Annabel Latham, Keeley Crockett and Zuhair Bandar
Intelligent Systems Group, The Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, U.K.
Keywords: Expert system, Conversational agent, Knowledge engineering, Knowledge tree, Bullying, Harassment.
Abstract: In the UK, several laws and regulations exist to protect employees from harassment. Organisations
operating in the UK create comprehensive and carefully-worded bullying and harassment policies and
procedures to cover the key aspects of each regulation. In large organisations, such policies often result in a
high support cost, including specialist training for the management team and human resources (HR)
advisors. This paper presents a novel conversational expert system which supports bullying and harassment
policies in large organisations. Information about the bullying and harassment policies and their application
within organisations was acquired using knowledge engineering techniques. A knowledge tree is used to
represent the knowledge intuitively, and a dynamic graphical user interface (GUI) is proposed to enable the
knowledge to be traversed graphically. Adam is a conversational agent allowing users to type in questions
in natural language at any point and receive a simple and direct answer. An independent evaluation of the
system has given promising results.
Organisations in the UK have policies to enforce
laws which protect employees from bullying and
harassment. Designed to support several laws and
regulations, such policies and procedures must be
comprehensive and carefully-worded. These
policies often result in a high support cost, requiring
specialist training across the organisation. Victims
of bullying and harassment may be reluctant to
discuss such sensitive issues within the organisation,
fearing lack of confidentiality, bias by support staff
and repercussions. The cost to organisations of not
dealing with bullying can be high – bullying at work
is estimated to be costing the UK National Health
Service more than £300m in sick days and
recruitment costs (BBC.co.uk 2008). The rather
inert nature and high support cost of bullying and
harassment policies means they lend themselves to
automation. An expert system would offer
anonymous, 24-hour access to advice which was
consistent, appropriate and valid (avoiding human
bias), and would be generic, offering cross-sector
application across the UK.
An ability to enter into a natural language
dialogue with an expert system would be the
ultimate development in a user interface, giving
users direct and non-linear access to expert
knowledge. This is especially the case in heavily
legislated areas where the language used may be
difficult to understand. Human computer interface
designers have used the metaphor of face-to-face
conversation for some time, but have only recently
attempted “to design a computer that could hold up
its end of the conversation” (Cassell 2000). A
conversational agent (CA) is a computer program
which can interact using natural language (Cassell
2000). There are three main development
approaches for CAs – natural language processing
(NLP), pattern matching or artificial intelligence
(AI). NLP studies the constructs and meaning of
natural language, applying rules to process
information contained within sentences (Khoury et
al 2008). Pattern matching uses an algorithm to find
the best match for key words and phrases within an
utterance (Pudner et al 2007). The AI approach
compares the semantic similarity of phrases to
decide on the meaning of the input (O’Shea et al
2008; Li et al 2006), enabling a CA to cope with
input which is not grammatically correct or
complete. This paper presents a novel conversational
expert system (CES) which models bullying and
harassment policies and procedures in large
Latham A., Crockett K. and Bandar Z. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 163-168
DOI: 10.5220/0002697801630168
organisations. Knowledge engineering techniques
are used to acquire information about the policies
and how they are applied. A dynamic GUI is
proposed for the CES, which changes according to
the user’s need, enabling the knowledge to be
traversed graphically and which allows natural
language questions to be asked at any point.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2
outlines bullying and harassment, Section 3
describes CAs and their applications, Section 4
explains the methodology for constructing the CES,
Section 5 summarises the evaluation of the CES and
Sections 6 and 7 include the results, discussions and
Bullying and harassment is widespread within the
workplace (Burnes & Pope 2007, Lee 2000). In
2005, a national survey of the UK National Health
Service (NHS) staff found that 15% of staff had
experienced bullying, harassment or abuse from
colleagues and 26% experienced these problems
from patients (Healthcare Commission 2006). In
addition to the health implications for victims,
workplace bullying and harassment costs
organisations lost productivity, sick leave, high staff
turnover and the cost of replacing staff, as well as
the possibility of legal actions by employees (Unite
the Union 2007).
In the UK, no single piece of legislation covers
bullying and harassment. Organisations must adhere
to several different laws protecting employees from
harassment due to diverse causes (ACAS 2007).
Implementing this legislation has led organisations
to develop comprehensive policies, often resulting in
large and complex policy documents. These policies
often require additional training and support for
employees understanding and following the process
of reporting bullying and harassment. The high
support cost and fairly static nature of these policies
suggests that automation would be advantageous. A
CES would reduce costs and add benefits such as
allowing anonymous, 24 hour access to information
ensuring that the advice given is consistent,
appropriate and valid.
Communicating with a computer using natural
language has been a goal in artificial intelligence for
many decades, stimulated by the ‘Turing Test’
(Turing 1950). Conversational agents designed with
the sole aim of holding a conversation are known as
chatbots (Carpenter 2007). In the context of this
paper, CAs are tools for addressing specific
problems, such as ConvAgent’s InfoChat, a goal-
oriented CA (Michie & Sammut 2001).
CAs are ideally suited to simple question-
answering systems (Sadek 1999, Convagent 2005,
Owda et al 2007) as they are intuitive to use and
allow users direct, non-linear access to information.
A natural language questioning facility in an expert
system would additionally widen access to the
expertise. The role of a CA in the context of this
paper is to accept natural language questions and
produce an appropriate response. A pattern
matching CA is suited to systems where
conversations are restricted to specific knowledge
areas, such as bullying and harassment policies. The
pattern matching approach requires the development
of conversation scripts, a similar idea to call centre
scripts, which match key input words and phrases to
suitable responses. CA scripts are often organised
into contexts and may be linked in a tree or network
structure, offering powerful pattern matching at
various levels (e.g. a script level to respond to
abusive language). The CA receives an input and
searches scripts to find the best matching response.
Different contexts and conversation histories are
used to help find appropriate matches, for example,
the meaning of a user utterance “Yes, please show
me” can only be understood in relation to the current
context and previous utterances of the conversation.
This section describes the methodology and key
stages in constructing the CES. Figure 1 shows the
overall structure of the CES. A central controller
communicates with the knowledge base, dynamic
GUI and CA to manage user interactions. The
knowledge base contains expert knowledge and was
constructed in two phases. First expert knowledge
was gathered (knowledge engineering, described in
Section 4.1) and then that knowledge was structured
(explained in section 4.2). The CES user interface
has two main components – the dynamic GUI
displays a graphical representation of the knowledge
which changes according to user choices (outlined in
section 4.3), and the CA allows natural language
questions to be asked (described in section 4.4).
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: CES system structure.
4.1 Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge engineering is the stage of expert system
development concerned with the acquisition and
elicitation of knowledge from experts, and was done
in parallel with requirements gathering (Tuthill
1990). A domain review of current UK harassment
legislation, policies and guidance was undertaken
and a real-life large organisation’s Bullying and
Harassment policy was adopted. The documentation
study was followed up by meetings with the
organisation’s management team to elicit further
knowledge and clarification on points arising from
the review. An analysis of knowledge acquired
about the policy and its use by employees identified
four key categories of user problem, forming the
basis of the knowledge represented by the CES.
Each category leads to a series of additional
questions to further identify the problem. The four
main questions to be addressed by the CES are:
What counts as bullying and harassment?
How do I report bullying or harassment?
What can I do if I am not being taken
What can I do if I am being victimised?
4.2 Structuring Knowledge
The knowledge base underpins a CES and therefore
must accurately reflect the expert knowledge and its
use in practice. A knowledge tree was the most
suitable representation of the knowledge for this
system as it follows a path of questions and feels
natural to users. Knowledge trees are biological
representations which consist of nodes, where values
are assessed, branches to be followed according to
node values, and leaves which terminate the branch
and represent a conclusion. Information is gathered
by the CES based on user choices, which determine
the value of each node, and therefore the branch to
follow and the next question to ask (the next node).
The knowledge tree was designed iteratively and
modelled using Convagent’s InfoRule TreeTool
(Convagent 2005) which is an interactive system
that graphically displays the tree. The TreeTool
facility to simulate the running of the tree was used
so that experts could verify its accuracy. Figure 2
shows a small section of the knowledge tree within
the TreeTool. The entire tree has more than 1000
nodes over 11 levels, which illustrates the
complexity of the problem. Within the Decision
Tree folder, the main tree is called ‘bullying’, and
the start node of the tree is att_query_type. The start
node has four branches, one for each of the main
questions modelled. The not_taken_seriously
branch leads to a leaf node, a CES response which
advises the user to discuss their case with a specialist
advisor. Also seen in Figure 2 is a subtree,
follow_up, which is used to avoid repetition of nodes
within the tree (similar to a macro).
Figure 2: CES knowledge tree.
4.3 Graphical User Interface
The CES users will range in experience from novice
to expert so the user interface must enable two-way
communication for all users (McGraw 1992); if
users cannot use the CES as an effective consultant
it will not be successful. Graphical interfaces are
more intuitive to use for novice users. The CES is
destined to be run on various web browsers over the
Internet or within company intranets. The two main
user interface elements will now be described.
4.3.1 Dynamic GUI
The GUI allows users to view a representation of the
knowledge and select appropriate options.
Depending on the user’s position in the knowledge
tree, the graphical representation changes to reflect
the available options. This dynamic interaction was
intended to feel natural like a conversation rather
than a linear procedure.
Figure 3: Dynamic user interaction.
Figure 4: CES response.
The screen was divided horizontally into three
main areas (see Figure 3): the top area displays
Adam’s instructions and advice, the centre shows a
graphical representation of the knowledge tree and
the bottom area allows natural language questions to
be entered. Adam asks questions to gather
information about the user’s query, and the user
responds by clicking one of the highlighted answer
boxes. The CES dynamically accesses the
knowledge base and responds with a new question
and set of answer boxes. Figure 3 shows an
interaction where the user is exploring how to report
bullying, having taken no action so far (previous
answers are shown graphically using red triangles
and lines). The user wants to take informal action,
so clicks the ‘Informal’ answer box (Figure 4), and
is given guidance by Adam, shown graphically using
an ellipse. At any point the user can restart the
session or go back and explore the knowledge
further, using buttons at the foot of the screen. The
dynamic GUI for the CES was designed with system
reuse in mind as its display draws its information
directly from the knowledge base. Amendments
made to the knowledge tree are automatically shown
graphically on screen. This offers easy system
maintenance and the option of applying new
knowledge bases, e.g. finance policies.
4.3.2 Conversational Agent
The CA component of the CES integrates a natural
language question-answering function. The ability
to ask questions widens access to the system by
allowing users to employ their own vocabulary. The
CA also offers users direct access to knowledge
without tracing through the CES questions.
Convagent’s InfoChat CA (Michie & Sammut
2001), a goal-oriented CA employing natural
language pattern matching, was chosen. A list of
frequently asked questions (FAQs) about bullying
and harassment was compiled during the domain
review. A number of scripts were developed which
contained rules with patterns of keywords and
phrases to match each FAQ to an appropriate
response. A lower level of script was designed to
respond to unknown or abusive language. An
example rule from one of the InfoChat scripts is
shown below. In the rule, a is the activation level
used for conflict resolution (Sammut 2001); p is the
pattern strength followed by the pattern and r is the
response. Also seen in the example is the wildcard
(*) and macros (<explain-0>) containing a number
of standard patterns, each matched separately.
p:50 *<explain-0> *bullying*
p:50 *bullying* <explain-0>*
p:50 *<explain-0> *a bully*
p:50 *a bully* <explain-0>*
r: Bullying is persistent, threatening, abusive,
malicious, intimidating or insulting behaviour,
directed against an individual or series of
individuals, or a group of people.
Figure 5: Asking a question.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
At any stage within the CES, the user could type
natural dialogue into an on-screen box to “chat”
directly with Adam. Figure 5 shows an example
interaction with Adam, continuing the previous
interaction (Figures 3 and 4) by clarifying Adam’s
response. The user types their question, ‘Which
senior manager should I meet’, into the question box
and presses ‘Ask Adam’. The CA has been scripted
to understand this question, and Adam provides an
appropriate answer at the top of the screen.
The knowledge tree was evaluated by the
organisation’s management team, who simulated its
execution using the TreeTool. The CES was
evaluated by the HR policy experts within the
organisation and an independent graphic designer
specialising in websites. During the evaluation, a
questionnaire was used to record feedback on system
usability, appearance and functionality.
Additionally a representative group of users were
selected to evaluate the CES, all employees in
different roles for different companies, aged between
25 and 45 and experienced in interacting with HR
departments. The group included both men and
women from administrative, academic and
managerial backgrounds. A scenario of possible
sexual harassment was developed along with a
questionnaire to record feedback on the appearance,
usability and functionality of the CES. The group
were asked to read the scenario and then complete
two tasks within the system – find out whether the
behaviour described is sexual harassment and how to
stop the behaviour without jeopardising your job.
Users then completed the questionnaire
anonymously and the results were analysed. Some
of the users were unobtrusively observed during
evaluation, giving qualitative feedback about facial
expressions and speed of use. The results of the
evaluation will now be discussed.
Results of the independent evaluation show that the
CES was generally well received, being
understandable and intuitive to use. Table 1 shows
the average results for each section of the
questionnaire. The lowest score (of 5) was given to
the typeface used within the GUI, although the
average score was 7.8. The highest average score of
9.33 indicated that users had found the information
they sought without difficulty (Table 1, Section 2,
Question 6). One user commented that they “did not
need to ‘learn’ to use the advisor”. The next highest
average score of 9 was given to the clarity of
instructions, ease of navigation and use of Restart
and End buttons. 50% of users suggested
differentiating Adam’s instructions from the advice
given would improve the usability of the system, for
example using a different coloured font to make it
clear when users are expected to respond.
Table 1: User evaluation results.
Section 1 – Screen Design Avg Score
(out of 10)
1. Look and feel 8.5
a. Colour 8.17
b. Size 8.5
c. Typeface 7.83
2. Placing of buttons and boxes 8.5
3. Clarity of instructions 9
4. Central option buttons
a. Size of buttons (width) 8.67
b. Positioning of buttons 8.67
c. Connecting lines (width) 7.83
d. Indication of current selection 8
Section 2 – Functionality
1. Adam’s text for instructions
a. Readable? 8.5
b. Noticeable? 8
2. Ease of navigation 9
3. Restart & End buttons 9
4. Clicking of option buttons 8.83
5. Typing of text and Ask Adam button 8.33
6. Did you find the information and
advice you wanted?
7. How useful did you find the advice
given to you?
Observation of the tests revealed two interesting
issues. 33% of users attempted to click the response
icon, and were expecting to be taken to an email or a
form to arrange to see an advisor. Also, 33% of
users pressed the browser’s Back button, which
caused the tree buttons to behave unpredictably
(causing an error in one case). Ease of use is critical
to the success of a CES to support a Bullying and
Harassment policy. Users felt that the system was
intuitive and easy to use, giving high scores to ease
of navigation and the ability to find information.
The results have shown that the system allows users
to access information about sensitive issues like
bullying anonymously and at any time, aiding
organisations in positively implementing harassment
policies and improving workforce cohesion.
This paper has presented a novel conversational
expert system which has been applied to a real world
application to advise employees on bullying and
harassment policies. The CES features a graphical
representation of knowledge which may be explored
dynamically by the user, and a facility to ask natural
language questions and receive a response. During
development, the CES was generalised, meaning it
can adapt to a different, unknown knowledge base.
As well as improving the ease of maintenance,
similar applications can be developed more rapidly
by reusing the GUI component and limiting new
development to the knowledge base and
conversational scripts. The system was evaluated by
a representative group of users, who found the
system intuitive to use and the information easy to
access. Implementation of the system could benefit
both employees and the organisation in providing
anonymous access to information about the bullying
and harassment policy at any time of day, leading to
a positive implementation of the policy and a more
cohesive group of employees.
In future a pilot evaluation study of the CES is
required before conclusions may be drawn about the
usability of the system compared to telephone advice
or meeting advisors. It is then planned to develop
new CES for different HR procedures. Future
improvements include expanding the CA scripting to
include further definitions and explanations,
extending the system for multiple users, and
investigating the use of different CAs which employ
less labour-intensive techniques for developing
dialogue scripts.
The authors thank Convagent Ltd for the use of their
InfoChat and TreeTool software and Mr John Shiel
of Krann Ltd for his evaluation of the GUI.
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence