Tell me HOW you Write and I Will Tell you WHO you Are
Marta R. Costa-juss`a, Rafael E. Banchs and Joan Codina
Barcelona Media Research Center, Av Diagonal 177, 9th floor, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
Data mining, Bag-of-words classification.
The main goal of this study is evaluating the feasibility of predicting the country, the age and the gender of
a social network user, given his/her posts in one or several forums. The study was conducted with MySpace
forums in Spanish language, aiming at classifying and extracting demographic information along with age and
gender differences. The preliminary results presented and discussed here show some interesting conclusions
about the possibility of inferring socio-demographic information from written material in the Web 2.0.
Social networks have emerged as a new source of
information in modern sociology. Many areas are
interested in the analysis of virtual communities as
they are becoming more and more popular. There
are many works based on analysing English social
networks (Golder et al., 2007)(Mishne and Glance,
2006) (Gomez et al., 2008). As examples of appli-
cations of this analysis there are some related works:
in mass surveillance, in epidemiology to help unde-
stand how patterns of human contact aid the spread
of diseases; to find new information or opinions for
marketing strategies.
As far as we are concerned, the study of Spanish
social networks is far behind the study of English so-
cial networks. We are using the data and the anal-
ysis described in section 2 to build a classification
model which allows us to classify the user by origin,
age and gender. Using the vocabulary of the users,
we compare the performance of several classification
techniques such as NaiveBayes, Decision Trees and
Support Vector Machines. Additionally, we study the
dependence on the user text length and we analyse
different ways of selecting the most significant words
for classification. Classification results are quite in-
teresting when classifying by origin. Therefore, given
the user text we are able to distinguish where are users
from. Advances in this kind of classification may al-
low to support some Web mining tasks such as su-
plantation of identity or even user identification.
In this study, we have exclusively performed an
statistical analysis of the forum contents. For a syn-
tactic or semantic analysis, first it would have been
necessary to convert the text from chatspeak to stan-
dard Spanish.
This paper is organised as follows. Next section
reports details on the data collection and some statis-
tics. Section 3 explains the preprocessing and selec-
tion of the data. Section 4 briefly describes the clas-
sification techniques used and shows the results to-
gether with some experiments regarding the classifi-
cation performance depending on the user text length.
Finally, the last section presents the conclusions of
this study.
The social network community selected for this study
is the Spanish speaking community of MySpace
(www.myspace.com)and, more specifically, the study
focus on forums created by this community. MyS-
pace was created in 2003, and has become the social
network with the highest number of registered users,
with roughly148 million of actives users (Fumero and
Garcia Hervas, 2008). In the spring of 2007, MyS-
pace launched a Latin version for Hispanic users that
live in USA and other for Latino American public in
general. With this launching it was already possible
to use MySpace with the Spanish language. In Spain
was officially presented in June of 2007, although the
months before it was already possible to use MySpace
in Spanish in a beta version. Nowadays, according to
recent studies (U. McCann, 2008) MySpace is also
R. Costa-jussà M., E. Banchs R. and Codina J. (2010).
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? - Tell me HOW you Write and I Will Tell you WHO you Are.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 406-410
DOI: 10.5220/0002580504060410
the leader social network in Spain, with a percentage
of 34% of users that connect in a social network. The
dataset contains the entire amount of forum discus-
sions in Spanish available at MySpace at May 16th,
2008. The total amount of retrieved data was 1.7GB.
The oldest comments in the dataset where published
on December 13, 2007 and the most newest on the
very same day the data was collected.
2.1 Dataset Basic Statistics
The dataset contains about 300000 comments pro-
duced by about 23340 distinct users. The comments
are divided into approximately 25,000 threads. The
longest forum thread has more than 15,000 com-
ments, which represents more than 5% of all com-
ments observed in the study and the most prolific user
has more than 8500 comments.
The number of posts per thread and the number of
posts per user follow a log-normal distribution with
a heavy tail that follows a power-low with cut-off
(Kaltenbrunner et al., 2009)
Males and Females follow a similar population
pyramid with slight differences (the most common
age for males is 18 and 17 for females, the median
is 22 years old for males, and 20 for females)
There are 18 countries with more than 50 users,
Starting with Mexico (30% of all users), Spain (4000
users ), the third are the 3500 users from the US while
a 10% of the users does not specify the country they
belong to.
Given the original Spanish data, we found out that
there were many words affected by encoding incon-
sistencies. This problem is specially problematic in
the Spanish language given the many accentuated
words and special characters as
n. Therefore, we had
to perform a manual preprocessing to normalize all
characters that were affected.
The data forums contained many users from over
20 different countries. Giventhat there were not many
users for many countries, which generated much
sparseness in the data, we decided to make a selec-
tion of countries. In order to identify users by origin,
we have discarded those countries which Spanish is
not the official language, as the Spanish speakers in
this area may be not native or immigrants from any
country. Additionally, we selected countries with at
least over 30 users who had written more than 100
words in the forums. The last requirement was arbi-
trarily chosen to ensure enough training data to train
the classifier. This filter kept the following countries:
Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru and
Analyzing the age distribution, it shows that there
is an abnormal number of users older than 80 years.
This can be because either they did not fill in the birth
date correctly or they just invented. We discard all
users older than 80 years.
Recent studies using the English language show that
a number of stylistic and content-based indicators are
significantly affected by both age and gender (Arga-
mon et al., 2007).
In this study, we propose to analyse all the contri-
butions to the different forums of one user. We study
if the available information (bag of words, number
of comments, discussions, starting threads and typed
characters) can be useful to determine the user’s coun-
try, gender and age.
Given the seven countries mentioned in the previ-
ous section, we made a wider classification into 3 cat-
egories: Central America, South America and Spain.
Given the variety of ages (from 14 to 80), we also
made a wider classification into 3 categories: 14 to 18
years, 19 to 24 years and more than 25 years.
Finally, the gender has 2 categories: male or fe-
In order to classify, we used the open source soft-
ware WEKA
. Our attributes to classify were words
and by default we selected the most relevant ones by
means of the standard TF-IDF weighting (Salton and
McGill, 1983). Evaluation was done by an standard
10-fold cross-validation.
Figure 4 shows the user distribution in each cate-
gory. This distribution allows us to set a baseline re-
sult in classification. Regarding the gender, the base-
line reference is around 51%. Regarding the origin,
the baseline reference is around 45%. Finally, regard-
ing the age, the baseline reference is around 35%.
Given the proposed classifications and their cate-
gories, we want to analyse the following:
1. Which are the features that allow to improve the
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? - Tell me HOW you Write and I Will Tell you WHO you Are
Figure 1: Distribution of the users among the different classifications: gender, origin and age.
2. Which aspects of the users (origin, age or gender)
can be better derived from the way they write?
3. Which classifiers achieve the best performance
among: Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines
and Decision Trees?
Next subsections are dedicated to answer and dis-
cuss the above questions.
4.1 Analysis of the Features
Together with the user texts, we have access to some
additional information that we can use for the clas-
sification. We have available for each user the num-
ber of comments, discussions, starting threads and the
number of typed characters. Additionally, in case of
classifying the origin, we can use the gender and age
as explicative attributes by themselves. Similarly, in
case of classifying the age, we can use the origin and
gender. Finally, in case of classifying the gender, we
can use the origin and age.
Table 1 shows the results of using the combina-
tion of all the attributes named above, and the influ-
ence of discarding each one of them. ZeroR is the ap-
proach using bag of words. We can see that, in gen-
eral, these attributes do not have any valuable infor-
mation for classification. Note that discarding most
of them does not change the quality in classification.
However, there are some interesting conclusions: us-
ing the user age to find out the user origin helps to
increase the classification results and using either the
gender or the origin to find out the user age also helps
to increase the classification results. In terms of gen-
der classification, we were not able to find any contri-
bution from any attribute.
4.2 Text Length
In order to train a classifier based on the user-
generated texts, one might think that a minimum of
user activity (in terms of written words) is needed.
That is why, we study this effect in classification
Table 1: Percentage of correctly classified instances using
different features.
Attributes Origin Age Gender
ZeroR 45.24 35.02 51.24
ALL 47.24 45.68 51.24
# comments 47.24 45.68 51.24
# discussions 47.24 45.68 51.24
# threads 47.24 45.68 51.24
# chars 47.24 45.68 51.24
origin - 37.99 51.24
age 45.24 - 51.24
gender 47.24 43.80 -
by discarding users having less than a given num-
ber of written characters. Beforehand, we experi-
mented whether the distribution of categories inside
each classification varied. No significant variation
was observed.
Figure 2 shows the performance in gender, origin
and age classication given different text length con-
straints and using a simple classifier based on Naive
Bayes. For the gender and the origin classification,
results are quite irregular and it seems there is no
clear correlation between the performance in classi-
fication and the text length used to train the classifica-
tion. However, for the age classification, it seems that
if the text is very short, the performance in classifica-
tion falls.
Regarding the quality in classification, we can ob-
serve that simply using Naive Bayes we get quite
good results when classifying by origin and age:
+12% and +13%, respectively. The gender classifi-
cation gives pretty bad results, which may be caused
by different kind of reasons such as user falsification
of the gender or simply because men and women tend
to use similar words.
4.3 Classifier Experiments and
Attribute Selection
At this point, we keep only the challenge of origin
classification. However, experiments could be done
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Classification performance depending on the text length. The most relevant 1000 words, according to TF-IDF, were
similarly for the age classification which performed
quite well in the above section.
Here, we experiment with different classifiers. As
mentioned before, our attributes are words and we
consider the top 1000, 4000 or 15. The two formers
were selected using the standard TF-IDF. The latter
was selected over the second one and using simply a
selection of the ones that had more impact for classi-
Table 2 show the difference in performance. We
observe that the best results are obtained when using
Support Vector Machines and we reach up to 71% of
correctness in classification which is quite interesting.
Regarding the attributes, it is better to use as many
words as possible. Unfortunately, it was computa-
tionally very expensive to make the experiment with
CART and 4000 words (it could not be run with 4G
of RAM).
Table 2: Percentage of correctly classified instances in ori-
gin classification using (1) different classifiers and (2) dif-
ferent attributes or words.
Words ZeroR NaiveBayes SVM CART
1000 45.24 52.01 69.75 59.83
4000 45.24 54.64 71.10 -
15 (4000) 45.24 59.65 59.83 59.62
Finally, Table 3 shows the confusion matrix for the
best result in Table 2 over test sets.
Table 3: Confusion matrix for the best result from Table 2.
CA stands for Central America and SA stands for South
Spain CA SA
Spain 1610 244 228
CA 356 2439 489
SA 296 485 1112
This work constitutes a preliminary study about the
feasibility of predicting the origin, the age and the
gender of a social network user, given his/her posts in
one or several forums. The study was conducted with
MySpace forums in Spanish language, aiming at clas-
sifying and extracting demographicinformationalong
with age and gender differences. Different supervised
classification techniques were evaluated, and the very
simple bag-of-words approach was used as feature-
space model.
The preliminary results reported in this study sug-
gest that, for the cases of region of origin and age
group, it is possible to generate predictions up to some
extent well beyond random guess estimations. This
means that the way the users express themselves in
the Web provides some valuable information about
their basic socio-demographic characteristics, at least
for the case of Spanish speaking communities. We
consider these findings very valuable for some impor-
tant endeavors, such as automatic detection of iden-
tity supplantation, which can be used for protecting
online community members by the early detection of
possible online criminal activity.
For future work in this research line we intend
to improve classification performance by means of
a more complex text analysis. In this way, we will
work on implementing some text normalization pre-
processes in order to improve the quality of the texts,
as well as extracting and evaluating some linguisti-
cally richer attributes by using morpho-syntactic and
semantic analysis.
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? - Tell me HOW you Write and I Will Tell you WHO you Are
The authors would like to thank Jens Grivolla and
Andreas Kaltenbrunner for their advice. This work
has been partially funded by Barcelona Media Inno-
vation Center and the Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science through the Juan de la Cierva research
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence