and they normally require the user intervention. The
work presented in this paper is part of a research
project developed in collaboration with the Hospital
Universitario de Canarias. The main objective of the
project is the design of an automated software
system for the delimitation of the ONH and for the
differentiation of superimposed structures (arteries,
vessels, and so on).
Figure 4: Experimental results. From left to right: original
image, image after step 1, image after step 2, image after
step 3.
Due to the difficulties presented by the
retinographies it is essential to carry out a
preprocessing stage, in order to improve the image
before developing segmentation of the different
regions of interest. This enhancement process has
been the core of this paper.
The proposed preprocessing method comprises
three steps: 1) scaling of the RGB histogram
(improvement of the image information), 2)
luminance equalization in YIQ color space (contrast
enhancement without loss of color information), and
3) illumination correction. As shown in the
experimental results, the preprocessing method
develops an important enhancement of the main
structures contained in the image. This will
considerably allow designing efficient segmentation
Our future research work will be oriented to the
design of automated and efficient segmentation
methods to be applied on the preprocessed images
obtained in this work.
This research work has been partially financiated by
the project ULLAPD-08/01 of the Agencia Canaria
de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la
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BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing