that the AA obtained from the ECG often presents
QRS residua and noise (Petrutiu et al., 2006), the ob-
tained results with synthetic AA signals can be used
to justify the poor discrimination outcome reported
by other groups when direct AA organization analy-
sis was applied (Nilsson et al., 2006).
Moreover, the results are also coherent with the
highly improved paroxysmal AF termination predic-
tion reached by applying SampEn to the fundamental
waveform associated to the AA (Alcaraz and Rieta,
2009), its wavelength being the inverse of the domi-
nant atrial frequency (DAF) (Holm et al., 1998). As
this signal is obtained by applying a selective filter-
ing to the AA centered on the DAF, most part of the
undesired contaminating signals are avoided. As a
consequence, to obtain a successful AF organization
assessment through SampEn, noise and nuisance in-
terferences in the AA signal should be considerably
reduced prior to the computation of the non-linear in-
This work was supported by the projects TEC2007-
64884 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation, PII2C09-0224-5983 and PII1C09-0036-
3237 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Man-
cha and PAID-05-08 from Universidad Polit´ecnica de
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BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing