RGB codes of the most commonly used standardized
colours on the web to choose the most appropriate in
their opinion for the notion to be evaluated.
The form for vocabulary learning is the only one,
not intended to allow collecting knowledge. The
user here is shown a word given in two of the
working languages by random and is supposed to
enter the word in the third language. After a correct
answer he/she is shown a funny picture as a reward,
and he scores points in addition; after a wrong
answer, respectively, he/she can see the correct word
displayed together with an appropriate caricature
and no points are scored. The words are
accompanied by suitable pictures and sound files,
illustrating the right pronunciation in each of the
working languages.
The last two forms contain two versions of a
game aimed at collecting hierarchies of goals related
to the real world. These options will be considered
in details in the further sections of this paper. The
users’ opinion will be studied according to different
Almost all of the forms offer the Microsoft
Agent Peedy, capable of pronouncing every text or
word in English. The Microsoft® Agent is a set of
programmable software services that supports the
presentation of interactive animated characters
within the Microsoft Windows® interface.
For the realization of the program system the
environment Visual Studio .NET 2005 is used, as
well as the programming languages C# and
JavaScript, and the Microsoft Agent character
Peedy. The data bases are accomplished in MS
Access. We have been developing our system by
adding new options and possibilities and you can
find it on: www.expertimental.net.
In order to collect a big quantity of correct
knowledge and to become popular, a programming
system should be useful for the users, i.e. it should
be funny, interactive, it should contain a competitive
element, not be very complicated, not detract the
user from the main goal, be pleasant, encourage the
user to enter newer and newer knowledge in the
three languages, and stimulate the correct knowledge
For achieving these goals a game is realized,
which could be used for collecting hierarchies of
knowledge, e.g. - in the form, collecting hierarchies
of goals by answering the question “What do you
need to….”, or in the form, collecting knowledge
according to different criteria for comparing by
filling in the notions to be compared. For example:
A is bigger than B; B is bigger than C; C is bigger
than D, etc.
The idea is to have at least two players or two
teams with one or more players, i.e., two participants
in the game. Questions or criteria for comparison are
randomly given to them. The participants from the
two teams take turns and the system monitors the
process of taking turns. When the users from the
first team give their answer, the second team has to
approve it and vice versa. There are two special
buttons - for each of the teams - for the approval of
the answers. Only after being approved, an answer is
saved in the database and the user receives reward
points. The points are visualized in the form of three
balloons appearing on the screen and moving at
random speed in various directions. The users can
only claim their points after they pop the balloons by
clicking the mouse on each of them. The balloons
disappear and the updated number of points for the
corresponding team is visualized. This is a short
dynamic element within the game, requiring
quickness and aiming at psychological relaxation of
the user.
The second team is in turn after that. The team
turns are predefined by the program through
enabling or disabling the approval buttons for each
team. If the game continues this way only, then the
teams would gather the same amount of points.
However, while a team is in turn, it can decide to
“build a tower”. When “a tower” is announced, each
of the approved answers becomes the next question
for the team, giving it. In “a tower” mode the teams
do not take turns and the reward points are five, not
three as they are in the case with no tower
announced (ticked). The aim is to build the highest
possible towers of goals. When a team is not able to
continue building the tower, the tick is removed
from the tower check-box and the other team is in
The reward points are used to open a picture,
which is cut into 64 pieces and originally hidden.
Each of the teams opens its own picture. Five points
are needed to open just one of the 64 pieces of the
hidden image. Thus for opening the whole picture
320 points are required.
Both teams can use their points to open parts
from their hidden picture at each moment of the
game. Depending on the team in turn, points from its
score will be taken off and pieces from its picture
will be opened. Thus each team can click on the
pieces, already opened by the other team,
respectively. As a result, the game can continue for a
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence