Standardization of Sensor-data based on ISO/IEEE 11073
Philipp Nieke, Sten Hanke, Christopher Mayer, Andreas Hochgatterer
AIT Austrian Institut of Technology GmbH, Biomedical Systems, Viktor Kaplan Strasse 2, A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Stefan Sauermann
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna, Biomedical Engineering, H
adtplatz 5, A-1200 Vienna, Austria
Ambient Assisted Living, AAL, ISO/IEEE 11073, Interoperability, Standardization.
In the process of developing projects in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), it is very important to avoid isolated
and proprietary applications in the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure. Therefore standardization com-
mittees try to close the gap between these applications in developing appropriate standards for communication
and software-architectures. The ISO/IEEE 11073 standard family and especially the standard specialization
”ISO/IEEE 11073-10471, Independent Living Activity Hub” is the key for establishing interoperability in
AAL. The scope is to establish a common software-architecture and communication between agents (any form
of medical devices, e.g. Independent Living Activity Hub which represents a sensor network) and managers
(software-tool for receiving data; e.g. sensor-data). Consequently the integration of different sensor-networks
(agents) from different manufacturers to an ISO/IEEE 11073 manager could be achieved by plug & play inter-
operability if the agents are built up according to the standard guidelines. However, this study showed that it
is possible to apply the standard to existing sensor-networks by designing the agent with appropriate mapping
methods between manufacturer- and ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature. The flexible bodywork of the designed
agent allows its application and use for specific sensor networks from different manufacturers without great
effort, whereas the ”once-implemented manager” can be applied for any ISO/IEEE 11073-10471 Independent
Living Activity Hub.
According to a study (Bundesministerium f
ur Bildung
und Forschung, 2009) about demographic change,
Germany will have one of the oldest populations in
the world by the year 2035. To prevent a sharp in-
crease of social costs, products and new technologies
have to be developed now. One approach is the pos-
sibility of enabling older people to have an indepen-
dent life in their homes as long as possible. Ambient
Assisted Living Technologies try to follow this ob-
jective in integrating intelligent assistance-systems in
peoples’ houses and flats. Modern sensor-techniques
and IT-based evaluation of data, allowing the genera-
tion of behaviour pattern recognition, should support
the safety of the inhabitants. In other words, current
sensor-events are compared with predefined patterns
and if the situation differs from normality an alarm
will be triggered by the AAL-system.
In order to avoid isolated applications in this
potential sector, international standards in IT-
infrastructure and communication procedures should
be used right from the beginning. So far mostly pro-
prietary sensor systems are on the market, which are
tailored to respective environments, user groups and
use cases. The ISO/IEEE 11073 standard family for
medical device communication aim at supporting the
development of interoperable systems in the field of
AAL. This study shows the relevance and benefits of
the ISO/IEE 11073 for AAL-projects and in general.
Moreover it shows how the standard can be imple-
mented for existing sensor networks from different
vendors that do not follow the standard guidelines on
the part of the manufacturer.
Nieke P., Hanke S., Mayer C., Hochgatterer A. and Sauermann S. (2010).
INTEROPERABILITY IN AMBIENT ASSISTED LIVING (AAL) - Standardization of Sensor-data based on ISO/IEEE 11073.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 406-413
DOI: 10.5220/0002700204060413
The ISO/IEEE 11073 standard represents a standard
for health informatics in the field of personal health
device communication with the focus on establishing
It has no special system requirements and there-
fore is not associated with nor limited to special hard-
ware or software technologies or other protocols (Mc-
Cabe, 2007).
The scope is to establish a common software-
architecture and communication between agents (any
form of medical devices or sensor systems) and man-
agers (for instance personal computers) without fo-
cusing on the transport layer. Agents are collect-
ing medical or behaviour-specific data about a per-
son or the environment and transfer the informa-
tion to the manager for data collection, displaying or
further analysis. The information is available from
a range of domains including disease management,
health and fitness or ageing independently applica-
tions (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology So-
ciety, 2008b).
