e-Science infrastructures evolved in various scientific
projects, such as the Wildfire software (Tang et al.,
2005). It provides an integrated environment for con-
struction and execution of workflows over the com-
pute nodes of a cluster. But Wildfire only stores data
in a back-end database.
Another software tool is Pegasys (Shah et al.,
2004). It provides a GUI based workflow mecha-
nism with a unified data model to store results of pro-
grams. This uniform data model is a backend rela-
tional database management system, whereas our ap-
proach supports any database in Grid infrastructures.
To sum up, graphical tools in bioinformatics typi-
cally provide access to Grids or computational cluster
as execution environments. But foremost, they only
offer access to backend databases.
The support for biological applications via graphical
clients enables a centralized access to both, database
and computing resources in e-Science environments,
and is thus very important nowadays. The WIS-
DOM project takes advantage of an infrastructure
setup based on the IIRM and thus requires central-
ized access to both resources, to ease the evalua-
tion and selection process for input data that have to
be filtered for further refinement executions. There-
fore, the presented development enables researchers
to graphically browse the contents of database tables
and directly select inputs for the job execution as
well as submit the job via the UNICORE Rich Client.
Thereby, it avoids that researchers act on databases or
computational resources, which would instead require
low-level access and accounts on many different re-
sources. Furthermore, the manual download and up-
load steps for files are omitted, since input files are
automatically loaded into the job execution environ-
ment by the executing middleware system.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2010 - International Conference on Bioinformatics