classification problem. The second most important
features are morphological features. The other feature
groups such as Hermite basis function expansion co-
efficients, higher-order autocorrelation statistics and
patient-normalized features do not seem to serve the
classification performances.
These results obtained with the weighted SVM
model and R-R intervals combined to segmentation
features are significantly better than previously re-
ported inter-patient classification models. In particu-
lar, the classification performances for the pathologi-
cal classes are always improved with more than 80%;
those classes are of crucial importance for the diag-
nosis. Furthermore, these performances are achieved
with a reduced number of features. The choice of the
features is thus a task of major importance, as a bad
selection or too many features can lead to unaceptable
Another important issue for classification of heart
beats resides in the class unbalance, which is met with
weights being included in the SVM model. Indeed,
the average accuracy obtained by the model with our
best feature selection decreases from 83.0% to 54.3%,
with an accuracy of only 7.4% for class S and of
33.0% for class F when these weights are removed,
leading to rather useless models that are unable to
grasp the importance of the pathological cases.
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BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing