Mean value and standard deviation of the torque,
∆T, is shown in form of an error-bar graph in Figure
9. In Figure 10 also, we can see the error-bar graph
of mean value and standard deviation of ∆ω.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of trials
) (Rad/s)
Subject 1
Subject 2
Figure 10: Mean value of hand velocity of two subjects in
31 trials. Curves in solid line are those of subject 1 while
measurements on subject 2 are shown in dashed lines.
In this paper we used an electromechanical
simultaneous sensor cum actuator to propose a
method and a device which is capable of the
measuring impedance, the torque, and the velocity
during motion. In comparison with existing
methods, this methodology is much simpler to use.
More importantly, we can measure the impedance,
the torque, and the angular velocity during any
motion profile accurately. In conventional methods
of impedance measurement, one needs to apply
perturbation while our method does not require
perturbation in a sense of an externally applied
force. In our experiments, we applied a constant
speed to the subject’s limb while their actual
reaching speed profile is always a bell-shape
function. Then we measured impedance based on the
resulted interaction force and the changes in the
initial speed.
The experimental results showed that during
adaptation to a rotational motion with constant
speed, subjects adapted their arm’s mechanical
impedance with changing their interaction force and
The tests will be soon available to some stroke
patients before, during, and after upper limb
rehabilitation. The values of impedance, torque, and
velocity will be analyzed and compared to Fugle-
Mayer motor function assessment test in order to
give the evaluators a quantifying tool to help them
with an objective assessment.
Hereby we would like to acknowledge the School of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang
Technological University and the M&C Lab in
especial. We shall also thank Professor Etienne
Burdet for his comments. Last but not least Mrs.
Maryam Khademi’s help with reviewing the paper is
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BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices