Egon L. van den Broek
The Netherlands
Joris H. Janssen
User Experience Group, Philips Research Europe, High Tech Campus 34, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Jennifer A. Healey
Future Technology Research, Intel Labs Santa Clara, Juliette Lane SC12-319 Santa Clara CA 95054, U.S.A.
Marjolein D. van der Zwaag
User Experience Group, Philips Research Europe, High Tech Campus 34, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Affective signal processing, Emotion, User identification, Theoretical specification.
Last year, in van den Broek et al. (2009a), a start was made with defining prerequisites for affective signal
processing (ASP). Four prerequisites were identified: validation (e.g., mapping of constructs on signals),
triangulation, a physiology-driven approach, and contributions of the signal processing community. In parallel
with this paper, in van den Broek et al. (2010) another set of two prerequisites is presented: integration of
biosignals and physical characteristic. This paper continues this quest and defines two additional prerequisites:
identification of users and theoretical specification. In addition, the second part of a review on the classification
of emotions through ASP is presented; the first part can be found in van den Broek et al. (2009a).
Almost half a century ago, Ulric Neisser (1963, p.
194) described three fundamental and interrelated
characteristics of human thought that are conspicu-
ously absent from existing or contemplated computer
1. Human thinking always takes place in, and con-
tributes to, a cumulative process of growth and
2. Human thinking begins in an intimate association
with emotions and feelings which is never entirely
3. Almost all human activity, including thinking,
serves not one but a multiplicity of motives at the
same time.
Nonetheless, artificial intelligence (AI) aimed at un-
derstanding human thought and developing computa-
tional and executable models of human thought with-
out considering these three notions. Although, nowa-
days, a computer can beat the world’s best chess play-
ers, the general opinion is that AI has failed. We, and
others, think that Ulric Neisser’s words are of vital
importance and should be brought into AI practice.
In this paper, we will treat the second issue
Neisser raised, that of emotions and feelings or, in
other words, affect. Eversince Picards book Affective
Computing (AC) 1997, this direction of research has
received growing interest. However, as with AI, the
results with AC are disappointing. This is explained
by the fact that research relevant for AC is scattered
over a broad range of sciences and lacks generaliza-
tion and robustness.
To force a breakthrough in results on AC we pro-
L. van den Broek E., H. Janssen J., A. Healey J. and D. van der Zwaag M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 188-193
DOI: 10.5220/0002696601880193
pose to consider a set of prerequisites for affective
signal processing (ASP), before starting with AC in
practice. The first part of these prerequisites was in-
troduced last year in van den Broek et al. (2009a).
This set of prerequisites was, however, not complete.
This paper introduces the second part of the prerequi-
sites on ASP. In parallel, the third part of the prereq-
uisites on ASP is introduced in van den Broek et al.
(2010). Together, these three papers should form the
foundation for more successful ASP and AC.
In the next section, we will briefly denote ASP and
AC, including a review presented in Table 1. This ta-
ble contains the second part of our survey on ASP and
AC, complementary to the part presented in van den
Broek et al. (2009a). Section 3 introduces two new
prerequisites for successful ASP, complementary to
both those introduced in van den Broek et al. (2009a)
and in van den Broek et al. (2010). Finally, we
draw conclusions and denote the prerequisites’ impli-
cations for applications on ASP.
ASP is often employed from three specialized areas
of signal processing:
movement analysis (Gunes and Piccardi, 2009),
computer vision techniques (Gunes and Piccardi,
2009), and
speech processing (Ververidis and Kotropoulos,
However, these signals still have their major disad-
vantages. In contrast, such issues have been resolved
for biosignals in recent years: currently, high fidelity,
cheap, and unobtrusive biosignal recordings are easy
to obtain. Moreover,the recording devices can be eas-
ily integrated in various products (van den Broek and
Westerink, 2009; Gamboa et al., 2009). Therefore,
this paper focusses on biosignals. For an overview
of the most commonly used biosignals and their fea-
tures, we refer to van den Broek et al. (2009a).
The review in Table 1 illustrates both differences
and similarities among research on AC, conducted
over the last decade. As this table shows, most stud-
ies recorded people’s cardiovascular and electroder-
mal activity. However, differences between the stud-
ies prevail over the similarities. The number of par-
ticipants ranges from 1 to 50, although studies includ-
ing > 20 participants are relatively rare; cf. Table 1.
The number of features determined through ASP also
ranges considerably; i.e., from 3 to 193. Only half of
the studies applied feature selection/reduction, where
this would be advisable in general.
For AC, a broad plethora of classifiers are used.
The characteristics of the categories among which has
to be discriminated is different from most other clas-
sification problems. The emotion classes used are
typically ill defined, which makes it hard to compare
studies. Moreover, the number of emotion categories
(i.e., the classes) to be discriminated ranges consider-
ably: from 2 to 8. Although these are small numbers
in terms of pattern recognition and machine learn-
ing, the results are behind that of other classification
problems. With AC recognition rates of 60%–80%
are common, where in most other pattern recogni-
tion problems, recognition rates of > 90% and often
> 95% are often reported. This illustrates the com-
plex nature of AC and the need to consider prerequi-
sites for ASP.
In van den Broek et al. (2009a), the first set of prereq-
uisites for ASP was introduced: validity, triangula-
tion, a physiology-driven approach, and contributions
from signal processing. One additional set of prereq-
uisites is presented in van den Broek et al. (2010) and
comprises: physical characteristics and integration of
biosignals. Here we present a third set, which com-
plements the two other, by discussing user identifica-
tion and theoretical specification.
3.1 Tailored ASP – User Identification
Throughout the field of AC, an ongoing debate is
present on generic versus personal approaches to
emotion recognition. Some research groups special-
ized in AC have moved from general AC to AC for
specialized groups or individuals. For example, the
group of Picard currently focusses on autism (Picard
and Goodwin, 2008). In general, the identification
of users has major implications for ASP. We propose
three distinct categories, among which research in af-
fective science could choose:
1. all: generic ASP; see also Table 1 and van den
Broek et al. (2009c);vanden Broek and Westerink
2. group: tailored ASP; e.g., Choi and Woo (2005);
Sternbach and Tursky (1965)
3. individual: personalized ASP; e.g., Picard et al.
(2001); Healey and Picard (2005)
Although attractive from a practical point of view, the
category all will probably not solve the mysteries con-
Table 1: An overview of 18 studies on automatic biosignal-driven classification of emotions of the last decade.
information source year signals parti- number of selection / classifiers target classification
cipants features reduction result
Picard et al. 2001 C ,E ,R ,M 1 40 SFS, Fisher LDA 8 emotions 81%
Lisetti & Nasoz 2002 C ,E ,S 10 3 - kNN, LDA 5 emotions 85%*
Kim et al. 2002 C ,E ,S 50 10 - SVM 4 emotions 61%
50/125 10 - SVM 3 emotions 55% / 78%
Kim et al. 2004 C ,E ,S 50 10 Fisher SVM 4 emotions 62%
3 emotions 78%
Rani et al. 2004 C ,E ,M 1 6 - FLS 2 anxiety levels ??%
Healey & Picard 2005 C ,E ,R ,M 9 22 Fisher LDA 3 stress levels 97%
Kim et al. 2005 C ,E ,R ,M 3 26 SFS LDF 4 emotions 53% / 74%
Lisetti & Nasoz 2005 C ,E ,S 41 86 - kNN, ANN (2x) 2 emotions (3 sets of) 92%
Liu et al. 2005 C ,E ,M 15 13(?) - kNN, RT, BN, SVM 5 emotions 86%
Liu et al. 2006 C ,E ,M ,S 14 35 - RT 3 anxiety levels 70%
Rainville et al. 2006 C ,G ,S ,M ,P 43 18 PCA LDA 4 emotions 49%
Jones & Troen 2007 C ,E ,R 13 11 - ANN 5 arousal levels 31% / 62%
5 valence levels 26% / 57%
Yang & Liu 2007 C ,E ,R ,M 1 193 BPSO kNN 4 emotions 86%
Kim 2007 C ,E ,R ,M ,S 3 77 SBS kNN, ANN, LDA 4 emotions 51%–71%
Cheng & Liu 2008 M 1 14 DWT ANN 4 emotions 75%
Lichtenstein et al. 2008 C ,E ,R ,M ,S 40 5 - SVM 5 emotions 47%
2 levels of arousal 82%
2 levels of valence 72%
Chanel et al. 2009 C ,E ,R 10 18 - LDA, SVM, RVM 3 emotions 51%
2 emotions 66%
Van den Broek et al. in press E ,M 21 10 ANOVA, PCA kNN, SVM, ANN 4 emotions 61%
Signals: C : cardiovascular activity; E : electrodermal activity; R : respiration; M : electromyogram; S : skin temperature; and P : pupil diameter. Selection:
PCA: Principal Component Analysis; SFS: Sequential Forward Selection; SBS: Sequential Backward Selection; BPSO: Binary Particle Swarm Optimization;
DWT: Discrete Wavelet Transform; Fisher: Fisher projection; and ANOVA: ANalysis Of VAriance. Classifiers: RT: Regression Tree; BN: Bayesian Network;
ANN: Artificial Neural Network; SVM: Support Vector Machine; RVM: Relevance Vector Machines; LDA: Linear Discriminant Analysis; kNN: k-Nearest
Neighbors; and FLS: Fuzzy Logic System. Note. * The authors present 100% successful classification for two emotion categories. However, this might
indicate a questionable training and testing setup.
cerning affect. As is long known in neurology and
psychology, special cases can help in improving ASP.
For the categories group and individual, the fol-
lowing subdivision can be made:
1. Specific characteristics; e.g., autism (Picard and
Goodwin, 2008)
2. Psychological traits; e.g., Personality (Krohne
et al., 2002; van den Broek et al., 2009c) or em-
pathic intelligence (H˚akansson and Montgomery,
3. Demographics; e.g., age, sex, race (Sternbach and
Tursky, 1965), or level of education (van den
Broek et al., 2009c).
4. Activities; e.g., office work (Janssen et al., 2009),
driving a car (Healey and Picard, 2005) or flying
a plane, and running (Healey, 2009).
This subdivision is based current practice with ASP;
however, possibly it should be altered.
So far, comparisons between research results on
ASP are mostly made between results of either in-
dividuals or groups selected to resemble the general
population; cf. Table 1. However, user-tailored ap-
proaches should be explored as well. In particular, ex-
periences with specific groups can substantially con-
tribute to the further development of ASP, as has been
seen in other sciences; e.g., biology, psychology, and
medicine. But also, individual biosignal response pat-
terns should be taken into consideration, since peo-
ple’s affective signals differ widely.
Having said that, the question remains, how to
handle this striking variety between people. We
present three approaches, which are on another level
than usually adopted, but can tackle these problems:
Hybrid classification systems (Berzal et al., 2004).
Most often, such architectures incorporate both a
(logic-based) reasoning system and a machine learn-
ing component. To the authors knowledge, so far, this
approach has not been applied for ASP. It has, how-
ever, been applied successfully for speech-based emo-
tion recognition (Schuller et al., 2004).
Multi-agent systems and multi-classifier systems.
Two approaches within this field could be of interest:
1) Multi-layered architectures, where each layer de-
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
termines the possible classes to be processed or the
classifiers to be chosen for the next layer and 2) An
ensemble of classifiers, trained on the same or dis-
tinct biosignals and their features. Their outputs are
collected into one compound classification, often de-
termined through a voting scheme. For more informa-
tion on this topic, we refer to Lam and Suen (1995)
and Kuncheva (2002).
Biosignal signatures. Related to schemes that are
used in forensics (Rogers, 2003), ASP could bene-
fit from personalized profiles or schemes that tailor
to a generic profile to people’s unique biosignal sig-
natures. Moreover, this approach could be extended
to incorporate context information, as is already done
in forensics (Rogers, 2003). Biosignal signatures re-
quire advanced multi-modal data mining and knowl-
edge discovery strategies, and is related to the base-
line matrix as proposed by Picard et al. (2001).
Each of these approaches enable processing of
multi-modal data, which allows to incorporate a range
of characteristics. This makes them promising for
ASP applications, also outside the scope of user iden-
3.2 Theoretical Specification
Changes in biosignals relate to changes in many psy-
chological constructs Cacioppo and Tassinary (1990).
For ASP, it is important to distinguish between these
different psychological constructs. This involves two
different situations: Firstly, biosignals can have more
or less equal response patterns but in different time
frames; e.g., short time frames for emotions and
longer time frames for moods. Second, biosignals
can have the same response patterns in the same time
frames but still relate to different psychological con-
structs; an increase in inspiration rate can imply in-
creased positive moods but also increased task de-
mands or mental effort. We propose three ways of
dealing with this complexity: (1) specification of the
relation between construct of interest and biosignal,
(2) involving context information, and (3) using mul-
tiple classifier systems.
In the first place, a thorough description of the
relation between the construct of interest and the
biosignals is necessary. By doing this, distinguishing
biosignal properties for the construct of interest can
be found. For instance, when classifying emotions
short-term changes are of interest, whereas when clas-
sifying moods only long-term changes are relevant.
In addition, when trying to distinguish workload from
mood, one should not be interested in skin conduc-
tance changes. Instead, one could look at heart rate
variability as this typically reacts stronger to work-
load than mood.
Second, context provides a lot of information on
the psychological constructs which might have been
changed. For example, while driving a car work-
load is changing quickly depending on the road sit-
uation while your mood is likely to remain equal.
On the other hand, during watching a television show
changes in biosignals are more likely to come from
affect induction than from changes in cognitive load,
motivation, or memory. By inserting context infor-
mation, e.g. captured by a camera, the probability
that changes will occur in specific psychological con-
structs can be modeled into the system. Thereby, in-
creasing the change of allocating changes in biosig-
nals to changes in the correct psychological construct.
Finally, one can use multiple classifiers to make a
classification of all separate psychological constructs.
In turn, the construct that with the most certain clas-
sification can be selected as the influenced construct.
Moreover, an extra classifier can be trained that re-
ceives it’s input from the separate classifiers and
makes a selection based on this information.
To conclude, these three ways can help to deal
with the problem of the many-to-many relationship
between psychology and physiology. Note that we
have assumed that the psychological constructs are
independent of each other, which is actually not the
case. Nonetheless, treating them as if being indepen-
dent of each other is necessary for practical purposes.
This paper provided the second part of prerequisites
for ASP. For the first and third part, we refer to re-
spectively van den Broek et al. (2009a) and van den
Broek et al. (2010). Here, the prerequisites identi-
fication of users and theoretical specification are in-
troduced. These prerequisites are complementary to
those presented in the other two papers: validity, tri-
angulation, the physiology-driven approach, and con-
tributions of signal processing (van den Broek et al.,
2009a) and physical characteristics and integration of
biosignals (van den Broek et al., 2010). Moreover,the
second part of a review on ASP has been presented;
see Table 1, complementary to the review table pre-
sented in van den Broek et al. (2009a).
The review (see Table 1) and the prerequisites, il-
lustrate the complexity and lack of success of AC.
This urges us to emphasize that a step back should be
made by looking at prerequisites for successful ASP
to achieve true progress on a later stage, instead of
running forward and ignoring the problems encoun-
tered in previous studies. We sincerely hope that
the prerequisites can contribute to or even guide the
promising future ASP provides us with.
The authors would like to thank Joyce H.D.M. West-
erink (Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
for her comments on an earlier versions of this pa-
per. Furthermore, we would like to thank the anony-
mous reviewers, who provided us the opportunity to
improve this paper.
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