The ISO/IEEE 11073 standards define both the
bodywork of the agents and the communication-
procedure between agent and manager. The individ-
ual agents are represented in specific device special-
izations (ISO/IEEE 11073-104xx, i.e. Independent
Living Activity Hub, Weighing scale, Thermometer,
Cardiovascular fitness and activity monitor), whereas
the ISO/IEEE 11073-20601 presents the basic frame-
work and communication for all agents. Generally
the standard is applied on layer 7 of the ISO/OSI ref-
erence model and can be utilised independently of the
medium of transmission.
The ISO/IEEE 11073-20601 ”Application Profile
- Optimized Exchange Protocol” defines a common
framework for an optimized exchange protocol as ba-
sis for all ISO/IEEE 11073 standards. It describes an
abstract model for the bodywork of agents and con-
stitutes a common communication procedure between
agents and managers. So the purpose of the optimized
exchange protocol is to provide the basis for support-
ing any type of agent.
The ISO/IEEE 11073-10471 ”Independent Living
Activity Hub” represents the relevant device special-
isation for the integration of smart home sensors in
AAL-projects. Based on the Optimized Exchange
Protocol this standard establishes a normative defi-
nition of the bodywork and communication between
independent living activity hubs and managers in a
manner that enables plug-and-play interoperability.
In this context, independent living activity hubs are
defined as devices that communicate with simple situ-
ation monitors (binary sensors), standardise informa-
tion received from the sensors and provide these data
to a manager (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Bi-
ology Society, 2008a). Until now, this device special-
ization support the terminology of 10 sensor-types,
which are shortly described in table 1.
Table 1: Supported sensors by ISO/IEEE 11073-10471
(IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
Sensor-type Remark
Fall sensor Detects a person’s fall
PERS (Personal Emer-
gency Response Sys-
tem) sensor
Detects when a ”panic
button” is activated
Environmental sensors
(e.g. smoke-, CO-
Detects any environ-
mental aspect and
generates a sensor
event, if measurement
is beyond a certain
Motion sensor Generates a sensor
event, whenever it has
sensed movement
Property exit sensor Generates a sensor
event, whenever it
has sensed the exit of
an occupant from the
familiar environment
(e.g. used for cognitive
Enuresis sensor Generates a sensor
event when involuntary
urination or bed-wetting
is recognized
Usage sensor Generates a sensor
event at the start of use
as well as at the end of
Switch sensor Generates a sensor
event when recog-
nizing a ”ON”- or a
Simple medication
Generates a sensor
event when a dosage
of medication has been
taken or not within a
certain time-period
Temperature sensor Generates a sensor
event when temperature
has risen above or
dropped below a certain
The main-objective of applying a standard in IT-
infrastructure with special regard to medical devices
is interoperability. According to IEEE (IEEE-USA,
2005), interoperability in healthcare does not only
mean that healthcare systems must be able to com-
municate with one another, but also that they must
employ shared terminology and definitions. Imple-
mented systems should communicate in a way that
systems ”understand” each other and thus prevent the
loss of information and allow the correct interpre-
tation and evaluation of transmitted data. Standard
Committees, like the International Standards Orga-
nization (ISO), provide standards to avoid isolated
applications with their own communication structure
and terminology.
The ISO/IEEE 11073 standards define a common
core of communication functionality for medical and
personal health devices and specify the use of term
codes, formats and behaviours in a telehealth environ-
ment to favour plug & play interoperability (McCabe,
By establishing plug & play interoperability in
AAL, new sensor-network solutions can be added to
an existing manager without great effort. A standard-
ised architecture and communication structure of both
the manager and the sensor-network solution, which
represents the agent, are prerequisites. As the com-
munication flow always follows the same procedure
and transmitted data have the same bodywork, one
manager can be applied to more standard-conform
agents. So the manager always receives data in
the same format. As in AAL-technologies different
sensor-types (see table 1) are useful, which are of-
ten not provided by one manufacturer, different data-
formats have to be handled by the receiving system,
if the sensors’ communication protocols are not stan-
dard conform. Therefore the application of a common
standard would close this gap and would enable plug
& play interoperability of different sensor networks
or single sensors.
Furthermore a standardised format would be a
great advantage in AAL technologies for the im-
plementation of behaviour pattern recognition algo-
rithms and sensor data fusion.
Different Associations make an effort to spread
and refine the standards. In case of the ISO/IEEE
11073 standards the Continua Health Alliance is lead-
ing. It is a group of technology, healthcare and fitness
companies dedicated to establishing a system of inter-
operable telehealth solutions. These solutions should
foster the independence of people to better man-
age their health (Continua Health Alliance, 2009).
ISO/IEEE 11073 standardised sensor-networks can
be certified by the Continua Health Alliance.
11073 TO AAL
Generally, the ISO/IEEE 11073-20601 architecture
consists of three models (parts), which interact with
each another:
the Domain Information Model,
the Communication Model and
the Service Model.
The ISO/IEEE 11073 family is based on an object-
oriented systems management paradigm. Thus, data
(measurement, state, etc.) are modelled in the form
of information objects that are accessed using object
access services (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society, 2008b).
4.1 Domain Information Model
The Domain Information Model (DIM) defines the
bodywork of an agent as a set of objects. Their at-
tributes describe measurement data as well as ele-
ments that control the behaviour of agents. The DIM
describes a hierarchical structure that represents all
data an agent-device can communicate to a manager.
For the application of the Independent Living
Activity Hub following classes of the ISO/IEEE
11073-20601 have to be implemented:
Medical Device System (MDS). Each Agent is
represented by exactly one MDS-object. Its attributes
define product-specific information, as well as the
configuration of the agent and is primarily necessary
for the identification of the agent at the manager.
Moreover the MDS-class defines methods (services,
events) for the data-access.
Metric Class. The metric class is the base class for
numeric-, realtime-sa (sample array) and enumera-
tion class, which represent the measurement-objects
(Numeric, RealTime-SA and Enumeration).
Enumeration Class. An instance of the enumeration
class represents status information (e.g. from a sen-
sor), which is reported within an event report service.
According to the specification all measurement-
objects (sensor-event-objects) are instances of the
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
enumeration class.
Considering this bodywork the class-architecture
with its specific attributes has to be implemented.
Each attribute of these classes has its own nomencla-
ture and a specific data-type, represented in Abstract
Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1), which is described in de-
tail in section 5. The nomenclature-definitions and
nomenclature-codes (32-bit identifier) can be found
either in ISO/IEEE 11073-20601, - 10101 or in the
relevant device specialization. In table 2 one can see
the attribute name to the ASN.1 notation mapping of
the MDS class. For better understanding of the class-
structure the example in table 3 shows an instanced
object of the MDS-class. The tables for the Metric
and the Enumeration class are similar.
4.2 Communication Model
The communication model describes the
communication-procedure between agent and
manager through state-machines. The communi-
cation is realised with certain services (association
services, object access services) that are supported by
both the agent and the manager. These services are
specified in the service model of the ISO/IEEE 11073
4.3 Service Model
The service model describes in which way data are
exchanged between agent and manager.
Association services control associations between
agent and manager and are applied at the beginning
and at the end of each communication-procedure.
Therefore the following subtypes of association ser-
vices are defined in the standard:
Association request
Association response
Association release request
Association release response
Object access services are used to retrieve in-
formation of the instanced objects, defined in the
Domain Information Model. These services are
necessary for both the configuration (registration) of
new sensor networks (agents) at the manager and for
the transmission of sensor-events from the agent to
the manager. Therefore a configuration event report
and an agent initiated measurement transmission
event report are defined for the Independent Living
Activity Hub.
Configuration Event Report. The Configuration
event report is used by the agent, when the device
is in a communication-state with the manager for
the first time. The configuration of the agent is
represented by a unique ID (Dev-Configuration ID)
within the association request. If the manager does
not know the configuration ID and therefore the
device, a configuration event report is generated. In
that service the agent transfers its configuration with
all supported attributes to the manager. Static values
of the object-attributes are also reported in the config-
uration event report, as they remain unchanged. After
this procedure the manager knows about the device
specialisation and no configuration event is necessary
any more unless for instance a new sensor is added.
In this case, the agent has to send a new configuration
event report to the manager for the registration of the
new sensor. Therefore, agents can have more than
one configuration ID. Dynamic values, such as mea-
surements are sent in later measurement event reports.
Agent- and Manager Initiated Measurement
Transmission Event Report. An agent-initiated
measurement transmission is sent by the agent, when
the device has registered a sensor-event or has taken
a measurement. Only dynamic values are reported in
this service as static values are already known by the
manager from the configuration event report.
In the ISO/IEEE 11073 standard family the Abstract
Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) is used in the Domain In-
formation Model (attribute data-types) and in the ser-
vice model (format of the messages).
The Abstract Syntax Notation is a formal nota-
tion for defining data structures and messages. The
great advantage of this notation is that it can be used
platform-, provider- and application-independently
for the transfer of protocol-messages. Especially
today, when software developers face the problem
of interaction among a multitude of heterogeneous
computer-systems, a common language as well as cer-
tain rules for messaging is necessary (Hoss and Wey-
land, 2007).
ASN.1 describes data structures at a very high
level of abstraction and thus separates the specifica-
tion of data and how these data will be implemented
in a particular language, like Java or C. So the de-
sign principle of abstraction is an important key of
software development and the focus of using ASN.1
(Kaliska, 1993).
Table 2: MDS-class of Independent Living Activity Hub -Agent (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008a).
Attribute name Attribute type (defined in Abstract
Syntax Notation -ASN.1)
Handle Handle Object identifier
System Model SystemModel Number of manufacturer and model
System ID OCTETSTRING Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI; registration
from IEEE) + manufacturer-defined ID
Dev-Configuration ID ConfigId See 4.3.2 Object Access Services
Date and Time AbsoluteTime
Attribute-Value-Map AttrValMap Defines the attributes reported in the measurement
transmission event report; dynamic values
TypeVerList Defines the type of the agent according to the device
Standard committees like the International Stan-
dards Organization (ISO) and the International
Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Stan-
dardization Sector (ITU-T) use ASN.1 for their stan-
dard specifications (Hoss and Weyland, 2007).
For the messaging there are several coding rules,
for instance Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Medical
Device Encoding Rules (MDER), or Packed Encod-
ing Rules (PER), which support encoding of ASN.1
syntax to a byte-stream and the vice-versa process
of decoding. For each simple as well as structured
ASN.1 data type there is a defined coding rule. This
aspect is very relevant as far as the prevention of
loss of information and the right interpretation of data
by the receiver is concerned (IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society, 2008b).
The availability of different ASN.1 compilers sup-
ports the transfer of ASN.1 definitions into the spe-
cific programming language, considering the partic-
ular coding rules. For the implementation of the
ISO/IEEE 11073 standard in this study, an open
source ASN.1 to Java compiler has been used. With
the help of that compiler predefined ASN.1 data-types
of the standard can be transformed into classes of
object-oriented programming language. Additionally
each class has been provided with encoding- and de-
coding methods for transforming the instanced ob-
jects into a byte-stream.
The chosen language for the implementation is Java
due to its object-oriented approach. The first step
for standard-conform implementation is to design
an ISO-Agent, according to the Domain Informa-
tion Model (DIM) of the Independent Living Activity
Hub (see 4.1). The ISO-Agent is a prerequisite for
the implementation of the ISO/IEEE 11073-conform
communication-flow with the manager.
For the application of the standard, nomencla-
ture definitions with their specific nomenclature codes
according to ISO/IEEE 11073-20601, -10471 and
-10101 and ASN.1 data-type definitions have to
be used. Therefore a separate class with all re-
quired IEEE-nomenclature definitions has been im-
plemented. These codes and definitions are necessary
to set attributes correctly in the particular instanced
objects. Furthermore all required ASN.1 data-type
definitions (a total of 73) have to be translated with
the help of the ASN.1/Java compiler into Java-classes.
Whenever one of these definitions is applied, a new
object of the relevant ASN.1 class has to be instanced.
Thus the classes contain constructors as well as meth-
ods for encoding and decoding, required for standard-
conform implementation of the messages.
The general bodywork of the agent has been
implemented according to the ISO/IEEE 11073-
20601 Optimized Exchange Protocol and to the de-
vice specialization ISO/IEEE 11073-10471 Indepen-
dent Living Activity Hub. Therefore the classes
MDS, Metric and Enumeration are required. Ad-
ditionally, required mapping-methods between spe-
cific manufacturer-nomenclature of the sensor net-
work and ISO/IEEE 11073-nomenclature are inte-
grated in the Enumeration-class.
In order to have a clearly arranged and compre-
hensible bodywork, all static and predefined data are
integrated within a configuration class. This class
includes agent-specific definitions for the Domain
Information Model (MDS-, Metric-, Enumeration-
class) and for the messages. Another important ele-
ment of this configuration class is the storage of the
configuration IDs. Each sensor-object is assigned a
unique configuration ID. These IDs are represented
within a hash table. On the basis of the object identi-
fier (Handle attribute) of each sensor-object, the keys
of the hash table are established. In other words, each
value of the Handle attribute (representing a sensor)
is assigned a configuration ID. The configuration ID
is necessary to set up communication with the man-
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 3: Example of instanced objects of MDS class.
Attribute name Attribute value Remark
Handle 0 Each Agent has exactly one MDS-Object; therefore
the Handle-value should be 0.
System Model Number of
manufacturer: xxxx;
model: xxxx These numbers are
specific values from the manufac-
These numbers are specific values from the manufac-
System ID
OUI: xxxxx;
Manufacturer-defined ID:
The OUI is the registration ID from IEEE. The
manufacturer-defined ID represents the System-ID of
the manufacturer.
Dev-Configuration ID 16384 According to ASN.1 definition of ConfigId, the value
16384 represents the first value provided for ”ex-
tended configuration”
Date and Time 21-2009-3-11 13:22:26:885 According to ASN.1 definition of AbsoluteTime, date
and time are presented in this format
OID: 2448, length: 4;
OID: 2881, length: 4;
According to ASN.1 definitions of AttrValMap, this
attribute defines the attributes that are later reported
in the measurement transmission event report. The
values are represented with the nomenclature-codes of
the standard and their length of bytes.
OID: 2448 represents Absolute-Time-Stamp;
OID: 2881 represents Enum-Observed-Value-
OID: 4167 The value 4167 represents the nomenclature-code for
the Independent Living Activity Hub
ager. With the help of public-defined ”get-methods”,
static information can be obtained in other classes.
Attributes, containing dynamic data, always have to
be instanced in the particular class.
The ISO-Agent Listener class can be seen as the
core element of the generated software. Whenever
the ISO Agent Listener recognises a data-packet from
the sensor network, it has to generate an ISO/IEEE
11073 conform data-packet. These packets are rep-
resented as instances of the Enumeration class. Fig-
ure 1 shows a simplified use case of the ISO Agent
Listener. For each supported sensor network system
from specific vendors an own listener has to be im-
plemented. The ISO Agent Listener is the lynchpin
for the communication procedure. Each capture of
a sensor data-packet and creation of an enumeration-
object has to be followed by an association request.
The association request is always the first message in
the communication-flow between agent and manager.
Figure 2 summarises the duties of the ISO Agent Lis-
The manager is also realised with a configuration
class where static information is stored. Like the ISO
Vendor X
Sensor network system vendor X
Vendor Y data-
Sensor network system vendor Y
Creating an object of the
Enumeration class with correct
syntax and data-types
ISO Agent Listener X
Setting up the
communication with the ISO
Manager according
Communication Model
ISO Agent Listener Y
Figure 1: Use case of the ISO Agent.
Agent configuration class, the manager configuration
has a hash table where familiar configurations IDs of
the agent are stored (Note: the agent can have more
than one configuration ID). Whenever the agent starts
the communication with the manager, an association
request is sent. Within this message the configura-
tion ID of the particular sensor-object is transmitted.
When the manager receives the association request,
the information has to be decoded and a distinction of
receive messages from
ISO Agent Listener
send association request
d l
Figure 2: Duties of the ISO Agent Listener.
cases, whether the configuration ID is already familiar
or not, is necessary. If the manager knows the config-
uration ID, the agent can continue with the measure-
ment transmission event report; otherwise, the agent
has to send a configuration event report.
Generally an objective has been to design an ar-
chitecture that is as flexible as possible. Thus, new
sensors and their appropriate mapping methods can
be integrated without great effort. The implemented
ISO-Agent represents its own sensor-network. Spe-
cific data of the system have been implemented in a
particular configuration class. This approach is the
basis for further integration of other sensor-network
solutions and underline the flexible expandability.
Therefore the implementation of a new configura-
tion class and modification of the mapping methods
should be the only job of a software engineer for in-
tegrating new sensor networks that are not designed
according to ISO/IEEE 11073 guidelines right from
the beginning (from the manufacturer). The manager
and communication methods, however, can also be
applied for other sensor-network solutions from other
manufacturers without changing its bodywork. This
point represents exactly the objective of using this
standard, namely interoperability. The possibility of
communicating with more than one agent is the key
for interoperability and an approach to avoid hetero-
geneous IT-infrastructure.
The paper shows that it is possible to apply the stan-
dard to a sensor network that is not designed accord-
ing to any standard guidelines at all. It shows how
to integrate the ISO/IEEE 11073-10471 standard in a
smart home setup with different smart home sensors
from different vendors. The usage of interoperabil-
ity standards in the AAL context is more and more
essential as it is necessary for open and flexible plat-
forms which are the basis to bring AAL applications
to a larger market. Interoperable middelware compo-
nents in AAL would also save money concerning the
application implementation effort as it is reusable, not
proprietary and not constraint to modules and sensors
from a special technology provider or a certain appli-
cation setup.
The integration of interoperability standards in
AAL is a highly new field concerning the eHealth
environment respectively the medical bed side treat-
ment, whereas the usage of standards is a more im-
proved effort.
During our work we have tried to implement the
ISO/IEEE 11073-10471 in applications in different
projects with different sensors and already see the
benefit by developing modules which make the appli-
cation independent from different kind of sensors and
sensor data protocols. Anyway we have experienced
some missing data fields and descriptions because of
the different protocols of certain sensors from differ-
ent manufacturers.
It will be a progress to bring the experiences into
the development of the standards and the standard
documents to work on a widespread usage of stan-
dards of interoperability.
This research was accomplished within the context
of the project ”Know-how und Kompetenz-Aufbau
im Bereich Smart Homes f
ur sicheres und energieef-
fizientes Wohnen” intitiated by the AIT Austrian In-
stitute of Technology GmbH - Biomedical Systems.
This research was partly funded by the AIT Austrian
Institute of Technology GmbH and the Federal Re-
public of Lower Austria and cofinanced by the EC
Bundesministerium f
ur Bildung und Forschung (2009). In
AAL - Ambient Assisted Living in Deutschland. Bun-
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