Erqing Xu
Department of Mathematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A.
Keywords: Natural language understanding, MDS, Inversion function, Proof tree.
Abstract: Traditional sentence analysis refers to finding the sentence structure for a given sentence. A question
different from this is: given a sentence Curry-Horwad isomorphic with a type, can we establish the proof
tree representing the sentence? Therefore, this paper combines the extensional Kripke interpretation and
MDS (Minimalist Deductive System); derives the Kripke model of MDS; provides the applicable inversion
function such that we are able to obtain the proof tree of typed λ-terms which represents sentence structure;
and demonstrates that the product-free proof trees obtained with inversion function of MDS enjoy the
property of Church-Rosser equality. Application examples demonstrate that our work is valid. The main
difference between our work and traditional sentence analysis approach is that the objects of analysis are
different. The object of our work is: Kripke model of MDS and type of sentence satisfied by assignment.
But the object of traditional sentence analysis approach is sentence. This paper enlarges the range of
application of sentence analysis, improves sentence analysis approach, enhances natural language
understanding, and thus is meaningful. Our work has not been seen in literature.
In natural language understanding, parsing as logic
deduction has become one of the hot topics of
research. Minimalist Deductive System is a late
approach (Lecomte, 2004). In MDS calculus, a
sentence is Curry-Horwad isomorphic with a type.
The feature of sentence analysis with MDS is that
the establishment of proof tree is type-driven. Then
we may naturally have the question: for a given type
of sentence, can we establish the proof tree
representing the sentence? This question is
meaningful for the improvement of sentence
analysis and natural language understanding.
Coquand (2002) forwards inversion function of
simple type λ-calculus. This inversion function is
able to return typed λ-terms according to the given
type. However, inversion function relies on specific
Kripke model. The Kripke model of MDS has not
been seen. Therefore, in order to obtain the inversion
function of MDS, first we have to obtain the Kripke
model of MDS. Now we already have Kripke model
of intuitionnistic logic, and MDS is a fragment of
partially commutative linear logic. Since the
difference between linear logic and intuitionistic
logic is the absence of contraction and weakening
(Morrill, 1994), it is hopeful that Kripke model of
intuitionnistic logic becomes the Kripke model of
The work of this paper is: 1. combining the
extensional Kripke interpretation and MDS to derive
the Kripke model of MDS; providing the applicable
inversion function for MDS calculus of types. 2.
forwarding the method of representing the result of
inversion function, i.e. typed λ-terms as a proof tree.
3. demonstrating product-free proofs obtained by
inversion function enjoys the property of strong
normalization. For MDS, the above-mentioned work
has not been seen in literature.
Comparison between the work of this paper and
related work is as follows:
The main difference between our work and
traditional sentence analysis approach is that the
objects of analysis are different. The object of our
work is: Kripke model of MDS and type of sentence
satisfied by assignment. But the object of traditional
sentence analysis approach is sentence.
The difference between our work and inversion
function of simple type λ-calculus is: 1. The calculus
is different. MDS calculus in this paper is linear
logic calculus embodying the minimalist grammar,
which is resource sensitive. Simple type λ-calculus
is pure typed λ-calculus, which is intuitionnistic
logic. Our work is applicable to Kripke model of
Xu E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 151-156
DOI: 10.5220/0002590401510156