Carlos F. Romero, Carlos M. Travieso, Jesús B. Alonso and Miguel A. Ferrer
Signals and Communications Department, Technological Centre for Innovation on Communication (CeTIC)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Campus of Tafira, Ed. Telecomunicación
Pabellón B. 35017, Las Palmas de G.C., Spain
Keywords: Biometric systems, Writer verification, Handwriting analysis, Neural networks, Pattern recognition.
Abstract: This paper shows a writer verification automatic system based on a set of graphometric characteristics
extracted from handwritten words. That dataset has been tested with our off-line handwritten database,
which consists of 110 writers with 10 samples per writer, where a sample is a dataset of 34 words. After our
experiments, we have got a verification success rate of 95.63% and Equal Error Rate (EER) of 3.90% is
achieved. For previous results, we have used as classifiers a Neural Network, for each writer.
The Biometric Recognition Systems have
proliferated greatly in the last decade. Its objective is
to substitute or to change the conventional key
(passwords, cards, PINs, etc.) for the individual's
innate keys. Nowadays, the writing remains of great
importance to society because of its wide and
extended use in various activities of persons. For this
reason, the writer verification on the basis of
scanned handwriting images is a very useful
biometric modality.
Writer verification involves a one-to-one
comparison with a decision as to whether or not the
two samples are written by the same person. In this
paper, we use Neural Network based handwriting
recognition systems for the purpose of writer
verification. Thus for N different writers, we obtain
N different Neural Networks (NNs) (Bishop, 1995),
(Juang and Rabiner, 1992), each NN can be
understood as an expert specialized in recognizing
the handwriting of one particular person.
The verification is possible because our proposal
extracts information biometric of the writing. The
scientific bases for this idea come from the brain
human. If we try to do writing with the less skilful
hand, there will be some parts or forms very similar
to the writing with the skilful hand, due to those
orders are sent by the brain, and each brain is
intrinsic of each person (Romero et al., 2007).
The act to write is a phenomenon governed by
the brain and integrated in the psychomotricity of
the individual; in contrast to mimic movements, the
handwriting movements are fixed toward a plane
that allows its study and measurement. The writing,
like codified and dynamic message that reflects
certain biometric information of the individual in
his/her communication with the others, is
fundamentally individual, recognizable, univocal
and unique; that makes possible the user
Recently, different approaches to writer
verification have been proposed in (Cha and Srihari,
2000), they addressed the problem of writer
verification, i.e., the problem of determining
whether two documents are written by the same
person or not. In order to identify the writer of a
given document, they model the problem as a
classification problem with two classes, authorship
and non-authorship. Given two handwriting
samples, one of known and the other of unknown
identity, the distance between two documents is
computed. Then, the distance value is used to
classify the data as positive or negative.
(Leedham and Chachra, 2003) present a set of
eleven features which can be extracted and used for
the identification and verification of documents
containing handwritten digits. These features are
represented as vectors and using the Hamming
distance measure and determining a threshold value
F. Romero C., Travieso C., Alonso J. and Ferrer M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 353-358
DOI: 10.5220/0002589003530358
for the intra-author variation a high degree of
accuracy in authorship detection is achieved.
(Schalapbach and Bunke, 2004) used HMM
based recognizers for the identification and
verification, a text line of unknown origin is
presented to each of these recognizers and each one
returns a transcription that includes the log-
likelihood score for the considered input. These
scores are sorted and the resulting ranking is used
for both identification and verification. The system
must decide, based on a verification criterion,
whether a text line with a claimed identity is in fact
from this writer or if it is an impostor attempt. Using
a confidence measures to define the following
verification criterion: if the confidence measure is
minor than a certain threshold, then it assumes that
the text line is from certain writer; otherwise the
input is classified as not being of the claimed
(Bensefia et al., 2005) proposed a writer
verification building a hypothesis test, based on the
mutual information between the grapheme
distributions in the two handwritings that are
compared. Mutual information allows measuring the
independence between the two writers, for low
values of mutual information indicate a strong
independence showing that the set of features is
distributed in the same way on the two documents
and reflecting the same identity for the two writers.
While the high values denote a strong dependence,
showing different identities for the two writers.
(Bucalu and Shomaker, 2007) perform writer
verification using a distance measure between the
feature vectors to compute the similarity in
individual handwriting style, between any two
chosen samples. Distances up to a predefined
decision threshold are deemed sufficiently low in
order to consider that two samples have been written
by the same person. Otherwise, samples are
considered written by different persons.
The goal of this paper is to introduce a writer
verification system from isolated words. The rest of
the paper is organized with the following sections. In
sections 2 and 3 are shown the methodology of this
work and the building of our database, respectively.
In section 4 is briefly described the image pre-
processing and the segmentation of the words. In the
following section, the procedure for the extraction of
the characteristics is explained. Section 6 includes
the classification system based on Neural Networks.
In section 7 is shown verification tasks, and the
following section can be observed conclusions. And
finally, this present work ends with
Acknowledgement and references.
As the majority of the works proposed up to now
(see Figure 1), on biometric recognition, the
framework of the system depends on the following
basic steps.
Figure 1: Proposal of our writer verification system.
1. Image pre-processing and segmentation.
Preparation and modification of images, so that
the module of segmentation produce the results
desired. The segmentation separates the zones
of interest (lines, words or characters), and it is
key for the success or error of the following
analysis (Feature Extraction).
2. Feature Extraction. This is the calculation of
qualitative and quantitative measures that
permit to obtain a significant geometrical
characterization of the style of writing, in order
to differentiate writers among themselves.
Pressure, speed, direction, inclination, cohesion,
continuity, opening of ovals constitutes some of
the graphologist features. The aspect of the
letters, its form and dimension is some of the
classical features. The graphologist features
help to be more discriminating. In this present
work, the most of our graphologist features are
Acquire Images
Features Extraction
(Neural Networks)
Accept /
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
automatically got. In future works, we hope to
reach it.
3. Classification: A statistical supervised analysis
of the extracted characteristics is carried out,
which will permit the comparison with the
samples of our database, if the query sample
possess similarities is accepted, otherwise is
For the building of our database, we have used a
paragraph of 15 lines,the language used is Spanish.
That text is from “Don Quijote de la Mancha” from
Miguel de Cervantes, and we have used the same
text for each writer. With this size of text, writers
can show their personal characteristics, because they
keep their writing habits. This database has been
built with 110 writers, and each one has made 10
times this template (paragraph of 15 lines). The size
of paper was DIN-A4 format (297 mm. x 210 mm).
The sheet was written with a pen of black ink. Each
writer of our database had one week for doing the
writing, and therefore, it is considered like an effect
of temporal invariance on this database.
The creation conditions of our database were the
normalized with the same type of paper (80 gr/m2),
ballpoint pen, and similar place of support (for doing
the writing). Of this way, our work is centred on the
writing and the efficiency of proposed parameters.
In the future work, we are going to change the rest
of variables.
The samples are scanned with 200 dpi, obtaining
images on grey scale, with 8 bit of quantification
(see figure 2).
The first step of the image pre-processing consists of
utilizing Otsu’s the method, in order to get the
binarization of the samples (Otsu, 1979).
As a result of the binarization, in most cases, the
line of writing remains with irregular aspect. For that
reason, we have implemented other image
preprocessing for skew elimination. We developed
an algorithm in order to detect the maximum
projection of the word, using histogram tool. This
permit to smooth out the baseline, so, the baseline
remains well defined. Besides, it is eliminated the
existing noise in the images after scanning process,
by morphological mathematics.
As previous step to the separation of words or
components connected (by labelling), the detection
and elimination of the punctuation marks (points,
accents and comma) is carried out, by a size
threshold, In particular, we have removed
components connected if they were minor than 60
Finally, it is segmented words, which compose
the lines of writings (baselines) and for it, it is must
establish limits of each one of the words. For this
estimation, the method of the “Enclosed Boxes”
(Jaekyu and Haralick, 1995) was used, which
provides us the coordinates that will permit segment
the words. The enclosed boxes are defined as the
most minimum rectangle that contains to the
component connected.
Figure 2: Example of the words extraction for a sample.
Writer verification and identification methods fall
into two broad categories: text-dependent versus
text-independent methods. If any text may be used to
establish the identity of the writer the system is text
independent. Otherwise, if a writer has to write a
particular predefined text to identity the verification
task is text dependent.
This present work has used a selection of the
most discriminative features from (Romero et al.
2009), (Hertel and Bunke. 2003), (Srihari et al.,
2001), which are depending on a set of 34 specific
words. These features were separated into two
groups, one set of dependent text feature and other
set of independent text feature.
Handwriting cohesion is called to the percentage
of unions that appear between the letters of the same
one; when saying unions, we are talking about the
final strokes of the letters, continuing with the
initials of the following letters without ballpoint pen
is risen of the paper.
In order to make an estimation of the cohesion in
the handwriting, the images of the 34 words of each
sample are selected and binarized and their
components connected with connectivity-8 are
labelled to them. As soon as the quantity of
components connected of each word is obtained, it is
proceeded to calculate the average and the variance
of the components connected. Those words have
been selected by their size, the largest.
The estimation of the width of letters is carried
out, seeking the row with greater quantity of black to
white transition (0 to 1). It is counted the number of
white pixels between each transition, this result is
In order to measure the height of the medium
body of the words, the goal is to determine the upper
and lower baseline through maximums and
minimum values and to measure the distance among
In order to approach baselines of each word, it
was decided to use the adjustment of minimum
mean square error that is based on find the equation
(see expression 1) that better be adjusted to an set of
points "n" (Morita et al., 2001). The equation is the
baxy +=
where the coefficients “a” and “b” determine the
lineal polynomial regression by means of the
following expressions:
Those values of “a” and “b”, based on the
coordinates of minimums or maximums detected in
the contour of the word, are different baselines.
Minimums are to approach the lower baseline and
the maximums for the superior baseline (see figure
Figure 3: Ovals and loops with its respective major and
minor axes.
For the estimation of pressure by means of the
width of the strokes, the run lengths are determined
on the binary image taking into consideration black
pixels corresponding to the ink trace. There two
basic scanning methods: horizontal along the rows
of the image and vertical along the columns of the
The area of thinning is defined as the area
remaining in the resulting image of the word after it
undergoes a process of three morphological stages:
thinning, dilation and thinning again.
The following features are dependent text: length
of the words, quantity of pixels in black, heights of
the ascending and descending, height relation
between descending and ascending, height relation
between descending/ascending and medium body.
As for the analysis of the ovals and loops of the
words, is done the measurement of the minor and
major axes of each ovals and loops from 34 words.
Axes are calculated by maximum projection using
histograms. Finally, it is calculated the average size
of the above mentioned axes of the handwriting
sample in analysis.
As classifier, we have used a Feed-Forward Neural
Network (NN) with a Back-propagation algorithm
for training (Bishop, 1995) (Juang et al., 1992),
where the number of input neurons is given by the
dimension of the vector of features with 374
parameters (11 parameter x 34 words). And the
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
number of output neurons is given by the number of
writers to identify.
Too, we have researched and checked this
system varying the number of neurons in the hidden
layer in order to improve the success rate.
Finally, we have used the method of the ‘more
voted’ algorithm, where we have built a schedule
with 10 neural networks (see figure 4), and we have
reached a improvement between 3 and 4 points on
success rates
Figure 4: Classification System with ‘more voted’
algorithm, based on NN.
The verification can be seen as a problem of
classification of two classes. When are compared the
samples: the variation of a writer among their own
samples should be smaller than the variation among
samples of two different writers.
In order to give solution to this problem, the
methodology of the used verification was
independent supervised classification. Therefore, we
have a system with two modes, training and test
modes (see Figure 1).
For the training, we have used the 50% of our
database, and the remainder to carry out the test
mode. That is, five samples have been chosen to
training and other five for the test, since we have 10
samples for each writer. Besides, a total of 34 words
have been extracted from paragraphs, and there will
be 34 words by sample.
Like our parameters depend on words used and
its writer, we have used the same word for this
process; in particular, we have used a set of 34
words from the paragraph of 15 lines. But, the
samples set for training and test mode of these 34
words are different, being obtained from 10 different
samples of each writer. Therefore, this system works
with a close set of words (34 words).
In order to calculate the characteristics, we have
used 170 words (34 x 5 samples/writer) on the
training process. The criterion of selection to choose
the previous 34 words was their length, upper than 5
letters, because with this length, they offer
information more general than a word with a shorter
For writer verification, we employed a threshold
to decide if the samples query is accept or reject. By
varying the threshold, a Receiver Operating
Characteristics (ROC) curve (see Figure 5) is
obtained that illustrates the inevitable trade-off
between the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False
Rejection Rate (FRR). The Equal Error Rate (EER)
corresponds to the point on the ROC curve where
FAR=FRR and it quantifies in a single number the
writer verification performance.
To analyze the performance of our system, we
used dependent text feature, independent text feature
and combination of both. The results of the
verification experiments are given in Table 1.
The best ROC curve is produced using
combination features with a threshold of 0.027
yielding the following results: nearly 96% of correct
verification with an EER of about 3.90%, FAR of
4.23% and FRR of 4.37%.
Table 1: Writer verification performances.
Threshold 0.030 0.027 0.027
EER 8.10 % 6.10 % 3.90 %
FAR 8.35 % 6.17 % 4.23 %
FRR 8.19 % 6.19 % 4.37 %
92.23 % 93.82 % 95.70 %
In this paper, we have presented a system that uses
NNs for the task of off-line writer verification. The
basic input units presented to the system are
handwritten words. We have tested our system on
the verification task using independent and
dependent text features are extracted from each
Neural Network
Neural Network
Neural Network
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Combination Feature
Dependent Text Feature
Independet Text Feature
Figure 5: ROC curve of the verification experiment.
Currently, our better performances have been
combining independent and dependent text features.
The system performs very well on both tasks of
accept and reject. An Equal Error Rate (EER) of
about 3.90% is achieved.
In the future work, we plan to address at
improving the performance independent text feature.
We also plan to expand our database and test our
system with other databases such as the IAM
This present work has been supported by private
funds from Spanish Company, Telefónica. This
research project is called “Cátedra Teléfonica-
ULPGC 2009”; and by funds from Research Action
from Excellent Networks on Biomedicine and
Environment belong to ULPGC.
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BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing