discretized, the algorithm ID3 appears as the ideal
candidate for solving this predictive problem.
After applying the corresponding decision
tree, some of the more interesting classification
rules that are generated based on the in depth path
of the tree are:
- The variable which in itself best serves for the
diagnosis is BI-RADS.
Example: If BI-RADS=5 (A priori maximum risk),
then SEVERITY=1 (malign). Confidence=88,4%
- If along with this variable the DENSITY variable
is considered, the average correlation with the
diagnosis improves notably.
Example: If BI-RADS=5 and DENSITY=3 (low),
then SEVERITY=1 (malign). Confidence=89,9%
- The second variable that, considered along with
BIRADS, obtains high degrees of average
correlation with the diagnosis is SHAPE.
Example: If BI-RADS=5 and SHAPE=4
(irregular), then SEVERITY=1. This rule having
Besides, elimination rules are also apparent, which
are especially useful in clinical diagnosis.
Example: If BI-RADS=4 (A priori high risk) and
SHAPE=1 or 2 (round or lobular), then
SEVERITY=0 (benign). Confidence=90,7%,
90,2% respectively
In this case study, the joint consideration of
more variables does not lead to more accurate
From the points presented in this paper, it can be
concluded that the most appropriate method does
not depend on the target medical speciality of the
study but on the real target of the prediction, the
nature of the data which are involved and the need
(or not) to obtain a predictive model at the end of
the process.
Although in practice the combination of two or
more methods is very frequent, the step by step
execution of the proposed procedure for the
selection of the most suitable method leads to only
one optimum predictive method.
In the face of nominal and univariable clinical
diagnostic problems (for example SEVERITY=
benign or malign), the classification rules that are
derived from the in depth route of the ID3 type
decision trees, appear as a very reliable predictive
method which is easy for experts to interpret.
Besides, this type of predictive model highlights
the combination of optimum variables and their
degree of correlation with the diagnosis, permitting
the design of more reduced analyses, which can
allow for more reduced analysis times, less
invasive or even more economical procedures
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DIAGNOSIS - A Case Study