Franz Leberl
Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Michael Gruber
Microsoft Photogrammetry, Graz, Austria
Keywords: Internet, Geo-data, Photogrammetry, 3-dimensional objects.
Abstract: The Internet has inspired an enormous appetite for 3-dimensional geo-data of the urban environment to
support location-aware applications. This has in fact become the surprising „killer application“ of such 3-
dimensional data. In March 2005, at the occasion of his 50th birthday, Bill Gates went public with his
Virtual Earth Vision” for local search in the Internet and stated: "You'll be walking around in downtown
London and be able to see the shops, the stores, see what the traffic is like. Walk in a shop and navigate the
merchandise. Not in the flat, 2D interface that we have on the web today, but in a virtual reality
The key words are „walk in a shop“. This implies the need for an enormous detail, and the associated
computing power, communications bandwidth, miniaturization of computing, increase of storage capacity
and in the ability to model the human habitat (the Earth) in great detail in 3 dimensions.
This paper seeks to evangelize the current capabilities of the Virtual Earth system, focuses on the creation of
3D data, but also points to some pieces of new science in the 3D-analysis of overlapping imagery of the
human habitat at sub-pixel accuracies
The Internet-use of geographic information dates
back to the mid-1990s in the form of navigational
support for cars and trucks. Digital street maps have
made it into car navigation systems. Microsoft
offered Streets and Trips, later MapPoint, as stand-
alone PC-based solutions for travel planning, and
when augmented by GPS, also supporting the
navigation application. Subsequently, digital street
maps have also appeared on the Web by various
vendors to support travel plans and online routing as
well as navigation via the Internet. Some of the more
prominent global offerings are by MapQuest, in the
form of an Internet-enabled MapPoint by Microsoft,
as mapping service by Google, Yahoo, Ask and
other search services (maps.google.com,
maps.yahoo.com, maps.ask.com, maps.live.com). In
nearly every industrialized country, one or even
multiple regional systems have come into existence,
oftentimes on the basis of an existing telephone
directory business. Under
http://www.klicktel.de/routenplaner/ one finds one
sample solution for Germany.
These 2-D navigation and route planning systems
were soon augmented by an aerial and satellite
photography backdrop in the form of so-called
ortho-photos. Google may have been the pioneering
provider of imagery via its acquisition of Keyhole
Inc in 2004 and the subsequent release of Google
Earth in 2005. Microsoft released its Virtual Earth
website in June 2005, also augmenting MapPoint by
aerial imagery, to include bird’s eye aerial coverage
as collected by Pictometry Inc. under an exclusive
contract with Microsoft.
3-D building models were first introduced into
Virtual Earth by Microsoft in November 2006 and
grew to a coverage of all major US cities and some
cities outside North America. The media response
was enormous. Google followed suit by initially
providing its own data sets consisting of Lego-type
building blocks without photo texture.
W. Leberl F. and Gruber M.
3D-Models of the Human Habitat for the Internet.
DOI: 10.5220/0006813900010001
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2009), pages 7-15
ISBN: 978-989-8111-67-8
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: UltraCam-evolution via an exploitation of advances in CCD-technology. „Level 1“ are raw data from a total of 13
area array CCD-sensors @ 2 byte per pixel; „Level 2“ are the 9 panchromatic image tiles merged into one large format
panchromatic image, plus the 4 separate color bands in red-green-blue and near-infrared, geometrically matched to the
panchromatic image, but at a geometric resolution that is 3 times reduced. „Level-3“ consists of the 4 high resolution color
bands resulting from fusing the panchromatic and color bands („pansharpened“). From the 4 Level-3 component images
one can create a true color (red-green-blue) as well as a false color infrared image (red-green-infrared).
Figure 1: Image formats of the UltraCam-versions D, X und XP. Obviously, a larger format will increase the efficiency of
image collection resulting in fewer aircraft flight miles and fewer individual images and data files.
The third dimension reflects the idea of a human
experience of our environment – we see a 3D world,
not the flat mapping version of the world. As we
navigate urban spaces we interact with buildings,
building floors, vegetation, billboards, interior
spaces and other items defining the world around us.
We search in 3D. From a Virtual Earth we move into
a digital model of the spaces we live in -- a Virtual
One may want to denote the internet-based mapping
and search services as “locationally aware”. We see
a marriage between geo-data and the Internet with
its vast locationally unorganized data repository.
“Geodata” have come a long way in the last 2
decennia with a transition from 2-D paper maps to,
initially, the 2-D geographical information system
GIS. We now see a slow emergence of the third
dimension in geo-data production. As a result the
GIS transits from 2D data with a third dimension
encoded as an attribute to the GIS-elements, to a true
3-D model of the world. The main source of such 3D
geo-data is the field of photogrammetry. One may be
able to track the evolution via the quadrennial
scientific-technical Congresses of the International
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ISPRS as follows (ISPRS, 2008):
1992 (Baltimore) -- first film scanning systems
get introduced, thereby supporting the digital
processing of images in photogrammetric geo-data
processing, but based on film sources;
1996 (Vienna) – first digital stereo (also called
softcopy stereo) systems come online and start the
demise of the 100-year optical stereo-technology
relying on the human stereo viewing ability;
Figure 2: Illustrating an image coverage with 80% forward and 60% side-lap, resulting in a building being imaged 10 times.
Form these 10 inputs, a single output is being generated in the form of a 2-D ortho-photo.
2000 (Amsterdam) -- the first digital aerial
cameras get announced but have yet to get
introduced into the application in photogrammetry;
2004 (Istanbul) – first reports of the systematic
application of digitally collected imagery and its
advantages in reducing cost and increasing quality;
the end of the film-based geo-data creation is near;
2008 (Beijing) – this is the Congress celebrating
the marriage of the Interent with geo-data in 2 and 3
The Internet changes the geo-data user’s
paradigm. It moves from the realm of the expert
users into everyday live. At all places one can
interact with all places and do so at all times. The
idea of interacting “with all places” may include the
galaxy, as demonstrated by Microsoft’s „Worldwide
Telescope“ and http://www.google.com/sky/.
These Internet data systems thereby evolve into a
societal force by providing the global geographic
knowledge to all of humanity in an easy and
intuitive manner. The business model initially relies
on advertisement. But we can expect that this model
will broaden into computer games, e-commerce, the
Internet-of-things, the so-called „Ambient Living“
and others.
3.1 Superior Quality in Aerial Imagery
To develop a 3D model of our habitat economically
and thus automatically we need to be able to rely on
excellence in aerial image coverage. In the case of
Microsoft’s Virtual Earth, the source imagery for 3D
urban data is being created by the UltraCam digital
aerial camera. Table 1 summarizes the numbers of
pixels being collected per image by three different
camera models. In its most recent implementation, a
single image covers 17K by 11K pixels. Figure 1
augments that parameter by a view at the image
Quality” is being defined by the geometric and
radiometric performance of the sensor.
Photogrammetric standards require that an image be
geometrically stable and accurate to within ± 2 μm
across its format. Without such accuracy the sensor
would not be considered photogrammetric.
The greater challenge is radiometry. Because
automated procedures must rely on image details in
both very bright and very dark objects, one develops
an insatiable appetite for the number of grey values
such a sensor can separately produce. In the
UltraCam’s case, one achieves a radiometric range
in excess of 7,000 grey values or nearly 13 bits per
pixel and color channel.
3.2 Intelligent Image Coverage from
the Air
If one were to add an image within an image
creation mission, one would not add any variable
costs. The zero-variable-cost paradigm of digital
sensing, without any film, any chemicals to develop
the film, any film scanning reduces the costs to just
the cost of flying a mission. This is an invitation to
increase the redundancy in the number of images
and thereby achieve a greater degree of automation,
reduced errors, less manual work. While with film
one needed to minimize the number of images
collected, to control costs with digital sensing, one
can increase the forward overlap within a flight line
form the basic stereo case of 60% to perhaps 80% or
even 90%, and the side-lap between flight lines from
the basic 20% to perhaps 60%, sometimes to 80%.
