ted. (W. Stein and Muhling, 1998) use Dijkstra’s al-
gorithm aided by 3D morphologyto trace the most fa-
vorable path between two nodes (here, the mandibular
and mental foramen) marked by an expert. (Krˇsek
et al., 2007) present a tissue segmentation process
which requires high human interaction assisted only
by basic morphological operations and threshold in
Hounsfield values. (Kang et al., 2007) use a fuzzy
C-means-based partition tree for segmenting tissues
with overlapped gray level range. (DeBruijne et al.,
2003) adapted active shape models (ASM) to tubu-
lar structures. ASM are landmark-based linear shape
models which try to fit a structure according to the
variation represented in a training set previously an-
notated by an expert. (Rueda et al., 2006) follow this
study and use active appearance models (AAM) for
the segmentation of jaw tissues. However, since ho-
mologous points can not be established among differ-
ent slices and some structures are unconnected or do
not even appear, the precision achieved is completely
Udupa et al. (Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996)
present a novel method based on fuzzy subset the-
ory with excellent results in different fields of med-
ical imaging. In (Saha et al., 2000), several functions
are proposed to represent intensity and homogeneity
components of affinity. Our efforts are focused on
evaluating all the configurations and validating them
for the segmentation of jaw tissues in slices like those
shown in figure 1, in order to create a complete au-
tomated 3D reconstruction valid for any preoperative
dental implant planning system.
Fuzzy connectedness (FC) has proven to give suc-
cessful results in several medical applications such as
multiple sclerosis lesion detection, blood vessel def-
inition (Udupa et al., 1997a) and tissues segmenta-
tion (Udupa et al., 1997b). Our aim is to evaluate
FC object segmentation in dental CT slices, defined
transversally to the dental arch by means of a preop-
erative implant planning system, as shown in figure 1.
2.1 Theory Fundamentals
Fuzzy connectedness is a fuzzy subsets theory-based
methodology. The algorithm starts from a seed and
evaluates the affinity in a neighborhood of the pix-
els present in a queue. The queue is updated while
the affinity is still able to be refined. In this way, the
algorithm computes the connectivity map of the im-
age under study, where each pixel value represents the
Figure 1: Definition of transversal slices by means of aplan-
ning system.
affinity between the pixel and the seed. Consequently,
it is intuitive to define an object as those pixels whose
connectivity value is greater than a threshold.
The affinity describes the similarity between two
pixels and represents the power of the connection be-
tween them. For this reason the affinity is based on the
adjacency between the pixels and on the similarity of
their intensities. Adjacency represents the contiguity
between pixels. For this study, 4-adjacency is consid-
ered and can be defined, for the pixels c
and d
, as
(c, d) =
1 ,if
≤ 1
0 ,otherwise
Analytically, the affinity can be expressed as:
(c, d) = h(µ
(c, d), f(c), f(d), c, d) (2)
That is, the affinity between the pixels depends on
their adjacency, position and some function of them.
According to the fuzzy connectedness theory de-
scribed in (Saha et al., 2000), the affinity should con-
sist of two components: an object-feature-based com-
ponent and a homogeneity-based component. Both
components must be considered in the design of the
affinity, although in some applications it is more pro-
ductive to consider only one component.
Therefore we can design a great variety of func-
tions for each component independently and combine
them to obtain the desired affinity relation valid for
the application under study. Then, it is possible to
refine the affinity as follows
(c, d) = µ
(c, d)g(µ
(c, d), µ
(c, d)) (3)
where µ
and µ
represent the homogeneity-based
and the object-feature-based component, respectively.
The strength of relation Ψ represents the degree of the
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing