In response to these aspects, the COACH BOT
project will design and test an online training course
for home health care professionals using the chat-bot
methodology (a virtual tutor) that will allow trainees
to personalize their own training paths and access
different learning contents according to their own
needs, knowledge and skills.
The health care sector is a complicated system
that demands extensive resources and consists of a
set of integrated services and inter-collaborative
health teams that require a broad skills base.
Despite growing training demands in the field,
current training systems are too slow and inefficient
to cope with new changes. The “COACH BOT”
chatbot and e-course addresses these issues by
providing health care professionals with the
opportunity to renew and improve their skills
through a flexible distance learning approach.
The E-Learning platform is based on the open
source LMS Claroline that allows teachers to create
and administer course websites through a WEB
browser. This LMS is worldwide used and the vast
community guarantees to solve any problems the
platform administrators or users might have.
The project’s technological team selected the
LMS Claroline, among other possibilities e.g.
Moodle, for its very clean and comprehensible
source code, allowing developers to easily
implement new modules to create highly
personalized learning paths and embed the virtual
agent into the LMS.
The COACH BOT project methodology is based on
Pedagogical Agents that are autonomous software
systems, realized with Artificial Intelligence
methods that can operate in the training environment
as tutors who adaptively assist users in performing
training tasks (Craig S.D. et al., 2000). They can
intervene in case of suboptimal performance,
demonstrate skills, provide explanations, answer
questions, and play the role of team members in
multi-person tasks. Agents can be represented either
as abstract pointers, disembodied hands, or as virtual
humans with articulated bodies. Experiments have
shown that ECAs can increase the motivation of a
student interacting with the system. Jonhson
(Jonhson et al., 2000) showed that a display of
involvement by an ECA motivates a student in doing
his or her learning task. Pedagogical Agents are
therefore virtual facilitators gifted with great
reactive and interpretative skills promoting learning
that is based on a knowledge transfer and the student
is followed “step by step” by his/her own
agent/trainer. This new learning methodology is
highly experiential which allows real time testing
and interaction.
Intelligent Agents make the content delivery
highly interactive and personalized, articulating
along individual paths following the learners’
natural inclinations and respecting the different
times of knowledge acquisition from individual to
individual (Monova-Zheleva M. et al., 2008).Virtual
teachers may use methods of Artificial Intelligence
for evaluating the student’s performance and
reactions, and mainly for adapting teaching
according to specific needs and particular
environments. They can show the student how to
perform a rather complex task; taking advantage of
non-verbal behaviours, in order to capture the
student’s attention during the crucial moments of
learning. Thanks to anthropomorphic features,
virtual teachers make the interaction between
student and learning system more involved and
effective, allowing the acquisition of new contents to
be improved and considerably implementing the
learning level of the student, who learns with an
active experiential participation. The methodology
of Intelligent Agents as virtual professors/facilitators
interacting with the student activates a strong
emotional response on one side, and a real know
how capability on the other. In the first case, it is
important to underline the fact that training has a
major impact if the person involved in the process is
stimulated, not only by the cognitive-rational
component, but also through the emotional
Today, many AI researchers have created domain-
oriented chatbots, able to understand a specific
knowledge domain with realistic, multi-purpose
initiatives and human-like behaviour. The main
challenging function of the agent is natural language
analysis where the COACH BOT must "understand"
what the user wants to know by analyzing the input
phrase. In order to create the “brain” and personality
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence