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Edmundo Tovar, Computer Engineering educator,
has a Ph. D. (1994) and a Bachelor’s degree (1986)
in Computer Engineering from the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He is Certified
Software Development Professional (CSDP) from
the IEEE Computer Society and he has worked for
five years in private companies as a knowledge
engineer and in Public Administration as a Software
Engineer. Expert evaluator in Accreditation
processes with the Spanish Agency for Quality
Assessment and Accreditation, ANECA, he has been
involved as a researcher in software quality
management tasks in international projects since
1988, managing several innovative projects in
education in the context of the European Higher
Education Area. He is Associate Dean for Quality
and Strategic Planning in the Computing School of
the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Leader of a
Innovation Group in Education in the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid is author of more 40 papers in
Engineering Education, and member of several
Program Committees in Congresses of this area, he
is cochair for Europe of Frontiers Education
Conference (FIE) and member of IEEE RITA
Editorial Committee. He is IEEE Senior Member,
and, as at-large member of the Administrative
Committee of the IEEE Education Society.