamic of systems execution changing selective
reusing of services.
We overviewed some EIS development and change
methods. SVC and SOA may be a leading edge
technology which solves major problems in EIS.
The technology will become as much powerful as
the technical issues could be improved.
What we should not miss is that the technology
should be rightfully used and should not for anti
human socio purpose. It may be difficult to foresee,
find and prevent any criminal action using EIS pre-
pared Of course the results of the action will be re-
vealed and known to people, but it is many months
AFTER the crime committed.
SOA or any other EIS technologies may not always
bring a bright and prosperous EIS era. The world
relies on EIS professional and business people’s
mind, intention and ethics.
We should stop or no expect anyone realize and put
EIS into practice for anti humanistic and socio pur-
pose. However it is obvious that there is no effec-
tive way to prevent wrong use of the technologies.
Even no one of us wants the technologies used only
Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Pro-
tection Act of 2002, Sarbanes and Oxley
for right purpose and not evil, but it is nothing but
hope. Today’s world, not everyone but someone, is
enjoying the ever coming up victory of EIS tech-
nologies, but we are standing on dangerous field
where possible explosive.
Is there any good idea for things going in a right
way? One disciplines called Three Parties Law from
old Ohmi Shoho Japanese Economics, but precious
in this century, telling us that “One or Two Parties
Satisfaction is silver and may be survive, this two
plus Community become gold and live for a long”.
This tells us that good strategy is not in win-win re-
lationship but three folded win.
The Subprime Loan Financial Systems let us be
aware that EIS professionals should not act as a
servant to their clients but should be as a business
value creator who brings truly good things to the
world. Domain (Financial Engineering in this case)
experts and many others have been involved, but it
is obvious that without EIS, any business has never
been come realistic and actually run.
EIS by its technology is in turning point from fol-
lower position to leader stance in business innova-
tion team in a sense of enabling business process
model actually enact and make validity judgments
of the business run. This means EIS professionals is
no longer a technical supporter but become to take
more responsible role in modeling business compe-
tence that is essential gist of corporation. Com-
pliance and internal control system works may be
good enough in a sense of accounting but absolutely
not in ethical responsibility of the business model
Consequently EIS professionals have to take major
part of responsibility of the business where the EIS
is effective in the world. One way to keep track the
technologies use in a right objectives is to have EIS
experts as a business leader or at least core mem-
bers of business leaders’ team who is holding a
great responsibilities of business innovation. There
are many reasonable reasons for this choice. EIS
experts viewpoint and stance must be ideal for pur-
sue more optimum solutions to total EIS than any-
one who has each divisional responsibility. Stake-
holders must agree with that a leader must be
choosing out from parsons who has top capabilities
on the realization of core competence.
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N. M. Josuttis: ”SOA in Practice: The Art of Distributed
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T. Erl,:”SOA Principles of Service Design,” Prentice-Hall,
P. C. Brown: “Implementing SOA Total Architecture in
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A. Iskandar, M. J.Matsumoto: “A Functional Framework
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Masao J. Matsumoto received the B.S. degree in
Mathematics from Waseda University, and the Ph.D.
degree in Computer Sciences from the University of
Kyushu, Japan. He is currently a Professor at the
Faculty of Computer Sciences, Kyushu Sangyo
University. His main research interest is in
e-business and solution engineering. He received
the Deming Award in 1995 for his work on Soft-
ware Quality Management. He has been a professor
at Informatics, Dortmund University, Germany. He
has served on the IEICE research thrust to pursue
the Global Competence and Enterprise Modeling in
Internet Era. He has served on the program com-
mittees of several conferences, including ICEIS,
IEEE Software Reuse, and IEICE SWIM. He has
received Grand Championship of Social Dance Ka-
nagawa Tournament 2007.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:atomic="" queryLan-
guage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath2.0" expressionLan-
bpmn:label="Flow_5" bpmn:id="_Qx4hYLezEd2SefdpxuIA7w"
name="Flow_5" targetNames-
<bpel:import namespace="http://Sales_Service/" loca-
tion="Sales_Service.wsdl" import-
<bpel:import namespace="" loca-
tion="NewDiagram.wsdl" import-
<bpel:import namespace=""
location="NewDiagram-Flow_5.wsdl" import-
<bpel:partnerLink name="clientAndFlow_5PlkVar" partnerLink-
Type="diag:ClientAndFlow_5" myRole="Flow_5_for_Client"/>
initializePartnerRole="true" partnerRole="Services_for_Flow_5"/>
<bpel:variable name="thisReceiveRequestMsg" message-
<bpel:variable name="thisReceiveResponseMsg" message-
<bpel:receive partnerLink="clientAndFlow_5PlkVar" port-
Type="this:ForClient" operation="receive" varia-
ble="thisReceiveRequestMsg" createInstance="yes" bpmn:label="receive"
<bpel:assign name="init-variables-Flow_5">
<bpel:copy bpmn:label="$thisReceiveResponseMsg">
name="ad_hoc_purchase_WMCc8bezEd2SefdpxuIA7w" bpmn:label="ad
hoc purchase" bpmn:id="_WMCc8bezEd2SefdpxuIA7w">
<bpel:assign name="init-variables-ad_hoc_purchase">
<bpel:empty bpmn:label="EventStartEmpty"
<bpel:condition>(("" != $thisReceiveRe-
questMsg.body/tns:name/text()) and ("" != $thisReceiveRe-
questMsg.body/tns:address/text())) and (("" != $thisReceiveRe-
questMsg.body/tns:adjustment_method/text()) and (("" != $thisReceive-
RequestMsg.body/tns:mail_address/text()) and ("" != $thisReceiveRe-
ext() = "Bank transfer") or ("digital cash" = $thisReceiveRe-
<bpel:assign bpmn:label="invoke&#13;&#10;ad
hoc_purchase_operation" bpmn:id="_092u4Le0Ed2SefdpxuIA7w">
<bpel:invoke partner-
portType="axis2:Sales_ServicePortType" opera-
tion="Nonmember_commodity_purchase_operation" inputVaria-
bpmn:label="invoke&#13;&#10;ad hoc_purchase_operation"
<bpel:if> <bpel:condition>"database_access_failed" !=
<bpel:assign bpmn:label="compose purchase done
message" bpmn:id="_WMCc_bezEd2SefdpxuIA7w">
</bpel:copy> <bpel:copy>
<bpel:empty bpmn:label="EventEndEmpty"
<bpel:empty bpmn:label="db admin action"
<bpel:exit bpmn:label="force end"
<bpel:assign bpmn:label="compose invalid payme-
thod message" bpmn:id="_WMCdArezEd2SefdpxuIA7w">
<bpel:from>"購入方法は、”Bank transfer”又
は”digital cash”以外は選べません。"</bpel:from>
<bpel:empty bpmn:label="EventEndEmpty"
<bpel:assign bpmn:label="compose
&quot;reinput&quot; message"
<bpel:empty bpmn:label="EventEndEmpty"
<bpel:reply partnerLink="clientAndFlow_5PlkVar" port-
Type="this:ForClient" operation="receive" varia-
ble="thisReceiveResponseMsg" bpmn:label="reply"
Figure 3: BPEL corresponding to Figure 1 Example.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:ns="http://Sales_Service/xsd"
xmlns:xsi="" targetNa-
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNames-
<xs:import names-
pace="" schemaLoca-
<xs:element name="receiveRequest"
<xs:element name="receiveResponse"
<wsdl:message name="receiveRequest">
<wsdl:part name="body" element="this:receiveRequest"/>
<wsdl:message name="receiveResponse">
<wsdl:part name="body" element="this:receiveResponse"/>
<wsdl:portType name="ForClient">
<wsdl:operation name="receive">
<wsdl:input message="this:receiveRequest"
<wsdl:output message="this:receiveResponse"
<wsdl:binding name="CanonicBindingForClient"
<soap:binding style="document" trans-
<wsdl:operation name="receive">
<soap:operation style="document" soapAc-
<wsdl:input name="receive">
<soap:body use="literal"/>
Figure 4: WDSL corresponding to Fig.1 Example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns=""
<complexType name="kaiinntouroku_input">
<element name="user_id" type="int"></element>
<element name="password" type="string"></element>
<element name="name" type="string"></element>
<element name="address" type="string"></element>
<element name="mail_address" type="string"></element>
<complexType name="kaiinntouroku_output">
<element name="message" type="string"></element>
<complexType name="kaiinntourokusakuzyo_input">
<element name="user_id" type="int"></element>
<element name="password" type="string"></element>
<complexType name="kaiinntourokusakuzyo_output">
<element name="message" type="string"></element>
Figure 5: XML Schema corresponding to Example.