These overlaps eliminate any concerns one might
otherwise have had about occlusions due to surfaces
and objects hidden behind tall buildings. Figure 2
illustrates how this leads to each building being
imaged in 10 separate images, and how these 10
images need to be combined into one single ortho-
photo data product.
3.3 Automated 3d Image Analysis
Automation is the key to making a global 3D model
of urban spaces feasible; the process was described
by Leberl (2007). This begins with an automated
aerial triangulation of all images of one single
project or urban space to be modeled, encompassing
perhaps thousands of aerial photographs. The result
is a precise reconstruction of all camera positions
and attitudes, a geometric marriage of all individual
images into a coherent image block, and a non-dense
collection of 3D terrain points.
Figure 3: A dense surface model (DSM, above) from a
project in Winston-Salem (USA). Below is the “bald
Earth” without the buildings and vegetation.
Figure 4: „Dragonfly“ derives from Seadragon (Livelabs,
2008) and is used as part of an automated aerial
triangulation system UltraMap. It supports the interaction
with thousands of images, each with perhaps 0.5 Gbytes.
Changes vis-à-vis Seadragon are the 16 bits per color
channel, 4 colors to include infrared, the ability to deal
with overlaps in images and interactive point
measurements (Reitinger, 2008).
This is being followed by a so-called dense
matching process to develop a surface model with a
posting of terrain points every 2 or 3 pixels, using
the 10 or so input images per terrain point and a
process developed by Klaus (2007). This often also
denoted as multi-view matching (as opposed to the
traditional stereo matching with just 2 images).The
dense surface model is the basis to create the ortho-
photo, using the triangulated input photographs, as
shown in Figure 2, and using it as the 2D backdrop
for the Internet-data system. That ortho-photo is in
turn the basis for an image classification to separate
the terrain objects into buildings, trees, shrubs,
circulation spaces, water and grass surfaces.
In the transition to the 3D data products, the
dense surface model DSM needs to be separated into
the bald Earth and the set of vertical objects on top
of that bald Earth (see Figure 3). Those vertical
objects are now being labeled using the result of the
In spite of automation there is a need to interact
with the imagery to review, control quality, make
measurements. For a mid-size city like Graz
(Austria) with its 150 km
, the aerial coverage at 8
cm per pixel results in 3000 images. Such large
image numbers and data quantities require clever
interaction approaches. Based on SeaDragon, as
described by Livelabs (2008), the Dragonfly-system
was developed to use 4 instead of only 3 colors, to
cope with 16 bits per color channel instead of 8, and
to deal with overlaps in imagery. This is integrated
into a fully automated aerial triangulation system
UltraMap (Gruber and Reitinger, 2008). Figure 4
illustrates the user interface of Dragonfly with the
aerial image coverage of an entire city (Reitinger,
3.4 Taking Advantage of Redundancies
Collecting more images than the minimally needed 2
images per object point, for stereo support, provides
many advantages:
better geometric accuracy (see Figure 5);
improved automation with fewer catastrophic
failures and fewer manual interventions;
reduced occlusions of urban surfaces;
fewer gross errors in the automated
This all points in the direction of decreased costs
in the image analysis and improved quality of the 3D
geo data.
3.5 High Geometric Accuracy
It may surprise that a 3D geo-data system for
Internet mapping and search needs to be very
accurate. Figure 6 illustrates the effect of a poor
dense surface model on an ortho-photo, along the
edges of a building, thus along the roof line. Unless
the roof line is well defined in 3D, one will suffer
from visually disturbing errors with ground texture
on the roof and vice-versa. The geometric errors in a
photogrammetric 3D system can be characterized in
image coordinates by the following component
Laboratory calibration of the aerial
camera............................. ± 0.5 µm
Merging the 9 image tiles into a single
image....…………….. ± 0.6 µm
Field calibration by an actual aerial
triangulation, σ
…........... ± 1.0 µm
These numbers need to be seen with respect to
the physical size of the CCD-pixels in the range
between 6 μm and 7.2 μm. And they show that one
operates well within a sub-pixel domain.
3.6 Limitless Detail
(a) Human Scale Geo-Data: From “Earth to
Humans do not experience urban spaces from a
bird’s eye perspective. We all walk a city, or drive in
it, we visit buildings and move in interior spaces.
That is exactly the essence of Bill Gates’ March-
2005 address that kicked-off Microsoft’s Virtual
Earth initiative.
Figure 5: Comparison between the computation of a 3D
point from two images (above) and 6 images (below At 10
cm pixels, the 2-image approach may result in a vertical
coordinate error of ± 30 cm . With 8 images, this error
reduces to ± 5 cm (Gruber and Ladstätter, 2006). The
intersection geometry improves as the images are farther
apart compare images 1 and 6 to the right).
Figure 6: Segments of an ortho-photo. Above is the effect
of a less well defined DSM, produced with an older DSM-
algorithm. Below is the ortho-photo achieved with the
DSM from the current state-of-the-art.
We argue that a 3D urban model needs the
building facades with their signage, the shop
windows and building details such as balconies, the
street views with their fire hydrants and bicycle
racks, the parking meters, drive ways etc. But we
also want public building interiors, courtyards,
shopping malls, musea, churches etc.
(b) Streets
Right from the 2005-start of the Virtual Earth
project, Microsoft embarked on ambitious vehicle-
based image collection campaigns. A technology
preview website illustrated how the data were to be
used, separately from the aerial imagery. Most
recently, this data collection has evolved into a fairly
complex enterprise with multiple cameras, lasers,
positioning and attitude sensing (Figure 7). The use
of the collected data is envisioned in a framework
defined by the aerial data so that the street-side
imagery is used to refine the building details
originally collected from the air.
Figure 7: A Microsoft-Virtual-Earth car with a setup using
12 cameras and 4 laser scanners.
(c) Interior Spaces
We are concerned with public spaces and buildings
as defined in item (a) above. This must be based on
procedures and workflows for interior 3D modeling.
Early examples were shown in the Vienna National
Library (Gruber and Sammer, 1995) or the Graz
Congress (Gruber, 1997).
The premise of urban building details at a level of
perhaps 2 cm per pixel, and of all the World’s cities,
calls for an approach that involves the users of such
While we, as citizen-users, may not be experts in
geo-data, we certainly are experts of our
neighborhood. Goodchild (2008) and many others
are advocating the idea of the neo-geographer as a
person contributing local mapping data to an
Internet-based geo-data system in analogy to
Wikipedia. An interesting development is
Photosynth by Microsoft Research (Livelabs, 2008).
The capability is based on the ability to perform an
(aerial) triangulation with uncalibrated photographs
and without any knowledge of a focal length.
Photosynth has been released as a global service
in August 2008 (http://photosynth.net/). Figures 8
and 9 illustrate ther basic idea with an example of
the Tummelplatz (square) in Graz. Note how the
sequential viewing of 2D images create a 3-D
Photosynth is now part of the Virtual Earth
organization within Microsoft. A related
development exists at the University of Washington
(2008) under the name Phototourism (Snavely, Seitz
et al., 2008; Snavely, Garg et al., 2008)
We have suggested that the aerial imagery for
Virtual Earth is at a resolution of 10 to 15 cm. The
higher the resolution, the easier it will be to obtain
the required delineation of roof lines and human
scale objects from the air.
Street-level imagery is expected to be at a
resolution of perhaps 2 cm, to ensure that all street
signs can be read and interpreted. And indoor data
would by necessity be at an even higher resolution,
perhaps as high as 0.5 cm. How much data will a
complete 3D model of the World consist of?
Given the Earth’s land masses with about 150
million km
, a basic 15 cm image backdrop in 2D
would consist of more than 20 PB (peta-bytes), in
color pixels and as an output. But if we operate with
a 10-times redundancy, these 20 PB will really
require one to deal with 200 PB at the input side.
Currently, a majority of uses are 2-dimensional.
Figure 10 is a representative application to queries
about real estate values in the USA.
Street-side data also need to get collected with
redundancy. One may want to make assumptions
about the mileage of streets along which the images
get collected, per city, and the number of cities.
Finally, one will want to add the indoor data for a
subset of the buildings in a city and the 10-times
redundancy in indoor data.
Figure 8: Screenshot. User-images taken in a city square. These images are being loaded into Microsoft‘s system
„Photosynth“ and get oriented automatically without a known focal length or image calibration. Such imagery is then
available to Virtual Earth. This will augment the detail in the basic Virtual Earth system. The example is from Tummelplatz
in Graz, Austria, with ~ 200 photographs, a vast excess beyond what is minimally required.
Figure 9: Screenshot. The ~ 200 images from Figure 8 are now available in a 3D coordinate system and one can navigate
the image data set as if we were moving in 3D space. The 3D visual impression results form viewing individual 2D images,
but oriented in 3D.
Figure 10: Example of a 2D application of the Virtual Earth system by www.zillow.com. It presents the values of real estate
properties, based on property tax records in the USA. One enters with an address and the system returns the value of that
address and of its surroundings.
These data sets, whether contributed partly by
users, say 200 images of a single square in Graz, or
systematically collected by the provider of the 3D
system, will exceed 1 EB (exa-bytes).
The creation of 3D geo-data has certainly been a
significant focus of the developmental work within
the Virtual Earth initiative. Today, an end-to-end
workflow exists to produce complete 3D models of
every building of a city at a rate of perhaps 300
cities per year.
Of course this has been built on innovations in
the automated analysis of blocks of highly
overlapping aerial imagery, as described earlier.
However, to meet the goal of a high resolution 3D
model of the human habitat at the level of human
scale objects, considerable additional innovation is
needed addressing street level source data, even
indoor data. Once a 3D model exists, its presentation
on a computer monitor over the Internet is a matter
of “visualization”. While today the 3D models are
based on relatively crude geometric models of
buildings with photographic texture, one should
expect that this will evolve into much finer detail in
geometry and an interpretation of the image content.
Current research work along those lines in our own
teams in Graz is being documented by Kluckner et
al. (2009); Ischara et al. (2009), Schall and
Schmalstieg (2009) and Ladstätter (2009).
Interaction with true 3D models of urban spaces
requires some computer power in the user’s hands.
This is currently still a significant limitation.
Replacing the 3D-models by a clever approach
presenting just 2D imagery, as in Photosynth, is a
work-around until such time that users do have
sufficient power to deal with 3D. This 2D approach
as a “3D-look-alike” versus true 3D is a topic of
current relevance.
Keeping the geo-data current, and finding smart
ways of defining areas of change, is another topic of
interest in this new world of locationally aware
Internet applications.
The material for this paper was developed through
the period 2006 to 2008 by various people at the
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision at Graz
University of Technology, especially the 12
members of the Virtual Habitat Group, and by the
team at Microsoft-Graz. We thank the members of
those two teams.
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Franz W. Leberl received his degrees from Vienna
University of Technology (Dipl.-Ing., 1967;
Dr.techn., 1972). Worked in the Netherlands,
California, Minnesota, Colorado and Austria. Today
he is a chaired professor of Computer Science at
Graz University of Technology.
As a business man, formed Vexcel Corporation
in Boulder (Colorado, 1985) and Vexcel Imaging
GmbH (Austria, 1993, manufacturer of the
UltraCam Digital Large Format Aerial Camera,
www.microsoft.com/ultracam). As a research
manager, he was CEO of the Austrian Research
Centers (1996-1998) with 1000 employees. In 1980
founded the “Institute for Digital Image Processing”
at Joanneum Research in Graz, Austria.
His current outlook on life is defined by the sale
of Vexcel Corp. and Vexcel Imaging GmbH to
Microsoft Corp. (USA) in mid-2006. This resulted in
a position as a Director of Microsoft Virtual Earth.
Since completion of that assignment in November
2007 returned full-time to academia and now serve
as Dean of Computer Science at Graz University of
Technology (2008-2011).